1a. Mount Athos - The Holy Mountain

1b. Alexander the Great

The greatest personality in History, born in this area, is Alexander the Great.

The Cultural Capital promotes and honors the man, his history and the effect he had, in East and West, in Art and History, with a series of events dedicated to his personality and legend:


2. Events for the general public

Starting on Easter Sunday, the Organization for the Cultural Capital of

Europe, "Thessaloniki 1997", resumes the events for the general public. The Easter Feast, with roasted lambs, music and dance (Pedion Areos), will be followed by the events scheduled for May:


 Parallel events on the occasion of the great exhibition of the treasures of the Holy Mountain (June):


3. Ethnic Communities


a. Events concerning the Jews of Thessaloniki


In co-operation with the Jewish community of Thessaloniki the following activities will take place:



Cinema - Television:


The Organization for the Cultural Capital of Europe, "Thessaloniki 1997", gladly accepts, supports and co-finances all twelve programmes of events which the Jewish Community of Thessaloniki has programmed for 1997, as are the following:


b. Events concerning the Armenians of Thessaloniki


In co-operation with the Armenian community, the following events are presented:



4. A r c h a e o l o g y














5. Once Upon a Time (The Red Yarn)


The following exhibitions have been organized:


"The Red Yarn", within the framework of the programme "The Merry-making of Children", organizes the following spectacles and games:


The folowing events for music, opera, theatre, street theatre and popular theatre have been organized:


Other events:


Within the framework of this programme, the following educational programmes have been organized:



6. E V E N T S F O R T H E Y O U N G P E O P L E

The following art workshops are being organized:


Other events:



7. S p o r t s


The sports programme, which is a part of the Artistic / Cultural

Programme, includes a series of events, as are the following: