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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-08-21

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


  • [03] YPEJ - TOYRKIA - EE


    H kinhtikothta poy parathreitai toys teleytaioys mhnes sto Kypriako eiserxetai stis 3 Septembrioy se mia nea fash, tonise o Proedros ths Boylhs, Marios Karogian kata thn enarjh twn ergasiwn ths Pagkosmias Syntonistikhs Epitrophs Kypriakoy Agwna (PSEKA), kalwntas ta Hnwmena Eqnh na strecoyn tis prospaqeies toys pros thn Agkyra kai na antimetwpisoyn me perissoterh apofasistikothta kai aysthrothta thn adiallajia ths kai ta diairetika ths sxedia.

    O Proedros ths Boylhs proeidopoihse parallhla oti o dieqnhs paragontas qa diaprajei oleqrio sfalma an diamorfwsei th qesh kai thn taktikh toy sto Kypriako sth bash twn mhnymatwn poy pairnei apo ekeinoys poy eixan apodexqei to sxedio Anan.

    Me thn enarjh twn apeyqeias diapragmateysewn, prosqese, anamenetai na diapistwqoyn oi qeseis ths kaqe pleyras epi ths oysias toy problhmatos. ``Anamenoyme na doyme an h toyrkikh pleyra exei pragmatika th boylhsh na synergastei gia thn ejeyresh mias leitoyrgikhs kai biwsimhs lyshs sto Kypriako, poy na sthrizetai stis arxes kai tis apofaseis twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn, tis arxes kai tis ajies ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs kai th dieqnh nomimothta``. Dystyxws, synexise, h mexri twra stash ths toyrkikhs pleyras kai oi epanalambanomenes dhmosiws qeseis ths den mas epitrepoyn na aisiodojoyme. ``Omws, synexizoyme tis prospaqeies. Den yparxei, ejalloy, allos tropos gia na ftasoyme se lysh toy Kypriakoy``.


    Thn Paraskeyh to prwi anamenetai na anaxwrhsoyn apo thn Kypro gia th Lwrida ths Gazas oi 45 synolika aktibistes apo diafores xwres toy kosmoy, metajy twn opoiwn Ellhnes, Bretanoi, Amerikanoi kai Palaistinioi. O ek twn arxhgwn ths apostolhs Ellhnas dhmosiografos Petros Giwths, se synenteyjh Typoy mprosta apo ta dyo ploiaria ths apostolhs to ``Agios Nikolaos'' kai to ``Kyriakos K.'' anefere oti ``h apostolh einai na fqasoyme sth Gaza, oxi mono gia na metaferoyme mia mikrh anqrwpistikh bohqeia, alla kyriws gia na diakhryjoyme se olo ton kosmo, oti oi Palaistinioi, poy einai aixmalwtismenoi se ayth thn terastia anoikth fylakh, exoyn ta idia anqrwpina dikaiwmata poy exoyn oi anqrwpoi oloy toy kosmoy''.

    Prosqese pws ``eidika gi emas toys Mesogeiakoys laoys, exoyn to dikaiwma na xrhsimopoioyn th qalassa toys eleyqera, opws th xrhsimopoioyn oloi oi ypoloipoi Mesogeiakoi laoi''. Anaforika me tis dyskolies poy qa antimetwpisoyn, eipe oti ``oi dyskolies einai aytes poy mas erxontai ws mhnymata apo thn kybernhsh toy Israhl, oti dhladh qewrei thn perioxh apokleismenh stratiwtika kai oti qa kanei ta panta gia na mas empodisei na ftasoyme ekei. Ws poy qa ftasoyme emeis, den to jeroyme, eimaste omws apofasismenoi na paroyme to risko giati pisteyoyme oti eimaste nomimoi, apo thn apoch toy dieqnoys dikaioy, enw aytoi einai paranomoi'' eipe.

    Se erwthsh kata poso yphrjan apeiles apo to Israhl, o k. Giwths eipe oti ``yphrjan apeiles anwnymes se melh ths apostolhs oxi Ellhnes, enw yphrje kai mia sxetikh plhroforhsh se mas oti toylaxiston tria melh ths apostolhs, dhladh o Baggelhs o Pisias, enas Amerikanos kai enas Palaistinios kindyneyoyn ana pasa stigmh''. O kapetanios enos ek twn dyo ploiariwn ths apostolhs, Baggelhs Pisias, erwthqeis gia th nota poy exei epidoqei sthn apostolh apo to Israhl, apanthse pws ``to Israhl mas exei epidwsei mia anepidoth nota h opoia eftase sta xeria mas xwris na exei sthn pragmatikothta oyte apostolea oyte paralhpth. Me ayth thn ennoia qa elega oti einai mia energeia poy stoxeyei na tromokrathsei ayth thn apostolh, na kanei dhladh toys anqrwpoys na thn aparnhqoyn. Emeis qa synexisoyme'' eipe kai prosqese pws ``h nota ayth leei oti emeis, den mporoyme na plhsiasoyme thn perioxh ths Gazas, se mia apostash kontinoterh apo 35 milia''.

    [03] YPEJ - TOYRKIA - EE

    Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Markos Kyprianoy ypedeije sthn Toyrkia oti qa prepei na sthrijei tis synomilies oxi frastika, alla oysiastika enw parallhla proeidopoihse oti h Kypriakh Dhmokratia, ws kratos melos ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, qa anagkastei na anaqewrhsei th stash ths, ean h Agkyra den exei thn anamenomenh stash se ayth thn krisimh fash twn diapragmateysewn. Thn topoqethsh ayth ekane o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn otan klhqhke na anaferei kata poson h e/k pleyra qa prepei na anaqewrhsei th stash ths enanti ths eyrwpaikhs prooptikhs ths Toyrkias, an h Agkyra synexisei thn adiallakth stash ths.

    ``Na mhn jexname, prwta ap ola, oti h Toyrkia exei eyrwpaikh prooptikh me th sygkataqesh ths Kyproy. Giati kamia fora ayto jexnietai, idiaitera apo toys etairoys mas sthn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh. Apo to 2004 h Kypros synexizei na apodexetai ayth thn entajiakh poreia ths Toyrkias, den exoyme dei, omws, kamia apolytws kinhsh kalhs qelhshs apo thn toyrkikh pleyra toso apenanti sthn Kypriakh Dhmokratia dimerws oso kai apenanti stis ypoxrewseis ths entos ths EE poy aforoyn sthn Kypro'', shmeiwse o k. Kyprianoy.

    Twra, prosqese, ``mpainoyme se mia poly krisimh fash poy einai h enarjh twn apeyqeias diapragmateysewn. Anamenoyme oti edw, toylaxiston, h Toyrkia, opws apaiteitai, opws einai gnwsto, apo tis apofaseis ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, qa prepei na sthrijei aytes tis synomilies oxi frastika, alla oysiastika. Ayto einai ypoxrewsh ths Toyrkias kai sxetizetai me thn eyrwpaikh ths poreia. Den einai kati poy to syndeoyme emeis, einai kati poy to exei syndesei h idia h Eyrwpaikh Enwsh''.

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