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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-01-07Cyprus News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA
[01] PROEDROS DHMOKRATIAS - QANATOS MIXAHLIDHTh baqytath qlich toy gia to qanato toy Alekoy Mixahlidh, prwhn Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn kai prwhn Proedroy ths Boylhs, ejefrase o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Tassos Papadopoylos, o opoios ypegrace to biblio syllyphthriwn poy anoije sth Boylh twn Antiproswpwn.``Synergasthka polla xronia apo polles qeseis me ton makaristo Aleko Mixahlidh, ena anqrwpo poy panta eixe to xamogelo sta xeilh, poy polla prosfere kai gia polla moxqhse gia ton topo mas. H mnhmh toy as einai aiwnia'', eipe o Proedros Papadopoylos stoys dhmosiografoys kata thn anaxwrhsh toy apo th Boylh. Sto biblio syllyphthriwn o Proedros ths Dhmokratias egrace ta ejhs: ``Ekfrazw baqytath qlich gia to qanato toy Alekoy Mixahlidh, enos anqrwpoy me to xamogelo panta sto proswpo kai enos politikoy poy gia polla moxqhse kai polla prosfere ston topo ws Proedros ths Boylhs kai ws Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn. Anamesa sta polla poy qetoyn th sfragida toy anapofeykta h mnhmh strefetai sthn apofasistikh symmetoxh toy sthn epiponh, makra kai syllogikh prospaqeia gia entajh sthn EE''. [02] EUROSTAT - KYPROS - ANERGIAThn trith kalyterh epidosh sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh sthn anergia, me 3,8% toy energoy plhqysmoy, eixe h Kypros to Noembrio, symfwna me ta stoixeia poy edwse sth dhmosiothta h Eurostat. Opws prokyptei apo ta koinotika stoixeia, h anergia sto synolo ths EE diamorfwqhke sto 6,9% toy energoy plhqysmoy, enw sthn eyrwzwnh htan 7,2%. Ta xamhlotera pososta anergias katagrafhkan sthn Ollandia (2,9), sth Dania (3,2%) kai sthn Kypro (3,8%).Ta ychlotera pososta shmeiwqhkan sth Slobakia (11,0%) kai sthn Polwnia (8,5%).Anaforika me thn ejelijh ths anergias sthn Kypro analoga me to fylo kai thn hlikia, stoys andres htan to Noembrio 3,3% kai stis gynaikes 4,4%. Stoys neoys katw twn 25 etwn h anergia htan 9,3% (stoixeia Septembrioy) , enw o mesos oros sto synolo ths EE htan 14,9%. Sthn Ellada h anergia to trito trimhno toy 2007 (teleytaia diaqesima stoixeia) htan ths tajhs toy 8,2% toy energoy plhqysmoy. Stoys andres htan 5,2%, stis gynaikes 12,6% kai stoys katw twn 25 etwn 22,6%. Symfwna me tis ektimhseis ths Eurostat, h EE eixe to Noembrio16,4 ekat. anergoys, ek twn opoiwn ta 11 ekat. aforoysan tis 13 xwres ths eyrwzwnhs. Ena xrono nwritera, dhladh to Septembrio toy 2006 oi antistoixoi ariqmoi htan 18,3 ekat. kai 12 ekat. anergoi. To pososto anergias poy katagrafhke sta krath melh to Septembrio toy 2007 htan: Ollandia 2,9%, Dania 3,2%, Kypros 3,8%, Liqoyania 4,0%, Aystria 4,2%, Irlandia 4,3%, Aystria 4,3%, Slobenia 4,3%, Tsexia 4,8%, Loyjemboyrgo 4,9%, Esqonia 5,2%, Hn. Basileio 5,2% (Septembrios 2007), Letonia 5,4%, Boylgaria 5,8%, Italia 6,0% (trito trimhno 2007), Soyhdia 6,0%, Malta 6,1%, Finlandia 6,7%, Belgio 7,2%, Roymania 7,2%, Oyggaria 7,9%, Gallia 7,9%, Ellada 8,2%, Ispania 8,2%, Portogalia 8,2%, Polwnia 8,5%, Slobakia 11,0%. Cyprus News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |