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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-01-17

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    Sth shmasia ths pragmatopoihshs sthn Kypro ths 5hs Atyphs Synodoy twn Ypoyrgwn Ejwterikwn Mesogeiakwn Kratwn ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, oi ergasies ths opoias arxizoyn shmera kai oloklhrwnontai ayrio, anaferqhke h Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Eratw Kozakoy - Markoyllh.

    Se dhlwseis ths sto KYPE, h k. Markoyllh, h opoia qa proedreyei ths Synodoy, eipe oti h pragmatopoihsh ths Synodoy sthn Pafo einai shmantiko gegonos kaqws oi Ypoyrgoi Ejwterikwn twn ypoloipwn ennea eyrwpaikwn xwrwn poy symmetexoyn qa exoyn thn eykairia na gnwrisoyn idiois ommasi thn kypriakh pragmatikothta kai na plhroforhqoyn ektenestera gia to kypriako problhma, para to oti to Kypriako den perilambanetai sthn hmerhsia diatajh.

    ``H Synodos sthn Pafo einai h pempth Atyph Synodos poy pragmatopoieitai. Kaqe eji mhnes pragmatopoieitai se mia apo tis deka mesogeiakes xwres melh ths EE. Einai shmantiko oti pragmatopoeitai ayth th fora sthn Kypro giati mas didetai h eykairia na ejoikeiwqoyn oi Ypoyrgoi Ejwterikwn aytwn twn xwrwn stis kypriakes pragmatikothtes kai na enhmerwqoyn kalytera gia to kypriako problhma'', eipe.

    Sthn hmerhsia diatajh ths Synodoy qa syzhthqoyn shmantika perifereiaka kai dieqnh qemata opws h eirhneytikh diadikasia sth Mesh Anatolh, h paranomh metanasteysh, o mhxanismos antimetwpishs fysikwn katastrofwn, to Kosobo kai h dhmioyrgia ths Mesogeiakhs Enwshs.

    Apantwntas se erwthseis, h k. Markoyllh ejefrase thn ektimhsh oti sth Synodo den qa yparjei spasimo toy adiejodoy, opws to xarakthrise, se o,ti afora to Kossobo.

    ``Den pisteyw oti qa yparjei opoiodhpote spasimo toy adiejodoy edw sthn Kypro se sxesh me to Kossobo. Alla qa einai mia akomh eykairia na syzhthqei to qema kai isws diafores alles ptyxes toy qematos. Alla epeidh to Kossobo qa mas apasxolei toys epomenoys mhnes eixe apofasistei na einai sthn hmerhsia diatajh'', eipe.

    Sto plaisio ths Synodoy, h k. Markoyllh qa exei dimereis epafes me toys omologoys ths apo thn Ellada, thn Italia kai th Roymania kaqws kai mia synanthsh me ton omologo ths apo th Slobenia, h opoia proedreyei ths EE ayto to ejamhno.

    H Synodos den qa labei opoiesdhpote apofaseis kaqws prokeitai gia mia Atyph Synodo, shmeiwse h Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn.

    ``Den qa lhfqoyn apofaseis, omws einai shmantiko na antallassontai apoceis kai na yparxei mia stenoterh synergasia metajy twn deka aytwn mesogeiakwn xwrwn se qemata poy apasxoloyn thn EE. Qa elega oti apotelei mia syntonistikh omada aytwn twn xwrwn gia qeseis koines poy mporoyn na prowqoyn se ayta ta qemata ths EE'' katelhje.

    H Synodos arxizei stis 7 to brady me dejiwsh poy qa paraqesei o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Tassos Papadopoylos stoys symmetexontes Ypoyrgoys kai Yfypoyrgoys Ejwterikwn. Sth synexeia oi Ypoyrgoi Ejwterikwn qa parakaqisoyn se deipno ergasias, sth diarkeia toy opoioy qa syzhthqei h Eirhneytikh Diadikasia sth Mesh Anatolh.

    Sto plaisio ths Synodoy, h k. Markoyllh qa exei shmera dimereis epafes, stis 17:00 me ton Italo omologo ths Massimo D` Alema kai stis 18:20 me to Roymano omologo ths Adrian Cioroianu.

    Oi ergasies ths Synodoy qa synexistoyn thn Paraskeyh, 18 Ianoyarioy me tis ergasies ths olomeleias. Qa syzhthqoyn h metanasteysh, o mhxanismos antimetwpishs fysikwn katastrofwn kai to Kosobo. To meshmeri qa doqei synenteyjh Typoy. H Synodos qa oloklhrwqei me geyma ergasias opoy qa syzhthqei to qema dhmioyrgias Mesogeiakhs Enwshs.

    H diorganwsh ths Synodoy apotelei prwtoboylia toy Ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn kai entassetai sthn politikh ths Kybernhshs gia anadeijh toy roloy ths Kyproy ws mesogeiakoy kratoys meloys ths EE.


    H Kybernhsh qewrei oti exei ftasei o xronos gia na jekinhsei h Kypros tis ereynes gia ydrogonanqrakes entos ths Apokleistikhs Oikonomikhs ths Zwnhs, dhlwse apoce o Proedros ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias, Tassos Papadopoylos, prosqetontas pws oi geitonikes xwres emplekontai hdh se ayth th drasthriothta edw kai dekaeties.

    Se xairetismo toy se ekdhlwsh toy Emporikoy kai Biomhxanikoy Epimelhthrioy Leykwsias, sto jenodoxeio ``Xilton``, pros timhn toy Genikoy Grammatea toy Organismoy Petrelaioparagwgwn Xwrwn (OPEK), Ampntala Salem el-Mpantri, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias dhlwse oti ``h Kybernhsh exei jekinhsei ton prwto gyro adeiodothshs gia endeka ereynhtika oikopeda entos ths Apokleistikhs Oikonomikhs ths Zwnhs stis arxes toy 2007, me thn ypobolh triwn aithsewn stis 16 Aygoystoy 2007 gia tria diaforetika ereynhtika oikopeda``.

    ``Oi aithseis ajiologoyntai aythn th stigmh``, prosqese, ``enw o deyteros gyros adeiodothshs problepetai na pragmatopoihqei ayton to xrono``.

    ``H Kypros``, eipe o Proedros, ``exei synacei mia apokleistikh poly-pelateiakh symfwnia me thn PGS, mia norbhgikh etaireia gewfysikwn yphresiwn, h opoia apekthse seismika dedomena entos ths Apokleistikhs Oikonomikhs Zwnhs ths Dhmokratias, gia mia genikh ajiologhsh toy dynamikoy ths, oson afora toys ydrogonanqrakes``.

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