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MILS NEWS 09/02/96From: "M.I.L.S." <mils@MILS.SPIC.ORG.MK>Macedonian Information Liaison Service Directory
[01] FRY INTENSIVELY WORKS ON NORMALIZATION OF THE RELATIONS?'I believe that FRY relations with Macedonia will soon become formal, as it is of interest not only of the both countries, but also of interest of the peace process, cooperation and stability in the Balkans.' - stated Zivadin Jovanovic, Assistant Foreign Minister of FR Yugoslavia, adding that the talks between experts were successfully ended. Both Jovanovic and FR Yugoslav Premiere, Radoe Kontic, said that Belgrade intensively works on the complete normalization of the relations with all former Yugoslav republics, which is expected to be finalized very soon. Premiere Kontic said the fair relations between all former Yugoslav republics are of a strategic importance for the faster economic development of the region. Assistant Foreign Minister Jovanovic, however, in his interview for 'Radio Yugoslavia', said that the conditions set by Belgrade for establishing diplomatic relations with post-Yugoslav states and for their mutual recognition remain unchanged. He emphasized that the tempo of the normalization of the relations depend on the readiness of former republics for a compromise and for respecting the legal interests of FRY. 'Yugoslavia expects from the secessionist republics to recognize the continuity of FRY as a member and a subject in the international relations, without prejudices for the succession issue.' - said Jovanovic in the interview.
[02] MICOTAKIS FOR URGENT CLOSING THE FRONT WITH MACEDONIA'The most urgent closing of the 'front' with Macedonia is a national necessity' - said the leader of the Greek opposition party 'New Democracy', Constantin Micotakis, in his interview for the Greek TV station 'Mega'. Former Greek Premiere required the issue to be solved by accepting a complex name of Macedonia, adding that would be the best solution at the moment. He said that he could not do that at the time when he was a Premiere, as most of the Parliament members disagreed. Micotakis also warned the current Premiere, Simitis, that he would make a major mistake in case he would convene the Council of Political Leaders on the 'Skopje issue'.
[03] DIFFERENCES IN BILATERAL RELATIONS WITH ALBANIA EXCEEDEDMacedonia and Albania have exceeded the differences about the bilateral agreements on the mutual cooperation, was written in yesterday's Athens daily 'Katimerini', adding that the Albanian Premiere Alexandar Meksi will soon visit Macedonia. According to Macedonian Television, 'Katimerini' informed that, despite the crisis in the Macedonian Government, during the visit of Meksi, many agreements on the bilateral cooperation will be signed. This was postponed due to the misunderstandings referring to the official name of Macedonia stated in the documents, and it is not known under which name will these agreements be signed, writes 'Katimerini'.
[04] ARGENTINA RECOGNIZED MACEDONIA'Republic of Argentina had recognized the Former Yugoslav Republics of Macedonia' - wrote Carlos Mennem in his letter to the Macedonian President, Kiro Gligorov. 'The negotiations on establishing diplomatic relations will be a beginning of a fruitful and close cooperation between the two countries', is added in the letter.
[05] TOMORROW - ANNOUNCING OF THE NEW GOVERNMENT STRUCTUREBy recommendation of the Central Committee of SDSM, Macedonian Premiere, Branko Crvenkovski, will tomorrow announce the complete list of the new structure of the Government, without Liberals in it. Party for Democratic Prosperity (PDP), informed A-1 Television, has already submitted its suggestion for the positions of its candidates, and the same is expected to be done by the Socialistic Party today. The Socialist Party require to be given three positions for ministers and four for vice- ministers. Meanwhile, today's 'Nova Makedonija' has published many reactions of the citizens to the public appeal of President Gligorov, most of them estimating that it has come too late.
[06] FRCHKOVSKI: 'WE SHOULD AVOID PROJECTION OF A HISTORIC INDIVIDUAL'In his interview for the last edition of the SDSM party paper, 'Demokratija', current Macedonian Minister of Internal Affairs, Ljubomir Frchkovski, said: 'Projection of a political system in relation to the historic role or historic individual, such as the President of the Republic, should be avoided. That position and that period of our history will remain unique, and that is how it should be.'
[07] PERSONAL AND PARTY INTERESTSThe opinion of the Democratic Party of Macedonia (DPM), regarding the expected reconstruction of the Government, is that is being prolonged without any reasons, as well as the interests of the country and its citizens are sacrificed to the personal and party interests. Supporting the well- intentioned appeal of President Gligorov, DPM finds he should not and must not wear himself out with endless attempts to calm the passions of those who had already created a serious political crisis in the country.
[08] LATE APPEAL OF PRESIDENT GLIGOROV'The releasing from duty of the Director of Macedonian Television was only a culmination of the battle between the parties for an absolute power. As result of such battles, so many enterprises in the country went bankrupt, and their workers are on the street, hopelessly striking' - was said on the press conference of MAAK - Conservative Party. On the resignation of the Macedonian Government Spokesman, Gjuner Ismail, the Party wondered if it was an act of his highly ethic conscience, as presented in public, or an attempt to escape from the inevitable changes in the ruling circles. MAAK - Conservative Party said President Gligorov should have addressed the public much earlier, in order to distance from those who rob the country, as he did not participate in it.
[09] FIGHT FOR DOMINANCEDemocratic Party of Serbs in Macedonia described the latest clashes inside the Alliance for Macedonia as a fight for power over the media, the economy and the capital. They expressed their disagreement with such 'games', as they lead to chaos and are a shame for Macedonia, as the country is not a property of an individual or of a party. The Serbs in Macedonia still wait for their constitutional recognition. They want a dialogue, they do not have any disagreements with Macedonian people, but they do have with the current Government, which was the reason they addressed Serbian President, Slobodan Miloshevic. It was said that the problems of Serbs in Macedonia will be internationalized through the Serbian International Union in Geneva. Democratic Party of Serbs in Macedonia will organize its first congress on 9 March, 1996.
[10] 'ELEFTEROTIPIA' - PDP GAINS MOST FROM THE SPLITGreek daily 'Elefterotipia' wrote yesterday that the differences between the leading political parties in the Government Coalition will provoke a political crisis in Macedonia. The option to put an end to the Aliance for Macedonia is an option of the Premiere Crvenkovski and of the hard line of Social Democrats, writes the paper. As A-1 Television reported, the article titled 'Insurmountable Differences between Social Democrats and Liberals', does not reject the possibility for President Gligorov to be involved in the crisis. After citing the announcements of SDSM and LP, the daily concludes that PDP will gain most from the split, as the Albanians will be given five ministerial positions, instead of the current four.
[11] WORLD MACEDONIAN CONGRESSOn the Fifth General Assembly of the World Macedonian Congress, planned to take place in August in Skopje or Ohrid, Macedonian associations from all over the world will be invited to unite in one organization. This was said on yesterday's press conference of the Congress Presidency in Skopje, also informing on the visit of the Congress delegation, led by the President Todor Petrov, to the Macedonian clubs in Germany and Switzerland, as a part of the preparations for the General Assembly. European branch of the World Macedonian Congress and Club 'Macedonia' will organize a protest for changing the name of Macedonia, in front of the UN palace in Geneva, on 25 February this year. A declaration on this issue will be sent to the UN Security Council, General Assembly, Secretary- General, to OSCE and Council of Europe, informed Todor Petrov.
[12] MEETING OF TOURISM WORKERS OF MACEDONIA AND GREECEMembers of the newly formed Business Club of Tourist Agencies of Macedonia, had a meeting with the representatives of the Association of Tourist Agencies from Northern Greece, yesterday in Skopje. They discussed the need for a mutual engagement in renewing their cooperation, and for a joined appearance in other countries. Greek representatives announced that the prices of the tourist offers in Greece will increase for 7 percent this year.
[13] MEETING WITH EXPERIENCES OF US CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATIONSA delegation of the Macedonian Customs Administration will depart to USA next week, where they will exchange experiences with the US Customs Administration. There will be also discussions on a possibility for a financial and technical aid to be given to the Macedonian Customs.
[14] KOSOVO ALBANIANS HAVE NO REASON FOR EUPHORIAAlbanians In Kosovo have no reason for an optimistic euphoria nor for a pessimism after the visit of the US Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, wrote Pristina daily 'Buiku'. The messages of Christopher to Miloshevic show that Serbia is not sovereign in Kosovo, continues the article, adding that the requirements were presented to the Serbian President on his home territory, and on a problem which he always considered an internal issue. As 'Makfax' reports, 'Buiku' wrote that the US consider the Kosovo issue a 'red line' that can endanger the American strategic interests in the region.'
[15] Taking the Responsibility in Our Own Hands
('Demokratija' - Party paper of SDSM, 3 February 1996)What serious political analysts had expected for a long time will finally happen - a 'divorce' of the political 'marriage' between the Social Democratic Alliance and the Liberal Party. It lasted for more than three years, in the previous and the current Government of the Premiere Branko Crvenkovski. After the decision of the Central Committee, the next move is to be made by the Premiere, who should make a thorough reconstruction of the Government, this time without ministers from the Liberal Party, who participated in it not as party representatives, but as individuals - experts. By this, a very illogical situation is ended: despite the fact that the Government has a big parliamentary majority, the laws it prepared have been constantly in danger lately of being obstructed by one of the parties of the Coalition, at the point of their adoption by the Parliament. It is also believed that the Governmental Coalition will now become a true one, in which its member parties will be responsible for all the decisions and for their work in general. The decision of SDSM was reached due to the unsuitable attitude of the Liberal Party towards the Coalition, and could have a double meaning. The first one is the end of the current political 'map' of Macedonia. In the new situation SDSM will take the responsibility in its own hands, with all the risks following it, but also with the possibility to effectively solve the problems of the country and to achieve successes that will increase its public rating. The position of the Liberal Party out of the Coalition may open a completely new process of political relations in the country and create a very different political ambient. That might fill some significant 'holes', which would also improve the contributions of the democracy. Namely, in contrast of the current situation, when there was almost no opposition in the Parliament (only a small number of representatives of NDP, PDPA and some other parties), in case now the Liberal Party becomes a constructive parliamentary opposition, the opposition block will be strengthened both quantitatively (with about 40 deputies in the Parliament), and qualitatively (because of the great potential of the deputies of this and other parties). The Government will, in this way, have a corrector of its mistakes, and a group that will be able to offer qualitative alternatives for the suggestions of the Government. Liberals, together with the two biggest opposition parties without members in Parliament, VMRO - DPMNE (with which Liberals had several attempts to unite on the level of the state, and do have coalition in some town assemblies, including the one of Skopje) and the Democratic Party, will create a big opposition block. In case it is well organized, it may cause big problems to the Governmental Coalition, which will no longer be so numerous, nor so simple, as PDP will remain in it, a party with a different platform and interests of those of SDSM and of the policy of the Government. On the other hand, the increasing of the opposition will inevitably bring to a coalition grouping around SDSM, which once already offered such a possibility to all the parties with similar program platforms and interests. The Socialistic Party will, most probably, remain in the coalition, as well as PDP and the Social Democratic Party. As the Premiere once said, the doors of the Government are open, and, we add, not only for those who want to leave, but also for those who want to enter, no matter whether they have representatives in the Parliament or not. The possibly changed political 'map' of Macedonia, might change the political geography of the country. The responsibility of the political subjects will be increased, mostly of the Social Democratic Alliance - the leader of the Governmental Coalition. The responsibility, however, is easier to bear and to carry out in practice with the hands free and without obstructions. Those are the future possibilities for SDSM and for the Premiere Crvenkovski, who will be able to form a team by his own choice. The so far shared successes and defeats (when the Liberal Party considered the successes as their credit, while the defeats as credits of SDSM), would now be in one place. (end)mils news 09 February, 1996 |