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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-01-19Cyprus News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA
[01] GENIKOS EFOROS PROEDRIKHS EKLOGHS - YPOCHFIOIMeta thn ypobolh twn ypochfiothtwn gia thn Eklogh Proedroy ths Dhmokratias kai meta thn pareleysh ths proqesmias gia tyxon enstaseis, oles oi ypochfiothtes gia eklogh sto ajiwma toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias einai egkyres kai oristikes, anakoinwse o Genikos Eforos Proedrikhs Ekloghs.Sthn anakoinwsh toy Eforoy anaferetai pws katopin toytoy h chfoforia gia thn Eklogh Proedroy ths Dhmokratias, qa diejaxqei thn Kyriakh 17 Febroyarioy, 2008. Gia to skopo ayto arxise hdh h proetoimasia gia thn ektypwsh twn chfodeltiwn. Ta onomata twn ypochfiwn sta chfodeltia, symfwna me th sxetikh Nomoqesia, qa einai me thn akoloyqh orizontia seira, se xwristh ariqmhmenh sthlh: 1. Kasoylidhs Iwannhs 2. Xristofias Dhmhtrhs 3. Papadopoylos Tassos 4. Eystratioy Andreas 5. Qemistokleoys Kwstas 6. Kyriakoy (Oytopos) Kwstas 7. Matsakhs Marios 8. Mixahl Anastashs 9. Neofytoy Xristodoylos Sta chfodeltia qa perilambanontai kai oi fwtografies, ws epishs ta emblhmata poy dhlwsan oi ypochfioi. [02] PROEDROS KOMMISION - KYPRIAKOThn elpida opws to 2008 apotelesei mia eykairia gia epilysh toy Kypriakoy me apofasistikothta, opws eipe, kai me ``pragmatiko pneyma symbibasmoy``, ejefrase o Proedros ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs Zoze Manoyel Mparozo, tonizontas oti toso h EE oso kai h Komision qa prajoyn o,ti mporoyn gia na ypobohqhsoyn stis prospaqeies lyshs toy Kypriakoy.O k. Mparozo, o opoios breqhke sthn Kypro gia toys eortasmoys gia thn entajh ths Kyproy sthn eyrwzwnh, synanthqhke me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias Tasso Papadopoylo, o opoios ejhre to rolo toy Portogaloy politikoy apo th qesh toy Proedroy ths Komision. [03] PAGDATHS - AYSTRALIANO OPENTon 27xrono Aystralo Leiton Xioyi, 22o sthn pagkosmia katatajh, antimetwpizei Kyprios antisfairisths Markos Pagdaths, sto plaisio toy g' gyroy toy aystralianoy toyrnoya antisfairishs.Cyprus News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |