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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-08-11

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    H Kina prosblepei oti h Kypriakh Dhmokratia qa diadramatisei rolo gefyras stis sxeseis ths me thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, me thn opoia epiqymei dieyrynsh twn sxesewn ths kaqws kai th metatroph ths Enwshs se ajiopisto etairo ths L.D. ths Kinas, dhlwse o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias. Symfwna me epishmh anakoinwsh, o Proedros Xristofias eixe th Deytera synanthsh me ton Kinezo omologo toy Xoy Tsintao, o opoios ejefrase th diaxronikh yposthrijh ths Kinas sthn prospaqeia kai ston agwna ths Kyproy gia na yperaspistei thn anejarthsia, thn kyriarxia kai thn edafikh akeraiothta ths.

    Se dhlwsh toy meta th synanthsh, o Proedros Xristofias eipe oti o Proedros ths L.D. ths Kinas Xoy Tsintao kalwsorise thn kypriakh antiproswpeia ``qermotata, xarakthrizontas ton Proedro ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias ws palio kalo filo ths L.D. ths Kinas. Ypenqymise thn teleytaia moy episkech sthn Kina ws Proedros ths Boylhs h opoia, opws eipe o k. Xoy, synebale sto na doqei wqhsh gia thn para pera anaptyjh twn polypleyrwn sxesewn metajy twn xwrwn mas. Politikwn, oikonomikwn, politistikwn, toyristikwn kai genikotera allwn sxesewn''.

    O Proedros Xristofias eipe oti o Kinezos Proedros eishghqhke na ergastoyn ``oytws wste se oloys aytoys toys tomeis na exoyme peraiterw anaptyjh kai na enisxyqoyn. O k. Xoy tonise oti h Kypros einai poly ajiopistos etairos ths L.D. ths Kinas entos ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs kai eyxhqhke na mas kalwsorisei sth xwra toy kata th diarkeia ths Diaskechs Koryfhs Eyrwphs-Asias. H L.D. ths Kinas prosblepei oti h Kypriakh Dhmokratia qa diadramatisei rolo gefyras stis sxeseis ths me thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh, me thn opoia epiqymoyn dieyrynsh twn sxesewn kai th metatroph ths Enwshs se ajiopisto etairo ths L.D. ths Kinas''.

    Oson afora to Kypriako o Proedros Xoy, eipe o Proedros ths Dhmokratias, ``diatypwse jekaqares qeseis. Diaxronika h L.D. ths Kinas sthrizei thn Kypriakh Dhmokratia sthn prospaqeia kai ston agwna ths gia na yperaspistei thn anejarthsia, thn kyriarxia kai thn edafikh akeraiothta ths. O Proedros ths Kinas eyxhqhke syntoma na exoyme apotelesmata kai eyodwsh twn synomiliwn gia thn epanenwsh ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias. O Proedros Xoy exei tonisei oti h L.D. ths Kinas se oloys toys dieqneis organismoys, proejarxontos toy Organismoy Hnwmenwn Eqnwn poy einai Monimo Melos toy Symboylioy Asfaleias, qa synexisei na threi qeseis arxhs kai allhleggyhs pros thn Kypriakh Dhmokratia''.

    Anefere epishs oti sth synanthsh toy doqhke h dynatothta kai h eykairia na eyxaristhsei kai na ekfrasei thn eygnwmosynh toy kypriakoy laoy pros ton Proedro ths Kinas gia th staqerh, diaxronikh kai apo qeseis arxwn sthrijh ths L.D. ths Kinas pros thn Kypriakh Dhmokratia ston agwna gia termatismo ths katoxhs kai gia epanenwsh ths Kyproy oytws wste to nhsi na einai patrida gia oloys toys Kyprioys.

    ``Exw tonisei, bebaiws, kai th dikh mas sthrijh gia mia Kina kai thn epanenwsh ths Taiban me thn Kina, qesh thn opoia h Kypriakh Dhmokratia diathrei diaxronika me pollh synepeia'', epeshmane o Proedros ths Dhmokratias. ``Epishs, tonisa oti kai to Qibet einai anapospasto meros ths L.D. ths Kinas''.

    O Proedros Xristofias ejefrase lyph gia th diorganwsh diaforwn ekdhlwsewn, oi opoies, opws eipe, ``eilikrina exoyn texnhto xarakthra, poy stoxeyoyn sto na amayrwqei to kyros ths L.D. ths Kinas kai h qelhsh toy kinezikoy laoy na diorganwsei agwnes me tropo entypwsiako, kaqola organwmeno kai qa elega teleio. H teleth enarjhs htan entypwsiakh kai fantasmagorikh''.

    Telos eipe oti symfwnhsan sthn antallagh antiproswpeiwn se diafora epipeda metajy twn dyo xwrwn kai sthn peraiterw anaptyjh twn oikonomikwn, emporikwn kai allwn sxesewn metajy Kyproy kai L.D. ths Kinas.

    Ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias synodeyan sth synanthsh o Ypoyrgos Paideias kai Politismoy Andreas Dhmhtrioy, o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Stefanos Stefanoy, o Dieyqynths toy Grafeioy toy Proedroy Basos Gewrgioy, o Presbhs ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias sto Pekino Marios Ierwnymidhs kai o Epitetrammenos ths Kypriakhs Presbeias Mixalhs Mayros.


    Sto stadio ths ajiologhshs apo ton Ypoyrgo Amynas kai toys leitoyrgoys toy Ypoyrgeioy brisketai h meleth gia anadiorganwsh ths Eqnikhs Froyras, h opoia perilambanei kai th meiwsh ths qhteias apo 25 se 19 mhnes. Ayto dhlwse sto KYPE o Ypoyrgos Amynas Kwstas Papakwstas, diamhnyontas oti h telikh ajiologhsh qa einai etoimh to argotero mexri ta telh Noembrioy, opotan kai qa ypoblhqei sto Ypoyrgiko Symboylio gia syzhthsh kai telikh egkrish.

    ``Exoyme gyrw sta 10-12 senaria me to kaqe ena apo ayta na exei tis dikes toy parametroys kai proypoqeseis, kai to Ypoyrgeio qa katalhjei se 2 h 3 apo ayta me seira proteraiothtas, gia na proteinei pros syzhthsh kai chfish sto Ypoyrgiko Symboylio'', shmeiwse o k. Papakwstas. O Ypoyrgos Amynas anefere oti h meleth twn empeirognwmonwn toy GEEF poy ekponhqhke me bash oroys entolhs toys opoioys aphyqyne o idios pros ton Arxhgo ths EF, katalhgei sto symperasma oti h meiwsh ths qhteias apo 25 se 19 mhnes, einai efikth katw apo orismenes proypoqeseis. Pros ayth thn kateyqynsh to Ypoyrgeio se synergasia me idiwtikh etaireia diejagei dhmoskophsh, h opoia kai oloklhrwnetai syntoma.

    O k. Papakwstas tonise oti mia apo tis basikes proypoqeseis einai oti h meiwsh qa efarmostei klimakwta, se treis h tesseris faseis, enw ypogrammise oti an oi proypoqeseis den mporoyn na ylopoihqoyn, ``den mporoyme na milame gia meiwsh''. O Ypoyrgos Amynas ekane safes oti h polyselidh meleth twn empeirognwmonwn toy GEEF, h opoia brisketai sta xeria toy apo ta telh Ioynioy, perilambanei treis anapospastes metajy toys enothtes: Thn anadiorganwsh ths Eqnikhs Froyras, th meiwsh ths qhteias kai thn anadiorganwsh ths efedreias.


    H katastash me ta synolika apoqemata ydatwn sta fragmata twn eleyqerwn perioxwn ths Dhmokratias einai ``poly krisimh``, opws dhlwse shmera sto KYPE o A' Leitoyrgos sto Tmhma Anaptyjews Ydatwn, Sofoklhs Aletrarhs, ekfrazontas taytoxrona thn elpida opws se dyo - treis hmeres arxisei dromologia kai to ekto dejamenoploio apo thn Ellada, prokeimenoy na exoyn sth Lemeso ``th roh poy apaiteitai, dhladh ta 50.000 kybika metra neroy ana 24 wres``.

    O k. Aletrarhs ejefrase thn ektimhsh oti arxes Noembrioy qa leitoyrghsoyn h kinhth monada afalatwshs sth Monh, oso kai to systhma epejergasias toy neroy twn gewtrhsewn toy Garyllh, enw h epektash ths monadas afalatwshs ths Larnakas gyrw sto telos Noembrioy me arxes Dekembrioy, par` ola ayta omws, eipe, den qa stamathsoyn oi perikopes twra, dioti den yparxei h dynatothta plhroys kalychs twn yfistamenwn anagkwn.

    Akoma kai me thn taktikh ayth roh ydatos apo thn Ellada, eipe o k. Aletrarhs, den epilyetai oristika to problhma kai ``oi perikopes qa synexisqoyn, aplws den qa xreiazetai na bgazoyme toso nero apo to fragma toy Koyrrh, opws ginetai twra, alla qa to exoyme ws ena apoqema gia thn periptwsh endexomenhs blabhs se monades afalatwshs, kati poy symbainei merikes fores``.

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