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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-08-07

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    Gyrw stoys 1100 Toyrkokyprioi qa metaboyn thn Paraskeyh sta Kokkina gia thn 44h epeteio ths legomenhs antistashs Kokkinwn.

    Opws dhlwse sto KYPE o anaplhrwths ekproswpos Typoy twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn Loxagos Thomas Pavlik, ta Hnwmena Eqnh qa einai parwn gia na parexoyn opoiadhpote bohqeia stoys T/k, afoy qa perasoyn apo th nekrh zwnh.

    Erwthqeis an doqhke apanthsh apo thn t/k pleyra sto aithma twn E/k na toys epitrapei na metaboyn sthn katexomenh Morfoy, mesw toy kleistoy odofragmatos toy Limnith gia th giorth toy Agioy Mama, stis 2 Septembrioy, o Loxagos Pablik eipe oti den exei mia tetoia plhroforhsh oyte kai jerei pote qa apofasistei.

    Se dhlwseis toy sto KYPE, o Proedrikos Epitropos Giwrgos Iakwboy eipe oti eixe xqes brady thlefwnikh synomilia me ton koinotarxh Katw Pyrgoy, o opoios toy diabibase thn apofash toy Koinotikoy Symboylioy na epitrecoyn stoys Toyrkokyprioys na perasoyn ayrio apo to odofragma toy Katw Pyrgoy gia na metaboyn sta Kokkina, kaqws kai thn apofash opws oi katoikoi ths perioxhs pragmatopoihsoyn eirhnikh ekdhlwsh diamartyrias zhtwntas epitaktika to anoigma toy odofragmatos.

    ``Thlefwnhsa sta HE, diabibasa mia perigrafh ths neas katastashs oti einai anoikto (to odofragma) gia toys T/k na perasoyn kai qa ginei mono mia mikrh siwphrh diamartyria. Den qa yparjoyn problhmata'', eipe o k. Iakwboy.

    Prosqese oti ``ta Hnwmena Eqnh anamenoyn pleon ena qema, an shmera qa dwsoyn thn egkrish gia thn episkech ston Agio Mama stis 2 Septembrioy. Ta HE ayto zhtoyn na mas dwsoyn, mia apanthsh'', anefere.


    Poly ikanopoihtika ejelissontai ta dhmosia oikonomika sthn Kypro para ta terastia problhmata poy antimetwpizei h dieqnhs oikonomia, dhlwse o Ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn Xarilaos Stayrakhs.

    Milwntas se synenteyjh Typoy, me qema thn oikonomikh anaskophsh toy prwtoy ejamhnoy toy 2008, o k. Stayrakhs eipe oti o ryqmos oikonomikhs anaptyjhs to prwto ejamhno toy 2008, htan ths tajhs toy 3,9% kai enw oi arxikes probleceis htan gia mia epibradynsh toy ryqmoy anaptyjhs sto 3,5-3,7% fainetai oti oi prooptikes ejelissontai poly kalytera.

    Etsi, opws eipe, to 2008 qa kleisei me ena ryqmo oikonomikhs anaptyjhs poy qa plhsiasei to 4%, poy qa einai o deyteros chloteros ryqmos anaptyjhs sthn Eyrwzwnh meta apo th Slobenia.

    O k. Stayrakhs anefere pws kinhthria dynamh toy chloy aytoy ryqmoy anaptyjhs ejakoloyqoyn na einai oi yphresies kai kyriws aytes poy asxoloyntai me jenes ependyseis kai paroxh diaforwn yphresiwn se dieqneis etaireies.


    Htta prokrishs phre mesa sth Biennh h Anorqwsh, h opoia para to 3-1, exontas to 3-0 toy prwtoy agwna, perase ston 3o prokrimatiko toy Champions League, poy ths ejasfalizei toylaxiston alla tessera paixnidia sthn Eyrwph.

    O Timoyr Ketspagia proxwrhse se dyo allages se sxesh me thn endekada poy jekinhse thn anametrhsh me antipalo thn Rapint. O Dellas phre qesh metajy ths amyntikhs kai ths mesaias grammhs, anti toy Nikolaoy, enw o Tsitaisbili breqhke ston pagko, me ton Lampan, na kerdizei th fanela toy basikoy.


    H yfhlios strefei kai pali to blemma ths sthn koryfaia aqlhtikh ekdhlwsh kaqe tetraetias, toys Olympiakoys Agwnes. To Pekino deixnei etoimo na filojenhsei thn pananqrwpinh ayth synajh me ayjonta ariqmo ``29'' sth sygxronh ekdosh ths. Ki opws kaqe prohgoymenh, filodojei na einai h kalyterh. Mono poy ayth th fora o phxhs exei ektojeyqei sta ych, logw ths - kata genikh omologia - artias diorganwshs prin tessera xronia sthn Aqhna.

    Opws anaferei anakoinwsh ths Kypriakhs Olympiakhs Epitrophs (KOE), h kinezikh prwteyoysa phre th skytalh kai thn Paraskeyh stis 3:08 wra Kyproy, (8:08 sto Pekino) qa anoijei kai epishma tis pyles ths gia na filojenhsei 11,500 peripoy aqlhtes apo 205 xwres, ta melh ths olympiakhs oikogeneias, arxhgoys kratwn kai alloys epishmoys, panw apo 20 xiliades ekproswpoys twn Meswn Mazikhs Enhmerwshs kai gyrw sta dyo ekatommyria episkeptes.

    Sto megalytero ranteboy ths yfhlioy, paroysa qa einai kai h Kypros. Me olympiakh omada dynath oso pote allote sto parelqon kai me elpides gia diakrish. Enas stoxos poy arxizei apo thn paroysia aqlhtwn stoys telikoys twn agwnismatwn toys. H omada ths Kyproy apoteleitai apo 17 atoma, poy ekproswpoyn eji aqlhmata (stibos, istioploia, skopobolh, kolymbhsh, tojobolia kai arsh barwn). Shmaioforos sth shmerinh teleth qa einai o Giwrgos Axillews, poy efqase xqes sto Pekino.

    Sthn parelash twn omadwn, me toys kinezikoys xarakthres qa mpoyn sth ``Fwlia toy Poylioy'' oles oi omades kai h Kypros qa einai sthn 196h qesh, dhladh ligo prin to telos ths parelashs. Prwth mpainei pantote h ellhnikh apostolh (shmaioforos qa einai o tzoyntokan Hlias Hliadhs) gia na timhqei h anabiwsh twn sygxronwn Olympiakwn Agwnwn kai teleytaia h diorganwtria xwra.

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