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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-08-29

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


  • [02] E/K T/K POREIA


    O Proedrikos Epitropos Giwrgos Iakwboy apoxwrhse thn Paraskeyh apo thn programmatismenh synanthsh me ton Ozntil Nami, symboylo toy Toyrkokyprioy hgeth Mexmet Ali Talat, sto Lhdra Palas, otan toy anakoinwqhke apo ton Eidiko Antiproswpo toy Genikoy Grammatea toy OHE Tagie Mproyk Zerixoyn, h apofash twn T/k na arnhqoyn th dieleysh twn katoikwn toy Katw Pyrgoy mesw toy Limnith gia na metaboyn se organwmeno proskynhma.

    ``Efqasa shmera stis 3 sto Lhdra Palas kai ystera apo tis arxikes filofronhseis o k. Zerixoyn me plhroforhse oti phre epistolh apo toys T/k, h opoia ton plhroforei oti qa arnhqoyn thn dieleysh twn katoikwn toy Katw Pyrgoy sto organwmeno proskynhma dia mesoy toy dromoy toy Limnith``, eipe o k. Iakwboy stoys dhmosiografoys epistrefontas apo to Lhdra Palas sto Proedriko Megaro.

    ``Ayto fysika einai mia qliberh eidhsh, einai mia pragmatika stenokardh kai proklhtikh apofash``, shmeiwse, prosqetontas oti ``enocei aytoy, apofasisa me dikh moy eyqynh oti den mporoysa na synexisw thn programmatismenh synanthsh me ton k. Nami``.

    O k. Iakwboy eipe oti protoy apoxwrhsei apo thn aiqoysa twn synomiliwn ekane mia ektetamenh dhlwsh gia toys logoys poy ton odhghsan se ayth thn energeia

    Anefere oti o k. Zerixoyn ejefrase thn epiqymia na ton synanthsei kat` idian. ``Toy apanthsa asfalws oti eimai proqymos, opote qelei na syzhthsoyme ta qemata, ta opoia aporreoyn oxi mono apo thn shmerinh syzhthsh alla thn proxqesinh kai tis polles alles poy aforoysan thn dianoijh toy odofragmatos toy Limnith``, shmeiwse.

    O k. Iakwboy dieykrinise oti kata thn apoxwrhsh toy htan parwn o k. Nami. ``Htan ekei o k. Nami otan efqasa. Kai malista arxisame kapoia, etsi prokatarktikh syzhthsh alla o k. Nami nomizw diaisqanomenos oti eprepe na me plhroforhsei gi ayth thn ejelijh, diekoce kai me plhroforhse gi ayto to gegonos``, anefere.

    Erwthqeis an o k. Nami ejhghse toys logoys apofashs arnhshs twn T/k na metaboyn oi katoikoi toy Katw Pyrgoy se organwmeno proskynhma mesw toy odofragmatos toy Limnith, apanthse arnhtika.

    O k. Nami ejefrase omws thn elpida, prosqese, oti ayto den qa ephreasei tis synomilies poy qa arxisoyn stis 3 Septembrioy.

    Erwthqeis ean prokeitai gia kako oiwno enocei ths enarjhs twn apeyqeias diapragmateysewn metajy twn hgetwn twn dyo koinothtwn, o k. Iakwboy ejefrase thn pepoiqhsh oti ``prepei na diathrhsoyme thn cyxraimia mas``.

    `` Sas lew oti hmoyn apolyta cyxraimos. Exw kamei mia dhlwsh gia toys logoys poy den ekrina oti qa mporoyse na synexisei h diaboyleysh. Sto katw-katw eprepe na symboyleyqw kai den hqela na shkwqw na thlefwnw gia na zhtw apoceis. Nomizw htan mia cyxraimh kai swsth apofash na mhn dwsw synexeia gi aytes tis atermones apaithseis kai diaboyleyseis. Otan einai etoimoi na syzhthsoyn pragmatika tote qa doyme ti qa kanoyme``, prosqese.

    Erwthqeis an h dianoijh toy odofragmatos qa syzhthqei sthn synanthsh twn arxhgwn twn dyo koinothtwn eipe : ``Den to apokleiw na einai ena qema, den jerw ti skeceis kanei kai o k. Zerixoyn kai metagenestera o k. Alejanter Ntaoyner, o opoios qa fqasei thn Deytera``.

    O k. Iakwboy eipe oti enhmerwse ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrh Xristofia gia to ti egine sto Lhdra Palas, amesws meta thn epistrofh toy sto Proedriko Megaro.

    Erwthqeis poia htan h antidrash toy Proedroy Xristofia, eipe pws ``asfalws o Proedros epikrothse thn apofash dioti den einai dynaton na ginontai diapragmateyseis katw apo aytoy toy eidoys tis skies kai tis proklhtikes energeies``.

    O k. Iakwboy eipe pws me ton k. Zerixoyn isws synanthqei ayrio.

    Klhqeis na sxoliasei oti ginontai aparadektes dhlwseis kai energeies apo thn t/k pleyra enocei twn diapragmateysewn poy odhgoyn se kapoia symperasmata, o k. Iakwboy eipe : ``Pragmatika den qa hqela na mantecw toys logoys alla ekeinoi poy einai kaloi melethtes twn politikwn pragmatwn sta katexomena mporoyn na bgaloyn mia h kai dyo qewries giati lhfqhke ayth h apofash``.

    Anefere oti kata thn shmerinh synanthsh sto Lhdra Palas qa syzhtoyse seira qematwn poy eixe qesei o k. Nami sxetika me to anoigma toy odofragmatos ston Limnith, ta opoia o idios eixe analabei na melethsei kai na epanelqei.

    ``Apo proxqes, olh thn hmera xqes kai shmera to prwi etoimasthka gia na sxoliasw, na syzhthsw kai na diapragmateytw ayta ta qemata``, katelhje.

    [02] E/K T/K POREIA

    Poreia gia thn eirhnh kai epanenwsh ths Kyproy diorganwnetai thn 1h Septembrioy apo organwseis stis eleyqeres perioxes kai ta katexomena, oi opoies thn idia hmera qa epidwsoyn epistoles stoys hgetes twn dyo koinothtwn me ta aithmata toys oson afora th lysh toy Kypriakoy.

    Se dhmosiografikh diaskech sto Lhdra Palas anagnwsthke dhlwsh apo ton ekproswpo ths Platoformas E/k kai T/k Ekpaideytikwn ``Enwmenh Kypros`` Paylo Payloy kai ton ekproswpo ths Platformas Eirhnhs Kyproy Salix Oygkoyrogloy.

    Oi epistoles qa epidoqoyn thn 1hn Septembrioy, stis 10:00 ston T/k hgeth Mexmet Ali Talat kai stis 12:00 ston Proedro ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrh Xristofia.

    Sth dhlwsh ginetai anafora ston B Pagkosmio Polemo poy jekinhse me thn katoxh ths Polwnias thn 1h Septembrioy toy 1939 kai sto o,ti h 1h Septembrioy exei kaqierwqei ws h Pagkosmia Hmera Eirhnhs gia na mhn epanalhfqoyn paromoies katastrofes.

    ``Oi Kyprioi, opws kai h megalh pleiochfia twn lawn toy kosmoy, exoyn ypoferei kai aytoi polla apo toys polemoys. Oi plhges poy prokalesan ta apanqrwpa gegonota poy diadramatisthkan sthn prosfath istoria mas, den exoyn akomh epoylwqei. Se olo ayto diasthma poy exei perasei apo tis sygkroyseis, oxi mono den exei epiteyxqei h eirhnh, alla den exei epiteyxqei oyte kan h epishmh katapaysh toy pyros``, anaferetai


    Thn ikanopoihsh toy giati oi ariqmoi poy anaferontai sthn ekqesh ths Komision gia thn Prasinh Grammh se sxesh me th laqrometanasteysh sthn Kypro ``diatypwnontai epakribws``, ejefrase thn Paraskeyh o Ypoyrgos Dikaiosynhs kai Dhmosias Tajhs Kypros Xrysostomidhs.

    O Ypoyrgos Dikaiosynhs eipe epishs oti entos twn hmerwn, h Kybernhsh qa ypobalei sthn Eyrwpaikh Epitroph ena paketo protasewn gia patajh ths laqrometanasteyshs kai tonise oti h Kybernhsh endiaferetai gia thn eleyqerh epikoinwnia metajy twn dyo koinothtwn, shmeiwnontas oti ``aysthroterh epithrhsh qa shmaine talaipwries kai meiwsh twn dynatothtwn epikoinwnias metajy twn dyo koinothtwn''.

    Klhqeis apo to KYPE na sxoliasei tis anafores sth laqrometanasteysh poy emperiexontai sthn ekqesh ths Komision, o k. Xrysostomidhs eipe oti sthn ekqesh ``diapistwnetai oti to 99% sxedon twn paranomwn metanastwn eiserxetai stis eleyqeres perioxes mesw ths diaxwristikhs grammhs``.

    ``Xairomai na parathrhsw oti ta gegonota kai oi ariqmoi oson afora th laqrometanasteysh diatypwnontai epakribws apo thn Epitroph kai diapistwnetai oti to 99% sxedon twn paranomwn metanastwn eiserxetai stis eleyqeres perioxes mesw ths diaxwristikhs grammhs'', eipe, prosqetontas oti enas megalos ariqmos eiserxetai epishs mesa apo tis Bretanikes Baseis.

    Opws eipe, 5.710 laqrometanastes apo toys 5.844 kata thn periodo 1h Mah 2007 30 Aprilioy 2008 eishlqan apo thn Prasinh Grammh.

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