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Srpska Republika News Agency (SRNA), 97-06-07Srpska Republica News Agency (SRNA) Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Serbian Unity Congress Server at http://www.suc.orgJUNE 7 1997 DAYNEWS REVIEW, REPUBLIKA SRPSKASARAJEVO - A Decree on the trade and services with the FR of Yugoslavia, which was regulated by the Agreement on Special Parallel Relations, came into effect yesterday, at about 6:00 a.m., stated the RS Prime Minister Gojko Klickovic for a Serb radio. While commenting on the advantages of the Decree, the RS Premier pointed out that all of the obstacles are overcome and the flow of goods is unfolding without any difficulties. 'All of the required goods documentation were fixed', explained Klickovic, adding that any of the certificates issued in the RS will be also valid in the FR of Yugoslavia.HAMBURG - The Donors' Conference is being delayed constantly thanks to those who are opposing the implementation of the Dayton Peace Treaty. The policy of obstruction is conducted at the time when the aid to the RS was finally announced, stated the Republika Srpska Prime Minister Gojko Klickovic in an interview for the 'Neues Deutschland'. 'All of the 1996 projects referring to the Federation of B&H are realised. But speaking of RS, none of the projects have been yet realised. Of all the assurances we were given, only the mine clearing operations were conducted so far', warned the prime minister. AMSTERDAM - The Report on the return of refugees to the Bosnia and Hercegovina (B&H) made by the International Crisis Group, points out that 'an economic blackmail will be the strongest means of pressure, but it is quite naive to expect that there will be the return of refugees all until a mutual desire for the unity emerges'. The text of 45 pages reveals that the international community is extremely frustrated with the fact that since the Dayton Agreement was signed, the plan on the return of refugees has not been yet realised. It is said that this is 'the most ambitious and complicated part of the Agreement'. SARAJEVO - Joint police patrols of the Croats and Muslims are to be set in the Neretva canton on June 16, report Muslim media in Sarajevo. These patrols are to be fully operative by June 5, and 'they are to be the only legal police forces in the region', maintain these sources. SARAJEVO - Croats are destroying the repaired Muslim houses, wishing to discourage all the persons wanting to return to Stoc, maintains a radio in Sarajevo. Muslim refugees sent a letter to the international community, warning it that 'these incidents are occurring for such a long time'. DOBOJ - Some 34,519 citizens, in other words, 80% of the total number of electorate have registered themselves so far in the Municipality of Doboj. Further, about 13,438 voters or 77% were registered in the Municipality of Modrica and some 24,197 voters or 75% of the electorate were registered in the Municipality of Gradiska. The voters registration is in progress in all of the other voters registration stations throughout the country. /end/Copyright © Srpska Novinska Agencija - SRNA Republika SrpskaFrom the Serbian Unity Congress Server at http://www.suc.orgSrpska Republica News Agency (SRNA) Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |