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SRNA REVIEW OF EVENING NEWS, Sept. 11, 1996Srpska Republica News Agency (SRNA) Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: Mirjana Petrovic <>BANJALUKA - The vicepresident and acting president of Republika Srpska (RS) Biljana Plavsic, called the Serbian people to recognise the real way, the way of sacred characters from the Serbian history and the present days. "If we follow this way, we will not be mistaken. The Serbian Democratic Party (SDS) is showing it, and that is the reason why you should follow the SDS. The only state in which the Serbs can protect they lives is a Serbian national state, that is why we must persist in our way", stated Biljana Plavsic at SDS's Banjaluka preelection meeting, held at the Krajina Square. About 50,000 residents assembled to welcome the SDS presidential candidate, Biljana Plavsic, who said that "they should, on September 14, decide of their own fate and of that of the successors". VISEGRAD - The RS prime minister, Gojko Klickovic, stated that by the end of the year, more than 17,000, out of 3,500 refu gees in total living in collective centres, will be found a new accommodation. At a meeting with municipal leaders in Visegrad, Klickovic stated that the RS Government will as early as this week provide resources for the construction of additional 57 flats in Prelovo, in order to disband the collective centre in the primary school building by October 15, the present home of 400 refugees. SARAJEVO - The RS Government presented a logistical plan for the elections monitoring to its Operational Staff. The vice president of the Government for economy and finance and the Staff coordinator, Milomir Draganic, pointed out at a meeting that the main part of the plan is the organisation of the trans port of voters. Other than mobilisation of all means, included is also the organisation of nonstop health care at certain points during the elections. SARAJEVO - The RS Government brought a Decision on schedule and responsibilities of its officials during the elections. According to the Decision, the Government officials are due to inspect the polling places after the voting, and control and help in the implementation of the electoral process. SARAJEVO - The political atmosphere in RS before the elec tions is satisfactory, although in the final phase of tee elec toral campaign there were many unexpected and unfounded accusa tions on the account of RS authorities, this is a conclusion from the session of the RS Government Board for Domestic Policy. "Efforts at brining about various accusations and disqualifica tions seem to be a part of the socalled political democracy development of every young state, even though, generally speak ing, they are senseless, for the process of building of the RS in the framework of the Dayton B-H is not completed yet", says the announcement. SARAJEVO - The president of the SDS Municipal Board in Pale, Srdjan Knezevic, sent a message to the Serbian people that "this is not a time of political divisions, but of unity like the one displayed when the country was defended by arms. The legendary Serb soldier called his fellow soldiers and the residents of Pale to attend tomorrow's SDS meeting in Pale and show "that there is no political option to make its way here, except that guarantee ing survival and verifying our national state". DOBOJ - The president of the SDS Doboj Municipal Board, Milan Ninkovic, stated that the pressures made upon this party were aimed at degrading the statehood of RS. Other than this, Ninkovic warned that the same pressures were also directed at changing the Dayton agreement as needed to get RS included into unitary B-H. BRCKO - Preparations were finished in Brcko for the Septem ber 14 elections, and no objections were made by OSCE, IPTF representatives and supervisors, concluded the SDS Municipal Board in Brcko. The Board president head, Simo Kojic, obliged chief of electoral boards to remove disputable Radovan Karadzic's posters, lest to give any chance to the international community to invalidate the elections. BANJALUKA - The third preliminary session of the World Congress of the Serbs, held in Banjaluka, was devoted to the occupied parts of the Serbian lands. While addressing to partici pants of the meeting, the president of the Republic of the Srpska Krajina, Milan Martic, expressed his hope that the world will finally learn of the truth about the Serbian people. NOVI GRAD - The aim of our visit to RS is to send a message to its people in this crucial moment for its survival, from those French people who wish luck to the Serbian people, stated the French writer Frederic Ditor. These days, Ditor together with a group of French writers visited Banjaluka, Prijedor, Dubica, Gradiska and Novi grad, where he stressed that the international elements over the past war used to favour only the Muslims, and were still doing the same, as if the Serbs were not a people to receive an equal treatment, in the Dayton Bosnia. BIJELJINA - The president of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS) Vojislav Seselj, stated in Bijeljina that the upcoming elections "are decisive for the fate of the Serbian people, so there are only two political parties for which the honest Serbs can vote: SDS and SRS." Seselj confirmed at a preelection meeting in Bijel jina that the SRS is resolved to support the SDS candidates, Biljana Plavsic for president and Momcilo Krajisnik for member of the joint B-H presidency, with the aim to ensure victory to Serb patriots. BANJALUKA - Whatever party come to power at the upcoming elections, the RS must resolve the issue of villages, stated the president of the Serbian Peasants' Party and the candidate for the RS National Assmelby, Gordana Vidovic. BEOGRAD - The high representative of the international community Carl Bildt, stated today in Belgrade that he spoke with Serbia's president Slobodan Milosevic about the postelections situation. "At the meeting with the president of Serbia, I dis cussed the final phase of the electoral campaign, and I think that the authorities in RS and Yugoslavia will do their uttermost to hold local elections, but Milosevic promised nothing", stated Bildt. BRCKO - the head of the OSCE Office in Brcko, Edward Doesen Deimar, stated that he had no objections to the work of the local electoral commission and the preparation of the elections in this city. "It is unthankful to prognosticate the results, but I can only be hopeful that September 14 in Brcko will see no incidents, and that citizens will make their decision according to their own will, which will be accepted and implemented by the elected authorities". /end/Srpska Republica News Agency (SRNA) Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |