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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 08-08-30

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    Dysmenh ejelijh ``poy den apotelei kai to kalytero stoixeio enocei ths enarjhs twn apeyqeias diapragmateysewn``, xarakthrise o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Stefanos Stefanoy thn apofash toy katoxikoy kaqestwtos na mhn epitrecei th metabash pistwn apo thn perioxh Tyllhrias ston katexomeno Agio Mama, mesw toy odofragmatos toy Limnith.

    Xarakthrizontas thn apofash ``stenokardh``, o k. Stefanoy tonise oti h e/k pleyra qa synexisei na einai cyxraimh kai epoikodomhtikh, ypogrammizontas omws oti ``kapoia stigmh qa prepei na ginei katanohto kai apo thn allh pleyra oti h epideijh kalhs qelhshs kai oi energeies poy ginontai pros ayth thn kateyqynsh den mporei na einai monodromos``.

    ``Den mporei na ginontai mono apo thn e/k koinothta, kapoia stigmh prepei na broyme kai antapokrish apo thn allh koinothta``, tonise o Ekproswpos.

    Parallhla, o k. Stefanoy ypedeije ston Xasan Ertsakitza, ekproswpo toy T/k hgeth, Mexmet Ali Talat, o opoios dhlwse oti o Limniths den apotelei odofragma oti h dianoijh ths diodoy toy Limnith teqhke ws proteraiothta me apofash twn hgetwn twn dyo koinothtwn thn 21h Martioy.

    ``Ayto einai ena dedomeno. Ean twra erxomaste kai leme oti den einai odofragma kai shmeio dieleyshs o Limniths, opws leei h t/k pleyra, sthn oysia ayto apotelei opisqoxwrhsh apo mia qesh oti qa ergastoyme gia th dianoijh toy odofragmatos toy Limnith``, tonise, gia na prosqetei pws ``emeis ayto poy perimenoyme einai na isxysei h apofash, na symfwnhqei oti nai proxwroyme sth dianoijh toy odofragmatos toy Limnith``.

    ``An einai na pernoyn T/k apo to sygkekrimeno shmeio einai shmeio dieleyshs kai otan erxetai h wra gia toys E/k na perasoyn gia na pane ston esperino den einai shmeio dieleyshs;`` dierwthqhke o k. Stefanoy, prosqetontas oti ``qa prepei epiteloys na apofasisoyn ep` aytoy``.

    ``Bebaiws einai odofragma o Limniths bebaiws einai shmeio dieleyshs. Gia ayto akribws to logo exoyme symfwnhsei opws dianoixqei ayto to odofragma kai malista apotelei proteraiothta. Emeis synexizoyme na epimenoyme kai na ergazomaste pros ayth thn kateyqynsh na anoijei epiteloys to odofragma toy Limnith, pragma poy qa ejyphrethsei toso toys E/k oso kai toys T/k``, prosqese.

    O Ekproswpos ths Kybernhshs epikrothse ws orqh dhlwsh toy Mhtropolith Morfoy Neofytoy oti qa diaboyleytei me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias protoy apofasisei gia to kata poson qa metabei gia ton Esperino kai th Qeia Leitoyrgia ston Agio Mama.

    ``Orqa o Panierwtatos Mhtropoliths Morfoy exei tonisei oti qelei na synennohqei me ton Proedro gia to ti deon genesqai. Exontas ypoch to eyaisqhto ths periodoy, exontas ypoch oti mpainoyme se apeyqeias diapragmateyseis, pantote einai kalo se tetoioy eidoys katastaseis na yparxei mia synennohsh kai mia syzhthsh mazi me aytoys poy xeirizontai ta qemata toy Kypriakoy, kai aytos einai o Proedros ths Dhmokratias kai o diapragmateyths ths e/k pleyras``, eipe.

    Epeshmane oti ces yphrje thlefwnikh epikoinwnia toy Mhtropolith me ton Proedro Xristofia. ``Qa prepei epishs na pw gia to sygkekrimeno qema yparxei enas problhmatismos gia to ti deon genesqai kai se ayto ton problhmatismo qa prosmetrhqoyn oles oi parametroi kai oles oi synistamenes poy synqetoyn to sygkekrimeno gegonos, ypo to fws toy gegonos oti briskomaste enocei apeyqeias diapragmateysewn``, symplhrwse.

    Ypedeije ejalloy oti enocei kai ths enarjhs twn apeyqeias diapragmateysewn ``qa einai kalo na krinoyme sfairika kai politika ta zhthmata``.

    ``Bebaiws o synaisqhmatismos ws ena shmeio einai kalos me thn ennoia oti anqrwpoi eimaste kai exoyme aisqhmata kai qa prepei na ta ypologizoyme. Omws otan exoyme na kanoyme me politika zhthmata qa prepei na krinoyme kai politika, zygizontas ola ta dedomena``, eipe.

    Se erwthsh an qa yparjei epikoinwnia metajy toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrh Xristofia me ton T/k hgeth, o k. Stefanoy eipe oti den einai se qesh na gnwrizei kati tetoio. Epeshmane ejalloy oti h apeyqeias thlefwnikh grammh metajy twn dyo hgetwn den exei akomh egkatastaqei.

    Erwthqeis gia to qema ths Pylas, poy egeirei h t/k pleyra, o k. Stefanoy eipe pws otan symfwnhqhke metajy twn hgetwn twn dyo koinothtwn na ergastoyn gia dianoijh perissoterwn odofragmatwn gia to mono odofragma poy ginotan anafora onomastikh einai to odofragma toy Limnith. ``Gia mas ayto to qema (ths Pylas) den einai mprosta mas``, katelhje

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