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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 04-04-03Cyprus News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA
[01] (K) Eqniko Symboylio - SynedriaO Proedros ths Dhmokratias Tassos Papadopoylos qa proedreysei shmera stis 10:00 synedrias toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy.[02] (K) Episkophsh Kypriakoy TypoyOi diergasies twn politikwn kommatwn gia thn telikh topoqethsh toys sto teliko sxedio lyshs toy Kypriakoy toy Genikoy Grammatea toy OHE, despozoyn shmera sta prwtoselida dhmosieymata toy kypriakoy Typoy. Oi efhmerides anaferontai epishs sth dhlwsh toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias Tassoy Papadopoyloy oti noiwqei poly apogohteymenos apo tis synomilies sto Mpoyrgkenstok, th xqesinh enhmerwsh ths Boylhs twn Ellhnwn apo ton Ellhna Prwqypoyrgo Kwsta Karamanlh, kaqws kai thn kathgorhmatikh aporrich ths fhmologias poy problhqhke apo ta ellhnika MME peri paraithshs toy Proedroy Papadopoyloy.H ''Alhqeia'', sto kyrio ths qema me titlo ''H Aqhna proeidopoiei thn Kypro'', anaferetai sth xqesinh enhmerwsh ths Boylhs twn Ellhnwn gia tis ejelijeis sto Kypriako meta tis synomilies toy Mpoyrgkenstok, apo ton Ellhna Prwqypoyrgo Kwsta Karamanlh, o opoios anakoinwse oti qa zhthsei th sygklhsh toy Symboylioy Politikwn Arxhgwn ypo thn Proedria toy Proedroy ths Elladas Kwnstantinoy Stefanopoyloy. Alloy grafei oti oktw kindynoys apo tyxon aporrich toy sxedioy Anan apo meroys twn E/K epeshmane xqes o tews Prwqypoyrgos ths Elladas Kwstas Shmiths. H ''Maxh'', katw apo ton titlo ''Mystikh symfwnia sthn Pindaroy'', grafei sto kyrio ths qema oti se anoikth grammh epikoinwnias briskontai Nikos Anastasiadhs, Swkraths Xasikos, Aberwf Neofytoy, Kaith Klhridoy kai Xrhstos Poyrgoyridhs gia ton syntonismo twn koinwn prospaqeiwn toys gia na epibaloyn thn eilhmmenh apofash toys gia qetikh apanthsh toy DHSY sto dhmochfisma ths 24hs Aprilioy. Alloy h efhmerida anaferetai sto shmerino syllalhthrio kata toy sxedioy Anan apo thn Kinhsh Politwn, o Proedros ths opoias xarakthrizei to sxedio Anan ws adiko gia thn e/k pleyra kai merolhptiko yper twn toyrkikwn qesewn. O ''Poliths'' stegazei to kyrio toy qema ypo ton titlo ''O Golgoqas twn kommatwn'' kai grafei oti ton diko toys Golgoqa anebainoyn oi politikes hgesies, kaqws briskontai enwpion ths pio istorikhs apofashs toys. Anaferetai epishs stis xqesines prwtes synanthseis twn organwn twn diaforwn kommatwn kai prosqetei oti to AKEL sygkalese pagkyprio synedrio gia th lhch ths telikhs apofashs, enw thn epomenh hmera apofasizei o DHSY. Alloy grafei oti kata th xqesinh synedriash toy Politikoy Grafeioy toy DHSY, thlefwnhse o Proedros toy PASOK Giwrgos Papandreoy, o opoios eipe ston Niko Anastasiadh oti to komma toy qa sthrijei th lysh kai pws anamenei oti to idio qa prajei kai o Kwstas Karamanlhs. ''H Shmerinh'', ypo ton titlo ''Trexei... sth Mosxa o Anan'', grafei sto kyrio ths qema oti o Genikos Grammateas toy OHE Kofi Anan trexei sth Mosxa tis epomenes hmeres, prokeimenoy na exei epafes me th rwsikh hgesia, enocei kai ths prospaqeias toy na petyxei thn ekdosh chfismatos apo to Symboylio Asfaleias poy na sthrizei to sxedio toy. Alloy anaferetai stis dhlwseis toy Proedroy twn HPA Tzortz Mpoys kata th diarkeia teleths poy pragmatopoihqhke xqes ston Leyko Oiko gia thn epeteio ths 25hs Martioy, oti stoxos ths xwras toy einai bohqhsei sth lysh toy Kypriakoy xwris na epibalei lysh ths areskeias ths. ''O Fileleyqeros'' grafei sto kyrio toy qema me titlo ''Xrysh tomh qelei o Tassos'' oti oi synergazomenes dynameis poy sthrizoyn ton Proedro Papadopoylo qa exoyn thn erxomenh Deytera syskech sto Proedriko, prokeimenoy na anazhthqei h ''xrysh tomh, wste kata to dynaton na bgoyn apofaseis poy na mhn dhmioyrgoyn rhgmata kai sygkroyseis mesa sthn platia synergasia toys''. Alloy grafei oti o Toyrkos Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Ampntoylax Gkioyl diatypwse th qesh oti ean oi E/K poyn OXI sto dhmochfisma kai oi T/K poyn NAI, qa prokycei mia poly symferoysa katastash gia thn Toyrkia. H ''Xaraygh'', sto kyrio ths qema ypo ton titlo ''Ston kyriarxo lao o logos'', anaferetai stis xqesines dhlwseis toy Proedroy ths Boylhs Dhmhtrh Xristofia oti h apofash gia apodoxh h aporrich ths lyshs toy Kypriakoy, opws ayth proteinetai apo to teliko sxedio Anan, enapokeitai ston kyriarxo lao. Alloy anaferetai sth xqesinobradinh kathgorhmatikh aporrich ths fhmologias poy problhqhke apo ta ellhnika MME peri paraithshs toy Proedroy Papadopoyloy apo ton Kybernhtiko Ekproswpo Kypro Xrysostomidh. H agglofwnh ''Cyprus Mail'' sto kyrio ths qema me titlo ''To AKEL anaballei thn apofash toy'', grafei oti to AKEL anakoinwse xqes oti qa labei thn telikh toy apofash gia to sxedio Anan stis 14 Aprilioy, deka molis hmeres prin th diejagwgh twn dhmochfismatwn, enw anaferetai stis dhlwseis toy Proedroy Papadopoyloy sto Galliko Praktoreio Eidhsewn oti noiwqei poly apogohteymenos, dioti den efere tipota pisw apo tis synomilies toy Mpoyrgkenstok poy na synhgorei yper toy sxedioy Anan. Alloy grafei oti an kai to ''nomosxedio'' gia th diejagwgh toy dhmochfismatos sta katexomena perase apo th ''boylh'', o T/K hgeths Raoyf Ntenktas den to egkrinei an den ejetastei apo to legomeno syntagmatiko dikasthrio. H ebdomadiaia efhmerida ''Antilogos'', sto kyrio ths qema me titlo ''Ektakta pagkypria synedria'', anaferetai stis diergasies twn politikwn kommatwn gia meleth toy telikoy sxedioy Anan, opws ayto katateqhke stis synomilies toy Mpoyrgkenstok, kaqws kai ston kaqorismo twn synedriwn twn kommatwn poy qa kaqorisoyn kai thn telikh stash toys epi toy sxedioy. Se arqro toy sthn efhmerida, o Epitimos Proedros toy KS EDEK Basos Lyssaridhs dierwtatai oti, afoy ''to sxedio Anan kriqhke apo to synolo ths politikhs hgesias ws aparadekto ws lysh toy kypriakoy problhmatos, tote ti anamenoyme oti qa proteinei telika''. [03] (K) Germanos Yfypoyrgos Eyrwpaikwn Ypoqesewn - DhlwshO kypriakos laos qa prepei na kanei o,ti einai dynato gia na entaxqei enwmenos sthn EE, dhlwse xqes to brady o Germanos Yfypoyrgos Eyrwpaikwn Ypoqesewn Dr. Karl-Heinz Klar.Se dhlwseis toy sto KYPE, meta to peras dialejhs poy edwse sto politistiko kentro toy Dhmoy Mesa Geitonias me qema thn Topikh Aytodioikhsh, o Germanos Yfypoyrgos anefere pws h xwra toy eyelpistei opws to sxedio Anan ginei apodekto apo ton kypriako lao, etsi wste thn 1h Maioy na entaxqei sthn EE mia enwmenh Kypros. [04] (K) Ekpomph gia OmogeneiaEqniko Symboylio - Synedria -------------------------------- O Proedros ths Dhmokratias Tassos Papadopoylos qa proedreysei shmera stis 10:00 synedrias toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy.To Eqniko Symboylio qa asxolhqei apokleistika me to qema toy dhmochfismatos epi toy sxedioy Anan, poy problepetai na ginei stis 24 Aprilioy, kai tis anagkaies diadikasies poy qa akoloyqhqoyn. OHE - Symboylio Asfaleias - Kypriako ------------------------------- To Symboylio Asfaleias apefyge epimelws na topoqethqei panw sto sxedio poy qa teqei enwpion th etymhgorias toy kypriakoy laoy sta dhmochfismata gia lysh toy Kypriakoy. O Germanos Proedros toy swmatos Gkoynter Ploigker, se dhlwsh poy diabase stoys dhmosiografoys amesws meta thn enhmerwsh toy Symboylioy apo ton Eidiko Symboylo toy Genikoy Grammatea toy OHE gia to Kypriako Albaro nte Soto kai tis diaboyleyseis poy akoloyqhsan, afoy eyxaristhse to Geniko Grammatea Kofi Anan kai ton k. nte Soto gia tis prospaqeies kai th desmeysh sthn ejeyresh lyshs sto Kypriako, eipe oti ''twra enapokeitai stoys Kyprioys na apofasisoyn to mellon toys, se ayth th shmantikh stigmh''. Toso o Anaplhrwths Genikos Grammateas Ser Kiran Prentergkast, oso kai to Pakistan zhthsan isxyroterh dhlwsh, wstoso Rwsia kai Kina qewrhsan eparkh th sxetikh anafora toy prosxedioy poy etoimase h Bretania. Wstoso afhse anoixto to endexomeno na zhthqoyn kai alles energeies apo to Symboylio Asfaleias. Opws apokalyce, o Kofi Anan qa epidwsei ekqesh pros to Symboylio Asfaleias kai qa probei se eishghseis gia th drash toy Symboylioy stis epomenes ebdomades. Se erwthsh giati to Symboylio Asfaleias den yioqethse to sxedio, eipe pws prokeitai gia megalo sxedio poy doqhke molis prin dyo hmeres sta merh kai xreiazetai meleth. ''As to skeftoyn gia ligo'', anefere. Sthn omilia toy, o k. nte Soto ekane mia anadromh ths diadikasias, ejhgwntas pws katelhje sto sxedio Anan. Yperaspisthke to sxedio Anan, legontas oti ''den apotelei efeyresh toy Genikoy Grammatea'', alla einai proion diapragmateyshs, brisketai se plhrh symfwnia me toys oroys entolhs toy Genikoy Grammatea toy OHE kai sebetai to dieqnes dikaio kai ta anqrwpina dikaiwmata. ''O rolos twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn htan na qesei epi xartoy pragmata poy einai poly dyskolo na prajoyn ta merh. Ayto poy ta merh exoyn enwpion toys einai ena sxedio poy enswmatwnei tis ennoies kleidia kai tis synallages poy proekycan apo mia makra diapragmateytikh diadikasia. Oi beltiwseis poy eginan, paroti den symfwnhqhkan, antikatoptrizoyn sto yliko poy eteqh stis entatikes diapragmateyseis poy arxisan stis 19 Febroyarioy aytoy toy etoys'', eipe. O k. nte Soto periegrace ti perilambanei to sxedio kai yposthrije oti h anaqewrhsh toy to kanei beltiwmeno kai leitoyrgikotero. ''Oi metabatikoi periorismoi den exoyn sxediastei gia na xwrisoyn toys Kyprioys. Sxediasthkan gia na apotrecoyn opoiandhpote pleyra na yperkerasqei apo anempodisth egkatastash, metanasteysh kai aperioristes agores perioysias'', eipe. Ejhghse ta diafora xronodiagrammata apo shmera mexri kai thn 1h Maioy, hmeromhnia ths epishmhs eisdoxhs ths Kyproy sthn EE. Apantwntas stoys epikrites toy sxedioy, eipe metajy allwn oti h diadikasia egine me plhrh symfwnia me toys oroys entolhs toy Genikoy Grammatea toy OHE apo to Symboylio Asfaleias. ''To apotelesma toy ergoy einai ena dizwniko, dikoinotiko, omospondo systhma, ena kypriako kratos me mia dieqnh nomikh proswpikothta, kyriarxia kai yphkoothta. Einai basismeno sthn politikh isothta metajy E/K kai T/K'', eipe. Anefere oti to sxedio den mporoyse para na einai enas symbibasmos. ''Den antapokrinetai stis apaithseis ths kaqe pleyras. Alla o Genikos Grammateas pisteyei oti einai akribodikaio kai isozygismeno sxedio kai elpizei oti, kaqws qa to zygizoyn, oi anqrwpoi sthn kaqe pleyra qa symfwnhsoyn. Ta Hnwmena Eqnh qa prajoyn to kalytero gia na katasthsoyn diaqesimes sto kypriako koino plhrofories gia to sxedio'', prosqese. O k. nte Soto anefere oti ''gia ton lao ths Kyproy o epomenos mhnas einai o krisimoteros twn teleytaiwn 30 xronwn''. ''Qa exoyn to dhmokratiko dikaiwma na apofasisoyn an qa epanenwsoyn th xwra toys sth bash poy toys eishghqhkan. Emeis ws Hnwmena Eqnh eimaste yperhfanoi poy katorqwsame na ergastoyme me toys hgetes toys kai na toys dwsoyme ayth thn eykairia. Elpizoyme oti qa ektimhsoyn th monadikh eykairia kai qa ajiopoihsoyn thn eykairia gia mia dikaih kai diarkh lysh toy Kypriakoy'', katelhje. Kata thn ejodo toy apo to Symboylio Asfaleias kai apantwntas se erwthseis twn dhmosiografwn, o k. nte Soto anefere oti anaxwrei to Sabbatokyriako gia thn Kypro, dioti basei twn xronodiagrammatwn yparxei pollh ergasia na oloklhrwqei mexri ta dhmochfismata. O k. nte Soto apefyge na problecei to apotelesma twn dhmochfismatwn kai na apokalycei ti qa symbei an kapoia apo tis pleyres aporricei to sxedio. Ekproswpos - Ypoyrgiko - Dhmochfisma ---------------------------------------- To Ypoyrgiko Symboylio jekinhse xqes th syzhthsh twn praktikwn metrwn poy prepei na lhfqoyn gia th diejagwgh toy dhmochfismatos poy qa diejaxqoyn stis 24 Aprilioy, dhlwse meta th synedria toy Swmatos o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Kypros Xrysostomidhs. Apantwntas se erwthseis, o k. Xrysostomidhs jekaqarise oti den yparxoyn praktika problhmata gia th diejagwgh toy dhmochfismatos, alla kapoia ''texnika problhmata, ta opoia qa epilyqoyn me tropoys poy exei syzhthsei kai qa syzhthsei to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio''. Erwthqeis an syntagmatika mporei na ginei to dhmochfisma, o k. Xrysostomidhs eipe oti ayto ''einai eyrytero politiko qema, to opoio prepei na syzhthqei''. Apantwntas se erwthsh, o k. Xrysostomidhs eipe oti oi eklogikoi katalogoi qa einai etoimoi to syntomotero dynaton. Ejalloy, se dhlwseis toy o Ypoyrgos Gewrgias, Fysikwn Porwn kai Periballontos Timhs Eyqymioy anefere oti den yparxei opoiodhpote diadikastiko problhma se sxesh me th diejagwgh toy dhmochfismatos, prosqetontas oti to antikeimeno ths synedrias toy Ypoyrgikoy htan to qema ths nomoqesias gia to arxeio plhqysmoy, to opoio eprepe na paei shmera sth Boylh gia na einai etoimo mexri tis 24 Aprilioy. Erwthqeis an yparxei opoiodhpote syntagmatiko kwlyma, o k. Eyqymioy apanthse arnhtika, prosqetontas oti o eklogikoi katalogoi qa einai etoimoi thn erxomenh Trith. Aqhna - Boylh - Karamanlhs - Kypriako ---------------------------------------- ``Einai wra eyqynhs kai periskechs gia oloys. H kybernhsh, synektimwntas ola ta dedomena, qa parei tis apofaseis ths thn wra poy prepei. Proteinw sygklhsh toy Symboylioy Politikwn arxhgwn ypo thn proedria toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias'', dhlwse o Ellhnas Prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Karamanlhs, enhmerwnontas th Boylh gia tis teleytaies ejelijeis gia to Kypriako, sth diarkeia ektakths syzhthshs se epipedo politikwn arxhgwn. O k. Karamanlhs eipe oti einai proqymos na enhmerwsei kai kat' idian toys politikoys arxhgoys enw zhthse eqnikh omocyxia gia to qema ths epilyshs toy Kypriakoy kai ths beltiwshs twn ellhnotoyrkikwn sxesewn. Epanelabe pws to ``to Kypriako einai meizonos eqnikhs shmasias kai oti h ellhnikh kybernhsh synexizei na sthrizei tis prospaqeies toy Proedroy Tassoy Papadopoyloy kai toy kypriakoy laoy gia biwsimh, leitoyrgikh lysh sto plaisio toy OHE, symbath me to eyrwpaiko kekthmeno wste oloi, E/K kai T/K, na apolambanoyn agaqa ths EE''. ``Qeloyme taxyterh lysh toy kypriakoy problhmatos'' eipe o k. Karamanlhs kai enhmerwnontas toys politikoys arxhgoys gia tis mexri shmera ejelijeis sto Kypriako poy odhghsan stis diaboyleyseis ths Loykernhs eipe: ``ena mhna prin apo tis 13 Febroyarioy h e/k kai h t/k hgesia meta apo protash toy GG toy OHE katelhjan se desmeytikh diadikasia gia epanenarjh synomiliwn sth Leykwsia''. O Prwqypoyrgos periegrace leptomerws th diadikasia mexri kai tis synomilies sth Loykernh opoy, eipe, oti meta apo proswpikh prosklhsh poy toy aphyqyne o GG twn HE na pareyreqei stis synomilies antapokriqhke amesa. Epishs, enhmerwse gia tis epafes kai synomilies poy eixe enosw htan sto Mpoyrgkenstok. ``Den yparxei xwros kindynologias kai oi synaisqhmatismoi, toso to Kypriako oso kai h beltiwsh twn ellhnotoyrkikwn sxesewn apaitoyn synesh'' eipe o k. Karamanlhs kai katelhje ``oloi mazi oi Ellhnes mporoyme na ergastoyme gia beltiwsh ellhnotoyrkikwn sxesewn kai gia epilysh toy Kypriakoy. Ta eqnika zhthmata apaitoyn eqnikh strathgikh kai omocyxia''. O Prwqypoyrgos ths Elladas anefere peraiterw oti to teliko keimeno toy Sxedioy Anan poy epidoqhke sta merh sto Mpoyrgkenstok ''einai kata bash to arxiko sxedio sto opoio exoyn epelqei tropopoihseis''. ''Einai profanes'', synexise o k. Karamanlhs, ''oti to keimeno ayto einai proion symbibasmoy kai ws tetoio periexei qetika kai dyskola shmeia gia oles tis pleyres''. O Ellhnas Prwqypoyrgos eipe oti h telikh apofash brisketai twra sthn krish toy Kypriakoy laoy. ''Pisteyw apolyta oti ayto qa ginei me wrimh staqmish olwn twn dedomenwn, me synesh kai dioratikothta gia to mellon'', anefere o k. Karamanlhs. Aqhna- Boylh- Papandreoy-Kypriako ------------------------------------- O Proedros toy PASOK Giwrgos Papandreoy, kata thn topoqethsh toy xqes sthn ektakth synedria ths Boylhs twn Ellhnwn gia to Kypriako, eipe oti ''gia prwth fora eimaste toso konta se mia lysh kai sto plaisio ths EE, einai dynaton na dieyrynqoyn ta qetika shmeia toy sxedioy''. O k. Papandreoy apodexqhke thn protash toy Prwqypoyrgoy Kwsta Karamanlh gia th sygklhsh toy Symboylioy twn Politikwn Arxhgwn kai shmeiwse oti ``h ajiwmatikh antipoliteysh qa topoqethqei me cyxraimia epi toy telikoy sxedioy Anan. O k. Papandreoy dhlwse oti den skopeyei thn wra ayth na askhsei kritikh stoys diapragmateytikoys xeirismoys ths kybernhshs sto Mpoyrgkenstok, kaqws ``qa htan laqos na dhmioyrghsoyme klima eqnikhs httopaqeias, h ena klima kataggeltikoy hrwismoy twn tropaioforwn toy 'Oxi'''. Shmiths - Eqniko Symboylio PASOK - Kypriako ----------------------------------------------- O prwhn Prwqypoyrgos ths Elladas Kwstas Shmiths, milwntas xqes brady sth dihmerh Synodo toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy toy PASOK, eipe pws oloi exoyn eyqynh na epishmanoyn to ti mporoyn na perimenoyn ayrio toso o kypriakos oso kai o ellhnikos laos. Epishs, epeshmane pws o,ti symbainei den afora apokleistika kai mono toys Kyprioys kai prosqese: ''Na mhn parasyrqoyme gia na aposeisoyme eyqynes me ton isxyrismo oti ekeinoi prwtagwnistoyn kai emeis mono symparistameqa''. ''Prepei twra emeis kai ta politika kommata ths Kyproy na ejetasoyme me cyxraimia, me synaisqhsh twn mellontikwn epiptwsewn twn apofasewn mas tis qeseis gia to dhmochfisma. Giati qa einai megalh planh an pistecoyme oti yparxei twra h dynatothta na synexisoyn ta pragmata opws prin. Qa einai megalh planh na pistecoyme oti den xreiazetai na paroyme qesh'', eipe. Aqhna - Boylh - Paparhga - Kypriako --------------------------------------- ''Adikh kai epikindynh'', xarakthrise th lysh poy proteinei to sxedio Anan h Genikh Grammateas toy KKE Aleka Paparhga sthn topoqethsh ths kata thn enhmerwsh ths Boylhs twn Ellhnwn apo ton Prwqypoyrgo Kwsta Karamanlh gia tis teleytaies ejelijeis sto Kypriako. Prosqese oti ''den exei shmasia an qa einai biwsimh''. H k. Paparhga eipe epishs oti h diadikasia ths Loykernhs den htan kati kainoyrgio, alla mia diadikasia poy episfragise o,ti ginetai polla xronia epishma kai anepishma. H k. Paparhga tonise oti ''opoio kai an einai to apotelesma toy dhmochfismatos stis 24 Aprilioy to KKE qa staqei sto pleyro twn Ellhnokypriwn kai twn Toyrkokypriwn, giati h Kypros apotelei strathgiko nhsi gia ta sxedia sth Mesh Anatolh, poy den exoyn pragmatopoihqei kai opoiadhpote qetikh h arnhtikh ejelijh qa exei amesh synepeia gia thn Ellada kai thn eyryterh perioxh''. Aqhna - Boylh - Kwnstantopoylos - Kypriako ---------------------------------------------- O Proedros toy SYN Nikos Kwnstantopoylos se topoqethsh sth Boylh twn Ellhnwn kata thn enhmerwsh apo ton Prwqypoyrgo Kwsta Karamanlh gia tis teleytaies ejelijeis sto Kypriako eipe pws ``prepei na ginei mia cyxraimh meleth twn yper kai kata toy telikoy sxedioy Anan. O k. Kwnstantopoylos epishmane oti ''o SYN qa exei apoch, lambanontas ypoch kai tis qeseis ths kypriakhs aristeras kai tassetai yper mias leitoyrgikhs, biwsimhs kai dikaihs lyshs''. O Proedros toy SYN taxqhke kata mias epikoinwniakhs diaxeirishs ths katastashs, kata twn wraiopoihsewn kai ths katastrofologias, tonizontas oti ``qa prepei na ektimhqei an to sxedio Anan apotelei afethria gia beltiwseis h gia emplokes''. Aqhna - Arsenhs - Kypriako ----------------------------- O prwhn Ypoyrgos Amynas ths Elladas epi kybernhshs PASOK Gerasimos Arsenhs, sxoliazontas ta apotelesmata twn synomiliwn toy Mpoyrgkenstok gia to Kypriako, eipe oti ''edw poy efqasan ta pragmata, mia mono diejodos yparxei, dhladh na aporricei o kypriakos laos to Sxedio Kofi Anan. Prosqese pws to pragmatiko dilhmma einai ''nomimopoihsh toy Attila twra h anazhthsh lyshs se eyqeto xrono, me gnhsio dhmokratiko kai eyrwpaiko pneyma''. Aqhna - Mpakogiannh - Kypriako ---------------------------------- H Dhmarxos Aqhnaiwn Ntora Mpakogiannh, anaferomenh stis ejelijeis sto Kypriako, ejefrase thn eyxh ''na epikrathsei nhfaliothta, ypeyqynothta kai kyriws to krithrio toy ayrio, se oloys, otan paroyn tis megales apofaseis gia to mellon ths Kyproy''. H k. Mpakogiannh, apantwntas se erwthseis dhmosiografwn gia to Kypriako, sto plaisio ths xqesinhs paroysiashs toy ''Khpoy ths Eirhnhs'' sthn Akadhmia Platwnos, eipe pws ''h politikh hgesia ths Elladas, ypo ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias, qa sygklhqei meta thn protash toy Prwqypoyrgoy kai qa ektimhsei to synolo twn dedomenwn'' kai ejefrase thn pepoiqhsh oti to idio qa kanei kai h kypriakh hgesia kai etsi o laos, exontas tis apoceis ths politikhs toy hgesias katateqeimenes, qa mporei na parei tis telikes toy apofaseis. Prwqypoyrgos Bretanias - Kypriako -------------------------------------- O Prwqypoyrgos ths Bretanias Toni Mpler kalwsorise tis ejelijeis sto Kypriako poy, opws eipe, qa epitrecoyn thn entajh mias epanenwmenhs Kyproy sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh. Sthn enarkthria toy dhlwsh kata th diarkeia dhmosiografikhs diaskechs, o k. Mpler synexarh oloys toys emplekomenoys sth diadikasia ths Elbetias kai idiaitera ton Geniko Grammatea twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn Kofi Anan kai ton Eidiko toy Symboylo Albaro nte Soto. ''Qelw na kalwsorisw apo kardias thn istorikh apofash poy lhqhke sthn Elbetia prokeimenoy mia epanenwmenh Kypros na entaxqei sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh'', eipe o k. Mpler. ''Einai enas faros elpidas gia to lao ths Kyproy'', eipe o k. Mpler prosqetontas pws ''to istoriko ayto gegonos deixnei gia mia akoma fora pws oi prooptikes entajhs mporoyn na ephreasoyn se terastio baqmo thn epilysh makroxronwn dienejewn''. Anaplhrwths YPEJ Rwsias - Kypriako ------------------------------------- H rwsikh kybernhsh ektima oti h epiteyjh dikaihs, staqerhs kai oloklhrwmenhs lyshs toy kypriakoy problhmatos einai dynath mono ypo thn proypoqesh ths eqeloysias symfwnias twn idiwn twn Kypriwn, E/K kai T/K, kai sth bash twn chfismatwn toy Symboylioy Asfaleias toy OHE. Symfwna me anakoinwsh toy rwsikoy YPEJ, h rwsikh qesh epanabebaiwqhke kata th diarkeia synanthshs toy Anaplhrwth Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn ths Rwsias Segkei Razof me ton Presbeyth ths Kyproy sthn Rwsia Andrea Gewrgiadh, sthn opoia egine enhmerwsh gia tis teleytaies ejelijeis sto Kypriako kai eidikotera meta thn kataqesh toy pemptoy sxedioy lyshs toy Kypriakoy, to opoio paroysiase o Genikos Grammateas toy OHE Kofi Anan kata thn oloklhrwsh ths diadikasias epilyshs toy Kypriakoy sto Mpoyrgkenstok ths Elbetias. ''Mia tetoia lysh qa prepei na xrhsimeysei sthn oikodomhsh enos biwsimoy kypriakoy kratoys sto opoio qa htan staqera diasfalismena ta symferonta kai h eyhmeria olwn twn politwn toy'', anaferetai sthn anakoinwsh. Aystralos YPEJ - Kypriako ----------------------------- O Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn ths Aystralias Alejanter Ntaoyner me xqesinh anakoinwsh toy xairetizei to teliko sxedio toy Genikoy Grammatea toy OHE Kofi Anan gia epilysh toy Kypriakoy kai ekfrazei thn eyxh opws ayto ginei apodekto apo ton kypriako lao. O k. Ntaoyner anaferei oti h xwra toy einai yposthrikths twn prospaqeiwn gia epilysh toy Kypriakoy, diathrei apospasma sthn eirhneytikh dynamh toy OHE sthn Kypro kai symmetexei me th syndromh toy eidikoy apestalmenoy ths Tzim Sort stis prospaqeies gia epilysh toy problhmatos. O Aystralos YPEJ anaferei sthn anakoinwsh toy oti an ta dhmochfismata poy qa diejaxqoyn stis dyo koinothtes einai epityxh, h Kypros qa entaxqei epanenwmenh sthn EE. Anaferei epishs mia tetoia ejelijh qa ginei eyprosdekth apo olh th dieqnh koinothta. O k. Ntaoyner kalei toys politikoys hgetes ths Kyproy, Ellhnokyprioys kai Toyrkokyprioys, na parotrynoyn tis koinothtes pros yposthrijh toy proteinomenoy sxedioy gia epiteyjh monimhs kai eirhnikhs dieyqethshs toy problhmatos, poy paramenei alyto gia poly kairo. EE - Axern - Kypriako -------------------------- O Proedreywn toy Eyrwpaikoy Symboylioy, Irlandos Prwqypoyrgos Mperti Axern epainese to Geniko Grammatea twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn Kofi Anan gia tis ''akoyrastes prospaqeies'' toy sthn anazhthsh dieyqethshs toy Kypriakoy. Sxoliazontas tis ejelijeis o k. Axern epanelabe thn protimhsh ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs gia thn entajh mias enwmenhs Kyproy thn 1 Maioy 2004 kaqws kai thn etoimothta ths na enswmatwsei toys oroys mias dieyqethshs symfwna me tis arxes panw stis opoies exei idryqei h Enwsh. ''H Eyrwpaikh Enwsh exei kaq' olh th diarkeia ekfrasei thn protimhsh ths gia thn entajh mias epanenwmenhs Kyproy sthn Enwsh thn 1h Maioy kai exei ypodeijei thn etoimothta ths na enswmatwsei toys oroys symfwna me tis arxes ths panw stis opoies exei idryqei h EE'', eipe o k. Axern. Katalhgontas shmeiwse oti h apofash gia to sxedio Anan twra brisketai sta xeria toy kypriakoy laoy ''poy qa chfisei se taytoxrona dhmochfismata stis 24 Aprilioy''. Germanos Yfypoyrgos Eyrwpaikwn Ypoqesewn - Dhlwsh ------------------------------------------------- O kypriakos laos qa prepei na kanei o,ti einai dynato gia na entaxqei enwmenos sthn EE, dhlwse xqes to brady o Germanos Yfypoyrgos Eyrwpaikwn Ypoqesewn Dr. Karl-Heinz Klar. Se dhlwseis toy sto KYPE, meta to peras dialejhs poy edwse sto politistiko kentro toy Dhmoy Mesa Geitonias me qema thn Topikh Aytodioikhsh, o Germanos Yfypoyrgos anefere pws h xwra toy eyelpistei opws to sxedio Anan ginei apodekto apo ton kypriako lao, etsi wste thn 1h Maioy na entaxqei sthn EE mia enwmenh Kypros. Erwthqeis sxetika, o Dr. Karl-Heinz Klar epeshmane pws h entajh ths Kyproy einai diasfalismenh, estw kai ean den epilyqei to Kypriako. Proedros Royanta - Kypriako --------------------------------- Thn eyxh opws yparjei lysh sto kypriako problhma, poy na epitrecei thn entajh mias epanenwmenhs Kyproy sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, ejefrase o Proedros ths Royanta Paul Kagame. Oi dhlwseis Kagame eginan se syntomh synomilia toy me ton neo Presbeyth ths Kyproy sthn Royanta me edra to Nairompi, Kwnstantino Hliadh, poy akoloyqhse ths epishmhs teleths epidoshs diapisteythriwn thn perasmenh Trith, 30 Martioy, symfwna me epishmh anakoinwsh poy ekdoqhke xqes. Sth synomilia toy me ton k. Hliadh, o Proedros Kagame anefere epishs oti parakoloyqei me endiaferon tis ejelijeis sto Kypriako. Ejefrase akomh thn eyxh gia enisxysh kai dieyrynsh twn dimerwn sxesewn Kyproy-Royantas kai prosqese oti Kyprioi ependytes qa einai eyprosdektoi sth xwra toy. Kinhma Oikologwn - Politikh Epitroph - Apofash ------------------------------ Se apofash yper ths aporrichs toy sxedioy Anan kai synexish ths prospaqeias gia syntomh ejeyresh dikaihs, biwsimhs kai leitoyrgikhs lyshs toy kypriakoy problhmatos, katelhje se xqesinh synedria ths h Politikh Epitroph toy Kinhmatos Oikologwn Periballontistwn. H apofash ths Politikhs Epitrophs qa katateqei enwpion ths Pagkyprias Epitrophs, h opoia synedriazei ektakta shmera sth Leykwsia. Symfwna me anakoinwsh toy Kinhmatos, h telikh apofash qa sfragistei ayrio sto Ektakto Synedrio toy Kinhmatos poy sygkaleitai stis 10:00 sto Synedriako Kentro Leykwsias. Olomeleia - Eyrwekloges - Arxeio Plhqysmoy ----------------------------------------------- H Olomeleia ths Boylhs enekrine nomosxedio poy katateqhke xqes apo thn Koinoboyleytikh Epitroph Eswterikwn me th morfh toy epeigontos kai me to opoio tropopoieitai o peri Arxeioy Plhqysmoy Nomos. Skopos ths tropopoihshs einai na meiwqei apo deka hmeres se treis to problepomeno se ayto xroniko diasthma anarthshs toy symplhrwmatikoy eklogikoy katalogoy ths 2as Aprilioy 2004, me ton opoio qa diejaxqoyn oi ekloges gia anadeijh twn melwn toy Eyrwpaikoy Koinoboylioy ton prosexh Ioynio. Symfwna me ta stoixeia poy kateqese xqes o Ypoyrgos Eswterikwn Andreas Xristoy sthn Epitroph, h opoia ejetase to qema, h proteinomenh tropopoihsh krinetai anagkaia gia na mporesei to Ypoyrgeio Eswterikwn na enswmatwsei ton symplhrwmatiko katalogo ths 2as Aprilioy 2004 egkaira ston monimo eklogiko katalogo. Yphresia Eklogwn - Eyrwekloges - Teleytaia hmera gia aithseis Synexisthke kai xqes, teleytaia hmera eggrafhs chfoforwn ston eklogiko katalogo gia skopoys eyrweklogwn, h ypobolh aithsewn apo E/K, T/K, kai polites allwn kratwn melwn ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs poy qeloyn na chfisoyn Kyprioys eyrwboyleytes. Opws dhlwse sto KYPE o Dioikhtikos Leitoyrgos sthn Yphresia Eklogwn Dhmhtrhs Dhmhtrioy, den prokeitai na doqei paratash sthn ypobolh aithsewn. Mexri kai proxqes eixan eggrafei 5.200 neoi E/K eklogeis, 470 T/K kai 1.547 polites allwn xwrwn melwn ths EE. O k. Dhmhtrioy tonise oti basei ths nomoqesias, h chfoforia einai ypoxrewtikh. To synolo twn chfoforwn anerxetai peripoy stoys 480.000. Se erwthsh an diathreitai epafh me to Eyrwpaiko Koinoboylio gia tis eyrwekloges ths 13hs Ioynioy, o k. Dhmhtrioy eipe oti exoyn teqei kapoies kateyqynthries grammes, alla apotelei eyqynh kaqe kratoys meloys h diorganwsh twn eklogwn, me bash ta problepomena apo th nomoqesia toy. Erwthqeis pws qa chfisoyn oi T/K, o k. Dhmhtrioy eipe pws anamenetai na diapistwqei o telikos ariqmos twn T/K poy qa perilhfqoyn ston katalogo kai prosqese oti kata pasa piqanothta, aytoi qa katanemhqoyn se koina eklogika kentra mazi me toys E/K. Opws shmeiwse, ta apotelesmata twn dhmochfismatwn ths 24hs Aprilioy gia to Sxedio Anan gia lysh toy Kypriakoy qa kaqorisoyn epishs an oi eyrwekloges qa ginoyn me thn yfistamenh nomoqesia h me allh. Xrhmatisthrio - Xwris oysiastikh metabolh --------------------------------------------- Xwris oysiastikh metabolh ekleise to Xrhmatisthrio Ajiwn Kyproy sthn prwth synanthsh meta thn epidosh toy telikoy sxedioy Anan gia to Kypriako. O Genikos Deikths shmeiwse ptwsh ths tajhs toy 0,1%, kleinontas sthn ychloterh timh ths hmeras, tis 85,55 monades. H ajia twn synallagwn diamorfwqhke stis 583 xiliades lires. Ptwsh ths tajhs toy 0,41% shmeiwse o Deikths FTSE/CySE 20, kleinontas stis 365,46 monades. Podosfairo - Prwtaqlhma - 24h agwnistikh ---------------------------- Eji agwnes diejagontai shmera sto plaisio ths 24hs agwnistikhs toy Pagkyprioy Prwtaqlhmatos Podosfairoy A' Kathgorias Andrwn. To endiaferon ths 24hs agwnistikhs epikentrwnetai oysiastika se tria ghpeda, sth Deryneia opoy h Anagennhsh filojenei ton APOEL, sto GSP opoy h Omonoia qa anametrhqei me thn ENP kai sto Tsireio sto opoio qa diejaxqei to ntermpi AEL - Apollwn. Oi alloi agwnes einai Aqlhtikh Enwsh Pafos - Digenhs Akritas sto Pafiako, Doja Katwkopias - Anorqwsh sto Makareio kai AEK - Onhsillos sto GSZ. Oloi oi agwnes arxizoyn stis 16:30, ektos apo to paixnidi AEL-Apollwna poy qa arxisei stis 19:00. Sto plaisio ths idias agwnistikhs qa diejaxqei ayrio sto GSP o agwnas Olympiakos - Eqnikos Axnas. Kalaqosfaira - Plei of - Nikh Keraynoy ------------------------------ Ekmetalleyomenos sto akeraio thn edra toy, o Keraynos nikhse xqes brady me 99-96 thn AEL, sto anoigma twn agwnwn ths seiras twn telikwn twn plei of, sto plaisio toy Prwtaqlhmatos Kalaqosfairas Antrwn A' Kathgorias. Prwtaqlhtria qa anadeixqei h omada poy qa shmeiwsei prwth treis nikes. O epomenos agwnas einai programmatismenos gia thn erxomenh Trith sth Lemeso. Petosfaira - Prwtaqlhma - Apotelesmata ------------------------ Mia nikh apomenei ston Pafiako gia na stefqei prwtaqlhths petosfairas, kaqws xqes to brady nikhse ston deytero teliko twn plei of toy Prwtaqlhmatos Petosfairas th Nea Salamina me 3-1 set kai phre probadisma stis nikes me 3-1. Prwtaqlhtria qa anadeixtei h omada poy qa ftasei prwth stis tessereis nikes. O tritos agwnas qa ginei thn erxomenh Deytera sthn Pafo. Ston allo xqesinobradino shmantiko agwna, h Omonoia nikhse sto Leykoqeo thn Olympiada Neapolhs me 3-1 set. [05] (K) Eqniko Symboylio - Synedria - EnarjhArxise stis 10:10 h synedria toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy ypo thn proedria toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias Tassoy Papadopoyloy.To Eqniko Symboylio qa asxolhqei apokleistika me to qema toy dhmochfismatos epi toy sxedioy Anan, poy problepetai na ginei stis 24 Aprilioy, kai tis anagkaies diadikasies poy qa akoloyqhqoyn Sth synedria symmetexoyn apo to AKEL oi Dhmhtrhs Xristofias kai Nikos Katsoyridhs, apo ton DHSY oi Nikos Anastasiadhs kai Aberwf Neofytoy, apo to DHKO oi Nikos Kleanqoys kai Nikos Pittokopiths, apo to KS EDEK oi Giannakhs Omhroy kai Basos Lyssaridhs, apo toys Neoys Orizontes oi Nikos Koytsoy kai Xristos Klhridhs, apo toys EDH oi Giwrgos Basileioy kai Mixalhs Papapetroy, apo to ADHK oi Ntinos Mixahlidhs kai Entoyin Iwshfidhs kai apo to Kinhma Oikologwn Periballontistwn oi Giwrgos Perdikhs kai Ntinos Paspalidhs. [06] (K) Eqniko Symboylio - Synedria - LhjhOloklhrwqhke stis 10:50 peripoy h synedria toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy ypo thn proedria toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias Tassoy Papadopoyloy.[07] (K) Eyrwpaiko Koinoboylio - Fqorioyxa aeriaTo Eyrwpaiko Koinoboylio yioqethse thn ekqesh toy Eyrwboyleyth Robert Goodwill kai enekrine protash kanonismoy gia th meiwsh twn apodektwn oriwn twn fqorioyxwn aeriwn.Symfwna me thn egkriqeisa koinotikh nomoqesia, apo to 2009 oi kataskeyastes aytokinhtwn qa prepei na efarmozoyn sta oxhmata klimatistika poy periexoyn fqorioyxa aeria poy exoyn dynamiko ayjhshs ths qermokrasias toy planhth katw apo 50. To orio poy isxyei shmera einai 150. [08] (K) Proedros Papadopoylos - Kypriako - DhmochfismataMia paneqnikh diaskech gia th stash ths e/k pleyras sto dhmochfisma den qa bohqoyse kai qa ebaze thn Ellada se poly megales dyskolies, oi opoies prepei na apofeyxqoyn, dhlwse shmera o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Tassos Papadopoylos, prosqetontas oti qa exei seira epafwn me thn ellhnikh kybernhsh protoy anakoinwsei ston lao tis ektimhseis toy gia to teliko sxedio Anan.''Giati dhladh tis dikes mas eyqynes na tis metakylhsoyme sthn Ellada poy einai dynaton na prokalesei alles epiptwseis'', dierwthqhke o Proedros ths Dhmokratias, erwthqeis meta th synedria toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy an mia paneqnikh diaskech qa htan bohqhtikh. Parallhla, o Proedros Papadopoylos apedwse se ''eysebopoqismoys merikwn'' tis fhmes poy metadoqhkan sta ellhnika MME peri paraithshs toy, kai jekaqarise oti den prokeitai na metabei sthn Aqhna gia epafes. Se erwthsh an ektima oti to reyma arnhtismoy poy fainetai na yparxei sth koinh gnwmh gia to sxedio Anan qa ejisorrophqei oso plhsiazei h mera toy dhmochfismatos, o Proedros Papadopoylos eipe oti den mporei na probei se ektimhseis, shmeiwnontas oti ''ayto to sxedio einai gnwsto se olo ton kosmo''. ''Den pisteyw sthn istoria ths Kyproy pote allo politiko eggrafo na exei analyqei se tetoia ektash, na exei metafrastei, na kykloforhsei. Aytoi oi opoioi endiaferontai den exoyn dikaiologia oti den to gnwrizoyn, to gnwrizoyn para poly kala'', eipe o Proedros Papadopoylos. Paradexthke wstoso oti yparxoyn ''kommatia bebaiws toy sxedioy poy den einai eykola katanohta apo ton koino polith'', prosqetontas oti ''ayto omws den mporoyme na to anagagoyme kai na leme o poliths einai sygxysmenos, o poliths den einai enhmerwmenos''. ''Ayta'', synexise, ''einai prosxhmata, o poliths pote den eixe ypoch toy ena eggrafo se tosh ektash, se toso leptomerh analysh kai den einai pote toso kala enhmerwmenos''. Se erwthsh an o poliths prepei na exei kaqara synaisqhmatiko krithrio h na koitajei thn epomenh hmera, o Proedros Papadopoylos eipe oti ''oloi blepoyme thn epomenh mera''. ''Alimono, qa eimaste asofoi oloi kai emeis ws hgesia kai oi polites an den ektimoyme thn epomenh hmera me tis piqanes epiptwseis'', eipe o Proedros Papadopoylos, prosqetontas oti ''prepei na staqmistoyn swsta kai oi synepeies enos nai opws kai oi synepeies enos oxi'' Shmeiwse wstoso oti ''ekeino poy ginetai kapote einai na len oti den prepei na panikoballomaste alla me to na episeioyn toys kindynoys oysiastika prokaloyn paniko ston kosmo kai pisteyw ayto den einai swsto'' kai kalese ek neoy ton lao ''me cyxraimia, me swfrosynh, me aytosygkrathsh na melethsei to sxedio kai na apofasisei". Se erwthsh an noiwqei piesh apo ton dieqnh paragonta, o Proedros Papadopoylos apanthse arnhtika kai ejhghse pws ''o dieqnhs paragontas exei th safh protimhsh na breqei h lysh toy Kypriakoy me to sxedio Anan'', kati poy, opws eipe, ''einai gnwsto kai den einai tipote to mystiko''. ''Kai emeis qa apofasisoyme, opws sas eipa, krinontas oles tis synqhkes, ola ta dedomena kai sigoyra synypologizontas kai tis synepeies toso enos 'Nai' oso kai enos 'Oxi'''. Erwthqeis an noiwqei apogohteymenos apo thn telikh ekbash twn synomiliwn, opws dhlwse se synenteyjh toy sto Galliko Praktoreio Eidhsewn, o Proedros Papadopoylos eipe pws ayto poy eipe einai oti ''to apotelesma twn synomiliwn sto Mpoyrgkenstok exei dwsei para polla sthn t/k pleyra, se sygkrish me tis dikes mas allages poy petyxame'', prosqetontas oti sygkritika oi allages poy phre h t/k pleyra einai ''poly pio shmantikes aytes poy phre h e/k pleyra''. Sxoliazontas th xqesinh synedria toy Symboylioy Asfaleias toy OHE, o Proedros Papadopoylos eipe oti h arxikh protash htan na ginei mia enhmerwsh toy Swmatos gia tis synomilies. ''Meta h prosqesh htan, an oxi na paroyn epikyrwsh toy sxedioy, toylaxiston na bgei enas xarakthrismos toy sxedioy an einai isorrophmeno kai dikaio h oxi", eipe. Anefere akomh pws ''apo thn arxh arketa melh toy Symboylioy Asfaleias eipan oti den einai doyleia toy Symboylioy Asfaleias, afoy den meteixe stis diapragmateyseis". "Pws mporoyse to Symboylio Asfaleias na epikyrwsei apotelesma diapragmateysewn gia tis opoies den gnwrizan h den eixan parei meros;" dierwthqhke. [09] (K) Ekproswpos - Eqniko Symboylio - DhmochfismataH kybernhsh dia toy ekproswpoy ths, Kyproy Xrysostomidh, diabebaiwse shmera oti qa kanei o,ti einai anagkaio gia thn omalh diejagwgh toy dhmochfismatos ths 24hs Aprilioy.Se dhlwseis meta th synedria toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy, poy sygklhqhke me apokleistiko qema th diejagwgh toy dhmochfismatos, o k. Xrysostomidhs eipe oti to pempto sxedio Anan metafrazetai apo tis armodies yphresies kai sth synexeia qa ekdoqei se bibliaraki etsi wste oi polites na exoyn prosbash gia meleth toy sxedioy. ''O Proedros ths Dhmokratias, ws arxhgos ths e/k koinothtas, analambanei thn organwsh kai diejagwgh toy dhmochfismatos, etsi wste stis 24 toy mhnos na diejaxqei egkyrws to dhmochfisma'', anefere stis dhlwseis toy o k. Xrysostomidhs. Apantwntas se erwthsh, o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos eipe oti den einai programmatismenh h metabash toy Proedroy Papadopoyloy sthn Aqhna prin apo th diejagwgh toy dhmochfismatos, prosqetontas oti h anakoinwsh twn qesewn toy Proedroy Papadopoyloy apotelei ''apokleistiko toy dikaiwma''. Erwthqeis ean tiqetai qema syntonismoy toy Proedroy Papadopoyloy me thn ellhnikh kybernhsh gia to pws kai pote qa anakoinwqoyn oi proqeseis toys, o k. Xrysostomidhs eipe pws ''h synergasia toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias me thn ellhnikh kybernhsh kai olo ton politiko kosmo ths Elladas einai synexhs'', prosqetontas oti ''den exei syzhthqei opoiodhpote xronodiagramma episkechs''. Epishs, o k. Xrysostomidhs dieceyse kathgorhmatika ta peri proqesews toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias na paraithqei. [10] (K) T/K hgeths - Kypriako - Sxedio Anan - DhlwseisO T/K hgeths Raoyf Ntenktas dhlwse oti leei "Oxi" sto teliko sxedio Anan, lambanontas ypoch tis arnhtikes toy ptyxes, kai prosqese oti qa ejhghsei argotera stoys T/K toys logoys poy antitiqetai sto sxedio lyshs toy Kypriakoy.Milwntas xqes to brady se thleoptiko programma, o k. Ntenktas eipe oti eixe yposxeqei na prostateysei "to kratos kai thn kyriarxia", shmeiwnontas oti exei eyqynh na kaqodhghsei ton kosmo. [11] (K) Deltio Drasthriothtas ApodhmwnPETROS Z' ELEW QEOY PAPAS KAI PATRIARXHS ALEJANDREIAS KAI PASHS AFRIKHS PANTI TW PLHRWMATI TOY KAQ' HMAS APOSTOLIKOY KAI PATRIARXIKOY QRONOY XARIS KAI ELEOS KAI EIRHNH PARA TOY EK NEKRWN ANASTANTOS KYRIOY KAI QEOY KAI SWTHROS HMWN IHSOY XRISTOYTekna en Kyriw agaphta kai peripoqhta, Xristos Anesth! Qambos synexei tas kardias pantwn twn qewroyntwn ton ek nekrwn en dojh kai timh kai krataia dynamei egeiromenon Basilea kai Despothn hmwn Ihsoyn Xriston, ton ek toy Oyranoy yper pasan ennoian katabanta kai ws anqrwpon skhnwsanta en mesw hmwn, ina pas o pisteywn eis Ayton synanasthqh Aytw kata thn eperxomenhn kai en th Ekklhsia hdh paroysan Basileian ths Dojhs toy Anarxoy Patros kai toy Monogenoys Yioy kai toy Zwopoioy Pneymatos. H ek nekrwn Anastasis toy Kyrioy hmwn Ihsoy Xristoy apanta plhrws kai oysiastikws eis to peri qanatoy erwthma, to opoion basanistikws katadynasteyei thn anqrwpinhn skecin, kaqws ayth stekei ekstatikws enwpion ths aitias toy qanatoy kai ths fqoras, ths mh dynamenhs na apanthqh dia ths logikhs, kaitoi o qanatos kai h fqora synekfainontai meta ths anqrwpinhs fysews, symfwnws th kaq' hmera koinh pantwn empeiria. Ai toy qanatoy aitiai exoyn pollakis anazhthqei eis thn toy periballontos fysikhn kai kosmikhn tajin kai exoyn diereynhqei ypo ths filosofias, enw ai oytw kaloymenai ''fysikai episthmai'' kata to parelqon, alla kai axri toy nyn kairoy proteinoyn diarkws beltioymenas apanthseis, syntassoyn neas qewrias kai sygkrinoyn ta ek pollwn phgwn parexomena dedomena. Para thn ths episthmhs profanestathn proodon, thn anaptyjin ths texnologias, thn ejelijin toy filosofikoy stoxasmoy kai twn ths texnhs apolaysewn, para tas metallagas twn anqrwpinwn koinwniwn kai tas en pollois polwtikas synqhkas toy bioy, o qanatos paramenei to meizon kai krisimwtaton erwthma, molonoti kata thn poreian ths zwhs twn te proswpwn kai twn synolwn elaxistopoieitai, ejaifnhs omws emfanizomenon kai filosofoymenon monon meta ton qanaton agaphtoy oikeioy proswpoy. H Ekklhsia, edrazomenh epi th empeiria ths Anastasews toy Ihsoy Xristoy, antimetwpizei to peri qanatoy erwthma dia makroy kai sygkrothmenoy qeologikoy logoy, o opoios arqroytai kat' anaforan pros ton ekzhtoynta apanthsin anqrwpon kaqe istorikhs epoxhs kai eis oiondhpote politismon metexonta, proskomizoysa de eis ayton thn mian kai swzoysan apanthsin h mallon empeirian ayths, wste na qerapeyetai h yparjiakh agwnia aytoy. H ths Ekklhsias prajis aformatai ek ths enwsews twn dyo en Xristw fysewn, eis to agion proswpon toy Opoioy enoytai ''atreptws, axwristws, analloiwtws kai adiairetws'' h anqrwpinh meta ths qeias fysews. H logikh kai ai kathgoriai ths logikhs systellontai enwpion toy friktoy toytoy mysthrioy, toy en th Ekklhsia fyllatomenoy kai ek ths logikhs perigrafomenoy monon kata tas pollaplas synepeias aytoy, prosferei de toyto staqhran anapaysin kai eyfrosynhn, monimon apolaysin kai tercin, ameiwton xaran kai agalliasin. O qanatos en Xristw katalyetai, h fqora anastelletai, oi zwntes oyk apoqnhskoysin, oi nekroi egeirontai kai pleon ''oydeis epi mnhmatos'' keitai, alla synqaptetai kai syneghretai meta toy Ihsoy. Ypo thn ennoian aythn, h ekklhsiastikh syneidhsis ekkentrizetai eis thn empeirian ths Anastasews, thn opoian kai leitoyrgikws synexizei kata thn eyxaristiakhn anaforan, epistrefoysa eis ton Qeon ta idia Aytoy dwra kai proskomizoysa pros ton Dhmioyrgon kai Synthrhthn toy sympantos thn anesthmenhn idian Aytoy fysin: ''ta sa ek twn swn, Soi prosferomen kata panta kai dia panta'', kaqws omologoymen eis thn Qeian Leitoyrgian. H ths Ekklhsias Alejandreias syndromh eis thn qeologian ths Ensarkwsews kai ta yper toy anqrwpoy apotelesmata ayths, ek twn opoiwn h Anastasis apotelei to kentron, ton ajona, ton moxlon kai thn dynamin, apodeiknyetai dia pollwn tropwn, alla kai ek ths didaskalias toy ejairetoy ths diakonias toy oloy ekklhsiastikoy swmatos aoidimoy Prokatoxoy hmwn Agioy Patros kai Didaskaloy Aqanasioy toy Megaloy: ''Dia toyto kai opoy diefqarh toy anqrwpoy to swma ekei proietai Ihsoys to idion swma kai opoy kekrathto h cyxh h anqrwpinh en qanatw ekei epideiknytai o Xristos thn anqrwpinhn cyxhn idian oysan, ina kai parh ws anqrwpos o akrathtos en qanatw kai lysh thn krathsin toy qanatoy ws Qeos, ina, opoy esparh h fqora, ekei anateilh h afqarsia kai opoy ebasileysen o qanatos en morfh cyxhs anqrwpinhs parwn o qanatos, epideijhtai thn aqanasian'' (Agioy Aqanasioy Patriarxoy Alejandreias, Kata Apollynarioy 1, 17). Agaphta tekna en Xristw, H dia toy qeologikoy logoy kai dia ths Apostolikhs paradosews ekfora ths ekklhsiastikhs empeirias anaparista thn olhn pistin ths Ekklhsias eis ton ek nekrwn anastanta Qeanqrwpon Ihsoyn Xriston, dio kai to Pasxa apotelei ''thn eorthn twn eortwn kai thn panhgyrin twn panhgyrewn'', thn kyrian kai proejarxoysan hmeran, kaq' hn panhgyrizomen oyxi ylikws alla pneymatikws, oyxi goerws alla siwphlws, oyxi dramatikws alla tapeinws. Eortazomen en koinothti Xaritos thn epelasin ths zwhs enanti toy qanatoy, thn epikrathsin ths afqarsias enanti ths fqoras, thn ateleythton zwhn ths anqrwpinhs fysews enanti ths katastrofhs, thn zwogonoysan agaphn enanti toy diaspastikoy foboy, thn metajy twn anqrwpwn en Xristw enothta enanti ths atomikistikhs planhs toy dixastikoy symferontos. Pragmati, h ypo toy Ihsoy Xristoy epi ghs egkainiasqeisa ierapostolikh prajis ths Ekklhsias, ths opoias pantes oi Ayton omologoyntes ws Swthra kai Lytrwthn synapartizomen ws ''melh ek meroys'' to eniaion organikon swma, einai ierapostolh ths agaphs kai ths Anastasews, ierapostolh ths xaras kai ths eirhnhs, ierapostolh ths eyxaristiakhs synajews kai ths en anamonh proseyxhs. Dio kai o anastas Ihsoys emfanisqeis eis toys Agioys Aytoy Apostoloys khryttwn ton eyaggelikon logon ths xaras kai ths eirhnhs, hyloghsen Arton kai Pothrion eyxaristiakhs tryfhs, dia toy opoioy efodiasqhsan oi ''ths oikoymenhs fwtistai'' pro ths apostolhs aytwn eis ta eqnh, pros ta opoia ierapostolikws hrgasqhsan, ferontes karpon polyn, myrypnoon kai eywdhn. Ek ths Megalhs Polews Alejandreias, opoy h kaq' hmas Apostolikh Kaqedra toy Agioy Endojoy Apostoloy kai Eyaggelistoy Markoy kai en mesw exontes lamprofwtiston Proejarxonta ton ths fqoras kaqairethn kai ton thn plhrothta ths Zwhs parexonta Ihsoyn, metoxoi de ontes twn ek ths eyxaristiastikhs Anastasimoy Anaforas dwrwn, eyxomeqa opws to ek toy Zwopoioy Tafoy Fws katalamprynei apanta ta tekna toy kaq' hmas perifanoys kai Apostolikoy Qronoy, parexei de thn twn kardiwn kai swmatwn en tw ateleythtw biw apolaysin twn akenwtwn, ameiwtwn kai anafairetwn Qeiwn xarismatwn, twn mh ek toy qanatoy kaqairoymenwn kai mh th fqora ypokeimenwn. Diapyros pros ton ek nekrwn Anastanta arxipanhgethn ths Zwhs kai twn aristwn dwrewn ploysioparoxon Xorhgon eyxeths En th Megalh Polei ths Alejandreias AGION PASXA 2004 PETROS VII BY THE GRACE OF GOD POPE AND PATRIARCH OF ALEXANDRIA AND ALL AFRICA, TO THE FULLNESS OF OUR APOSTOLIC AND PATRIARCHAL THRONE, GRACE AND MERCY AND PEACE FROM OUR LORD AND GOD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST, WHO IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD. My dear and beloved children in Christ Christ is Risen! Amazement constrains the hearts of all who regard our King and Master Jesus Christ risen in glory and honour and mighty power, Him who came down from Heaven beyond all concept and dwelt as man among us, so that all who believe in Him could rise with Him in the coming and already present in the Church Kingdom of Glory of the Father who is without beginning and the Only-Begotten Son and the Life-Giving Spirit. The Resurrection from the dead of our Lord Jesus Christ totally and essentially answers the question about death, which torments human thought, as it stands ecstatically before the cause of death and destruction, which is not able to be answered by logic, albeit that death and destruction are manifested in human nature, according to the daily experience of all. The causes of death have often been sought in the environments natural and worldly order and have been researched by philosophy, while the so-called natural sciences in the past, and up until the present times, continually suggest improved answers, compile new theories and compare the facts given from many sources. Despite the most obvious progress of science, the development of technology, the evolution of philosophical thought and the pleasures of art, despite the changes in human societies and the many polarized conditions of life, death remains the greatest and most critical question, even though during the course of the life of persons and on the whole it is minimized, suddenly appearing and being philosophized only after the death of a loved one. The Church, based on the experience of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, confronts the question of death with a long and composed theological essay, which is articulated by reporting to the person seeking the answer throughout every historic age and in whichever civilization, giving him the one and salvific answer, or rather, the experience of it, in order that his existential distress may be alleviated. The Churchs act rises from the unity of the two natures in Christ, in the holy person of Whom are united unaltered, inseparably, unchangeably and indivisibly the human with the divine nature. Logic and the categories of logic shrink before this terrible mystery, the one kept by the Church and described by logic only during its many consequences, it offers sure rest and delight, permanent enjoyment and pleasure, undiminished joy and delight. Death is overthrown by Christ, decay ceases, the living do not die, the dead arise and no one remains in the tomb, but is buried and rises together with Jesus. In this context, ecclesiastical conscience is centered on the experience of the Resurrection, which it also liturgically continues during the Eucharistic anaphora, returning to God His own gifts and offering to the Creator and Preserver of the universe His own resurrected nature: Thine own of Thine own, we offer unto Thee, in behalf of all and for all, as we confess in the Divine Liturgy. The contribution of the Church of Alexandria to the theology of the Incarnation and its results for humanity, of which the Resurrection is the central point, the pivot, lever and power, is shown in many ways, as also through the teachings of our Holy Father and Teacher St. Athanasios the Great, the exceptional servant of the entire body of the Church and our Predecessor: That is why wherever the body of man has been destroyed, there Jesus heals it with His own Body and wherever the soul of man was kept by death, there Christ reveals the human soul as His own so that He may appear destructible as a man who cannot avoid death and so as God He will dissolve the destruction of death so that wherever decay had been sowed, there incorruptibility would rise and, where death had its kingdom, He would make His presence felt as a human being to reveal immortality (St Athanasios, Patriarch of Alexandria According to Apollinarios 1:17) My dear children in Christ, The burial of ecclesiastical experience through the theological word and the Apostolic tradition re-enacts the entire faith of the Church in the God-man Jesus Christ who is risen from the dead, and that is why Pascha constitutes the feast of feasts and celebration of celebrations, the chief and leader among days, during which we celebrate not materially, but spiritually, not mournfully but silently, not dramatically but humbly. We celebrate in a community of Grace the attack of life against death, the prevalence of incorruptibility over ruin, the everlasting life of human nature over destruction, life-giving love over disruptive fear, the unity of people in Christ over the individualistic delusion of divisive interest. Truly, the missionary deed inaugurated on earth by Christ, where all of us who confess Him as Saviour and Redeemer constitute a united organic body as members, is a mission of love and Resurrection, a mission of joy and peace, a mission of eucharistic gathering and of prayer of expectation. For this reason, the risen Jesus when appearing to His Holy Apostles preaching the word of joy and peace, blessed the Bread and the Cup of eucharistic pleasure, through which the enlighteners of the world were equipped before their mission to the nations, for which they worked, bearing great fruit which is fragrant and sweet-smelling. From the Great City of Alexandria, where our Apostolic Throne of the Holy Glorious Apostle and Evangelist Mark is situated and having in our midst Jesus, the resplendent Leader, the vanquisher of destruction and the giver of the fullness of life, and being partakers of the gifts of the Resurrectional Anaphora, we pray that the Light of the life-giving Holy Sepulchre graces all the children of our glorious and Apostolic Throne, and grant to their hearts and bodies the enjoyment of the inexhaustible, limitless and inalienable divine gifts, which are not taken from death and are not subject to destruction. Fervent intercessor to the Leading Guide of Life and the bountiful giver of excellent gifts, who is Risen from the dead, Petros VII Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa In the Great City of Alexandria [12] (K) Symboylio Asfaleias - Kypriako - Anoikth syzhthsh 28 Aprilioy[13] (K) Proedros Papadopoylos - Kypriako - DiaggelmaO Proedros ths Dhmokratias Tassos Papadopoylos dhlwse shmera oti qa apeyqynei diaggelma pros ton kypriako lao otan oloklhrwqoyn oi diaboyleyseis toy me ta kypriaka kai ellhnika kommata, kaqws kai me thn ellhnikh kybernhsh, sxetika me to teliko sxedio Anan.Cyprus News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |