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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-01-13

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    Thn ektimhsh oti syntoma qa yparjei aisio telos sto qema twn paranomwn atmoploikwn dromologiwn metajy Syrias kai katexomenhs Ammoxwstoy, ejefrase h Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Eratw Kozakoy Markoylh.

    Se dhlwseis sto aerodromio Larnakas protoy anaxwrhsei gia epishmh episkech sto Koybeit kai apantwntas se sxetikh erwthsh, h Ypoyrgos anefere oti ``h dikh mas ektimhsh par` olo oti den exoyme eidopoihqei epishma oti exei termatistei to dromologio, entoytois kai oi epafes poy exw me toys Syroys ajiwmatoyxoys kai oi diabebaiwseis poy exoyme parei kata kairoys, einai oti toylaxiston ton teleytaio mhna den exoyn pragmatopoihqei dromologia''.

    Ejefrase taytoxrona thn ektimhsh oti ``ayto to qema qa exei ena aisio peras syntoma''.

    Klhqeisa na sxoliasei thn prosfath episkech toy Proedroy ths Toyrkias Amptoylax Gkioyl sth Nea Yorkh, h Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn anefere oti ``den einai mystiko pws h Toyrkia prospaqei na dhmioyrghsei ena klima kinhtikothtas meta tis proedrikes ekloges'' kai epanelabe oti h ``emeis qeloyme kinhtikothta, qeloyme lysh, qa qelame kai ayto to diasthma poy mesolabei mexri tis proedrikes ekloges na mporoyse na eixe xrhsimopoihqei gia proetoimasia twn diapragmateysewn''.

    Omws prosqese exoyme tonisei epaneilhmmena oti h opoiadhpote prwtoboylia gia lysh toy Kypriakoy qa prepei na einai ``mesa sta swsta plaisia, xwris epidiaithsies, xwris stena xronodiagrammata kai sigoyra na stoxeyei sthn epanenwsh toy nhsioy, sthn epanenwsh toy laoy ths Kyproy mesa se ena kratos poy qa einai omospondo, dikoinotiko kai dizwniko''.

    Ayth einai h apofash ths dieqnoys koinothtas gia th lysh toy Kypriakoy eipe h k. Markoylh ``opws antikatoptrizetai mesa apo ta chfismata toy Symboylioy Asfaleias alla kai tis kata kairoys apofaseis ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs. Fainetai omws oti h toyrkikh pleyra kai idiaitera h Toyrkia troxodromoyn kapoies alles epiloges poy sigoyra thn fernoyn antimetwph me aytes tis apofaseis ths dieqnoys koinothtas gia ena kratos sthn Kypro poy qa epanenwnei kai to edafos kai to lao''.

    Klhqeisa na anaferei poies einai aytes oi epiloges ths Toyrkias, h Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn eipe oti ``ton teleytaio xrono h Toyrkia mesw olwn twn ajiwmatoyxwn ths apo to ychlotero epipedo prowqei lysh dyo jexwristwn kratwn. Ayto thn fernei antimetwph me oles tis apofaseis poy exoyn lhfqei mexri shmera kai apo ta Hnwmena Eqnh kai apo alloys dieqneis organismoys gia thn epanenwsh ths Kypro, eipe, kai proeblece pws ``sigoyra h Toyrkia ean synexisei me ayth thn politikh ths dixotomhshs, kai ths aposxishs, qa antimetwpisei thn apofasistikothta kai toy kypriakoy laoy alla kai toy megaloy synoloy twn kratwn ths dieqnoys koinothtas''.


    Me stoxo thn enisxysh twn sxesewn metajy Kyproy kai Koybeit se arketoys tomeis ths oikonomikhs zwhs, opws toy toyrismoy, twn ependysewn kai twn oikodomwn, h Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Eratw Kozakoy Markoylh metebh sto Koybeit gia epishmh episkech.

    Se dhlwseis sto aerodromio Larnakas, h YPEJ anefere oti h episkech ayth ginetai ystera apo prosklhsh toy omologoy ths kai thn xarakthrise ``poly shmantikh'' giati opws ejhghse, ta teleytaia xronia oi epafes mas me th xwra ayth htan periorismenes.

    Prosqese oti me thn episkech ayth qa exei thn eykairia na synomilhsei ektos apo ton omologo ths, me ton Emirh toy Koybeit kai me ton Proedro toy Koinoboylioy ths xwras gia na syzhthsoyn ``tropoys enisxyshs twn sxesewn metajy twn dyo xwrwn'' opws ton tomea toy toyrismoy, ton tomea twn ependysewn opoy prosferontai poly endiaferoyses kai shmantikes eykairies gia ependyseis apo to Koybeit sthn Kypro kai antistrofa.

    Anefere akoma oti yparxoyn kai alloi tomeis synergasias metajy Kyproy kai Koybeit, idiaitera ston tomea twn oikodomwn kai stoys tomeis energeias, ydreyshs kai alla.

    H k. Markoylh shmeiwse pws h Kypriakh Dhmokratia mesa stoys programmatismoys ths gia thn epomenh pentaetia, qa dhmioyrghsei presbeia sto Koybeit kai stis 16 Ianoyarioy o politikos dieyqynths toy Ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn Presbhs k. Eyrybiadhs ``qa diapisteytei ws prwtos Presbhs ths Kyproy sto Koybeit me edra th Leykwsia. Ayto einai poly shmantiko kai qetei basika qemelia gia mia enisxymenh synergasia me mia shmantikh xwra toy arabikoy kosmoy'', eipe.

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