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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 09-05-07

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    Th diabebaiwsh oti oi prospaqeies gia epilysh toy kypriakoy problhmatos qa synexistoyn, me teliko stoxo thn epanenwsh ths Kyproy, edwse to brady ths Tetarths, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias sto plaisio dejiwshs poy pareqese pros timh toy o Presbhs ths Kyproy sto Katar Panikos Kyriakoy se jenodoxeio ths prwteyoysas toy Katar Ntoxa.

    O Proedros ths Dhmokratias, prosfwnwntas toys pareyriskomenoys, dhlwse, metajy allwn, oti brisketai edw meta apo prosklhsh toy Emirh toy Katar Seixh Hamad Bin Khaliya Al Thani.

    Shmeiwse oti ayth einai h prwth episkech Proedroy ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias sto Katar kai sthn perioxh toy Kolpoy, prosqetontas oti ``h episkech ayth anoigei to dromo gia na episkeftoyme kai alles xwres toy Kolpoy, kai ayto qa kanw``.

    Anaferomenos sth synanthsh toy me ton Emirh toy Katar, eipe oti ``eixame poly epoikodomhtikes syzhthseis kai antallajame apoceis panw sto kypriako problhma, se dieqnh zhthmata, to Palaistiniako kai alla zhthmata koinoy endiaferontos``.

    Anefere, epishs, oti o Emirhs toy Katar exei apodexqei thn prosklhsh poy toy aphyqyne na episkefqei thn Kypro.

    O Proedros Xristofias eipe oti ``opws gnwrizete, h Kypros htan meros toy Kinhmatos twn Adesmeytwn xarh sth drash toy aeimnhstoy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias, Arxiepiskopoy Makarioy, o opoios, mazi me ton Nasser, ton Tito, ton Nexroy kai alles megales proswpikothtes, agwnistes ths eleyqerias kai ths anejarthsias, dhmioyrghsan to Kinhma, etsi wste na diamorfwsoyn mia swsth ejwterikh politikh filias kai synergasias``.

    ``Emeis, dystyxws, xasame thn eleyqeria mas meta apo to prajikophma kai thn toyrkikh eisbolh``, prosqese.

    Ypogrammise oti `` h Kypros, apo to 2004, einai melos ths E.E. etsi wste na diamorfwsei mia politikh eirhnikwn sxesewn kai synergasias``, ekfrazontas parallhla th diabebaiwsh oti ``qa synexisoyme tis prospaqeies gia epilysh toy Kypriakoy kai epanenwsh ths Kyproy``.

    Katalhgontas, eipe oti h Kypros ``qa katastei gefyra metajy twn lawn ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, ths perioxhs kai toy Kinhmatos twn Adesmeytwn``.

    Sth dejiwsh pareyreqhkan epishs h syzygos toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias Elsh Xristofia, ta melh ths kypriakhs antiproswpeias, o Ypoyrgos Politismoy toy Katar kai alla melh ths Kybernhshs ths xwras, o Presbhs toy Katar sthn Kypro, melh toy diplwmatikoy swmatos sto Katar kai alloi yphresiakoi paragontes.


    O Bretanos Prwqypoyrgos Gkornton Mpraoyn epanelabe to brady ths Tetarths oti h Kybernhsh toy mporei kai qelei na bohqhsei sthn ejeyresh lyshs toy Kypriakoy apo toys Kyprioys kai oti qa katabalei kaqe dynath prospaqeia pros ayth thn kateyqynsh, prosqetontas oti kata tis teleytaies bdomades eqese ayto to qema toso ston Prwqypoyrgo ths Toyrkias Tagip Erntogan oso kai ston Proedro, Apntoyllax Gkioyl.

    O k. Mpraoyn miloyse sth diarkeia dejiwshs poy edwse se aiqoysa toy Forein Offis h Yfypoyrgos Ejwterikwn, armodia gia Eyrwpaikes Ypoqeseis Carolain Flint gia megalo ariqmo paroikiakwn paragontwn, perilambanomenwn kai ekproswpwn toyrkokypriakwn organwsewn, epleje to egkwmio ths paroikias toso gia thn prosfora ths sth bretanikh koinwnia oso kai gia th drasthriothta ths se sxesh me thn Kypro.

    ``Pisteyoyme oti mporoyme kai qeloyme na diadramatisoyme ena rolo sthn ejeyresh mias lyshs poy qa einai apo toys Kyprioys. Mporoyme na bohqhsoyme s ayto kai qa katabaloyme kaqe dynath prospaqeia pros ayto to skopo'', eipe o k. Mpraoyn.

    ``Pisteyw'', eipe, ``oti mia apo tis istorikes proklhseis einai kai ayth gia thn enothta ths Kyproy kai gia to ti mporoyme na kamoyme mazi gia na to epityxoyme. Oi eykairies gia thn Kypro einai poly megales. Oi sxeseis poy mporoyn na dhmioyrghqoyn kai h fhmh ths Kyproy ana ton kosmo mporoyn na enisxyqoyn peraiterw. Kai sas yposxomai oti qa ekamna o,ti xreiazetai gia ton Proedro Xristofia kai ton k. Talat qetontas tis apoceis moy sthn toyrkikh Kybernhsh, opws epraja pros ton Proedro kai ton k. Erntogan tis teleytaies bdomades. Oi dikoi sas skopoi einai kai dikoi mas kai qeloyme na synergasqoyme gia thn epiteyjh toys''.


    Thn proteraiothta poy apodidei sto Kypriako, tonise h Yfypoyrgos Ejwterikwn, armodia gia Eyrwpaikes Ypoqeseis Karolain Flint se omilia ths kata th diarkeia dejiwshs poy edwse se aiqoysa toy Forein Offis gia megalo ariqmo paroikiakwn paragontwn, perilambanomenwn kai ekproswpwn toyrkokypriakwn organwsewn kai sthn opoia pareyreqhke o Prwqypoyrgos ths Bretanias Gkornton Mpraoyn.

    H Karolain Flint eipe oti exei thn plhrh yposthrijh toy Bretanoy Prwqypoyrgoy se o,ti afora sto Kypriako kai anaferqhke sta polla pleonekthmata poy qa yparjoyn toso gia thn Kypro oso kai gia thn perioxh apo mia lysh poy qa epanenwsei thn Kypro.

    Epainese thn paroikia gia tis epityxies ths se diaforoys tomeis, anaferontas epishs oti me tis epafes ths kai me thn askhsh ths epirrohs ths sthn Kypro mporei na symbalei sthn epityxh ekbash ths prospaqeias gia lysh toy Kypriakoy.


    Mia khdeia poy arghse 35 oloklhra xronia. Ta adelfia Petros kai Kwstas Soyppoyrhs, apo to Palaikyqro, khdeyoyn thn Kyriakh 10 Maioy ston iero nao Apostoloy Barnaba sth Leykwsia pente apo ta eji melh ths oikogeneias toys, ta opoia dolofonhqhkan apo nearoys Toyrkokyprioys to prwi toy Sabbatoy ths 17hs Aygoystoy toy 1974, kata th diarkeia ths mazikhs sfaghs amaxwn Ellhnokypriwn sto katexomeno xwrio Palaikyqro ths eparxias Leykwsias.

    Ta leicana toy Andrea Soyppoyrh (pateras, 48 etwn), ths Areths Soyppoyrh (mhtera, 39 etwn), toy Dhmhtrakh Soyppoyrh (adelfos, 6 etwn), ths Ioylias Soyppoyrh (adelfhs, 2 etwn) kai ths Qeklas Soyppoyrh (qeias, 47 etwn) entopisthkan prosfata se omadiko tafo sto Palaikyqro mazi me alla dwdeka atoma poy dolofonhqhkan sto idio peristatiko kai taytopoihqhkan me th meqodo toy DNA sta plaisia twn ergasiwn poy diejagei h Diereynhtikh Epitroph gia toys Agnooymenoys (DEA).

    Prokeitai gia thn trith ``oikogeneiakh khdeia'' qymatwn ths sfaghs toy Palaikyqroy. Prin apo merikoys mhnes oi oikogeneies Liash kai Iwannoy khdecan toys dikoys toys anqrwpoys, oi opoioi dolofonhqhkan to mayro prwino ths 17hs Aygoystoy toy 1974.

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