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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-08-13

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    To Dhmotiko Sxoleio Zxongk Gkoyan Sin, to opoio einai adelfopoihmeno me to Dhmotiko Sxoleio Makedonitissas, episkefqhke thn Tetarth o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias.

    Opws anaferetai se epishmh anakoinwsh, milwntas pros toys ekpaideytikoys kai toys maqhtes toy sxoleioy, o Proedros Xristofias xarakthrise th mera, logw ths episkech ayths, ws mia apo tis pio omorfes meres poy eixe kata thn episkech toy sth Laikh Dhmokratia ths Kinas enocei twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn. Kai ayto, giati opws eipe, breqhke anamesa se paidia, ta opoia apoteloyn to mellon kaqe xwras.

    ``To synqhma twn Agwnwn'', eipe o Proedros ths Dhmokratias, einai ``Enas kosmos, Ena oneiro. To oneiro einai ta paidia na megalwnoyn se synqhkes eirhnhs. Ayto einai kai to oneiro twn paidiwn ths Kyproy'', synexise o k. Xristofias, ``ta opoia zoyn se synqhkes hmikatoxhs afoy ena meros ths xwras toys katexetai apo ta toyrkika strateymata. Emeis qeloyme na epikrathsei eirhnh metajy twn lawn'', prosqese.

    Kata th diarkeia ths episkechs, maqhtes toy sxoleioy paroysiasan syntomo kallitexniko programma kai alles drasthriothtes kai edwsan ston Proedro ths Dhmokratias anamnhstika dwra. Apo thn pleyra toy, o k. Xristofias xarise sth dieyqynsh toy sxoleioy ena ashmenio omoiwma toy karabioy ths Keryneias.

    ``Einai ena arxaio kai istoriko karabi poy breqhke konta sth geneteira moy. Gi ayto kai aisqanomai oti sas dinw ena kommati ths kardias moy'', eipe sth Dieyqyntria toy sxoleioy o Proedros ths Dhmokratias.

    Opws anaferei anakoinwsh ths Kypriakhs Olympiakhs Epitrophs, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias proskalese ariqmo paidiwn apo to sygkekrimeno sxoleio na episkefqoyn thn Kypro kata th diarkeia twn Agwnwn Mikrwn Kratwn Eyrwphs, poy qa ginoyn thn epomenh xronia.

    Ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias synodeyan sthn episkech sto Dhmotiko Sxoleio o Ypoyrgos Paideias kai Politismoy Andreas Dhmhtrioy, o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Stefanos Stefanoy, o Presbhs ths Kyproy sthn Kina Marios Ierwnymidhs kai o Dieyqynths toy Grafeioy toy Proedroy Basos Gewrgioy. Sthn episkech pareyreqhkan epishs melh ths Kypriakhs Apostolhs stoys Olympiakoys Agwnes, me epikefalhs ton Proedro ths Kypriakhs Olympiakhs Epitrophs Kikh Lazaridh kai arxhgo ths apostolhs ths Kyproy stoys Olympiakoys Agwnes toy Pekinoy Aleko Spano.

    Sto metajy, symfwna me thn epishmh anakoinwsh, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias episkefqhke epishs thn Kinezikh Nayphgikh Etaireia, me thn opoia synergazontai kai Kyprioi ploiokthtes, kaqws kai to Nhognwmona ths Kinas, o opoios anaptyssei synergasia kai me thn Kypro.

    Toso sth synanthsh me ton Kinezikh Nayphgikh Etaireia oso kai me ton Kineziko Nhognwmona, o k. Xristofias anaferqhke sto chlo epipedo twn oikonomikwn kai emporikwn sxesewn ths Kyproy kai ths Kinas kai ypogrammise ta megala periqwria poy yparxoyn gia parapera anaptyjh twn oikonomikwn kai emporikwn sxesewn, alla kai eyrytera.


    O Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Markos Kyprianoy xairetise thn epiteyjh symfwnias metajy ths Rwsias kai ths Gewrgias, poy paroysiase h gallikh proedria ths EE sth diarkeia twn ergasiwn toy Symboylioy Genikwn Ypoqesewn kai Ejwterikwn Sxesewn ths EE. Prosqese oti h Kypros yposthrizei to sebasmo ths edafikhs akeraiothtas ths Gewrgias, sth bash twn sxetikwn chfismatwn toy Symboylioy Asfaleias toy OHE.

    Sthn parembash toy, o k. Kyprianoy ejefrase ikanopoihsh gia thn epiteyjh symfwnias metajy twn dyo pleyrwn kai ton epoikodomhtiko rolo ths gallikhs proedrias ths EE kai toy OASE, prosqetontas oti idiaitera h symfwnia apotelei epityxia toy Galloy Proedroy Nikola Sarkozi.

    ``Shmera exoyme epityxei to stoxo mas gia ameso termatismo twn exqroprajiwn. Twra prepei na ergastoyme wste na apofeyxqoyn oi opoiesdhpote exqroprajies sto mellon``, eipe.


    Me ychlo aisqhma eyqynhs, synesh kai staqerothta se arxes kai ajies, politikh hgesia kai laos kaloymaste na sthrijoyme ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias stis prospaqeies toy poy stoxo exoyn thn epiteyjh mias dikaihs leitoyrgikhs kai biwsimhs lyshs sto Kypriako.

    Ayto dhlwse to brady ths Tetarths o Dhmarxos Morfoy Xaralampos Pittas se omilia toy sthn antikatoxikh ekdhlwsh gia thn hmera katalhchs ths Morfoy, stis 16 Aygoystoy 1974 apo ta toyrkika strateymata.

    O Dhmarxos eipe oti shmera briskomaste antimetwpoi me thn istoria ths patridas mas, gia ayto kai epiballetai me enothta, me allhlosebasmo kai nhfaliothta, politikh hgesia kai laos na apofasisoyme gia to mellon ths patridas mas, gia to mellon to diko mas, alla kai twn geniwn poy qa elqoyn.


    H Kypria kolymbhtria Anna Stylianoy shmeiwse kai deytero pagkyprio rekor, sto Pekino, sta 100m. eleyqero, ayth th fora me 56.38 poy sth genikh katatajh toy ``ekatostarioy'' einai 36h se 48 aqlhtries.

    Opws anaferei h Kypriakh Olympiakh Epitroph (KOE), se anakoinwsh ths, ``o kyrios stoxos ths Kyprias prwtaqlhtrias htan na jeperasei ton eayto ths kai me thn pagkypria epidosh ths ekane yperbash twn oriwn ths kai afoy ta katafere den mporei para na niwqei ikanopoihmenh''.

    Stis dhlwseis poy ekane amesws meta thn koyrsa ths eipe: ``Niwqw ikanopoihsh gia to rekor, molonoti perimena oti qa petyxaina kalytero xrono. Ekana omws ena-dyo mikrolaqakia sthn koyrsa kai moy kostisan, telika. Genika aisqanomai xaroymenh kai ikanopoihmenh gia o,ti petyxa stoys Olympiakoys''.

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