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Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA), 98-12-16Albanian Telegraphic Agency Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA) Home Page at <>Albanian Telegraphic AgencyCONTENTS
[01] Luigj Gurakuqi protagonist i Festivalit pėr dy netėLuigj Gurakuqi protagonist i Festivalit pėr dy netėTIRANE, 16 Dhjetor/ATSH- K. Shehu/.- 71 vjeēari Luigj Gurakuqi, spikeri i Festivalit tė parė tė muzikės sė lehtė shqiptare, do tė jetė protagonist gjatė dy netėve tė para tė edicionit tė 37 tė Kėngės nė Radio- Televizion, i cili fillon tė enjten nė mbrėmje nė Pallatin e Kongreseve nė Tiranė.Regjisori i Festivalit Petri Bozo tha pėr ATSH- nė se "njė ndėr surprizat e kėtij edicioni do tė jetė edhe Luigj Gurakuqi i cili do tė prezantojė pėr dy netė me radhė, nė mėnyrė simbolike , tetė grupe tė rinjsh qė do tė interpretojnė nė kėtė festival". Gjatė natės sė parė Gurakuqi do tė ketė partnere Inis Gjonin, ndėrsa nė natėn e dytė ai do tė shoqėrohet nga Hygerta Sako. "Eshtė njė kėnaqėsi e veēantė qė do tė prezantojė grupet rinore dhe aq mė tepėr nė njė kohė kur ky aktivitet nuk ėshtė mė njė koncert i thjeshtė apo festival akademik", tha pėr ATSH- nė Luigj Gurakuqi. Nė edicionin e 35 tė Festivalit tė kėngės sė lehtė shqiptare, Luigj Gurakuqi ishte i ftuar sė bashku me Artisten e Popullit Margarita Xhepa, partnerja e tij nė edicionin e parė tė muzikės sė lehtė shqiptare, por qė pėr arsye shėndetėsore nuk mundi tė merrte pjesė. "Ai kishte njė zė tė ngrohtė dhe tė mrekullueshem, me nje te folur te gjere, qe mua si aktore me temperament me frenonte dhe me krijonte masen e mjaftueshme si aktore", do tė thoshte Margarita Xhepa gjatė ēeljes sė edicionit tė 35, ndėrsa Gurakuqi do t'i merrte pėrshėndetjet nga ekrani i vogėl. Luigj Gurakuqi ėshtė i njohur si regjisori i operave me famė botėrore tė vėna nė skenėn shqiptare si "Peshkatarėt e perlave", "Bohema", "Palcio", "Rigoleto", etj. /f.n/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[02] Prangoset nje shperndares drogeTIRANE, 15 Dhjetor/ATSH-Th. Thanasi/. - Paraditen e sė martės, u arrestua nga forcat policore antidroge dhe ato tė komisariatit nr.1 te kryeqytetit, nje person i akuzuar si shperndarės droge.Rreth ores 08.00 te se martes, prane bar "Sahatit" ne qender te Tiranes, u arrestua Agron Myrtaj, nga Tirana, te cilit iu kap nje sasi e konsiderueshme droge per shperndarje, bene te ditur per ATSH-ne burime nga Zyra Rajonale e luftes kunder Droges. Sipas ketyre burimeve, mbeshtetur ne te dhenat e agjenteve te policise, nga kontrolli i ushtruar ne Benzin taksi te te arrestuarit, policia gjeti ne nje ēante 53 doza heroine, ndersa 1,6 gram iu zbulua atij gjate kontrollit trupor ne polici. /pas/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[03] Mediu: I permbahemi kerkeses se studenteve per mospolitizim te grevesTIRANE, 16 Dhjetor/ATSH-A. Haxhiu/ - Partia Republikane nuk e pa te arsyeshme te merrte pjese ne tryezen e rrumbullaket, organizuar te marten nga grupi parlamentar "E Djathta e Qendres". Keshtu u shpreh te merkuren per ATSH-ne kryetari i PR-se, Fatmir Mediu."Diskutimi i njeanshen ne tryeza te tilla do te sillte ngjyrime politike. Duke iu permbajtur kerkeses se studenteve greviste per te mos politizuar greven e tyre, ne nuk morėm pjese ne kete takim", tha Mediu. Lideri republikan u shpreh se PR ka derguar perfaqesues te saj ne ambientet ku zhvillohet greva per te pasur kontakte te drejtperdrejta me ta, duke e konsideruar kete forme, si menyre dialogimi me studentet. Ne tryezen e organizuar te marten nga e "Djathta e Qendres", e cila u kishte bere ftese per pjesemarrje te gjitha partive parlamentare, nuk ishin te pranishme partite e koalicionit qeveritar si dhe ato tė grupimit politik "E Djathta e Bashkuar Shqiptare". /s.s./ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[04] Burial ceremony for policeman Selim Halili held in KukesKUKES, Dec.15 (ata) - By Riza Hoxha: The burial ceremony of the policeman of the police department Prefecture of Kukes, Selim Halili, father of three, who was killed Monday morning during an operation to seize a very wanted person in Treptan village of Has district, was held on Tuesday.Attending the ceremony were, in addition to the bereaved family, also were leaders of local government and police commissariats of the districts of Kukes, Has and Tropoje, the Public Order Minister, Petro Koci and other senior officials of this ministry. The funeral ceremony was accompanied by salvos fired by a team of soldiers. Wreaths were placed on the grave in the name of the Public Order Ministry, the Department of Police Prefecture and police commissariats of the districts of Has, Kukes and Tropoje. /lh/xh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[05] Argentine and Albania ready to expand and materialize bilateral relationsTIRANE, Dec.15 (ata) - In a meeting held on Monday with the Ambassador of Argentine, Huan Feliks Borgonova, the Speaker of the Parliament of Albania, Skender Gjinushi, said that the Albanian parliament supports the extension and further consolidation of the relations with Argentine.As reported by the press office of the People's Assembly, speaking on the local situation, Gjinushi said that Albania has now its Constitution which is democratic and according to European standards, and will help consolidate the rule of law and the democratic institutions in this country. Referring to the developments in Kosove, Gjinushi said that the Albanian Parliament has supported the will of the Albanian people in Kosove for self-determination. Voicing the will and the readiness of his country to expand relations with Albania, the Ambassador of Argentine said that the democratic processes in Albania are irreversible. /lh/xh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[06] Forum of discussion on the left wing and the centre leftTIRANE, Dec.15 (ata) - By Urim Bajrami: The chairman of the Social Democratic Party Prof.Dr. Skender Gjinushi met Tuesday afternoon with representatives of the Institute of Strategic Studies and Development "Andreas Papandreu."As the press office of the SDP told ATA, the aim of their visit was the establishment of the relations at some levels and associations of the Albanian society and the contribution to the creation of such an institution close to the left wing and the centre left in Albania. This institution, said representatives of Andreas Papandreu, may be a forum of discussion for the left and the centre left, to unify stands and conclusions on the extension of the European Union, NATO, etc. The chairman of the SDP, welcoming this initiative, said that this is very useful and will help consolidate the program of the left wing and its relations with the European left wing in general. /lh/xh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[07] Table of discussion of "Centre left" on demands of student strikersTIRANE, Dec.15 (ata) - By A Haxhiu: The Centre Left parliamentary group held a round table discussion Tuesday on the demands of the student strikers. The invitation for the meeting was made by a parliamentary group a day before, for all the parties participating in the Parliament.Attending the meeting were representatives of the Democratic Party, the Democratic Balli Kombetar Party and the Conservative Party, while the government coalition parties and those of the political group "Albanian United Right Wing" did not participate in the meeting. Members of the United Right Wing are the Republican Party, the Movement for Democracy Party, the Right wing Democratic Party, while in the government coalition consists of the Socialist Party, the Democratic Alliance Party, the Social Democratic Party, the Agrarian Party, the Human Rights Union Party. The meeting issued a joint declaration through which the participants asked the Prime Minister Pandeli Majko to meet with the student strikers for the beginning of a fruitful dialogue. After the parliamentary elections in June 29, 1997, the Parliamentary parties of the left wing coalition make two thirds of the total parliamentary seats, the rest is for the Democratic Party, the largest opposition party, the parties of the Centre left parliamentary group and the Republican Party. /lh/xh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[08] Drug-distributor arrested in TiraneTIRANE, dec.15 (ata) - By Th Thanasi: Police forces of the fight against drug-addiction and trafficking and those of the police commissariat No.1 in Tirane, arrested Tuesday morning a person under charges of distributing narcotics.At about 8 a.m., near Bar Sahati in the centre of Tirane, police arrested Agron Myrtaj from Tirane, who was caught red-handed with a considerable amount of narcotics for distribution, sources from the Regional Office of the Fight against Drugs told ATA. According to the same sources, on the basis of information from police agents, in the taxi-benz of the detainee, police found a bag with 53 doses of heroin while an amount of 1.6 gram of heroin was found in the body of Myrtaj during the search by police. /pas/xh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[09] Jusuf Vrioni accorded Francophone Great MedalTIRANE, Dec.15 (ata) - By K Shehu: The French Academy has accorded to the renowned translator and personality of Albanian culture, Jusuf Vrioni, the Francophone Great Medal, sources of the Albanian Foreign Ministry told ATA.According to these sources, "the medal is awarded for the cultural background of this outstanding Albanian personality who is formed in France and for his incessant, all-sided and fruitful relations with the French culture and francophonie for a long period of time." Vrioni, the well-known translator of the works of Ismail Kadare in France, has been honoured by French senior authorities with other orders such as Chevalier of Arts and Literature, Order of the Honour Legion, Citizen of Honour of the City Arles, etc. /pas/xh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[10] We respect demand of students not to politicize student strike - RP chairmanTIRANE, Dec.16 (ata) - By A Hachiu: "The Republican Party did not consider reasonable to take part in the round table held Tuesday by the parliamentary group "Centre Right," said to ATA Wednesday the chairman of the Republican Party of Albania, Fatmir Mediu."The unilateral discussion in such round table discussions would bring about political colouring. Abiding by the demand of the student strikers not to politicize their strike, we did not take part in the meeting," said Mediu. The RP leaders stressed that RP has sent its representatives to the strikers to have direct contacts with them, considering this form as a way of dialoguing with the students there. The government coalition parties and those of the political grouping "Albanian Right wing " did not take part in the round table discussion of the Centre Right Wing which had invited for participation in it all parliamentary parties. /s.s./xh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[11] 500 kg of cannabis seized in a vehicle near KavajeTIRANE, Dec.16 (ata) - A considerable amount of narcotic plants (cannabis) was blocked by police of Kavaje early Wednesday.The spokesman of the Public Order told ATA that at 3.40 a.m. of Wednesday, the police road check in Qerret of Kavaje stopped the Benz lorry with the number plate FR 98 66 A. As soon as the check by police started, the driver left to unknown direction. During the search, police found in the back part of the lorry, 500 kg of pressed cannabis. Police are working to catch the driver and to find the destination of the cannabis. /s.s./xh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[12] Destination of credits changes and Tropoje remains without dairyTROPOJE, Dec.16 (ata) - By R Hoxha: The destination of the credits offered for the construction of new dairies in the district of Tropoje (Northern Albania) has changed, said to ATA the specialist of the Agriculture department of that district, Shaban Alia, who added that now the farmers are forced to process the milk primitively.According to him, over 1992-1995, at least 14 credits were delivered to Tropoje for the construction of some new dairies. But those who received the credits have used them in other directions where the profit was greater. Until 1991, Tropoja has 16 dairies and milk processing lines, spread almost in all zones of the district. Their destruction during the transitory stage and the use of the credits for other purposes have left Tropoje without new dairies. /pas/xh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[13] Serbia continues practice of eliminating Albanians - LDKPRISHTINE, Dec.16 (ata) - The presidency of the Democratic League of Kosove (LDK) warned Tuesday against the risk of a new escalation of the conflict in Kosove."Serbia is continuing the policy and the practice of eliminating the Albanians and of causing dangerous provocations which may lead to a conflict of unpredictable tragic consequences for Kosove and the entire region," writes a declaration published by LDK with regard to the killing last Monday by Serb forces of some Albanians on the border zone with Albania. "With its grave and continuous provocations, Serbia is violating the resolutions of the U.N. Security Council which it has signed with the U.S. mediator, OSCE, NATO concerning the truce in Kosove and on finding a political solution through talks," writes the declaration. It considers the killings in the city of Peje as "tragic and dangerous" and warns that they "may be exploited by various forces to escalate the violence against the Albanians." Considering as grave and dangerous the situation Kosove is now facing, the LDK calls on the main Albanian subjects to cooperate in order to avoid the threat posing for the Albanian people. "Establishment of all-Albanian unity is now an urgent need, because in this way we do also present our aspirations in a spirit of seriousness and constructiveness before the international factor," says the declaration of the LDK presidency, reported by the Kosove Information Centre. /p.ta/xh/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[14] Only an agreement in Kosova for Kosova creates full guaranties for continuation of Dayton; MiloTIRANE, Dec. 16 (ATA) - By I.Luto: The Albanian Foreign Minister, Paskal Milo, said in the first day of the Foreign Ministers Council for Peace Implementation in Bosnje-Hercegovine, which begun its proceedings on Tuesday in Madrid, that the situation in Kosove puts in doubt the future of all the peace processes in Balkan region. "For this reason only an agreement in Kosova and for Kosova, creates full guaranties for the continuation and implementation of Dayton agreemnet and its main aims," - stressed the Albanian Minister Milo.The Foreign Ministry Press and Information Directory said that the Albanian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Pakal Milo, said in his speech, held in the evening session, that Albania continues to remain convinced for the profit that the full application of the dispositions decided three years ago in Dejton agreement, will help the peace process in Bosnje and in the region. "We consider the compromise achieved in Dayton, as the most decisive step for putting an end to the bloody war, which costed mutch not only for Bosnje-Hercegovina," he added. He also said that Bosnja reconstruction, si being long, difficult and complex, because the factors, policies and persons who caused this tragedy continue to remain active. While comparing the Bosnja tragedy with the grave situation created in Kosove, Milo declared that "the situation in Kosova is the most vivid example of the existence of the same nationalist platforms which the politics and violence of the ethnical cleansing in Balkan". /pas/A.A/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[15] Albania should not become hostage of crime and political anarchy, BeqiriTIRANA, Dec. 16 (ATA) - By E. Koraqi: Albania should not become hostage of crime and political anarchy, artificially created in the country, the chairman of the National Unity Party, Idajet Beqiri, told a news conference on Wednesday.Based on the current work of the government coalition "The Alliance for State," Beqiri pointed out that the organized crime, corruption, the political and economical mafia have not been fought correctly by the current government. He stressed that the state should not tolerate grave crimes infringing the restoration of the rule of law and democracy. Asked about the current situation that Albania is facing, Beqiri considered it full of political tensions, which are artificially favoured by exploiting the strike of several students, whose requests can be solved, according to Beqiri. During this news conference, Beqiri also focused on one of the issues which is a priority for his party: the solution of national issue. The crisis in Kosova and the Serb repression operating there should be immediately stopped, otherwise, the tragedies against nations will be constantly repeated, underlined the head of the National Unity Party. / Albanian Telegraphic Agency[16] Dollar as against 140.5 lekTirana, Dec.16 (ATA) - By Lolita Thanasi - The following is the exchange rate of the foreign currencies towards the Albanian lek in the Bank of Tirana on Wednesday:Currency Rate $US 140.50 DM 84.90 LIT(1000) 85.40 GRD 50.16/linda/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[17] Aid accorded to Albanian army by Greece armyTIRANE, Dec. 16 (ATA) - By E.Koraqi: In the framework of the military collaboration between Albania and Greece, the war Greek ship "HIOS" reached the Durres port on Wednesday. It was charged with military materials, an aid of the Greek army accorded for the reconstruction of the Albanian Armed Forces.According to the press office of the Greek embassy in Tirane, the cost of the materials is more than $1 million. A naval ambulant team of the Greek army, which is to stay for 4 months in Albania will offer a navel preventive aid for the Albanian military persons. The Greek army has assumed the reconstruction of the Bonavi military unit in Vlore, that is to function as a training center for the recruits. Many of these materials are destined to this military unit The materials were transported in Yzberisht military unit, where the Greek Military Company of the Logistic Support is settled. The materials will be delivered to the military units after the Albanian effective learn how to use the majority part of the materials, which are of NATO standards, ends the announcement of the Greek press office in Tirane. /lh/A.A/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[18] Bonus on sale by auctionTirana, Dec.16 (ATA) - By Lolita Thanasi - Tomorrow is going to be hold the auction of bonus of the Government of Republic of Albania. The Ministry of Finance is going to offer bonus of three months, six months and 12 months maturity.According to the sources of Albanian Bank the total sum offered by the Ministry of Finance is 1 bilion 600 milion lek. 400 milion lek are offered for the bonus of three months maturity, 400 milion lek for them of six months and for the bonus of 12 months maturity 800 milion lek./linda/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[19] 64 projects, 14.4 bilion lireta by italian NGO-sTirana, Dec.16 (ATA) - By Lolita Thanasi - The minister of Work and Social Affairs Kadri Rrapi organised a meeting with the representatives of italian non governmental organizations performing their activities in Albania. The aim of this meeting is presenting the projects that are going to take place in the frame of italo-albanian cooperation and the help the Ministry of Finance is going to offer, as well.A number of italian non-governmental organisations perform their activities in Albania and the funds used for their projects are 20 bilion lireta. These funds are financed by italian goverment for development of civil society and smoothing Albanian social problems during the transition period. 64 projects operate in the country and their total value is 14.4 bilion lireta is anounced in the meeting. Some of the representatives of NGO-s raise the problem of custom taxes and VAT of the equipments that enter in Albania in the frame of these projects. According to them they must avoid these taxes. This meeting was organised in the frame of the visit of Livia Turco the italian Ministry of Social Solidarity next week./linda/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[20] Team of doctors visits striking studentsTIRANA, Dec. 16 (ATA) - By R. Xhuvani: A team of doctors, made up of specialists from the University Hospital Center "Mother Tereza," visited the students of the hunger strike held in the grounds of Students' City since seven days.The doctors, after facing resistance while entering the grounds of strike, visited the students who were in bad conditions. According to the report of this team for the Minister of Health, Leonard Solis, on Wednesday after the visit, two striking students have been accompanied to the infectious ward of the University Hospital Center. According to the same source, in the improvised infirmary, three striking students were hospitalized and two doctors looked after them voluntarily. According to the doctors, there is no heating in the grounds where the strikers live and the windows are broken. Thus, a considerable number of blankets are needed for this problem. The doctors also noticed that there was also lack of antibiotics and thermometers. The team of doctors will also send serums and perfusion systems and will closely follow the situation day after day. /lh/mt/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[21] Albanian Bank rilicense 4 banks of second levelTirana, Dec.16 (ATA) - By Lolita Thanasi - In the last meeting of Superviser Council of Albanin Bank after discusing the reports and the proposals of its departaments decided to approve the rilicense of four banks of second level. These banks are: National Commertial Bank, Saving Bank, Dardania Bank and Islamic Arab-Albanian Bank.According to the article 69 of Law No.8369 dated 2.07.1998 "About the Banks in Republic of Albania" the subjects that acted as banks when this law passed have to present to Albanian Bank the full documentation to be rilicensed according to the requests of this law. Based in the documents presented the rilicense of the National Comertial Bank was fully approved. Saving Bank and Dardania one have to complete the capital on the time fixed by the Superviser Council. Islamic Arab-Albanian Bank have to fulfill some neccessary requests, as well./linda/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[22] "Monetar program of Albanian Bank for 1999" is approvedTirana, Dec.16 (ATA) - By Lolita Thanasi - The Superviser Council of Albanian Bank, decided to pass the "Monetar program of Albanian Bank for 1999".The main objectives of Albanian Bank for next year is to follow a harsh monetary policy, that will influence in inflacion decreace to 7%. Based on above objectives and pretending that the speed of money circulation will be constant in 1999, an increase of money by 15.4% is predicted. Such increase is sufficient to fullfil the budget needs. Economics credit is expected to increase by 8 bilion lek this year./linda/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[23] Supreme Court: Death penalty for perpetrators of Ballsh policemenTIRANE, Dec. 16, (ATA) By U.Bajrami Supreme Court confirmed the verdict given by Tirane Court and Appeal Court on death punishment of the perpetrators of the policemen of Ballsh Police Commissariat.Spokesman of the Supreme Court told ATA that Penal College of this Court considered the recourse to the penal case on charge of Aleksander Xhelaj, Fredi Selipi and Gezim Cuko. Regarding the three said persons, Tirane Court and Appeal Court gave death punishment for the penal case of killing because of special position of the victim, armed looting and illegal possession of the arm, foreseen by article 79, letter C, 140 and 278, paragraph 2 of Penal Code. The accused, attempting to loot near the town of Ballsh on December 18, 1997, killed the citizens Arshi Bregasi, Veledin Pashni and Arshi Hamiti, policemen of Ballsh Police Commissariat, the spokesman explained. After the Penal College of the Supreme Court listened to the accusers'attorney and defendants' attorney, considered the decision of Tirane Court and Appeal Court right ones, thus confirming death penalty verdict, spoksman of the Supreme Court said. /lh/lola/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[24] Prosecutor's Office recognises only the law and observes itTIRANA, Dec. 16 (ATA) - By Th. Thanasi: The General Prosecutor's Office respects only the law, the spokesman of the General Prosecutor's Office told the press on Wednesday.With regard to the misinterpretation of the report for bringing Berisha to court indicted for the unrest of 14 September, as in several cases it has been considered as "arrest," the spokesman explained that Berisha has been summoned to an inquiry session and "this is not a procedural act envisaged by law to arrest this citizen." According to the spokesman, the Prosecutor's Office has not sent any request to the court regarding the detention of Berisha, but it has been only called as the accused under the charge of "organizing the armed unrest of 14 September in Tirana." The spokesman voiced the conviction of the Prosecutor's Office that Berisha will respect the law by showing up in the defined deadline, but explained further on that if Berisha will not appear in the Prosecutor's Office, he will be summoned two more times and after that he will be forcefully escorted, as it is envisaged by law. /lh/mt/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[25] Supreme Court condemned to death the citizen K.KullolliTIRANE, Dec. 16 (ATA) By U.Bajrami The Penal College of the Supreme Court after listened to the accuser's attorney and attorney of the defendant, Kadri Kukolli, confirmed Tirane Court and Appeal Court verdict on death penalty of this citizen, spokesman of Supreme Court told ATA.Kadri Kullolli killed by fire weapons the police Vladimir and his wife Albana Cala in July last year. /lh/lola/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[26] Development of mediae over last seven years in Albania in focus of a study of Soros foundationTIRANA, Dec. 16 (ATA) - By G. Dilaveri: The media center in the Soros Foundation has incited and prepared recently the study edition "The bases of media information in Albania '98." The study is the first of this kind in Albania and aims at giving a precise panorama of the progress made by the printed and electronic media from 1991 till March of 1998.The data has been provided through the polls, held by the Media Center and by the leaders and journalists of mediae themselves. According to the head of the Media Center, Bardhyl Minxhozi, one of the shortcomings of the electronic and printed media is that the reports on suburbs often lack. Thus, people know what happens in Washington than let's say, what happens in Kukes. Actually, the mediae have been focused only on 3 or 4 personalities or institutions, he stressed. In the future, the study edition will be republished, aiming at correcting the inaccuracies and reflecting the changes. /lh/mt/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[27] Defence Minister to take part in current meeting of BrusselsTIRANA, Dec. 16 (ATA) - By E. Koraqi: The current meeting, to be held in Brussels, will convene this time all the Defence Ministers of member countries of NATO and Partnership for Peace (PfP). In this framework, the Albanian Minister of Defence, Luan Hajdaraga, and the deputy Chief of the Army General Staff, colonel Mehmet Musai, will take part in this summit.Albania has been invited to participate in this meeting in the framework of the program "Clearing House," but without the right of voting, the spokesman of the Defence Ministry told ATA. During the two-day stay, Hajdaraga is expected to meet his counterparts from different NATO countries, with whom he will discuss about the problems and commitments of the Albanian army in these high ranking military structures. /lh/mt/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[28] ARE emergency plan for Albanian railwaysDURRES, Dec. 16, (ATA) By G.Kabashi Albanian Railways (AR) should immediately be subjected to the implementation of an emergency plan, which would turn them back normal speed parameters and train travelling safety.This was concluded by the Albanian and Austrian railway leading officials, who, after the meeting with the prime Minister Pandeli Majko, received the approval to resume the implementation of the agreement between both parties, which was suspended for several weeks as a consequence of the alleged "scandal of railway carriages". AR Director General Leonard Burnaci told ATA that the office of Austrian experts of Austrian Rail Engineering (ARE) in cooperation with Albanian experts will present a detailed study of current AR situation. Emergency plan will aim replacing round 70% of the railway lines traverses and enable reaching the optimal speeds and correct implementation of the timetables. /lh/lola/ Albanian Telegraphic Agency[29] Government coalition supports reforms of Majko cabinetTIRANA, Dec. 16 (ATA) - By E. Nepravishta: The leaders of the coalition parties 'The Alliance for State' have guaranteed Premier Majko for the interior stability of the coalition, for the continuation of governing based on the mandate of 29 June, which was reconfirmed in the constitution referendum of 22 November, the Ministry of Information reported to ATA.The meeting, held in the grounds of the Council of Ministers, also discussed the situation created in the country and the immediate responses to be given to it. The leaders of the government coalition parties reconfirmed the commitment for the restoration of dialogue which would improve the better functioning of the current governing. /lh/mt/ From the Albanian Telegraphic Agency (ATA) Home Page at Telegraphic Agency Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |