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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 04-05-22Cyprus News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA
[01] (K) Episkophsh Kypriakoy TypoyTa nomika kwlymata poy prokyptoyn gia thn omada toy ''Synagermoy gia thn Eyrwph'' stis eyrwekloges, kaqws kai h arnhsh toy katoxikoy kaqestwtos na epitrecei eisodo sta katexomena toy Kyprioy Epitropoy ths EE Markoy Kyprianoy, einai ta qemata poy proballontai sta prwtoselida toy kypriakoy Typoy shmera.Alla qemata einai h synanthsh toy Amerikanoy Presbeyth me ton legomeno prwqypoyrgo sta katexomena, h epistolh poy apesteile o Mexmet Ali Talat pros ton Geniko Grammatea toy OHE Kofi Anan me stoxo thn anabaqmish toy ceydokratoys, h synanthsh toy Ellhna Prwqypoyrgoy me ton Amerikano Proedro, kai oi protaseis ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs gia th diaxwristikh grammh poy qa einai etoimes telh Ioynioy. H ''Alhqeia'', me titlo ''To DHKO synhgoros twn diaspastwn'', grafei oti h diasyndesh twn diaspastwn toy DHSY me to DHKO kai ta epiteleia ths kybernhshs kai o koinos toys stoxos, poy einai h apodynamwsh ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs, apokalyptetai mera me thn hmera oloena kai perissotero. Prosqetei oti epibebaiwnetai pws staqerh epidiwjh toys htan h dhmioyrgia alloy kommatos, to opoio qa sympleei me to kybernhtiko stratopedo. Alloy grafei oti to prwto bhma gia apeyqeias pthseis pros ta katexomena fainetai na exei ginei. Shmeiwnei oti h Toyrkia enhmerwse th Dieqnh Aeroporia oti to "aerodromio Tympoy" einai etoimo na leitoyrghsei. ''H Maxh'', me titlo ''Ola ta endexomena anoikta'', grafei oti ejakoloyqei na aiwreitai h olh diadikasia twn eyrweklogwn. Anaferei oti o ''Synagermos gia thn Eyrwph'' apeilei oti qa katafygei se eyrwpaika dikasthria se periptwsh poy toy sterhqei h edra sth deyterh katanomh edrwn gia to Eyrwkoinoboylio me th dikaiologia oti den einai komma, alla syndyasmos anejarthtwn. Alloy grafei oti o boyleyths Xristodoylos Taramoyntas poy apoxwrhse apo ton DHSY, kateqese tropopoihtikh protash nomoy, wste oi syndyasmoi anejarthtwn ypochfiwn h oi anejarthtoi ypochfioi na einai se qesh na laboyn meros sth deyterh katanomh edrwn stis eyrwekloges. O ''Poliths'', me titlo ''Xtypoyn me nomoys se portes kleistes'', grafei oti ta melh ths omadas ''Synagermos gia thn Eyrwph'' egkainiasan stayroforia gia na jeperasoyn ta nomika kwlymata poy endexomenws qa toys afhsoyn ektos Eyrwkoinoboylioy stis epikeimenes eyrwekloges. Grafei oti o epikefalhs ths omadas Giannakhs Matshs amfisbhthse thn apofash toy Genikoy Eforoy Eyrweklogwn oti o ''Synagermos gia thn Eyrwph'' den apotelei komma. Alloy grafei oti o legomenos prwqypoyrgos Mexmet Ali Talat apesteile epistolh pros ton Geniko Grammatea toy OHE, sto plaisio ths prospaqeias toy na ejasfalisei anabaqmish toy ceydokratoys. ''H Shmerinh'', me titlo '''Grafoyn' thn Eyrwph'', grafei oti o Kyprios Epitropos ths EE Markos Kyprianoy einai anepiqymhtos gia tis "arxes" toy ceydokratoys, afoy h t/k hgesia toy apetrece programmatismenh metabash toy sta katexomena. To qema qa teqei enwpion toy Proedroy ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs Romano Pronti. Alloy grafei oti o Amerikanos Presbeyths sth Leykwsia Maikl Kloson episkefqhke xqes ton ceydoprwqypoyrgo twn katexomenwn. H kinhsh, anaferetai, htan symbolikh kai den apokleietai na exei kai synexeia. Prosqetei h ''S'' pws, symfwna me plhrofories, oi HPA endexetai na ycwsoyn th shmaia toys sto grafeio poy diaqetoyn sta katexomena. ''O Fileleyqeros'', me titlo ''Proeklogikos met' empodiwn'', grafei oti epiplokes epi epiplokwn dhmioyrgoyntai sthn poreia gia tis eyrwekloges, kaqws paramenei se ekkremothta to qema me ton ''Synagermo gia thn Eyrwph''. Grafei oti o DHSY ypebale entash gia th xrhsh ths lejhs ''Synagermos'', enw o Genikos Eforos Eyrweklogwn apofasise pws den plhroi ta krithria ws komma. Alloy grafei oti o Ellhnas Prwqypoyrgos metefere kata th synanthsh toy me ton Amerikano Proedro sthn Oyasingkton to mhnyma oti h Ellada epidiwkei epanenwsh ths Kyproy kai oti to Kypriako den efqase sto telos toy dromoy. H ''Xaraygh'', me titlo ''Allages sto para pente;'', grafei oti se ofqalmon anti ofqalmoy exoyn ejelixqei oi synagermikes kontres, prokalwntas problhmata sthn omalh diejagwgh twn eyrweklogwn. Grafei akomh oti katatiqetai protash nomoy gia tropopoihsh ths nomoqesias peri diejagwghs eklogwn. Se allo ths dhmosieyma h ''X'' anaferetai se dhlwsh toy Epitropoy Markoy Kyprianoy, o opoios eipe oti sthn EE den yparxei arnhtiko klima gia thn Kypro logw ths katachfishs toy sxedioy Anan apo thn e/k koinothta, prosqetontas pws to mono qema poy yparxei einai ayto toy dhmosionomikoy elleimmatos. H agglofwnh ''Cyprus Mail'' me titlo ''Empodisthke ston Kyprianoy h eisodos ston borra'', grafei oti o Markos Kyprianoy empodisthke apo tis katoxikes "arxes" na eiselqei sta katexomena, opws eiserxontai oi anwteroi ajiwmatoyxoi ths EE, kai toy zhthqhke na epideijei diabathrio. Anaferei oti o Mexmet Ali Talat dhlwse pws o k. Kyprianoy antiproswpeyei mono toys E/K. Alloy grafei oti h Eyrwpaikh Epitroph qa exei etoimes tis protaseis ths anaforika me th diaxwristikh grammh sto telos Ioynioy. Oi protaseis qa epikentrwqoyn sthn adeia toy t/k emporikoy epimelhthrioy na ekdidei pistopoihtika proiontwn twn katexomenwn. H ebdomadiaia efhmerida ''Antilogos'', me titlo ''Maxes ek toy systadhn'', grafei oti se metwpikes kontres ejelissontai oi sklhres antiparaqeseis twn kommatwn, alla idiaitera stoys kolpoys toy DHSY sxetika me tis eyrwekloges toy Ioynioy. Grafei oti h proeklogikh periodos mphke sthn telikh ths eyqeia kai oti stis epomenes meres anamenontai nees ejelijeis anamesa sta kommata, poy qa prokalesoyn baria atmosfaira, se mian epoxh poy o topos xreiazetai enothta kai systrateysh oso pote allote. Alloy grafei oti dyo neoi dikastes toy Anwtatoy Dikasthrioy, ek twn opoiwn gia prwth fora mia gynaika, edwsan th nenomismenh diabebaiwsh enwpion toy Proedroy Papadopoyloy. Prokeitai gia thn Efh Papadopoyloy kai ton Mixalh Fwtioy. [02] (K) Ekpomph gia OmogeneiaEE - Antrian ban nter Mir - Kanonismos Prasinhs Grammhs ----------------------------------------------------------- H Eyrwpaikh Epitroph qa prepei to argotero mexri to telos Ioynioy na exei ypobalei tis eishghseis ths anaforika me thn plhrh efarmogh toy Kanonismoy gia thn Prasinh Grammh poy afora th diakinhsh agaqwn, atomwn kai yphresiwn, dhlwse o epikefalhs toy grafeioy ths Antiproswpeias ths Epitrophs sthn Kypro Presbhs Antrian ban nter Mir.Se dhlwseis sta grafeia ths Antiproswpeias, o k. ban nter Mir eipe pws h apofash poy qa lhfqei sto telos ths hmeras qa afora ejoysiodothsh gia ekdosh pistopoihtikwn proeleyshs apo to t/k Emporiko Epimelhthrio gia proionta poy paragontai apokleistika sta katexomena, toso trofima oso kai alla agaqa, me th symfwnh gnwmh ths kypriakhs kybernhshs kai me th sthrijh ajiwmatoyxwn ths EE. H apofash qa afora epishs th diakinhsh metapoihmenwn agaqwn. ''Otidhpote kanoyme qa prepei na einai nomimo'', eipe, prosqetontas oti h syzhthsh gia to qema sxetizetai me ton kaqorismo twn nomikwn plaisiwn poy qa diepoyn thn efarmogh toy Kanonismoy. Papandreoy - Episkech Prwqypoyrgoy HPA ------------------------------------------ O Proedros toy PASOK Giwrgos Papandreoy, sxoliazontas xqes ta apotelesmata ths episkechs toy Prwqypoyrgoy Kwsta Karamanlh sthn Oyasingkton, ektimhse oti einai ''pros ofelos eqniko na diathroyntai oi kales dimereis sxeseis''. O k. Papandreoy zhthse wstoso na enhmerwqei se o,ti afora thn atzenta toy Prwqypoyrgoy gia ta megala eqnika qemata, opws to Kypriako kai ta ellhnotoyrkika. ''Epi twn dikwn mas kybernhsewn anaptyjame kai beltiwsame tis dimereis sxeseis me tis Hnwmenes Politeies, asxetws twn piqanwn diaforwn se epimeroys politikes, kai pisteyw oti einai panta qetiko na diathroyme aytes tis kales dimereis sxeseis. Einai pros ofelos eqniko'', eipe. Proedros Boylhs - Epitropos Kyproy sthn EE --------------------------------------------- O Epitropos ths Kyproy sthn EE Markos Kyprianoy dhlwse xqes oti sthn Eyrwpaikh Epitroph den yparxei arnhtiko klima gia thn Kypro logw ths katachfishs toy sxedioy Anan apo thn e/k koinothta sto dhmochfisma ths 24hs Aprilioy, prosqetontas oti to mono qema poy yparxei einai ayto toy dhmosionomikoy elleimmatos. Se dhlwseis toy ystera apo synanthsh me ton Proedro ths Boylhs Dhmhtrh Xristofia xqes to meshmeri kai apantwntas se erwthsh, eipe oti ''den exei egerqei opoiodhpote qema gia thn Kypro, ektos apo to qema toy elleimmatos''. ``Den mporw na pw oti yparxei kan arnhtiko klima, toylaxisto se epipedo Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs kai se epipedo poy afora th dikh moy armodiothta'', eipe o k. Kyprianoy. O Epitropos ejhghse oti h episkech toy sthn Kypro einai idiwtikh kai anefere oti epeidh einai h prwth episkech toy sthn Kypro qewrhse oti qa htan swsto na pragmatopoihsei kapoies epafes. Prosqese oti proxqes synanthqhke me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias kai ton Ypoyrgo Oikonomikwn me ton opoio syzhthse, kai ws Epitropos gia ton Proypologismo ths EE, qemata koinhs armodiothtas. EE - Markos Kyprianoy - Dhlwseis ------------------------------------ Seira qematwn syzhthse o Markos Kyprianoy, Melos ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs armodios gia ton Proypologismo, kata tis epafes toy sto nhsi, xwris wstoso na yparxei kaqorismenh hmerhsia diatajh gia tis synanthseis poy eixe me diaforoys foreis, stoys opoioys ejhghse tis armodiothtes kai ta kaqhkonta toy sthn Epitroph. O k. Kyprianoy anaferqhke kai sth mh metabash toy sta katexomena gia prokaqorismenes synanthseis me to t/k Emporiko Epimelhthrio kai alloys foreis logw ths apaithshs twn katoxikwn ''arxwn'' na epideijei to diabathrio toy, apaithsh poy den efarmozetai gia alloys Epitropoys. ''Paroysiasthke problhma sth metabash moy, den qa moy parexontan oi idies dieykolynseis poy parexontai se alla melh ths Epitrophs kai egine safes oti den qa hmoyn eyprosdektos giati qewroyn oti ekproswpw toys E/K mono, kati poy deixnei agnoia gia thn EE afoy sthn Epitroph den ekproswpeis kanena'', eipe. Eipe akoma pws, lambanontas ypoch thn ypoxrewsh toy ws melos ths Epitrophs na synomilhsei me toys T/K, pragmatopoihse synanthsh mazi toys stis eleyqeres perioxes. ''To qema ayto qa prepei na to doyme stis Bryjelles, me ta ypoloipa melh ths Epitrophs kai ton Proedro ths, omws den eprepe ayto na afhsw na ephreasei th synanthsh me toys T/K'', anefere. Apantwntas se erwthsh, eipe pws toso o T/K hgeths Raoyf Ntenktas oso kai o legomenos prwqypoyrgos Mexmet Ali Talat htan enhmeroi ths katastashs alla h synennohsh egine me ton k. Talat. Se allh erwthsh, eipe pws oi T/K sth synanthsh ejefrasan tis anhsyxies toys anaforika me ton termatismo ths apomonwshs toys, beltiwsh toy biotikoy epipedoy toys kai th diakinhsh agaqwn dia ths grammhs antiparatajhs. Se erwthsh kata poso exei ephreastei h ergasia poy prepei na epitelei apo to apotelesma toy dhmochfismatos ths 24hs Aprilioy, o k. Kyprianoy apanthse arnhtika kai ypenqymise oti den einai ekproswpos ths kybernhshs sthn Epitroph, alla leitoyrgei prowqwntas ta eyrwpaika qemata. ''H leitoyrgia twn kaqhkontwn moy den exei ephreastei'', prosqese, shmeiwnontas oti ergazetai anejarthta apo ta eqnika h kybernhtika symferonta ths xwras proeleyshs toy, exontas omws eidikh eyaisqhsia se qemata poy aforoyn thn Kypro. ''Den eimai o ekproswpos ths Kyproy sthn Komision'', ejhghse. Eyrwekloges - Taramoyntas - Boylh - Protash nomoy ------------------------------------------------------ O boyleyths Xristodoylos Taramoyntas kateqese xqes protash nomoy gia tropopoihsh ths nomoqesias gia tis boyleytikes ekloges wste oi syndyasmoi anejarthtwn ypochfiwn h oi anejarthtoi ypochfioi na einai se qesh na laboyn meros sth deyterh katanomh twn edrwn stis eyrwekloges ths 13hs Ioynioy. Se dhlwseis toy shmera sth Boylh, eipe oti qa zhthqei h syzhthsh ypo morfh katepeigontos wste na ejasfalisqei apotelesma prin apo tis eyrwekloges. Eyrwekloges - Prodromoy - Eklogikos nomos ----------------------------------------------- Gia ''systhma prostasias kommatikwn katesthmenwn'' mesa sto kratos ekane logo xqes o boyleyths Prodromos Prodromoy, epikrinontas th Nomikh Yphresia kai thn Yphresia Eklogwn se sxesh me thn apofash toy Genikoy Eforoy Eklogwn Lazaroy Sabbidh na mhn apodextei ton Synaspismo ''Synagermos gia thn Eyrwph'' ws komma. Se dhlwseis toy, o k. Prodromoy eipe pws o ''Synagermos gia thn Eyrwph'', o opoios idryqhke ws kommatikos sxhmatismos gia na symmetasxei stis Eyrwekloges ths 13hs Ioynioy, den apodexetai thn apofash toy k. Sabbidh me thn opoia apofainetai oti o Synagermos gia thn Eyrwph den einai kommatikos sxhmatismos, paraqetontas epixeirhmata kata ths apofashs toy Genikoy Eforoy Eklogwn. Eyrwekloges - Proedros Dhmokratias - DHKO - Ypochfioi - Pittokopiths To Dhmokratiko Komma qa yposthrijei endexomenh protash gia tropopoihsh ths nomoqesias peri eklogwn wste anejarthtoi ypochfioi h omades na mporoyn na pernoyn sth deyterh katanomh dioti qewrei to aithma dikaiologhmeno. Sth sxetikh dhlwsh proebh shmera o A Antiproedros toy DHKO Nikos Pittokopiths ystera apo synanthsh ths Grammateias toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy toy kommatos kai toys eji ypochfioys gia tis eyrwekloges me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias Tasso Papadopoylo. Eyrwekloges - Proedros DHSY - Paroysiash ypochfiwn ------------------------------------------------------- O Proedros toy DHSY Nikos Anastasiadhs paroysiase epishma xqes se diaskech Typoy toys ypochfioys toy DHSY gia to Eyrwpaiko Koinoboylio, Panagiwth Dhmhtrioy, Elenh Qeoxaroys, Iwannh Kasoylidh, Manqo Mayrommath, Taso Mhtsopoylo kai Leyterh Xristoforoy. ''Eimaste yperhfanoi, giati exoyme thn kalyterh omada, mia omada me empeiria, me gnwseis, ajiopistia, diasyndeseis, stelexh poy mporoyn kai prepei na einai h eikona ths Kyproy sthn Eyrwph'', eipe kanontas anafora kai sth symmetoxh toy DHSY sto Eyrwpaiko Laiko Komma kai th drash toy eyrytera ston politiko xwro. Eyrwekloges - Sabbidhs - DHSY - ''Synagermos gia thn Eyrwph'' - Enstash Meta thn 1hn Ioynioy, opote to Anwtato Dikasthrio qa ejetasei thn ypoqesh se sxesh me th xrhsh ths lejhs ''Synagermos'' sthn onomasia toy Syndyasmoy ''Synagermos gia thn Eyrwph'', qa oristikopoihqei to chfodeltio gia tis Eyrwekloges ths 13hs Ioynioy, opws dhlwse sto KYPE o Genikos Eforos Eklogwn Lazaros Sabbidhs. Wstoso, meta apo ayth thn ejelijh, ta periqwria steneyoyn gia thn Yphresia Eklogwn, h opoia, an den yphrxe ayth h enstash, qa proxwroyse sthn ektypwsh twn chfodeltiwn. Se dhlwseis sto KYPE, o k. Sabbidhs eipe pws xqes o DHSY ypebale enstash sthn Yphresia Eklogwn gia th xrhsh ths lejhs ''Synagermos'' apo ton Synaspismo ''Synagermos gia thn Eyrwph''. ''Apo th stigmh poy yparxei ayth h enstash kai h apofash toy Anwtatoy Dikasthrioy, eimai anagkasmenos na mhn proxwrhsw sthn ektypwsh toy chfodeltioy mexri ekeinh thn hmeromhnia'', eipe o k. Sabbidhs, prosqetontas oti h ejelijh ayth ''kanei para poly dyskola ta pragmata''. O Genikos Eforos Eklogwn eipe omws oti mexri thn 1h Ioynioy, h Yphresia qa proxwrhsei sth dokimastikh ekdosh toy chfodeltioy gia elegxo, shmeiwnontas oti to chfodeltio sthn telikh toy morfh qa ektypwqei meta thn 1hn Ioynioy. Eyrwekloges - KEA - DHKO - Yposthrijh ------------------------------------------ Yposthrijh pros to eyrwchfodeltio toy DHKO apofasise to Dieyrymeno Politiko Grafeio toy Kommatos Eyrwdhmokratikhs Ananewshs (KEA), to opoio synhlqe proxqes brady. Anakoinwsh toy KEA anaferei pws to Dieyrymeno Politiko Grafeio toy kommatos apofasise na apodexqei thn eishghsh ths Ektelestikhs Epitrophs kai stis ekloges gia to Eyrwpaiko Koinoboylio na yposthrijei to chfodeltio toy DHKO. Eyrwekloges - ''Eyrwpaikh Kypros'' - Omada yposthrijhs ---------------------------------------------------------- Otan yparjei lysh toy Kypriakoy oi eji Eyrwboyleytes ths Kyproy qa prepei na ypobaloyn thn paraithsh toys etsi wste na diejaxqoyn nees ekloges sthn Kypro apo tis opoies na anadeixqoyn tesseris E/K kai dyo T/K eyrwboyleytes dhlwse xqes o Proedros twn EDH Giwrgos Basileioy, milwntas se diaskech Typoy gia thn paroysiash ths omadas yposthrijhs toy syndyasmoy ''Eyrwpaikh Kypros'' poy katerxetai stis eyrwekloges me eji ypochfioys. Erwthqeis an einai dynato na ginoyn epanalhptikes ekloges, o k. Basileioy anefere pws parolo poy h Eyrwboylh den epiqymei genika th dienergeia epanalhptikwn eklogwn, wstoso epeidh h epanenwsh ths Kyproy qa ginei mia fora ''qeloyme na elpizoyme oti qa broyme katanohsh kai h Eyrwboylh qa symfwnhsei na ginei ejairesh''. Eyrwekloges - GG Oikologwn - Apofash Genikoy Eforoy -------------------------------------------------------- O GG toy Kinhmatos Oikologwn Periballontistwn Giwrgos Perdikhs, sxoliazontas thn apofash toy Genikoy Eforoy Ekloghs melwn toy Eyrwpaikoy Koinoboylioy gia to sxhmatismo ``Synagermos gia thn Eyrwph'', eipe oti h katastash poy epikratei sto proeklogiko skhniko, einai katastash ``proeklogikhs kalponoqeias''. Se dhlwseis toy sth Boylh ejefrase thn pepoiqhsh oti oloi oi kommatikoi sxhmatismoi anejarthta apo to xrono ton opoio exoyn idryqei prepei na mporoyn na diekdikoyn me isoys oroys thn chfo twn politwn. Eipe oti diamorfwnontai synqhkes stis opoies den leitoyrgei h arxh twn iswn eykairiwn gia oloys toys eklogikoys sxhmatismoys. Proedros Dhmokratias - Proedros Trapezas Anaptyjews - Apagwgh ---------------------------------------------------------------- O Proedros ths Dhmokratias Tassos Papadopoylos dexqhke xqes ton Proedro ths Trapezas Anaptyjews Andrea Moysko apo ton opoio enhmerwqhke gia tis drasthriothtes ths Trapezas alla kai to qema ths apagwghs toy Dieyqynth ths Trapezas Anaptyjews sth Rwsia Mixalh Qoykydidh, 46 etwn. O k. Moyskos anefere oti ''o Mixalhs brisketai sth zwh'' opws diapistwqhke kai me to grapto mhnyma poy exei lhfqei meta apo mesolabhsh kapoioy atomoy, enw synexizontai oi prospaqeies apo tis Arxes ths Dhmokratias kai ths Rwsias gia thn apeleyqerwsh toy. To mhnyma elege ''eimai kala kai parakalw teleiwste ayth thn ypoqesh giati exoyn perasei para polles hmeres'', anefere o k. Moyskos, epikrinontas toys xeirismoys twn rwsikwn Arxwn poy, opws eipe, gnwrizoyn oti zei kai feroyn eyqynh gia thn apeleyqerwsh toy. ''Ginontai diabhmata kai apo to Ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn kai apo to Proedriko to idio gia na analabei pleon h rwsikh kybernhsh kai h astynomia ekei tis eyqynes toys'', eipe o k. Moyskos, prosqetontas oti den einai dynaton akoma kai oi idies oi rwsikes Arxes na eishgoyntai na plhrwqoyn lytra. Erwthqeis pws qa teleiwsei ayth h ypoqesh, o k. Moyskos eipe oti oi drastes ths apagwghs exoyn afhsei endeijeis gia xrhmata ''alla emeis exoyme aporricei opoiandhpote diapragmateysh mazi me toys apagwgeis kai den exoyme diaqesh oyte emeis oyte h kybernhsh na diapragmateytoyme h na plhrwsoyme''. Se parathrhsh oti h stash ayth endexomenws na qetei se kindyno th zwh toy Kyprioy trapezith, o k. Moyskos anefere oti h gnwmh twn eidikwn kai toy Arxhgeioy ths Astynomias einai oti oi apagwgeis den qa blacoyn ton k. Qoykydidh idiaitera twra poy oloi gnwrizoyn oti einai zwntanos. Apantwntas se allh erwthsh, anefere oti den einai gnwsto poioi einai oi drastes, shmeiwnontas pws me bash th martyria poy yparxei tria atoma ebalan ton k. Qoykydidh se aytokinhto kai ektote agnoeitai h tyxh toy. Basos Lyssaridhs - Proedrikos Apestalmenos - Libanos ------------------------------------------------------- Grapto mhnyma toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias Tassoy Papadopoyloy epedwse o Epitimos Proedros toy Kinhmatos Sosialdhmokratwn EDEK Basos Lyssaridhs ston Proedro toy Libanoy Emil Laxoynt, se synanthsh poy pragmatopoihqhke proxqes ston Libano, opoy metebh ws eidikos apestalmenos toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias. Symfwna me epishmh anakoinwsh, o Proedros toy Libanoy eipe pws antilambanetai plhrws toys logoys poy odhghsan thn e/k koinothta na aporricei to sxedio Anan, apofash poy opws shmeiwse prepei na ginei apodekth. O k. Lyssaridhs synanthqhke epishs kai me ton Prwqypoyrgo ths xwras Rafik Xariri. Kata tis synanthseis toy me toys Libanioys epishmoys, o k. Lyssaridhs aneptyje toys logoys poy wqhsan thn e/k koinothta na katachfisei to sxedio Anan kai toys enhmerwse gia tis trexoyses ejelijeis sthn Kypro. Swtos Zakxaios - Proedrikos Apestalmenos - Pakistan ----------------------------------------------------- Synanthsh me ton Anaplhrwth Ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn toy Pakistan Riaz Khokhar eixe xqes o Genikos Dieyqynths toy Ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn Presbhs Swtos Zakxaios, o opoios episkeptetai to Pakistan ws eidikos apestalmenos toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias Tassoy Papadopoyloy. Opws anaferei epishmh anakoinwsh, o k. Zakxaios metaferei grapto mhnyma toy Proedroy pros ton Prwqypoyrgo toy Pakistan Pervez Musharraf. O Genikos Dieyqynths toy Ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn enhmerwse ton synomilhth toy gia tis qeseis ths kypriakhs kybernhshs gia to Kypriako, kaqws kai gia thn epikeimenh Islamikh Diaskech. YPEJ Andoras - Epishmh episkech ---------------------------------- Epishmh episkech pragmatopoiei sthn Kypro apo tis 22 mexri tis 25 Maioy o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn ths Andoras Juli Minoves Trinquell, o opoios fqanei arga shmera to brady sto Aerodromio Larnakas. Th Deytera to prwi qa ginei dektos apo ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias Tasso Papadopoylo kai sth synexeia qa exei synomilies me ton Ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn Giwrgo Iakwboy, meta apo tis opoies oi dyo Ypoyrgoi qa proboyn se dhlwseis ston Typo. Argotera, o k. Trinquell qa synanthqei me ton Ypoyrgo Emporioy, Biomhxanias kai Toyrismoy Giwrgo Lillhka kai qa parakaqisei se geyma poy paraqetei o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn. Pagkyprio Symboylio Eirhnhs - Ekdhlwsh - Palaistiniakos laos ---------------------------------------------------------------- Thn aganakthsh toys gia th ''synexizomenh egklhmatikh kai ejontwtikh politikh'' toy kratoys toy Israhl se baros twn Palaistiniwn ejefrasan se chfisma toys oi symmetexontes sthn ekdhlwsh allhleggyhs pros ton palaistiniako lao poy diorganwse xqes sthn Plateia Eleyqerias to Pagkyprio Symboylio Eirhnhs se synergasia me to AKEL, thn EDON, thn PEO, thn POGO kai thn EKA. Sto chfisma, to opoio anegnwse o Genikos Grammateas toy Pagkyprioy Symboylioy Eirhnhs Stefanos Stefanoy, oi symmetexontes sthn ekdhlwsh ekfrazoyn epishs thn ''ameristh symparastash kai allhleggyh toys me ton adelfo lao ths Palaistinhs'' kai apaitoyn ton ''ameso termatismo ths kratikhs tromokratias toy Israhl se baros toys''. ''Oi katedafiseis spitiwn, h katastrofh ths ypodomhs sta edafh ths Palaistiniakhs Arxhs, h synexish ths anegershs toy teixoys toy aisxoys kai ta tyfla ktyphmata poy prokaloyn apwleies anamesa ston amaxo plhqysmo, synistoyn kataforh parabiash toy dieqnoys dikaioy kai kaqe ennoias hqikhs'', anaferetai sto chfisma. Oi symmetexontes sthn ekdhlwsh yposthrizoyn thn amesh efarmogh toy chfismatos 1402 toy Symboylioy Asfaleias toy OHE poy pronoei ton termatismo ths eisbolhs kai katoxhs twn palaistiniakwn edafwn kai ekfrazoyn thn yposthrijh toys sto anafaireto dikaiwma toy palaistiniakoy laoy gia idrysh anejarthtoy, kyriarxoy kratoys me prwteyoysa ta Anatolika Ierosolyma, opws pronooyn ta sxetika chfismata toy OHE. Sto chfisma toys ekfrazoyn thn anhsyxia toys gia thn katastash sthn eyryterh perioxh ths Meshs Anatolhs, h opoia me th synexizomenh katoxh toy Irak kai tis apeiles poy ektojeyontai kata ths Syrias apo tis HPA ektraxynetai me aprobleptes synepeies gia thn eirhnh kai thn asfaleia. Meta th syntomh teleth, oi symmetexontes poreythkan pros tis odoys Lhdras kai Onasagoroy. Olympiakoi Agwnes - Kypros - Istorikh anadromh ------------------------------------------------ H sxesh ths Kyproy me toys Olympiakoys Agwnes den arxizei to 1980 sth Mosxa, opoy h Kypros ws anejarthto kratos lambanei meros gia prwth fora se Olympiada. Kyprioi aqlhtes anaferontai se epigrafes kai alla istorika eyrhmata ws nikhtes stoys Arxaioys Olympiakoys Agwnes, opoy epitrepotan h symmetoxh mono se Ellhnes. Oi Aristwn Nikwnos Karpasewths, Artemidwros Salaminios, Dhmhtrios Salaminios, Zwilos Zwiloy Pafios, Newn Karpasewths, Stratoklhs Apollodwroy Salaminios, Xarhs Kyprios, Hrakleidhs Salaminios kai Onhsikratos Salaminios, einai ta onomata poy anaferontai ws nikhtes stis arxaies Olympiades. Me thn anabiwsh twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn to 1896 sthn Aqhna, h Kypros dhlwnei paroysa me dyo aqlhtes, ton Iwannh Fragkoydh, o opoios katakta to xryso sto pistoli apo 25 metra kai th deyterh qesh me polemiko oplo apo 300 metra kai ton Anastasio Andreoy, o opoios elabe meros sta 110 metra empodia. Kai oi dyo elaban meros me ta xrwmata ths ellhnikhs omadas. H idrysh twn gymnastikwn syllogwn sthn Kypro den einai asxeth me thn prwth sygxronh Olympiada. To 1892 idryetai o Gymnastikos Syllogos (GS) Olympia, to 1894 o GS Pagkypria kai to 1896 o GS Zhnwnas kai o GS Koroibos. Oi prwtoi Pagkyprioi Agwnes diorganwqhkan gia na epilegoyn oi aqlhtes stiboy poy qa lambanan meros stoys Panellhnioys Agwnes, oi opoioi htan kai prokrimatikoi gia thn prwth Olympiada. Apo toys agwnes aytoys epileghkan o Anastasios Andreoy (110 metra empodia) kai o Xaralampos Nikolaidhs (epi kontw). O Andreoy prwteyse stoys Panellhnioys kai taytoxrona kerdise th symmetoxh toy sthn prwth Olympiada. Apo to 1896 poy arxizoyn oi sygxronoi Olympiakoi Agwnes mexri to 1976, dekapente aqlhtes kai dyo aqlhtries elaban meros stis Olympiades ws melh ths ellhnikhs omadas. Apo to 1980 anoigei neo kefalaio gia ton kypriako aqlhtismo. H Kypros arxizei na lambanei meros stoys Olympiakoys Agwnes ws anejarthto kratos pleon. Xrhmatisthrio - Zhmies --------------------------- Arnhtika kinhqhke xqes to Xrhmatisthrio Ajiwn Kyproy, ypoxwrwntas sto epipedo twn 80 monadwn ws apotelesma twn piesewn poy dexqhke kyriws apo toys trapezikoys titloys. O Genikos Deikths, ystera apo dyo synexomenes hmeres anodikhs poreias, kategrace zhmies se pososto 0,88%, kleinontas stis 80,85 monades. H ajia twn synallagwn anhlqe stis 292 xiliades lires, me th metoxh ths Trapezas Kyproy na sygkentrwnei to 48,7% toy tziroy. [03] (K) Katexomena - Epideijh diabathriwn - KatarghshTo legomeno ypoyrgiko symboylio twn katexomenwn apofasise thn katarghsh toy metroy epideijhs diabathriwn kata tis eisodoys sta katexomena.Symfwna me ton t/k Typo, to metro ayto isxyei gia toys polites ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs. [04] (K) Proedros DHSY - Anaxwrhsh gia PortogaliaO Proedros toy DHSY Nikos Anastasiadhs dhlwse oti den yparxoyn xronodiagrammata ypo th morfh epibolhs gia epanenarjh dialogoy gia lysh toy Kypriakoy entos toy 2004, ektimwntas wstoso pws to syntomotero xronodiagramma qa prepei na qewreitai kai to epityxestero, prokeimenoy na apofeyxqoyn opoiadhpote tetelesmena poy qa apotrecoyn sto mellon thn efarmogh enos pleon beltiwmenoy sxedioy Anan.[05] (K) NEO - Markos Kyprianoy - DiabathrioH kybernhsh qa prepei "na antidrasei entona sthn energeia toy ceydokratoys na zhthsei diabathrio apo ton Eyrwpaio Epitropo Marko Kyprianoy, kataggellontas th stash ayth sta eyrwpaika qesmika organa", epishmainoyn oi Neoi Orizontes.[06] (K)* Eyrwekloges - GG AKEL - Paroysiash ypochfiwnTo Eyrwpaiko Koinoboylio (EK) prosferetai gia na prowqhsei h Kypros tis qeseis ths sto Kypriako, qa htan omws yperbolh na isxyristei kaneis oti mesa apo ayto qa epilyqei to Kypriako, dhlwse shmera o Genikos Grammateas toy AKEL Dhmhtrhs Xristofias, paroysiazontas sto plaisio dhmosiografikhs diaskechs toys eji ypochfioys toy kommatos stis eyrwekloges, kaqws kai thn programmatikh diakhryjh toy AKEL.[07] (K) Proedros Aystrias - Proedros SK EDEK - MhnymaO neoeklegeis Proedros ths Aystrias Xaints Fiser dhlwnei etoimos na ergastei gia thn anaptyjh twn dimerwn sxesewn metajy Kyproy kai Aystrias sta plaisia ths EE.[08] (K) Deltio Drasthriothtas ApodhmwnAHI Hosts Seminar on ''Cyprus The Road Ahead and U.S. Interests''WASHINGTON, DC - On May 19, 2004, the American Hellenic Institute presented a seminar entitled ''Cyprus The Road Ahead and U.S. Interests'' at the Capitol Hilton in Washington, D.C. The seminar was moderated by Lt. Colonel Harry Dinella, and the panel included Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ), Gregory R. Copley, Dr. Ted Galen Carpenter, Nicholas G. Karambelas, Esq., and AHI President, Eugene T. Rossides. Following the presentation, the panelists answered questions from the audience. Lt. Colonel Dinella is a former U.S. Army Foreign Area Officer for the Balkans who served as the US/NATO liaison to the Greek National Defense General Staff in Athens for the last four years of his military duty. Lt. Colonel Dinella opened the seminar with an brief overview of the emerging issues in the region, and set the stage for the panelists to comment on what interests the U.S. should seek to vindicate in Cyprus now that Cyprus is a full-fledged member of the European Union, despite the failure of the political process to achieve a just resolution of the unlawful occupation of the northern part of Cyprus by Turkey. Representative Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) is an eight-term Congressman representing New Jerseys Sixth Congressional District and a member of the Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues. He is a highly accomplished legislator whose achievements include landmark measures to protect the environment and create new job opportunities. Representative Pallone holds a masters degree in International Relations from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, and he is one of the leading Congressional voices on international affairs as they pertain to Cyprus and the Mediterranean region. In discussing the developments in Cyprus, Congressman Pallone acknowledged that there is much work that remains to be done. He criticized the failed Annan Plan as an obstacle to a fair resolution of the Cyprus dispute, because the Annan Plan was punitive to Greek Cypriots and contained numerous provisions that flouted the rule of law. Congressman Pallone ardently supported the democratic process in Cyprus and explained that ''the people have a right to express themselves at the ballot box, and any effort to try to undo that or suggest that the voters are wrong, is, to me, nothing more than anti-democratic posturing or leaning towards dictatorship or totalitarian rule . . . and I think it is very important for all of us to speak out and say what happened is an exercise in democracy.'' Congressman Pallone told the audience that he personally, ''would have voted no [to the Annan Plan] because there were many provisions that were objectionable.'' The Congressman also advocated for the Greek American community to remain vigilant in the pursuit of a unified Cyprus. He stated, ''I do feel that it is important to keep speaking out and pointing out why the referendum failed'' and to call for ''transparent negotiations that allow for the full participation of the Cypriot communities and that dont result in any pressure not only from Turkey or Greece, but also from the United States or the European Union.'' Congressman Pallone also announced that he will introduce ''comprehensive legislation that would enable U.S. citizens who own real property in Turkish occupied Cyprus to sue in U.S. District Courts any private person who uses or possesses that property and that would allow U.S. citizens to sue a foreign state, obviously Turkey, which employs its military to exclude U.S. citizens from their properties.'' Gregory R. Copley presented a comprehensive analysis of the viable options for the Eastern Mediterranean region following the April 24, 2004 Cyprus referenda, and he set forth a candid outlook for the proximate future of that region. Mr. Copley is President of the world-wide organization, International Strategic Studies Association (ISSA) in Washington, D.C., and he is also the President of Global Information System, Inc. and the Editor-in-Chief of Defense & Foreign Affairs Publishing Group. He is a prolific writer who has authored several thousand articles, papers, lectures and reports over the past 40 years, many of them dealing with Cyprus and issues relevant to the Eastern Mediterranean region. Mr. Copleys entire presentation is attached. Dr. Ted Galen Carpenter is Vice President for defense and foreign policy studies at the CATO Institute in Washington, D.C. Dr. Carpenter is an author of numerous books and over 200 journal, newspaper, and magazine articles, and he is a frequent guest on radio and television programs in North America, Europe, East Asia and other regions. Dr. Carpenter stated that one of the results of the Cyprus referenda on the flawed Annan Plan is that the Greek Cypriots are now perceived as being ''obstructionist.'' In discussing the emerging policy issues in Cyprus, he observed that since Cyprus is now a member of the EU, it ''has the right to veto Turkeys accession to the EU.'' However, Dr. Carpenter cautioned that ''Nicosia has to be very careful with its veto power.'' According to Dr. Carpenter, like the deterrence factor of an atomic bomb, this veto power is perhaps ''much more effective to threaten to use than it is to actually use.'' Dr. Carpenter explained that any new proposal for reunification of Cyprus must, at a bare minimum, ''set a date certain for withdrawal of all foreign troops from Cyprus,'' and ''provide for the right of return for displaced persons.'' Nicholas G. Karambelas, Esq., offered commentary on the legal implications of the Cyprus issue and exposed the appallingly flawed property provisions of the Annan Plan. He is a founding partner of Sfikas & Karambelas, which has offices in Washington, D.C. and affiliated offices in Montreal, Canada and Athens, Greece. Mr. Karambelas is legal counsel to AHI, and he chairs the American Hellenic Lawyers Society of Greater Washington, D.C. In analyzing the legal aspects of the Annan Plan, Mr. Karambelas illustrated its clear deficiencies and highlighted that, among other serious shortcomings of the Annan Plan, ''the property provisions of the Annan Plan are not mandatory; they are discretionary,'' and ''the plans board decisions cannot be appealed.'' Eugene T. Rossides, President of AHI, discussed the political background of the Cyprus issue, Cyprus support of America, the numerous failings of the Annan Plan, and the road ahead in Cyprus and its region. Mr. Rossides offered remarks on the relevant political background of the Cyprus issue, including the State Departments past involvement in ''encouraging the illegal coup, invasion and occupation of Cyprus in 1974,'' and its present actions in ''covering up the events of 1974.'' Mr. Rossides explained that the ''U.S. bears the major responsibility for Turkeys aggression and should now be willing to stand up and hold Turkey accountable for its aggression.'' However, instead of ''pressing for a reunited Cyprus under majority rule, the rule of law and protection of minority rights,'' as proposed by Vice President George H.W. Bush in July 1988, the State Department ''went to extreme lengths from February 13 to April 24, 2004 to pressure the Greek Cypriots to vote for the Annan Plan.'' Regarding Cyprus and the U.S., Mr. Rossides said the following: ''Despite these actions and others of the State Department, I can confidently state that the Greek Cypriots not only do not ''hate'' Americans, but that they admire and respect Americans and American values and traditions. Many Greek Cypriots have relatives who are American citizens. ''The Greek Cypriots do, however, ''hate'' the American policy of a double standard on the rule of law for Turkey and the appeasement of Turkey these past 30 years. ''It is important to note and understand that Cyprus has always stood by America and the West. Even as a British colony in World War II, 35,000 Greek Cypriots volunteered and fought against the Axis powers while Turkey aided Hitler by supplying vital chromium ore for the Nazi war factories. The Greek Cypriots, on very short notice, built a landing strip for allied bombers following their air raid on the Polesti oil fields. ''Cyprus is a strategic key in the Eastern Mediterranean. It is a stationary aircraft carrier used by the British and U.S. air forces and is the headquarters for British forces in the Middle East. Cyprus played a key role for the U.S. in the Persian Gulf war of 1991. ''And in the Iraq war of 2003 to the present time, the British bases in Cyprus have played an important role in transporting British and American military power to Iraq with the cooperation of the Greek Cypriots. It should be noted that Turkey voted on March 1, 2003 to deny the U.S. the use of Turkish bases to open a second front against the Saddam Hussein dictatorship. ''Cyprus has been a staunch ally of the U.S. in the fight against international terrorism generally. Cyprus played an important role in undertakings pertaining to the fight against terrorism in Afghanistan during the fall of 2001. ''Frankly, Cyprus, which has proven its strategic value to the U.S. and the West, and which sits astride the oil route in the Eastern Mediterranean, is decidedly more important strategically to the U.S. than Turkey, a proven unreliable strategic ally. ''The U.S., in its own strategic interests, should be pressing for a reunited Cyprus under majority rule, the rule of law and protection of minority rights as stated by former Vice President George H.W. Bush in July 1988.'' Mr. Rossides enumerated the serious flaws that remained in the final version of Annan Plan, namely, the fact that the proposal: (i) was undemocratic, (ii) was unworkable, (iii) violated the UN Charter and key UN resolutions, (iv) subverted property rights, (v) failed to fully demilitarize Cyprus, (vi) did not provide for the return to Turkey of the 100,000 illegal Turkish settlers in the occupied area, (vii) failed to propose a fair territorial adjustment, (viii) required the Greek Cypriot victims to pay for their compensation and damages instead of Turkey, the aggressor, and (ix) not financially viable. He specifically cited the Annan Plan cover-up of Turkeys aggression as a particularly egregious aspect of the Annan Plan. Mr. Rossides explained that, quite shockingly, ''there was no acknowledgment of nor any mention made of Turkeys aggression in the Annan Plan,'' and likewise, ''there was no provision in the Annan Plan requiring Turkey to make payments to the Greek Cypriots for the destruction and damage caused to them by the Turkish military.'' Mr. Rossides also commented on the road ahead for Cyprus. He explained that the ''Cyprus issue will not go away and there will be negotiations to reunite the people of Cyprus,'' and he stated that ''the role of Greek Americans in the months ahead in the interests of the U.S. is to stress the importance to the U.S. of a negotiated solution based on American values and principles.'' 551 XRONIA APO THN ALWSH THS POLHS ---------------------------------- Pentakosia penhnta ena xronia meta thn Alwsh ths Polhs, oi Kwnstantinoypolites timoyn thn qysia kai thn mnhmh toy Kwnstantinoy Palaiologoy kai twn sympolemistwn toy se mia eidikh ekdhlwsh, ypo thn aigida toy Dhmarxoy P. Falhroy k. D. Xatzhdakh, h opoia qa pragmatopoihqei to Sabbato 29 Maioy 2004, stis 7.30 to apogeyma, sto Eygeneidio Idryma (L. Syggroy 387) Sthn ekdhlwsh ayth symmetexoyn 20 kai pleon Syllogoi kai Swmateia Kwn/twn. (Syllogos Kwnstantinoypolitwn, Enwsh Kwn/politwn : Neos Kyklos Kwn/politwn - Swmateio Apelaqentwn Ellhnwn Yphkown ek Toyrkias, ta Sxolika Swmateia - Syndesmos Megalosxolitwn, Syndesmos twn en Elladi Zwgrafeiwtwn, Syndesmos Iwakeimeiadwn, Syllogos Zappidwn, Syllogos Kentrikiadwn- kai ta synergazomena Swmateia -kat' alfabhtikh seira- Adelfothta Kwn/politwn Megaloy Reymatos ``O Tajiarxhs'', Aqlhtikos Omilos Pera, Aqlhtikos Omilos Tatayla, Byzantino Kentro, Estia Kwn/polews, Enwsh Omogenwn ek Kwn/lews Boreioy Ellados, Enwsh 1924 (A.E.K.), Morfwtikos Syndesmos Galata, Morfwtikos Syndesmos Nhsoy Xalkhs ``Agios Nikolaos'', Syllogos Moysikofilwn ek Kwn/polews, Syllogos Prigkhpianwn, Syndesmos Apofoitwn Amerikanikoy Kollegioy Kwn/polews, Syndesmos Apofoitwn Robertioy, Syndesmos Filwn Moysikhs h Qeotokos). Tis gewpolitikes synepeies kai to istoriko ths alwshs qa anaptyjoyn o Kaqhghths Stamaths Gewrgoylhs kai o Didaktwr Istorikos Iwannhs Antwnopoylos, enw keimena qa diabasoyn oi hqopoioi Xrysoyla Diabath kai Tasos Mpanths. Qa problhqoyn fwteines diafaneies me thn frontida toy Dhmhtrh Palabidh kai qa akoystoyn tragoydia ths Polhs apo thn Dhmotikh Xorwdia Byzantinhs kai Paradosiakhs Moysikhs toy Dhmoy Kalybiwn ypo thn Dieyqynsh toy Prwtocalth Mix. Kozh. H eisodos, sthn jexwristh ayth ekdhlwsh synolikhs diarkeias 80 leptwn, qa einai eleyqerh. [09] (K) Katexomena - Diakinhsh - TaytothtaH diakinhsh pros ta katexomena me thn epideijh mono taytothtas den exei arxisei akomh, afoy den exoyn doqei odhgies stis legomenes arxes sta katoxika odofragmata anaforika me tis nees dieyqethseis.[10] (K)* Eyrwekloges - AKEL - Komma Enwmenh KyprosO Genikos Grammateas toy AKEL Dhmhtrhs Xristofias anefere oti ''efoson den exei lyqei to Kypriako, h Kybernhsh ths Dhmokratias, me bash kai ta dedomena ths entajhs sthn EE, einai ypeyqynh na diejagagei tis ekloges gia to Eyrwpaiko Koinoboylio''.Cyprus News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |