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Srpska Republica News Agency (SRNA) Directory - Previous Article - Next Article

From: Mirjana Petrovic <>

SARAJEVO - The president of the National Assembly of Repub lika Srpska (RS) Momcilo Krajisnik, called upon the Serbian people not to allow themselves to be tricked at the elections, "because during the coming twoyear mandate of new authorities the fate of the state must not serve experimental purposes". "The Serbian people during the last six years created an epochal work, which, if lost, would be valued even by those who criticise us today", stated Krajisnik during the Serb Radio programme "Docu ments". While pointing at efforts to deceive the international community by deliberate breaches of the Dayton agreement, Krajis nik reiterated the categoric position of RS: "It is clear in the Dayton agreement that the city of Brcko itself is not disputa ble, but only the interentity boundary line in the Brcko area".

HAMBURG - The German weekly Frietag already sees results of the elections in the Dayton Bosnia: "an artificial, purportedly common state, an awkward creation with immobile institutions and without any power". The commentator thinks all that's certain is that "all three armies will review their mobile armed forces for emergency situations", and that the ethnic map will be painted with more intensive colours. Having assessed that the Serbian Democratic Party will win in RS, the Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) in HerzegBosnia, and that the Muslims will again come out for the Party of Democratic Action (SDA), the Vochenpost joins those who are repeating over and over that "there can be no fair and free elections".

BERLIN - The Berlin paper Welt, predicts that following the elections in RS and the CroatMuslim Federation, the Serbs will be closer to their goal - the recognition of RS. The German press says that the SDS will overwhelmingly win the elections with 60 to 85 per cent of the vote, and an equal proportion of the Muslim vote will go to the SDA.

VISEGRAD - Belgrade writer Momcilo Selic, professor of Podgorica University Novica Vojinovic and the vicepresident of the Serbian Congregational Party (SSS) for Montenegro Momir Voj vodic, called upon Visegrad residents to vote for the SDS on September 14. Selic warned that this is the only way to maintain the Serbian state and will finally provide the opportunity to finish creating a Serbian state.

SARAJEVO - SDS Main Board member and minister without port folio, Miroslav Toholj, denied OSCE accusations that SDS candi dates are supporting the division of the Dayton B-H in their election campaign. "None of our candidates supports RS secession, but SDS candidates' campaign is interpreted incorrectly", stated Toholj for AFP.

BIJELJINA - I expect the victory of those who have worked on the creation of RS, stated academician Ljubomir Tadic when asked to comment on the upcoming elections. In a statement for "Sem berske Novine", Tadic stressed that "our people are in a very difficult situation", and that the RS should be the highest law for us".

TREBINJE - The president of the RS Democratic Patriotic Block for RS, Predrag Radic, last night called upon the Serbian people "to do their patriotic duty and to vote in order to pre serve the RS". He stated that "one of the coalition's aims is to link RS with Serbia and Montenegro".

TILBURG - The chief of the OSCE Independent Observers Com mission for the upcoming elections in the former B-H, Ted Tine, refused to say whether or not he threatened to resign because the U.S.A. asked that he resist the exaggerated criticisms of the situation, writes the Dutch paper Trau. Although Tine denied claims that the U.S.A. is pushing him in this direction, the fact is that his position irritates the U.S.A. because he is not directly under Robert Frowick, writes the paper.

STOLAC - After the secretary of the Municipal Electoral Commission in Stolac, Rasim Suta, was replaced because of ob structing the Commission's work, a series of attempts at deceit by the Muslim representatives in the Commission was discovered, reports Croatian Radio. The Commission in Stolac discovered a spy from the Party of Democratic Action: the former deputy chief of the Commission, Kemal Isakovic. It was discovered he was listed as an SDA candidate.

BERLIN - With the elections in RS and Federation of B-H approaching, IFOR had to admit there are problems with the polit ical situation in the Federation, concludes the Berlin paper Die Velt. Despite the multinational forces' attempts to coverup this situation, IFOR now openly admits of serious large problems in Bugojno and Capljina where, according to Die Velt, the return of refugees is not unfolding as scheduled.

NOVI SAD - The city assembly of Novi Sad appealed to all refugees form the former B-H to go to RS and vote.


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