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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-01-14

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    Th diabebaiwsh oti to Koybeit qa synexisei na parexei thn yposthrijh toy stis prospaqeies ths Kypriakhs Kybernhshs gia epanenwsh ths Kyproy kai toy laoy ths edwse o Emirhs toy Koybeit, Seixhs Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah sthn Ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn Eratw Kozakoy-Markoyllh, h opoia pragmatopoiei epishmh episkech sto Koybeit.

    Symfwna me epishmh anakoinwsh, o Seixhs toy Koybeit eyxaristhse thn Kypro kai to lao ths gia th diaxronikh yposthrijh poy parexei h xwra mas stis arabikes ypoqeseis kai eyxhqhke opws oi sxeseis twn dyo xwrwn shmeiwsoyn sto syntomo mellon shmantikh proodo.

    Pros to skopo ayto o Emirhs Al-Sabah zhthse apo thn k. Markoyllh na metaferei ston Proedro ths Dhmokratias Tasso Papadopoylo, mazi me toys qermoys xairetismoys kai thn ektimhsh toy, anoikth prosklhsh na episkefqei to Koybeit.

    Apo thn pleyra ths h k. Markoyllh eyxaristhse ton Emirh gia th bohqeia poy prosfere to Koybeit sthn Kypro amesws meta thn eisbolh toy 1974 kai ton enhmerwse gia thn paroysa fash toy kypriakoy problhmatos.

    H Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn ypogrammise thn epiqymia ths Kyproy gia peraiterw sysfijh twn sxesewn twn dyo xwrwn se oloys toys tomeis kai enhmerwse to synomilhth ths gia thn apofash ths Kypriakhs Kybernhshs na anoijei presbeia sto Koybeit syntoma. O prwtos Presbhs ths Kyproy sto Koybeit me edra th Leykwsia, eipe, qa dwsei thn Tetarth ta diapisteythria toy, gegonos poy qa bohqhsei thn prospaqeia mas gia stenoterh synergasia.

    Akoloyqhse synanthsh ths k. Markoyllh me ton Prwqypoyrgo toy Koybeit Seixh Nasser Al-Mohamed Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah kata th diarkeia ths opoias syzhthqhkan ektenws oi dimereis sxeseis kai praktikoi tropoi enisxyshs toys, to Kypriako h katastash sthn perioxh, h synergasia EE Symboylioy Synergasias toy Kolpoy kai alla qemata koinoy endiaferontos.

    O Prwqypoyrgos toy Koybeit, anaferomenos sthn eisagwgh toy eyrw sthn Kypro, ejefrase to qaymasmo toy gia ta epiteygmata ths kypriakhs oikonomias. Epi twn dimerwn sxesewn, eipe pws qa prepei oi sxeseis twn dyo xwrwn na anaptyxqoyn kai se alloys tomeis, ektos apo ton politiko, opws h synergasia se qemata toyrismoy, ekpaideyshs kai politismoy. Se sxesh me to Kypriako, ypogrammise thn anagkh ejeyreshs lyshs sto plaisio toy OHE poy qa epanenwnei to nhsi kai to lao toy.

    Kata th synanthsh, oi dyo pleyres symfwnhsan gia thn anagkh ypografhs dimeroys symfwnias gia prowqhsh kai gia prostasia twn ependysewn, opws, epishs, kai sthn enqarrynsh epafwn kai antallaghs episkecewn twn emporikwn epimelhthriwn twn dyo xwrwn.

    Telos, h k. Markoyllh eixe synomilies me ton Anaplhrwth Prwqypoyrgo kai Ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn toy Koybeit Mohammed Sabah Al-Salem Al-Sabah, oi opoies kalycan tis dimereis sxeseis, to Kypriako, kaqws kai diafora qemata ths perioxhs, opws thn katastash sto Irak, to Palaistiniako kai to pyrhniko programma toy Iran.

    H k. Markoyllh enhmerwse ton Koybeitiano omologo ths gia tis prosfates epafes ths sta Palaistiniaka Edafh me ton Proedro, ton Prwqypoyrgo kai ton Ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn ths Palaistiniakhs Arxhs kaqws kai gia to programma oikonomikhs bohqeias poy prosferei h Kypros stoys Palaistinioys.

    Apo pleyras toy, o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn toy Koybeit enhmerwse thn k. Markoyllh gia thn prosfath periodeia toy Amerikanoy Proedroy sthn perioxh kai gia tis sxeseis ths xwras toy me to Irak.

    Telos, oi dyo pleyres symfwnhsan pws h diapisteysh toy prwtoy Presbh ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias sto Koybeit qa dwsei mia nea diastash stis sxeseis twn dyo xwrwn.

    H k. Markoyllh oloklhrwnei apoce tis epafes ths sto Koybeit kai epistrefei ayrio sthn Kypro.


    Me apolyth epityxia oloklhrwqhke h energos fash ths metabashs sto eyrw gia thn Kypro kai th Malta, epishmainei h Eyrwpaikh Epitroph, h opoia xairetizei th systhmatikh proetoimasia kai thn enqoysiwdh symmetoxh twn politwn.

    Symfwna me thn Komision, to eyrw eishxqh grhgora kai omala sthn kaqhmerinh zwh twn politwn, enw, opws tonizei, ta istorika nomismata twn dyo xwrwn exoyn oysiastika ejafanistei apo thn kykloforia, dedomenoy oti to 90% twn plhrwmwn ginetai se eyrw kai ta resta poy dinontai se pososto 99% einai, epishs, se eyrw.

    Ta teleytaia diaqesima stoixeia ths Epitrophs aforoyn to brady ths 12hs Ianoyarioy, opoy to 93% twn Kypriwn kai twn Maltezwn eixan kyriws h mono xartonomismata se eyrw, enw kyriws h mono kermata eixe to 87% twn Kypriwn kai to 96% twn Maltezwn.To 77% twn Kypriwn kai 81% Maltezwn eixan mono xartonomismata se eyrw kai to 74% twn Kypriwn kai 79% twn Maltezwn mono kermata se eyrw.


    Thn 5h Atyph Synodo Ypoyrgwn Ejwterikwn twn Mesogeiakwn kratwn melwn ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, qa filojenhsei h Kypros metajy 17-18 Ianoyarioy 2008.

    Sth diarkeia twn ergasiwn qa syzhthqoyn shmantika perifereiaka kai dieqnh qemata opws h Eirhneytikh Diadikasia sth Mesh Anatolh, h Paranomh Metanasteysh, o Mhxanismos Antimetwpishs Fysikwn Katastrofwn, to Kosobo kai h dhmioyrgia ths Mesogeiakhs Enwshs.

    Epishmh anakoinwsh anaferei pws h diorganwsh ths Synodoy apotelei prwtoboylia toy Ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn kai entassetai sthn politikh ths Kybernhshs gia anadeijh toy roloy ths Kyproy ws Mesogeiakoy kratoys meloys ths EE.

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