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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-01-18

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    Elhje stis 12.00 to meshmeri h diadikasia ypobolhs ypochfiothtwn gia thn eklogikh anametrhsh poy qa pragmatopoihqei stis 17 Febroyarioy gia thn anadeijh toy Proedroy ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias poy qa kybernhsei ton topo gia thn epomenh pentaetia. Stis 18.00 qa lhjei kai h diadikasia gia thn ypobolh enstasewn.

    Eklogh diekdikoyn ennea ypochfioi, treis ek twn ypochfiwn sthrizontai apo syndyasmoys kommatwn.

    O Genikos Eforos Ekloghs Lazaros Sabbidhs me thn ekpnoh toy xronoy ypobolhs ypochfiothtwn anegnwse ta onomata twn ypochfiwn me th seira twn epwnymwn toys ws ejhs: Eystratioy Andreas, Qemistokleoys Kwstas, Kasoylidhs Iwannhs, Kyriakoy Oytopos Kwstas, Matsakhs Marios, Mixahl Anastashs, Neofytoy Xristodoylos, Papadopoylos Tassos kai Xristofias Dhmhtrhs.

    Akoloyqws anefere pws symfwna me thn yfistamenh nomoqesia dynatai na ypoblhqei enstash enantion opoioydhpote ek twn ypochfiwn, apo polith ths Dhmokratias to onoma toy opoioy einai eggegrammeno ston eklogiko katalogo.

    Prosqese oti oi enstaseis qa prepei na paradoqoyn sto Geniko Eforo ekloghs to argotero mesa se eji wres meta th lhjh toy xronoy poy orisqhke gia thn ypobolh twn ypochfiothtwn, dhladh mexri tis 6.00 to apogeyma, shmera.

    Ejhghse oti oi logoi gia toys opoioys mporei na ypoblhqei enstash einai gia aneparkh perigrafh toy ypochfioy wste na ejakribwqei h taytothta toy, gia th mh paradosh symfwna me tis diatajeis toy nomoy twn eggrafwn ypobolhs ypochfiothtas h thn asymfwnia toys me tis diatajeis toy eklogikoy nomoy, efoson einai fanero apo to periexomeno twn eggrafwn ypobolhs ypochfiothtas oti ypochfios den mporei na eklegei kai oti den egine h kataqesh toy posoy twn 1.000 lirwn, 1.710 eyrw ws parabolo.

    O k. Sabbidhs synexizontas eipe pws me th lhjh toy xronoy ypobolhs twn enstasewn, h Yphresia Eklogwn toy Ypoyrgeioy Eswterikwn qa etoimasei to chfodeltio kai to prwi ths Deyteras stis 8.30 sto Ypoyrgeio Eswterikwn oi ekproswpoi twn ypochfiwn qa ejetasoyn me ton eforo kai thn Yphresia Eklogwn to deigma toy chfodeltioy poy sto metajy qa exei etoimasqei.

    Erwthqeis sth bash poiwn dedomenwn qa mporei kaneis na ejagagei to symperasma oti den mporei na eklegei kapoios ek twn ypochfiwn, eipe pws qa anamenei ean ypobalei kapoios enstash, na ypobalei kai to dikaiologhtiko ths enstashs kai den qa dieykrinisei peraiterw toy logoys poy mporei na ginei apodekth mia enstash.

    O Eforos Genikhs Ekloghs eipe pws o megalyteros ariqmos ypochfiwn gia thn Proedria ths Dhmokratias, poy yphrje apo ths egkaqidrysews htan to 2003 poy eixame deka ypochfiothtes kai oi eperxomenes proedrikes ekloges qa exoyn to deytero megalytero ariqmo ypochfiwn.

    O k. Sabbidhs eipe pws alla dyo atoma dhlwsan oti qa ypobaloyn ypochfiothta ek twn opoiwn o enas dhlwse oti apesyrqh kai o allos den paroysiasqhke entos toy kaqorismenoy xronoy.

    O Genikos Eforos ejhghse akoma pws me bash ta stoixeia poy ypoblhqhkan enwpion toy, yparxoyn treis ypochfiothtes ypo synaspismoys kommatwn kai oi ypoloipoi einai anejarthtoi.

    Anefere pws me bash toys titloys, fainetai oti sth seira sto chfodeltio qa einai prwtos o Iwannhs Kasoylidhs me thn epwnymia Allagh - Koinwnikh Symmaxia, deyteros o Dhmhtrhs Xristofias me thn epwnymia Ananewsh kai Enothta, tritos o Tassos Papadopoylos me thn epwnymia Epilogh Empistosynhs kai qa akoloyqhsoyn oi anejarthtoi ypochfioi me bash twn epwnymo toys.

    Ejhghse akoma pws sto chfodeltio qa yparxoyn fwtografies olwn twn ypochfiwn, enw gia osoys ek twn ypochfiwn exoyn ypoblhqei kai symbola, ayta qa topoqethqoyn panw apo tis fwtografies, enw katw apo tis fwtografies qa topoqethqoyn ta onomata twn ypochfiwn.

    O Genikos Eforos eipe akoma pws katw apo to onoma qa yparxei megalo tetragwno sto opoio o eklogeas qa prepei na topoqethsei ena apo ta shmeia (xi, stayro, ni) me mple h mayro melani.


    O Proedros ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs Zoze Manoyel Mparozo fqanei sthn Kypro gia toys epishmoys eortasmoys ths entajhs ths xwras mas sthn Eyrwzwnh, poy pragmatopoioyntai apoce sth Leykwsia.

    O k. Mparozo stis 1800 qa exei synanthsh me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias Tasso Papadopoyloy.

    Qa exei epishs synanthsh me th Dhmarxo Leykwsias Elenh Mayroy, h opoia qa aponeimei ston Proedro ths Komision to Timhtiko Metallio ths Polhs ths Leykwsias kai Timhtiko Diplwma.

    O k. Mparozo qa einai o kyrios omilhths ths eortastikhs synaylias sto Dhmotiko Qeatro.

    Telos o Proedros ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs qa parakaqisei sto deipno poy qa dwsei o Proedros Papadopoylos kai h kyria Fwteinh Papadopoyloy pros timhn twn ychlwn toys proskeklhmenwn.


    Qemata poy aforoyn amesa thn Kypro entos ths EE alla kai to mellontiko kaqestws toy Kossoboy htan sto epikentro ths synanthshs poy pragmatopoihqhke metajy ths Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn Eratoys Kozakoy Markoyllh kai toy Slobenoy omologoy ths Ntimitri Roypel, h xwra toy opoioy askei thn proedria ths EE gia to trexon ejamhno.

    Opws plhroforeitai to KYPE, o k. Roypel, ws proedreywn toy Symboylioy Genikwn Ypoqesewn kai Ejwterikwn Sxesewn ths EE, zhthse tis qeseis ths k. Markoyllh se qemata poy aforoyn ton kanonismo gia thn prasinh grammh, to xrhmatodotiko kanonismo, ton kanonismo gia emporio me ta edafh poy den einai ypo ton elegxo ths Dhmokratias (apeyqeias emporio) alla kai to Kossobo.

    H entonh fhmologia oti meta tis proedrikes ekloges sthn Kypro qa yparjoyn kinhseis gia nea prwtoboylia sto Kypriako, htan enas apo toys basikoys logoys poy o k. Roypel zhthse na maqei tis qeseis ths Kyproy se diafora qemata prokeimenoy na yparjei syntonismos twn xeirismwn ths slobenikhs proedrias ths EE se synennohsh me thn Kypro.

    H k. Markoyllh epanelabe ston Slobeno omologo ths tis qeseis ths Kyproy sta pio panw qemata. H synanthsh twn dyo Ypoyrgwn Ejwterikwn egine sto plaisio ths 5hs Atyphs Synodoy twn Ypoyrgwn Ejwterikwn mesogeiakwn xwrwn, melwn ths EE poy pragmatopoieitai sthn Pafo.

    H hmerhsia diatajh ths Atyphs Synodoy perilambanei shmera qemata opws einai h paranomh metanasteysh, o mhxanismos antimetwpishs fysikwn katastrofwn, to Kossobo kai h dhmioyrgia ths Mesogeiakhs Enwshs. Oi ergasies ths Atyphs Synodoy oloklhrwnontai to apogeyma.


    H Ispania tassetai yper ths syntomhs epanenarjhs ths diadikasias Gkampari meta tis proedrikes ekloges sthn Kypro, h opoia mporei kai na odhghsei se mia telikh kai synolikh epilysh toy Kypriakoy sto plaisio toy OHE, dhlwse sto KYPE o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn ths Ispanias Migkel Anxel Moratinos.

    O k. Moratinos, o opoios brisketai sthn Pafo gia thn 5h Atyph Synodo twn Ypoyrgwn Ejwterikwn twn mesogeiakwn xwrwn ths EE, dhlwse sto KYPE oti h xwra toy pantote yposthrize kai qa synexisei na sthrizei ta chfismata toy OHE gia to Kypriako alla kai tis prospaqeies ths dieqnoys koinothtas gia lysh to problhma.

    ``Idiaitera, h Ispania tassetai yper mias syntomhs epanenarjhs ths legomenhs diadikasias Gkampari meta tis proedrikes ekloges sthn Kypro, h opoia qa mporei na odhghsei se mia telikh kai synolikh epilysh ypo ton OHE'', eipe sto KYPE o k. Moratinos.

    Erwthqeis kata poson h EE qa prepei na diadramatisei ena pio energo rolo sto Kypriako, o Ispanos YPEJ eipe oti o xwros epilyshs toy Kypriakoy einai o OHE, alla anaferqhke kai se eyrwpaikoys kanonismoys poy aforoyn thn Kypro.

    ``Ta teleytaia xronia h EE exei egkrinei ariqmo kanonismwn se sxesh me thn katastash sto nhsi kai qa hqela na efarmostoyn plhrws opws einai o kanonismos gia apeyqeias xrhmatodotikh bohqeia h o kanonismos gia emporio mesw ths Prasinhs Grammhs. Qa hmoyn epishs poly eytyxhs ean mporoyse na ejeyreqei mia nea nomikh bash gia thn protash gia ton kanonismo gia to ``apeyqeias emporio'' oytws wste na egkriqei'', synexise.

    O Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn ths Ispanias erwthqhke kai gia to qema toy Kossoboy, legontas oti h Ispania katanoei plhrws tis qeseis ths Kyproy

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