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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 09-05-05

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    O Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias ypogrammise oti oi apeyqeias synomilies qa synexistoyn giati toso o idios oso kai o T/k hgeths Mexmet Ali Talat stoxeyoyn na lysoyn to Kypriako.

    Epistrefontas sto Proedriko Megaro apo to aerodromio Leykwsias, opoy pragmatopoihqhke h 27h synanthsh twn dyo hgetwn, o Proedros Xristofias eipe oti sth diwrh synanthsh poy eixan, sthn paroysia toy Eidikoy Antiproswpoy toy GG toy OHE sthn Kypro Tagie Mproyk Zerixoyn kai twn symboylwn twn dyo hgetwn, syzhthqhke h poreia twn synomiliwn mexri shmera kai to ``ti deon genesqai peraiterw''.

    Prosqese oti apofasisthke opws oi synomilies synexistoyn kai entaqoyn akomh perissotero me perissoteres synanthseis twn symboylwn toys.

    ``Bebaiws qa synexisoyme kai th syzhthsh sto perioysiako apo ekei poy meiname, emeis qa yperaspistoyme tis qeseis mas poy einai qeseis poy epibebaiwnontai kai apo to Dikasthrio Eyrwpaikwn Koinothtwn'', eipe.

    Erwthqeis ean syzhthqhke h apofash toy Dikasthrioy Eyrwpaikwn Koinothtwn sthn apofash Orams, eipe oti syzhthqhke kai oti o idios epanelabe sto trapezi twn diapragmateysewn tis qeseis poy dhmosia ejefrase gia to qema.

    ``Asfalws kai koybentiasame kai to qema ths apofashs toy Dikasthrioy kai asfalws, opws elpizw na katanoeite, exw epanalabei ta osa se dhmosies dhlwseis moy exw pei mexri shmera, oti emeis xairetisame thn apofash toy Dikasthrioy ws qa elega antikeimenikh kai fysiologikh apofash enos Dikasthrioy ths EE, yperaspizomeno arxes kai ajies ths EE. Qewroyme oti einai kai epibebaiwsh ths orqothtas twn dikwn mas qesewn poy yposthrizoyme stis synomilies'', shmeiwse.

    Se erwthsh kata poson qa jananoijei to perioysiako prin to pare - dwse h qa einai sth deyterh diadikasia poy symfwnhqhke, o Proedros Xristofias eipe oti ``ola qa jananoijoyn''.

    Sxoliazontas th frash ``pare dwse'', eipe oti ``se shmantikotata zhthmata kai ptyxes den yparxoyn symfwnies akoma kai qa prospaqhsoyme na symfwnhsoyme se ayta ta shmantika zhthmata kai ptyxes. Th diadikasia pare-dwse den qelw na thn xrhsimopoiw''.

    Erwthqeis kata poson o k. Talat eqese to endexomeno apoxwrhshs toy apo tis synomilies ean h bretanikh dikaiosynh efarmosei thn apofash toy DEK, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias apanthse arnhtika, legontas oti den teqhke tetoio qema.

    Se erwthsh ean oi dhlwseis toy hgeth toy Kommatos Eqnikhs Enothtas kai nikhth twn prosfatwn legomenwn eklogwn sta katexomena Nterbis Erogloy gia diakoph twn synomiliwn teqhkan sto trapezi, o Proedros Xristofias apanthse: ``O Erogloy einai Erogloy kai o Talat einai Talat. Egw den synomilw me ton k. Erogloy, alla me ton hgeth ths t/k koinothtas poy einai o k. Talat kai bebaiws oyte apeiles dianohqhke o k. Talat na ektojeysei oyte otidhpote allo poy na zhmiwnei th diadikasia twn synomiliwn''.

    ``Toso o idios (o k. Talat) oso kai egw eimaste apofasismenoi na synexisoyme th diadikasia twn synomiliwn dioti stoxeyoyme na lysoyme to problhma'', katelhje.

    Dieykrinise, epishs, oti h epomenh synanthsh twn hgetwn qa pragmatopoihqei th meqepomenh Pempth, 14 Maioy.


    Oi hgetes twn dyo koinothtwn sthn Kypro apofasisan thn Trith na entatikopoihsoyn tis prospaqeies toys sto plaisio twn apeyqeias diapragmateysewn gia lysh toy Kypriakoy.

    Opws dhlwse meta thn 27h synanthsh twn hgetwn o Eidikos Antiproswpos toy Genikoy Grammatea toy OHE sthn Kypro Tagie Mproyk Zerixoyn, ``oi hgetes synanthqhkan gia ligo perissotero apo dyo wres sthn paroysia twn ekproswpwn toys``.

    ``Ajiologhsan thn ergasia poy exei epitelestei mexri twra kai apofasisan na entatikopoihsoyn tis prospaqeies toys. Pros ton skopo ayto, exoyn zhthsei apo toys ekproswpoys toys na synantwntai pio syxna``, eipe o k. Zerixoyn. H epomenh synanthsh twn hgetwn qa pragmatopoihqei thn Pempth, 14 Maioy, kai se ayth qa synexistoyn oi syzhthseis gia oikonomika zhthmata.


    O Ypoyrgos Gewrgias, Fysikwn Porwn kai Periballontos Mixalhs Polyneikhs dhlwse oti den qa yparxei kanena problhma sthn ydreysh kata th diarkeia toy kalokairioy, ektos apo tis perikopes toy 15%, oi opoies exoyn hdh ejaggelqei kai poy einai ``ena stoixeio aparaithto gia na steiloyme kai to mhnyma oti qa prepei na prosejoyme thn katanalwsh toy neroy''.

    O k. Polyneikhs aphyqyne xairetismo thn Trith se hmerida me qema Genetika Tropopoihmenoi Organismoi, Trofima kai Gewrgia kai apantwntas se erwthsh kata poson oi teleytaies broxes qa symbaloyn sto ydatiko isozygio, eipe oti ``oi broxoptwseis mas edwsan th dynatothta na ayjhsoyme se tetoio baqmo ta apoqemata mas sta fragmata, wste na xeiristoyme ta xronodiagrammata mas me ena kalytero tropo''.

    Erwthqeis kata poson ayto to kalokairi qa yparjei opoiodhpote problhma se o,ti afora sthn ydreysh, o k. Polyneikhs apanthse arnhtika, prosqetontas oti ektos apo tis perikopes toy 15% poy exoyn ejaggelqei, qa prepei na stalei to mhnyma oti qa prepei na prosejoyme thn katanalwsh toy neroy.


    Pente qeseis sthn pagkosmia katatajh toy tenis anebhke o Kyprios antisfairisths Markos Pagdaths.

    Apo thn 92h qesh poy briskotan stis 27 Aprilioy 2009, o Kyprios prwtaqlhths brisketai apo thn Deytera sthn 87h qesh me 860 baqmoys, symfwna me th nea katatajh toy Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP).

    O Kyprios antisfairisths Fwtos Kallias brisketai, me th nea katatajh toy ATP, sthn 547h qesh me 86 baqmoys. Stis 27 Aprilioy briskotan sthn 546h qesh.

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