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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-01-03

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


  • [04] QOK BRABEIA


    Ikanopoihmenos dhlwnei o Ypoyrgos Eswterikwn Xristos Patsalidhs apo ton ariqmo twn newn chfoforwn poy exoyn eggrafei stoys eklogikoys katalogoys gia tis proedrikes ekloges toy Febroyarioy.

    Sygkekrimena, mesa se treis mhnes exoyn eggrafei 15.608 neoi chfoforoi.

    ``To teleytaio trimhno meta thn ekstrateia poy ejaggeilame ws Ypoyrgeio Eswterikwn exoyn eggrafei 15.608 atoma, neoi chfoforoi. Alla na mhn toys mperdeyoyme me toys neoys sthn hlikia, milame gia neoys eggegrammenoys chfoforoys'', dhlwse o Ypoyrgos Eswterikwn.

    Apantwntas se erwthseis sto plaisio ths ekdhlwshs gia to kocimo ths basilopitas sto KYPE o k. Patsalidhs eipe oti basei twn stoixeiwn poy exoyn oi armodies yphresies eprepe na eixan eggrafei akomh 12,000 atoma.

    ``Basei twn stoixeiwn paramenoyn alles 12,000 poy eprepe na eixan eggrafei'', eipe o Ypoyrgos.

    Shmeiwse, wstoso, oti to gegonos oti mesa se treis mhnes exoyn eggrafei 15.608 atoma prepei na qewreitai epityxia.

    ``Qewroyme oti h ekstrateia gia eggrafh twn newn chfoforwn htan epityxhmenh. Eixame tonisei oti h eggrafh htan kai ypoxrewsh, alla kai dikaiwma kai qewroyme oti an kai paramenei enas ariqmos poy den exei eggrafei, den mporoyme na gnwrizoyme ayth th stigmh toys logoys dioti mporei na mhn katoikoyn pleon sthn Kypro h na yparxoyn alloi nomimoi logoi poy den exoyn eggrafei. Alla emeis qewroyme oti o mazikos aytos ariqmos eggrafhs mas ikanopoiei plhrws'', synexise.

    Erwthqeis kata poson qa yparjoyn epiptwseis gia ta atoma poy pareleican na eggrafoyn, eipe oti ayto to qema qa melethqei se synennohsh me ton Geniko Eisaggelea.

    ``Panta yparxei to qema ths meleths twn logwn gia toys opoioys den exoyn eggrafei alla antilambaneste ayto qa prepei na melethqei kai me ton Geniko Eisaggelea gia na doyme akribws poia qa prepei na einai ta metra poy prepei na lhfqoyn oson afora thn ypoxrewsh gia thn chfoforia'', eipe.

    Se o,ti afora ton ariqmo twn ypochfiwn proedrwn, o k. Patsalidhs eipe oti an kai epishma oi ypochfiothtes qa ypoblhqoyn stis 18 Ianoyarioy, anepishma yparxoyn arketoi poy exoyn zhthsei plhrofories.

    ``Sigoyra mas prokalei entypwsh to gegonos oti peran apo toys gnwstoys kai en dynamei ypochfioys yparxoyn kai alloi fetos poy exoyn zhthsei kapoies plhrofories'', katelhje.


    Omala ejelissetai sthn Kypro kai th Malta h metabash sto eyrw, enw ta kroysmata kerdoskopias poy katagrafhkan htan poly liga, symfwna me shmerinh anakoinwsh ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs.

    Oi yphresies toy armodioy Epitropoy gia tis Oikonomikes kai Nomismatikes Ypoqeseis, Xoakin Almoynia, edwsan shmera to apogeyma sth dhmosiothta ton apologismo twn dyo prwtwn hmerwn apo thn yioqethsh toy eyrw stis dyo xwres. Opws epishmainei h Komision, oles oi endeijeis deixnoyn oti h metabash ejelissetai poly omala xwris kanena ajioshmeiwto peristatiko. Hdh apo tis 2 Ianoyarioy megalos ariqmos synallagwn ginontan kai stis dyo xwres mono se eyrw kai to 40% twn politwn eixe kyriws h mono eyrw sto portofoli toy.

    Stis 2 Ianoyarioy, sto 92% twn synallagwn ta resta doqhkan se eyrw sthn Kypro kai sto 81% sth Malta. To 12% twn erwthqentwn apanthse oti eixe xartonomismata mono se eyrw kai allo 31% kyriws se eyrw. To 20% eixe sto portofoli toy mono kermata eyrw kai 26% kyriws kermata se eyrw. To 28% twn kypriwn eixe plhrwsei stis 2 Ianoyarioy toylaxiston mia synallagh se eyrw, enw to 68% xrhsimopoioyse akomh lires.

    Symfwna me thn Epitroph yphrxan kapoies oyres se mhxanhmata analhchs xrhmatwn kai trapezes. Ta 550 mhxanhmata ATM ths Kyproy apo thn 1h Ianoyarioy dieqetan eyrw ta perissotera apo to meshmeri, enw eginan 50.000 analhceis ycoys 5,97 ekat. eyrw tis dyo prwtes meres toy neoy xronoy. Apo ta tameia twn trapezwn eginan analhceis 116 ekat. eyrw.


    To argotero mexri thn Paraskeyh, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Tassos Papadopoylos qa anakoinwsei thn apofash toy gia anapomph h oxi toy nomoy gia to fysiko aerio, dhlwse shmera o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Basilhs Palmas.

    Erwthqeis ean kata th diarkeia ths synedrias toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy, poy egine thn Pempth to prwi, syzhthqhke to endexomeno o Proedros Papadopoylos na anapemcei to nomo gia to fysiko aerio, o k. Palmas eipe oti ``exei ginei kai synexizetai twra h syzhthsh gyrw apo to qema toy fysikoy aerioy, oi Ypoyrgoi ekfrazoyn tis apoceis kai tis qeseis toys, alla kai toys problhmatismoys toys gyrw apo ayto to qema``.

    ``Ton teleytaio logo exei apokleistika o Proedros ths Dhmokratias, opws allwste problepei kai to Syntagma. Shmera einai h teleytaia hmera gia na apofasisei kai mexri ayrio qa koinopoihqei h apofash``, prosqese.

    [04] QOK BRABEIA

    Aponemontai th Deytera, 7 Ianoyarioy 2008, ta Brabeia Qeatroy toy Qeatrikoy Organismoy Kyproy gia thn periodo 2005 2007, se kallitexnes apo ton epaggelmatiko xwro toy qeatroy, oi opoioi ws syntelestes kypriakwn paragwgwn shmeiwsan jexwristes epidoseis. Qa aponemhqei, epishs, to Megalo Brabeio Qeatroy QOK se atomo gia th mexri shmera prosfora toy sto qeatro.

    Qa aponemhqoyn brabeia gia th Qeatrikh Syggrafh kai Qeatrikh Diaskeyh (ypochfioi: Antwnhs Gewrgioy, Adwnis Flwridhs), gia thn ermhneia Kalyteroy Andrikoy Roloy (ypochfioi: Marios Iwannoy, Barnabas Kyriazhs, Stayros Loyras), gia thn ermhneia Kalyteroy Gynaikeioy Roloy (ypochfies: Patrisia Pettemeridoy, Annita Santorinaioy, Lenia Sorokoy).

    Epishs, qa aponemhqoyn brabeio Skhnoqesias (ypochfioi: Xristos Zanos, Lea Malenh, Mhnas Tigklhs), Brabeio Skhnografias (ypochfioi: Edoyardos Gewrgioy, Melita Koyta), brabeio Endymatologias (ypochfioi: Stefanos Aqhainiths, Melita Koyta, Xarhs Kaykaridhs kai Melita Koyta), brabeio gia thn kalyterh Moysikh (ypochfioi: Alkinoos Iwannidhs, Sabbas Sabba, omada TAT TNABAR), brabeio Xorografias (ypochfioi: Elena Antwnioy, Isidwros Siderhs, Lia Xarakh) kai brabeio gia to Fwtistiko Sxediasmo (ypochfioi: Giwrgos Koykoymas, Karolina Spyroy).

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