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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-08-17

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    Proetoimazetai gia th synanthsh toy me ton Toyrkokyprio hgeth Mexmet Ali Talat stis 3 Septembrioy o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias, o opoios dhlwse oti ayth h prwth synanthsh me ton k. Talat qa einai perissotero diadikastikh, den qa ginei oysiastikh syzhthsh kai ``qa epifylaxqoyme gia thn prwth paragwgikh synanthsh poy qa pragmatopoihqei stis 11 Septembrioy''.

    O Proedros ths Dhmokratias miloyse kata thn afijh toy sto Aerodromio Larnakas apo to Pekino, opoy metebh me thn eykairia twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn.

    Stis dhlwseis toy, o Proedros Xristofias anaferqhke sth synanthsh poy eixe me ton Kinezo omologo toy, legontas oti ayth h megalh xwra qewrei thn Kypro ws ton kalytero filo ths sthn Eyrwph.

    Afoy anefere oti h Kypros ta phge poly kala stoys Olympiakoys Agwnes toy Pekinoy, o k. Xristofias shmeiwse oti "qa prepei na noiwqoyme perhfanoi" giati, opws eipe, h mikrh Kypros, anamesa se 200 xwres, phre meros ston teliko toy skht me dyo aqlhtes.


    O Ypoyrgos Amynas Kwstas Papakwstas dhlwse thn Kyriakh oti h epiteyjh symfwnias gia thn enarjh apeyqeias diapragmateysewn apo tis 3 toy Septembrh metajy toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias kai toy Toyrkokyprioy hgeth einai mia shmantikh ejelijh poy anapterwnei tis elpides toy laoy gia ton termatismo twn polyxronwn deinwn toy.

    Se omilia toy se mnhmosyno, eipe oti oi prwtoboylies toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrh Xristofia exoyn hdh dwsei ta prwta qetika kai elpidofora apotelesmata kai oti, meta tis epaneilhmmenes epafes toy me ton T/k hgeth Mexmet Ali Talat, epiteyxqhke h leitoyrgia twn omadwn ergasias kai twn texnikwn epitropwn kai h efarmogh shmantikwn metrwn oikodomhshs empistosynhs metajy E/k kai T/k.

    O Ypoyrgos Amynas shmeiwse oti dhmioyrghqhke etsi mia nea kinhtikothta sthn prospaqeia gia epilysh toy kypriakoy problhmatos, h opoia exei energopoihsei ton OHE kai thn EE, poy sthrizoyn tis prospaqeies poy kataballontai gia thn arsh toy adiejodoy.


    Th bebaiothta oti ``o Proedros ths Dhmokratias qa dwsei th maxh gia lysh toy Kypriakoy me apofasistikothta kai synepeia'', ejefrasan o Dhmarxos kai to Dhmotiko Symboylio ths katexomenhs Ammoxwstoy se chfisma, ystera apo ektakth anoixth synedria ths olomeleias poy pragmatopoihqhke sto Politistiko Kentro ths Katexomenhs Ammoxwstoy sth Deryneia, me aformh ta 34 xronia apo thn paranomh katalhch kai katoxh ths polhs ths Ammoxwstoy apo ta toyrkika strateymata.

    Sto chfisma, to Dhmotiko Symboylio zhta ``thn epistrofh ths Ammoxwstoy" kai anaferei oti "ena prwto bhma pros ayth th kateyqynsh einai h amesh epistrofh ths perikleisths perioxhs, poy katexetai shmera apo ta toyrkika strateymata, kai h epanegkatastash twn nomimwn katoikwn ths".

    "Qewroyme oti to qema ths Ammoxwstoy qa prepei amesa na teqei sto trapezi twn synomiliwn san ena metro oikodomhshs empistosynhs, to opoio qa beltiwsei shmantika to klima gia thn prowqhsh twn synomiliwn kai to opoio qa apobei pros ofelos kai twn dyo koinothtwn ths Kyproy'', shmeiwnetai.

    To Dhmotiko Symboylio Ammoxwstoy xairetizei ``tis prospaqeies kai prwtoboylies toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias, oi opoies eixan san apotelesma thn apofash gia enarjh apeyqeias synomiliwn stis 3 Septembrioy'', kai stelnei ``jekaqara to mhnyma oti sthrizoyme kai ergazomaste pros thn kateyqynsh ths epiteyjhs synolikhs lyshs dizwnikhs, dikoinotikhs omospondias".


    O prwtos Kyprios aqlhths stiboy poy anebhke sto baqro pagkosmioy prwtaqlhmatos, o Kyriakos Iwannoy, shmera qelei na gracei istoria kai na ginei o prwtos Kyprios aqlhths poy qa prokriqei se teliko Olympiakwn Agwnwn.

    O Iwannoy rixnetai sth maxh twn prokrimatikwn toy ycoys. Symfwna me anakoinwsh toy Grafeioy Typoy ths KOE, prwtistos stoxos toy einai na jeperasei to shmerino panychlo empodio.

    H Pagkosmia Omospondia Stiboy anebase to orio sta 2 metra kai 32 ekatosta gia na einai sigoyros enas aqlhths oti qa perasei ston teliko, mia apofash poy den exei prohgoymeno, afoy sthn Aqhna prin tessera xronia to orio gia ton teliko htan 2.28, enw persi sto pagkosmio prwtaqlhma ths Osaka 2.29.

    Oi eidikoi yposthrizoyn oti shmera qa ginei enas apo toys sygklonistikoteroys agwnes twn teleytaiwn xronwn. Oi symmetoxes anerxontai stis 41 kai ta metallia diekdikoyn toylaxiston oi 30.

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