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Srpska Republika News Agency (SRNA), 98-07-11Srpska Republica News Agency (SRNA) Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Serbian Unity Congress Server at http://www.suc.orgJULY 11, 1998 DAYNEWS REVIEW, REPUBLIKA SRPSKACOPENHAGEN - The parliamentary assembly of OSCE supported yesterday the military action aimed to stop the conflict in Kosmet, if UN Security Council approve such an action. "NATO could, with the special permission of UN Security Council, undertake the military measures in order to stop the aggression and protect population of Kosmet and neighbouring countries" - is said in the resolution of OSCE adopted at the end of four days session in which participated 300 parliamentary men from 54 member states of this organisation.NEW YORK - The German minister of Foreign Affairs Klaus Kinkel is going to Moscow in order to persuade Russia to give up from opposing to the possible military action in Kosovo because, as he stated, escalation of clashes - report the agencies. Kinkel yesterday stated for radio Deutschlandfunk that the conflict, as he said, of "Albanian rebels" with Serbian security forces in Kosovo is breaking out and that he will demand from Moscow to agree in the UN Security Council with the mandate of international peacemaking forces which would at Kosmet enter as protective, even without agreement of Belgrade. SOPHIA - The Bulgaria will not participate in the eventual military actions in Kosmet - stated yesterday in Sophia the president of the Commission for the foreign-integration policy of the National Assembly of Bulgaria Ase Agov. He stated for the news Democracy that it is the decision of leaders of all parliamentary parties reached in talks with the chief of Bulgarian diplomacy Nadezda Mihajlova. VIENNA - The ministry of Defence of Austria has announced at the end of the seminary about applying the Convention on ban of land-mines in Vienna that Russia, which so far was opposing to the full ban on land-mines, it seems, ready to change the stance. The Russian colonel Vladimir Bobkov announced in Vienna "the change of the stance of Moscow about the issue of land-mine" - is said in the announcement of the Defence ministry of Austria. JULY 11, 1998 DAYNEWS REVIEW, REPUBLIKA SRPSKABANJA LUKA - The representatives of the Government of Republika Srpska /RS/ with president Milorad Dodik at the head, and the delegation of Syndicate Union, lead by its president Cedo Volas, agreed in Banja Luka that the lowest price of work for budget consumers from August 1 should be 60 DEM. The vicepresident of Government and minister for issues of veterans and war and work victims Tihomir Gligoric explained after the more hours talks behind the closed doors that the enterprises which operate well could pay higher amount than this. All this that they have agreed about today the Government and the Syndicate will sign a Protocol on Monday, obliging for both parties.SKOPJE - The president of the Democratic Party of Albanians Arben Dzafery is justifying the existence of the terroristic "Liberation Army of Kosovo" claiming that Albanians are unprotected people, which during its history was always attacked in all areas where it lives. "That's why Albanians should have their own Army"- stated Dzaferi for German "Zeitung". VIENNA - The membership in NATO for Austria would not be so expensive as some assume, because in case of acceptance into this alliance, the state could close two thirds of military barracks in the country - is the estimation of the study of Austrian Military-scientific Institute. By access in NATO for Austria would be created the conditions also for decrease of the number of military educational institutions, because the personnel could be educated in the institutions of the Alliance - assess the Institute. SARAJEVO - For the bad realising of the plan of twodirectional return of refugees Moslems from Mostar are accusing the representatives of the Croatian Democratic Community, which is preventing them from the return into the Western part of Mostar and averting their country fellows from returning into the Eastern part, while on the other side, Croats as the main guilty see the mayor Safet Orucevic. KAKANJ - The representatives of the Croatian people in Kakanj, proclaimed by Moslem authorities for an open city, complained to the president of the Croatian Democratic Community of B&H Ante Jelavic on the difficult position of Croats in this city under Moslem control. As reports the Croatian radio, the local Croatian officials demanded from Jelavic for the following school year to be opened separate schools for Croatian children, which would attend the lectures according to the Croatian plan and programme, to what until now opposed the Moslem side. DOBOJ - The friends of Dragana Gligoric, pupil of the Secondary Medicine School in doboj have sent an appeal for financial help because she suffers from the kidney insufficiency and the transplantation is necessary for her. In the "Kristal Bank", branch Doboj is opened gyro account on which citizens can send money: 81700-14-20-03471-6. BANJA LUKA - The delegation of RS with vice-president of Republika Srpska Dragoljub Mirjanic at the head departures to Lisbon at the World's Exhibition "Expo '98". It is anticipated that the Serbian delegation will on July 13, in the framework of the mentioned fair manifestation, attend the presentation of production, economic and touristic resources of RS. JULY 11, 1998 EVENINGNEWS REVIEW, REPUBLIKA SRPSKABANJA LUKA - The president of Government of Republika Srpska /RS/ Milorad Dodik thanked in Banja Luka to the ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to Sarajevo Ufe Volfesel for the aid of this country in the computers equipment that the Danish diplomat has delivered to the Government and Banja Luka's Clinic-hospital centre. This donation is part of the aid which have promised the Danish premier during the visit to RS in January.DECANI - The Albanian terrorists were shooting from Prilep, not far from Decani, to the helicopter with visible signs of the Red Cross and disabled it temporarily - learns SRNA from the representatives of the local authorities in Decani. PEC - The Albanian terrorists have attacked around 0,8 h the police check- point near Lodja, at the local road Pec-Gorazdevac, where last week were lead violent battles - learns SRNA from the representatives of the local authorities in Pec. /end/Copyright © Srpska Novinska Agencija - SRNA Republika SrpskaFrom the Serbian Unity Congress Server at http://www.suc.orgSrpska Republica News Agency (SRNA) Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |