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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-01-24

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    H Toyrkia einai staqerh, synephs kai epikentrwmenh sth lysh toy Kypriakoy me periexomeno opws einai to Sxedio Anan, dhlwse o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Basilhs Palmas.

    Klhqeis na sxoliasei tis dhlwseis toy Toyrkoy Prwqypoyrgoy Tagip Erntogan thn Tetarth kata th diarkeia ths dhmosiografikhs diaskechs toy sthn Agkyra me ton Ellhna Prwqypoyrgo Kwsta Karamanlh, o Ekproswpos eipe oti enw o k. Erntogan anefere oti to sxedio Anan ``apotelei parelqon, emmesws, plhn safws, epanhlqe se o,ti afora th lysh toy Kypriakoy, panta sth bash ekeinoy toy sxedioy, xwris bebaiws thn onomatologia Anan''.

    O Ekproswpos eipe oti otan o k. Erntogan anaferei oti qa prepei na paroyme thn oysia kai to periexomeno, alla kai to pneyma toy sxedioy, ``antilambaneste pws oysiastika o k. Erntogan einai proshlwmenos kai jekaqaros oti h lysh toy Kypriakoy qa prepei na kinhqei kai na epikentrwqei se parametroys poy aforoysan to sxedio Anan kai tis opoies o kypriakos laos eixe aporricei''.

    Klhqeis na sxoliasei to gegonos oti o k. Erntogan den anaferqhke se dyo krath, o Ekproswpos eipe oti h Toyrkia th mia mera topoqeteitai me ton ena tropo kai thn allh mera me ton allo, ara analogws twn synanthsewn exoyn diaforetikes apoceis. ``Qa htan swsto kai epoikodomhtiko ek meroys toys na mas poyn me safhneia poies einai oi qeseis kai oi apoceis toys wste na dhmioyrghqoyn oi proypoqeseis kai dedomena syzhthshs me apwtero stoxo thn epiteyjh proodoy'', katelhje.


    H qesh toy Epitropoy gia th Dieyrynsh Oli Ren gia th xrhsimopoihsh toy kleistoy limanioy ths Ammoxwstoy apo epibatiko skafos, poy tajideyei metajy Ammoxwstoy kai Latakia ths Syrias, syndeetai me to apeyqeias emporio, dhlwse o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Basilhs Palmas. Klhqeis na sxoliasei thn apanthsh toy k. Ren se erwthsh toy eyrwboyleyth Marioy Matsakh, o opoios kathggeile sthn Eyrwpaikh Epitroph th xrhsimopoihsh toy kleistoy limanioy ths Ammoxwstoy apo epibatiko skafos, o k. Palmas eipe oti ``h proseggish toy k. Ren alla kai genikotera ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs einai kaqara kai stena nomikistikh''.

    Ypenqymise oti h Epitroph kai o Oli Ren exoyn apoch kai qesh kai gia to apeyqeias emporio. ``Ara, an o k. Ren elege kati diaforetiko apo ayto poy eipe, qa htan se antiqesh me th stash kai th qesh poy exei h Epitroph se o,ti afora to apeyqeias emporio'', shmeiwse. Anamfisbhthta, tonise, to kaqe kratos melos ths dieqnoys koinothtas exei to dikaiwma, me bash to dieqnes dikaio, na kaqorizei ta limania kai ta aerodromia toy poy qewrei pws einai nomima. "Me kaqe tropo kai kaqe meso, ws Kypriakh Dhmokratia, prospaqoyme na diafylajoyme ta symferonta toy kratoys mas ta opoia einai se antiqesh me ayth th qesh kai apoch ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs'', prosqese.

    Erwthqeis an yparxei opoiadhpote nea ejelijh sto qema me th Syria, eipe oti ``oi qeseis kai oi apoceis mas kai ths Syrias einai katateqeimenes kai den yparxei opoiadhpote nea ejelijh``. H Kybernhsh exei staqerh kai jekaqarh qesh gyrw apo ayto to qema, synexise, kai th gnwrizei h syriakh Kybernhsh kai yparxei kai h epafh toy armodioy Ypoyrgeioy me osoys prepei na exei gia to sygkekrimeno qema.


    O Proedros ths Epitrophs Anaforwn toy Eyrwpaikoy Koinoboylioy Marsin Limpitski ypoxrewqhke, enwpion twn entonwn antidrasewn twn perissoterwn melwn ths en logw Epitrophs, na aposyrei to sxedio toy keimenoy poy eixe emfanisei ws ekqesh gia thn Ammoxwsto kai to opoio perieixe aparadektes anafores kai anakribeies. O Eyrwboyleyths toy Eyrwpaikoy Laikoy Kommatos(ELK), Giannakhs Matshs, yposthrije enwpiwn ths Epitrophs Anaforwn th qesh oti to keimeno poy emfanisthke apo ton Proedro ths Epitrophs, Marsin Limpitski, ws ekqesh gia thn Ammoxwsto, den mporei na ginei dekto dioti einai ``anakribes, antiqeto me thn pragmatikothta kai perilambanei aparadekta shmeia kai anafores''.

    H qesh toy k. Matsh, opws kai toy ELK, htan h aposyrsh toy keimenoy. O epikefalhs toy ELK sthn Epitroph Anaforwn, Bretanos Eyrwboyleyths Rompert Atkins eqese diadikastiko qema opws teqei se chfoforia h aposyrsh h oxi toy eggrafoy. O k. Limpitski arnhqhke na qesei to qema se chfoforia epeidh katanooyse oti qa exane. H arnhtikh toy stash prokalese anastatwsh sthn aiqoysa kai ton efere se sygkroysh me thn pleiochfia twn Eyrwboyleytwn. Enwpion twn antidrasewn, o k. Limpitski dhlwse oti to keimeno den apotelei ekqesh ths Epitrophs alla dikh toy anafora. Prosqese oti qa ekponhqei neo keimeno metajy twn tessarwn Eyrwboyleytwn ths Epitrophs Anaforwn poy symmeteixan sthn apostolh sthn Kypro kai pws to olo qema qa syzhthqei meta tis ekloges sthn Kypro.

    O k. Matshs qewrei qetikh thn ejelijh ayth, kai eidikotera th desmeysh peri syggrafhs neoy keimenoy-ekqeshs, sthn opoia qa laboyn meros oi tesseris Eyrwboyleytes poy symmeteixan sthn apostolh sthn Kypro. Taytoxrona, yposthrizei oti mexri kai th dwdekath qa prepei na synexistoyn oi prospaqeies wste h telikh ekqesh gia thn Ammoxwsto na mhn sygkroyetai me to dieqnes Dikaio, na mhn apotelei diadikasia anabaqmishs toy katoxikoy kaqestwtos, alla na apanta sto aithma twn Ammoxwstianwn aithtwn gia epistrofh sthn polh toys prin apo thn telikh lysh. O katalogismos twn eyqynwn ston toyrkiko strato einai pasifanhs efoson arnhqhke stoys Eyrwboyleytes ths Epitrophs Anaforwn na episkefqoyn thn apokleismenh perioxh, epibebaiwnontas etsi toys aithtes oti h Toyrkia parabiazei ta atomika politika toys dikaiwmata, opws einai katoxyrwmena stis treis basikes eleyqeries ths EE, dhladh, ths eleyqerhs diakinhshs, ths eleyqerhs egkatastashs kaqws kai toy dikaiwmatos ths perioysias.

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