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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-01-15

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


  • [01] GG OPEK - KYPROS

  • [01] GG OPEK - KYPROS

    H timh toy petrelaioy, h zhthsh kai h prosfora toy mayroy xrysoy, einai ta qemata poy qa syzhthsei kata tis epafes toy sthn Kypro o Genikos Grammateas toy Organismoy Petrelaioparagwgwn Kratwn (OPEK) Ampntala Salem El Mpantri, opws o idios dhlwse kata thn afijh toy sto aerodromio Larnakas.

    Se syntomes dhlwseis toy ejefrase thn elpida h Kypros na entopisei koitasmata petrelaioy, shmeiwnontas pws den prepei na apokleietai otidhpote.

    Eipe pws o OPEK epiqymei th synergasia toso me megales oso kai me mikres xwres, opws h Kypros, prosqetontas pws prin dyo mhnes eixe episkefqei thn Kina gia epafes.

    Anefere akoma pws h prosklhsh apo to EBEL toy eixe diabibastei prin ena xrono kai ejefrase ikanopoihsh poy ayrio qa synanthqei me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias kai toys Ypoyrgoys Ejwterikwn kai Emporioy.

    Apantwntas se erwthseis, eipe pws brisketai sto nhsi gia na gnwrisei ton kosmo kai tis arxes ths xwras kai ``fysika na syzhthsw tis drasthriothtes poy aforoyn to petrelaio, tis times, th zhthsh kai thn prosfora''.

    ``Epipleon h Kypros einai kratos melos ths EE kai eimai sigoyros oti qa hqelan na enhmerwqoyn gia to ti ginetai ston tomea toy petrelaioy'', prosqese.

    Se erwthsh kata poso h Kypros qa katastei syntoma melos toy OPEK, apanthse: ``Elpizw na yparjei kapoia drasthriothta kai na entopisete koitasmata petrelaioy'' enw sth synexeia anaferqhke sto paradeigma ths dikhs toy xwras, ths Libyhs, legontas pws prin 50 xronia h ektimhsh htan pws h Libyh den exei petrelaio.

    ``Meta apo liga xronia, h Libyh htan mia apo tis pio megales se paragwgh petrelaioy xwra toy OPEK. Etsi, tipote den apokleietai'', katelhje.

    O Proedros toy EBEL Xristodoylos Agkastiniwths kalwsorise ton GG toy OPEK ws filojenoymeno toy Epimelhthrioy Leykwsias kai shmeiwse oti ayrio qa einai o kyrios omilhths se epixeirhmatiko deipno poy paraqetei to EBEL, sthn paroysia pollwn proswpikothtwn kai epixeirhmatiwn.

    Anefere akoma pws ayrio o k. Ampntala qa ginei dektos apo ton Proedro Papadopoylo kai qa synanthqei me thn YPEJ kai ton Ypoyrgo Emporioy.


    Prin apo to telos toy Ianoyarioy anamenetai na taytopoihqoyn kai alla leicana, poy pisteyetai oti anhkoyn se Ellhnokyprioys kai Toyrkokyprioys agnooymenoys, anaferei anakoinwsh ths Diereynhtikhs Epitrophs Agnooymenwn (DEA). Sth sxetikh anakoinwsh, h DEA anaferei oti qa synexisei kai to 2008 to ergo ths gia thn ektafh, anagnwrish kai epistrofh twn leicanwn twn agnooymenwn, xarh stis gennaiodwres eisfores poy elabe mexri shmera apo toys dwrhtes ths.

    ``Ektafes diejagontai se oloklhrh thn Kypro apo Kyprioys episthmones ths dikoinotikhs omadas ths DEA. Oi episthmones ths DEA, se synergasia me thn Anqrwpologikh Egklhmatologikh Omada Argentinhs, exoyn synanthqei me th dikoinotikh omada genetistwn poy ergazontai sto Ergasthrio Egklhmatologikhs Genetikhs toy Kypriakoy Institoytoy Neyrologias kai Genetikhs``, prosqetei.

    H DEA anakoinwnei oti ``mia nea seira anagnwrisewn anamenetai prin to telos toy mhna`` kai akoloyqws h Epitroph qa proxwrhsei sthn epistrofh twn leicanwn aytwn twn agnooymenwn atomwn stis antistoixes oikogeneies toys, symfwna me tis epiqymies toys. O proypologismos toy ergoy ths DEA gia to 2008 einai 3,5 ekatommyria dolaria Amerikhs/ 2,4 ekatommyria eyrw, grafei h anakoinwsh, shmeiwnontas pws ena shmantiko meros toy olikoy posoy einai hdh kalymmeno apo prohgoymenh dwrean ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs kai alles dwrees.


    Thn plhrh ikanopoihsh ths apo thn epishmh episkech poy pragmatopoihse sto Koybeit ejefrase h Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Eratw Kozakoy Markoyllh, epistrefontas apo th xwra ayth.

    ``Eimai para poly ikanopoihmenh apo oles tis epafes poy eixa sthn epishmh episkech moy sto Koybeit. Exoyn mpei kapoia gera qemelia gia thn prowqhsh twn symferontwn mas se ayto to shmantiko xwro toy Persikoy Kolpoy'', eipe se dhlwseis ths sto aerodromio Larnakas kai anakoinwse oti thn Tetarth qa ginei diapisteysh presbeyth ths Kyproy sto Koybeit kai qa leitoyrghsei presbeia sth xwra ayth, to 2009. H Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn ektima oti ``yparxoyn megales prooptikes gia amoibaies ependyseis metajy Kyproy kai Koybeit alla kai synergasia se qemata toyrismoy kai emporioy'' enw anefere oti qa prowqhqei kai to qema ths ypografhs symfwniwn metajy twn dyo xwrwn.

    ``Ola ayta'', synexise ``dinoyn poly geres baseis gia mia kalh synergasia metajy Kyproy kai Koybeit, mia shmantikh xwra, mikrh men sto arabiko kosmo, alla mia xwra poy exei ypostei paromoia problhmata me ta dika mas, dhladh eisbolh kai katoxh''. H k. Markoyllh anefere akoma oti oloi oi synomilhtes ths thn eyxaristhsan gia thn yposthrijh poy pareixe sto Koybeit h Kypriakh Dhmokratia, ``otan h xwra ayth dexthke to plhgma ths eisbolhs kai ths katoxhs apo to Irak''.

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