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MILS NEWS 26/01/96From: "M.I.L.S." <mils@MILS.SPIC.ORG.MK>Macedonian Information Liaison Service DirectoryCONTENTS[01] FR YUGOSLAVIA UNDER PRESSURE OF EU[02] SOON A MEETING OF ALL GOVERNORS[03] MODELING THE COOPERATION OF THE PTT SERVICES[04] VISA FOR INCLUDING MACEDONIA IN THE PHARE PROGRAM[05] SOON OPENING OF MACEDONIAN DIPLOMATIC OFFICE IN AUSTRALIA[06] VATICAN NUNCIO ACCREDITED[07] IMPORTANCE OF UNPREDEP IN MACEDONIA STRESSED[08] REFUSED THE SERVICE UNDER THE UN FLAG[09] DECISIONS FOR KOSOVO TO BE FULFILLED?[10] DESIGNING THE VISION OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF MACEDONIA[11] SUMMER VACATION REGRESS IN THE HANDS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT[12] OBJECTION OF VASIL DRVOSHANOV REJECTED[13] REVIEW OF THE POLITICAL OCCURRENCES IN FORMER SFRYMILS SUPPLEMENT:[14] WELL KEPT GREEK SECRET REVEALEDMILS NEWSSkopje, 26 January 1996[01] FR YUGOSLAVIA UNDER PRESSURE OF EUAccording to western diplomatic sources, 'Makfax' agency informed that the decision on mutual recognition of Macedonia and FR Yugoslavia might be announced till the end of this week. According to the Agency, Belgrade should recognize Skopje under pressure of the European Union before 29 January, when the session of the Council of EU Ministers is scheduled. Also, the decision on returning the EU ambassadors in Belgrade should be brought on this session.According to daily 'Vecer', FRY Foreign Minister, Milan Milutinovic, in his telephone conversation with the Italian Foreign Minister, Susanne Anielli, said that FRY will soon recognize Macedonia, more precisely, as soon as some technical questions are solved. [02] SOON A MEETING OF ALL GOVERNORSThe Governor of the National Bank of FR Yugoslavia, Dragoslav Avramovic, suggested governors of the national banks of all newly formed states of the former Yugoslav republics to meet soon on a neutral ground or in Slovenia.The Bank of Slovenia supported the suggestion, and, according to 'Makpress agency, so did the governors of the rest of the states. [03] MODELING THE COOPERATION OF THE PTT SERVICESThe meeting of the PTT of Republic of Macedonian and Republic of Greece began yesterday, also attended by representatives of the FRY PTT. Modalities and conditions of establishing a faster and more rational post transport are discussed, as well as the implementation of the new conditions in the international PTT transport.[04] VISA FOR INCLUDING MACEDONIA IN THE PHARE PROGRAMForeign Politics Commission of the European Parliament unanimously and without discussion adopted the report of the Italian EP deputy, Kastanielli, which suggests Macedonia to be included in the PHARE Program. Kastanielli said this suggestion is completely acceptable, as Macedonia fulfills all the conditions: it respects the international law and supports the promotion of peace, stability and good neighbourly relations. The issues of democracy, respecting the human rights and the rights of minorities, in Macedonia are being solved through a dialogue, is said in the report.Considering the sensitivity of the region and the importance of Macedonia in its stability, Kastanielli finds it necessary for Macedonian economy to be improved and modernized. Macedonia would use 25 million ECU annually from the funds of PHARE. European Parliament should confirm the recommendation of the Commission on its session in February, 1996. [05] SOON OPENING OF MACEDONIAN DIPLOMATIC OFFICE IN AUSTRALIAFederal Minister of Emigration and Ethnic Issues, senator Nick Bolcus, before the Executive Board of the Macedonian Council of West Australia, announced Macedonian diplomatic office will be soon opened in Canberra, emphasizing the need to expand the activities of the Australian Emigration Department seated in Belgrade. He added there was a possibility for a representative office of this Department to be opened in Skopje, reported Macedonian Radio.On the status of Macedonian language in Australia, Minister Bolcus categorically distanced the Federal Government from the decision of the Government of Victoria to re-name the Macedonian language into Slav-Macedonian. 'Macedonian language is internationally recognized and is accepted by the Federal Australian Government.' - stated Bolcus. [06] VATICAN NUNCIO ACCREDITEDMacedonian President, Kiro Gligorov, received yesterday the accreditation letters from Apostle Nuncio Edmond Farhat.Gligorov greeted the establishing of the diplomatic relations between Macedonia and the Holy See a new step in the development of mutual relations. Archbishop Farhat expressed his belief that the good relations between Macedonia and the Holy See will contribute to the process of development and prosperity in this region. Archbishop Farhat also met with the President of Macedonian Parliament, Stojan Andov. [07] IMPORTANCE OF UNPREDEP IN MACEDONIA STRESSEDChief of the UNPREDEP Mission in Macedonia, Henryk Sokalski, met with Albanian President Sali Berisha, and Albanian Foreign Minister, Alfred Serechi, in Tirana the day before yesterday. Agency 'Makfax' informed talks were focused on the importance of the UN Mission in Macedonia and in the region. Serechi emphasized that the relations between Macedonia and Albania are very good, and they will remain the same in the future.[08] REFUSED THE SERVICE UNDER THE UN FLAGAmerican UNPREDEP soldier Michael New was suspended by the Military Court in Wittenberg, Germany, for refusing to service under the UN flag in Macedonia. Michael New said he did not refuse this service because of the political situation in Macedonia, but said it was unacceptable for him to serve under a foreign flag and to obey the orders of a general who runs the UN operation. The reason that the punishment was not more severe, according to the defense attorney, is that the jury believed his refusal was justified.The case was given political dimensions in the USA, due to his support of the Republican leader, Bob Doll. Doll announced adoption of a law by which none US soldier will be ordered to bear the symbols of UN. [09] DECISIONS FOR KOSOVO TO BE FULFILLED?'Sanctions towards Serbia and Montenegro must not be abolished until Belgrade does not fulfill the conditions set for Kosovo' - is said in a letter to the US Secretary of State, Warren Cristopher, sent by 25 American senators.According to Albanian media, one of the main requests of the senators is the recognition of the Albanians in Kosovo and the right of self-determination for all Albanians. [10] DESIGNING THE VISION OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF MACEDONIAOn the occasion of opening the Forum on Macedonian Development Strategy in Ohrid, Macedonian Prime Minister, Branko Crvenkovski, said this was the right time to examine the results achieved so far. He said this Forum should bring the interest of the scientists and experts to develop and design a long-term vision and development strategy of Macedonia. Premiere pointed out the favourable results achieved in the stabilization and control of the inflation, but stressed the next period will require a greater engagement to improve the free market economy, to solve the problem of unemployment, to adapt to the newly created conditions and to find solutions for the problems accumulated. The aim is to create a modern, stimulating, productive and profitable economy in the country, concluded Crvenkovski.Participants were also greeted by President Gligorov and Mr. Kenneth Lay, World Bank representative for Macedonia. Greeting speeches of the new World Bank Manager, James Buffenson, and of Evelyne Hefkens, representative of Macedonia to the Administration Board of the Bank, were presented by a video tape. [11] SUMMER VACATION REGRESS IN THE HANDS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURTMacedonian Constitutional Court, on its session yesterday, discussed whether the right for a summer vacation regress is a right of workers granted by the Constitution. The initiators of this discussion were the Trade Union of Macedonia and the Union of Workers in the Administration Servicess, legal institutions, public enterprises and various associations of the citizens. The Court is expected to bring the final decision on one of its next sessions.[12] OBJECTION OF VASIL DRVOSHANOV REJECTEDState Electoral Commission yesterday officially rejected the objection submitted by Vasil Drvoshanov, the candidate of the Alliance for Macedonia. The objection was that during the repeated voting at the polling place 24 of the electoral unit 114, the candidate of PCERM, Amdi Bairam, was offering a bribe to the voters, and that two absent persons were registered that have voted for him. Commission explained that offering does not mean taken a bribe, and the quoted 'absent' persons were not registered to have voted.[13] REVIEW OF THE POLITICAL OCCURRENCES IN FORMER SFRY'The Two Sides of the Togetherness' is the newest book of Slavko Milosavlevski, published by the publishing house 'Zum Press' from Skopje. The author is one of the supporters of the Liberalism in seventies, during the former Yugoslav System. In his work he treats the political occurrences and the actions of the most significant persons in the political life of Macedonia in the former federation.MILS SUPPLEMENT:[14] WELL KEPT GREEK SECRET REVEALED('Vecer', 20 January 1996)Wars bring horrors, and the consequences are felt for years, decades, even centuries afterwards. The ordinary innocent people are those who usually suffer the most.At the end of 1995, Croatia withdrew the regulations for confiscating the property of Serbs who escaped from the invasion of the Croatian Army last summer. This was done only two days before the regulations were to come into effect, and under international pressure. Republic of Italy has a dispute with Republic of Slovenia on the properties of Italians who left the territory given to former SFRY. Italy requires compensation for these properties, which was promised in the treaty signed in Rome by Italy and SFRY. That is the reason why Italy does not accept the agreement on free association of Slovenia in the EU. Croatia has the same problem with Italy about Istra and Dalmatia. Republic of Greece has a similar, and yet a different problem with its former citizens, who left their country during and after the Civil War. Greece, however, keeps this subject a secret, especially for the international public, and avoids the final solution selectively, i.e. on a national basis. This issue was solved only for ethnic Greeks, but not for Macedonians from the Aegean part of Macedonia who ran away from the terror of the Civil War to the neighbouring or other countries. Most of them came to Republic of Macedonia, but their total number is around 80 thousand. All these issues are subject of the latest work of d-r Risto Kirjazovski titled 'Legal discrimination of the Greek policy in the Aegean part of Macedonia after World War II'. The book will soon be published by the publishing house 'Mis' and is sponsored by George Soros's Open Society Institute of Macedonia. D-r Kirjazovski has made researches in the archives of Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and other countries, and the book contains a great number of laws of Republic of Greece that reveal the genocide of Greek authorities and their discriminative policy towards Macedonians from the Aegean part. Of greatest importance are the new discoveries showing how Greece, with its constitution and laws has solved the issues of citizenship, real estates and repatriation of Macedonian political refugees from the Republic of Greece. In practice, however, those regulations are not respected. The new facts will most certainly surprise Aegean Macedonians, and will be very significant for many organizations in their contacts with the international institutions about (not)respecting the human rights. They will also be important for Macedonian diplomacy in the eventual future negotiations with Greece on definite solving of these disputes and problems. 'The book does not try to give a complete answer to the legal discrimination Greece used to deal with Macedonians.', stressed d-r Kirjazovski. 'There are many areas to be discovered by other experts, probably even for the next generations. As for the Civil War in Greece, the participation, proved heroism and sacrifices of the Macedonian people are a demonstration of this nation's wish to prove its existence. From today's point of view, it is obvious that if there was not a Civil War, Greece would have had Macedonian national minority of 400 000 to 500 000 people, who would have been an important political and cultural factor. It would have not been possible for Greece to act like it does now. Also, the democratic development of Greece would have been different, and Macedonians would have obtained some cultural rights. So, the Civil War was an opportunity for Greece to deal with Aegean Macedonians and to completely destroy one nation. The only thing we can do is to strive not to lose our properties.' During the Civil War many regulations were brought which were a basis for the genocide of Macedonians. Some of them were: Decree L-3/47: 'On abolishing the Greek citizenship to the persons who act against the country', Regulation 3370/55 'On codex for ratification of Greek citizenship', Law 4234/62 'On measures for state security', all with a unique aim - the Greek citizenship to be taken away from all Macedonians from the Aegean Part of Macedonia, who participated in the Civil War (treated as bandits by Greek authorities) and to the refugees in the neighbouring countries. D-r Kirjazovski specially emphasizes the position of the Greek Communist Party, announced on its 5th congress, which recognizes the right of Macedonians for self-proclamation, and the slogan: 'An independent Macedonian state in the frames of a Balkan Federation'. Greek authorities used this as another argument and chance to more cruelly deal with their opponents, especially Macedonians. Kirjazovski writes about the top secret command of the Greek government from 23 May 1949, which forbids the terms 'Slavo Macedonians', 'Bulgarists' or 'Bulgarians' to be used for Macedonians. The only term allowed was 'Slavophones'. The Decree OG/49 'On national re-education' and the Order to 'win over' Macedonians are also paid a special attention. In order these two acts to be realized, the total administration - political, religious, cultural and educational, was engaged, as well as the science, the press, and the police and military potential. The aim was denationalization of Macedonians, i.e. to make them feel Slavo Greeks. In this context, of greatest interest is the colective oath of a number of Macedonians, that took place in September 1959 at the village Krpeshino near Lerin. It was given in the presence of delegates of more than a hundred villages and representatives of Greek national organizations, the Bishop of Lerin and other priests. The oath said: 'I swear to God, people and the official government of our country that I will, from now on, stop speaking in the Slavic dialect, which is only a motive for disputes with the enemies of our country, Bulgarians; that I will always and everywhere speak in the official language of our country, Greek language, in which the Gospel of our Jesus Christ was written.' The oath provoked many reactions between Macedonian refugees all over the world. Putting into effect all these and other not mentioned regulations make those of the time of Hitler and Mussolini look like a children's game. However, during the process of democratic development of Greece, especially intensified after the ruling period of the military junta, a new Constitution and laws were brought. With them the antidemocratic and reactionary regulations were abolished. The new discoveries of d-r Kirjazovski refer to this period. In 1974 the Law 519/74 was brought, with which all regulations on depriving from Greek citizenship were annulled. This meant that to all persons, who were treated political refugees in accordance with the international convention, and who were deprived from Greek citizenship, it was returned. This did not depend on their nationality, religion or place of living or of temporary stay. 'The Law did not refer only to Greeks, but to all political refugees, including Macedonians. ', says d-r Kirjazovski. 'According to the Law, an application form was submitted not by the person interested, but by the competent ministry. Therefore, to many Macedonians the Greek citizenship has been restored, and their names were listed in the Official Register of Greece. We should note that each person with Greek citizenship is not obliged to live in Greece, and citizens of Greece are allowed to use double citizenship.' All of this was absolutely unknown to many Macedonian political refugees from the Aegean part of Macedonia, as all these regulations were a top secret of the Greek Government. The possibility of obtaining a double citizenship means that all Macedonians who originate from Aegean part and are now citizens of Republic of Macedonia, should be able to obtain a Greek passport, besides the Macedonian one. 'Greek political refugees in Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria and other countries were given double citizenship.', says Kirjazovski. In his new book, he reveals all the manipulations of the Greek authorities about returning the Greek citizenship. (to be continued)mils news 26 January 1996 |