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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-01-04

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    O Proedros ths Dhmokratias Tassos Papadopoylos ektima pws thn katallhlh stigmh, alla oxi prin tis proedrikes ekloges toy Febroyarioy, anamenetai na ekdhlwqei kapoia kinhtikothta sto Kypriako me stoxo thn epanenarjh twn diapragmateysewn gia lysh toy problhmatos.

    Milwntas kata th diarkeia geymatos, poy pareqese to KYPE stoys antapokrites jenwn MME sthn Kypro, o Proedros Papadopoylos eipe pws h Kybernhsh exei etoimasei protaseis me basika stoixeia poy qa kaqistoyn th lysh toy problhmatos leitoyrgikh kai biwsimh, kai xarakthrise tis protaseis aytes ``logikes kai leitoyrgikes''.

    Ejefrase thn ektimhsh oti ta dieqnh kentra lhcews apofasewn qa exoyn rolo kai qa energhsoyn ws moxlos pieshs pros thn Toyrkia me stoxo thn epiteyjh mia dikaihs lyshs.

    Eipe akoma pws oi diapragmateyseis qa prepei na epilysoyn to edafiko, to qema twn epoikwn, to prosfygiko, to perioysiako, th domh ths kybernhshs kai ton tropo me ton opoio qa lambanontai oi apofaseis, zhthmata poy xarakthrise shmantika.

    Tonise parallhla oti h Kypros, ws melos toy OHE kai ths EE, zhta efarmogh twn dikaiwmatwn ths, epishmainontas oti h Toyrkia ofeilei na symmorfwqei me tis ekklhseis kai tis ypodeijeis ths dieqnoys koinothtas se o,ti afora thn epilysh toy Kypriakoy.

    ``Den yparxei sto paron stadio endeijh oti qa jekinhsoyn diapragmateyseis'', eipe, apantwntas se erwthsh, kai prosqese pws qewrei oti h kypriakh Kybernhsh brisketai twra se pio enisxymenh qesh, exontas ejasfalisei th symfwnia ths 8hs Ioylioy, poy sthrizetai apo ton OHE kai thn EE, kai thn entajh sthn eyrwzwnh xwris na qysiastei to koinwniko kratos.

    O Proedros ths Dhmokratias epanelabe oti den yparxei allos tropos gia dieyqethsh toy Kypriakoy ektos apo thn eirhnikh odo, dhladh tis diapragmateyseis.

    Anaferqhke kai ston eyrwpaiko prosanatolismo ths Toyrkias, legontas oti h kaqe ypochfia gia entajh xwra krinetai apo ta krath melh ths EE sth bash ths proodoy poy epitelei gia symmorfwsh me to eyrwpaiko kekthmeno, gia na epishmanei oti mia Toyrkia poy sebetai kai efarmozei toys nomoys ths EE einai kalyterh para mia Toyrkia poy brisketai ektos twn plaisiwn ths Enwshs.

    Anaforika me to apotelesma twn proedrikwn eklogwn, o Proedros Papadopoylos paroysiasthke pepeismenos oti qa epaneklegei sto ypato ajiwma ths Dhmokratias.

    Apantwntas se erwthseis gia thn eleysh fysikoy aerioy sthn Kypro, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias eipe pws anamenetai na etoimastoyn se ennea peripoy mhnes oi prodiagrafes gia thn prokhryjh diagwnismoy gia prosfores gia thn kataskeyh xersaias monadas.

    H xersaia monada, eipe, anamenetai na leitoyrghsei mexri to 2011.

    Gia thn katastash sto Kossobo, o Proedros Papadopoylos epanelabe th qesh ths Kybernhshs, xarakthrizontas ``aparadekto'' h EE h o OHE na egkrinoyn thn aposxish toy Kossoboy xwris symfwnia.

    Anefere, epishs, oti o idios den anhsyxei gia to endexomeno h dieqnhs koinothta na eishghqei lysh sto Kypriako poy na pronoei aposxish, gia na tonisei oti den yparxei periptwsh na epiblhqei lysh ek twn ejwqen ston kypriako lao, ektos ean ayth ginei apodekth apo thn kypriakh Kybernhsh.


    Me grhgoroys ryqmoys kai xwris problhmata pragmatopoieitai h metabash sto eyrw sthn Kypro kai sth Malta, symfwna me thn ekproswpo toy armodioy Epitropoy gia tis oikonomikes kai nomismatikes ypoqeseis, Xoakin Almoynia.

    Opws dhlwse stis Bryjelles h Amelia Tores, kai kata th trith mera apo thn eisagwgh toy eyrw ta pragmata ejelixqhkan omala stis dyo xwres, opws eixan programmatistei.


    H Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Eratw Kozakoy Markoyllh qa pragmatopoihsei episkech ergasias sthn Iordania kai thn Palaistiniakh Arxh stis 7 kai 8 Ianoyarioy 2008.

    Epishmh anakoinwsh anaferei oti kata sth diarkeia ths episkechs ths sthn Iordania h k. Markoyllh qa exei synanthsh me ton omologo ths Ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn Salahhedin Al-Bashir.

    Apo to Amman h k. Markoyllh qa metabei sth Ramalla, opoy qa ginei dekth apo ton Prwqypoyrgo ths Palaistiniakhs Arxhs Salam Fayyad kai ton Proedro Mahmoud Abbas.

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