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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-01-29

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


  • [02] EE - KYPROS - KOSSOBO


    Yphresia eklogwn kai ekproswpoi eklogikwn epiteleiwn symfwnhsan gia tis proypoqeseis basei twn opoiwn ena chfodeltio qa krinetai egkyro h akyro stis proedrikes ekloges ths 17hs Febroyarioy.

    ``H qesh olwn einai h proqesh toy chfoforoy na ginei apodekth ws egkyro chfodeltio, mesa sta plaisia bebaia ths sxetikhs nomoqesias``, anefere se dhlwseis apo syskech o Genikos Eforos Ekloghs, Lazaros Sabbidhs, dieykrinizontas oti ta symbola poy kaqorizontai apo th sxetikh nomoqesia einai ta +, X kai to n.

    Opws eipe o k. Sabbidhs, sth syskech paroysiasthkan paradeigmata chfodeltiwn apo prohgoymenes eklogikes anametrhseis, kai ystera apo thn prosqhkh merikwn paradeigmatwn apo ta epiteleia, katartisthke o katalogos me ta paradeigmata poy qa staloyn stoys proedreyontes twn eklogikwn kentrwn, ``oytws wste na yparxei omoiomorfia sth lhch twn apofasewn`` ws pros to poio chfodeltio qa krinetai egkyro h akyro.

    Ejhghse oti an ena symbolo eiselqei se dyo sthles ypochfiwn, tote qa ejetazetai poy brisketai to kentro baroys toy symboloy kai analogws qa katakyrwnetai yper toy antistoixoy ypochfioy. ``An h grammh opoioydhpote symboloy perasei kai se trith sthlh tote aytomata to chfodeltio qewreitai akyro``, prosqese o k. Sabbidhs.

    Tonise, wstoso, oti h qesh twn proedreyontwn sta eklogika kentra einai h telikh. ``Ean yparjei opoiadhpote amfisbhthsh apo opoiondhpote antiproswpo, ayto qa melethqei apo ton proedreyonta (toy eklogikoy kentroy) kai qa labei thn apofash ekeinh th stigmh kata th diarkeia ths katametrhshs twn chfodeltiwn kai malista epi toy chfodeltioy ean yparxei enstash qa katagrafei, alla h apofash qa einai h telikh kai den allazei apo opoiondhpote``, symplhrwse o Genikos Eforos Ekloghs.

    Ejalloy, o k. Sabbidhs eipe oti qa dianemhqei eidiko entypo sta epiteleia twn ypochfiwn, me bash to opoio ayta qa kaqorisoyn poioi qa einai oi antiproswpoi toys se kaqe eklogiko kentro.

    Kaqe ypochfios qa epitrepetai na diaqetei apo enan antiproswpo se kaqe eklogiko kentro, enw, opws anefere o k. Sabbidhs, otan kleisei h kalph kai anoijei sth synexeia gia th dialogh den qa epitrepetai se kanenan na eiserxetai sto eklogiko kentro, plhn toy idioy toy ypochfioy.

    Epishs, oi ypochfioi qa mporoyn na kaqorisoyn kai parathrhtes - epiqewrhtes, oi opoioi qa mporoyn me eidikh karta na periodeyoyn ana 10 eklogika kentra apo ta synolika 1.159 poy qa sthqoyn gia toys skopoys twn proedrikwn eklogwn, prokeimenoy na parakoloyqoyn th leitoyrgia diaforwn eklogikwn kentrwn ek meroys twn ypochfiwn.

    H Yphresia paroysiase, epishs, to entypo dialoghs kai katametrhshs twn chfodeltiwn, to opoio qa xrhsimopoihqei gia na katagracei ta apotelesmata ths chfoforias kai to opoio qa doqei stoys antiproswpoys twn ypochfiwn gia na katagracoyn kai ekeinoi to apotelesma. ``Emeis qewroyme oti h bohqeia thn opoia toys dinoyme me to entypo ayto einai sto megisto baqmo``, prosqese o k. Sabbidhs.

    Telos, o k. Sabbidhs eipe oti apagoreyetai aysthra h xrhsh kinhtoy thlefwno entos toy eklogikoy kentroy apo opoiodhpote, peran apo ton Proedreyontos toy kentroy.

    [02] EE - KYPROS - KOSSOBO

    H apofash ths kypriakhs Kybernhshs oson afora sthn apostolh EPAA ths EE sto Kossyfopedio qa ejarthqei apo to nomiko plaisio, dhlwse stis Bryjelles, h Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn, Eratw Kozakoy-Markoylh, epanalambanontas oti h Apostolh qa prepei na sthrizetai panw se mia isxyrh nomikh bash, poy den mporei na einai allh apo to Symboylio Asfaleias toy OHE.

    ``Qa prepei ayth h Apostolh na sthrizetai sto Dieqnes Dikaio kai gia mas sthrijh sto Dieqnes Dikaio shmainei yposthrijh ayths ths Apostolhs mesa sta plaisia apofashs toy Symboylioy Asfaleias toy OHE'', anefere, prosqetontas oti ``mesa se ayta ta plaisia qa krinoyme th symmetoxh mas. Exoyme hdh dhlwsei th symmetoxh triwn Astynomikwn, alla to kata poso ayto qa ylopoihqei qa ejarthqei apo th synolikh domh kai tis apofaseis poy qa lhfqoyn gia thn Apostolh ayth ths EE'', tonise.

    Se erwthsh dhmosiografoy kata poso h kypriakh Kybernhsh ejakoloyqei na qewrei oti to Chfisma 1244 den apotelei th nomikh bash gia thn apostolh EPAA sto Kossyfopedio, h k. Markoyllh tonise oti ``ta keimena poy exoyme enwpion mas den exoyn parei thn telikh toys morfh. Qa apofasisoyme otan oloklhrwqei h syzhthsh kai qa exoyme enwpion mas ta telika keimena''.


    O Xarhs Papadopoylos, toy Naytikoy Omiloy Ammoxwstoy einai o 11os aqlhths ths Kyproy poy prokrinetai gia thn Olympiada toy Pekinoy, kaqws kai o tetartos istioploos sthn apostolh, meta toys Karioloy, Kontidh kai Xatzhdamianoy, anaferetai se anakoinwsh ths Kypriakhs Istioploikhs Omospondias.

    H prokrish, prostiqetai, epiteyxqhke sto Pagkosmio Kypello sthn Biktoria ths Aystralia kai sygkekrimena sto FINN GOLD CUP, poy diejagetai metajy 20 kai 29 Ianoyarioy 2008. O Xarhs Papadopoylos katafere na parei thn prokrish mia mera prin na teleiwsoyn kai epishma oi istiodromies, kaqws h diafora stoys baqmoys poinhs metajy twn amesws meta ypochfiwn einai poly megalh gia na kalyftei.

    Sto metajy, o proedros kai ta melh toy Ektelestikoy Symboylioy ths Kypriakhs Olympiakhs Epitrophs ekfrazoyn dhmosia ta qerma toys sygxarhthria pros ton aqlhth ths istioploias Xarh Papadopoylo kai thn aqlhtria ths kolymbhshs Anna Stylianoy, poy ejasfalisan ta oria prokrishs gia toys Olympiakoys Agwnes toy Pekinoy 2008.

    Me toys Xarh Papadopoylo kai Anna Stylianoy oi aqlhtes kai oi aqlhtries poy exoyn ejasfalisei th symmetoxh toys sth megalh aqlhtikh giorth toy kalokairioy, me ta xrwmata ths Kyproy, eftasan toys dwdeka, anaferei h KOE.

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