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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 09-05-13

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    Se systrateysh me ideologia thn aneirhneyth palh enantia sthn alhteia, enantia sth bia ta ektropa kai sto xoyligkanismo, kalese oloys o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias, se xairetismo toy sth Giorth toy Podosfairoy poy diorganwqhke apo thn Kypriakh Omospondia Podosfairoy (KOP), sth Leykwsia.

    O Proedros Xristofias anefere oti ta epeisodia ths Kyriakhs mesa stoys aqlhtikoys xwroys, alla kai ejw apo aytoys, yphrjan mia traymatikh empeiria xwris kanena prohgoymeno, alla kai pera apo kaqe orio peraiterw anoxhs.

    ``Peran omws apo th qliberh eikona twn prosfatwn epeisodiwn yparxei kai h aisiodojh pleyra toy podosfairoy. Ayth h eikona poy anejarthta apo opoiadhpote problhmata to metatrepei ston aklonhto basilia toy aqlhtismoy``, prosqese.

    H politeia dhlwnei, akoma mia fora, eipe o Proedros Xristofias, oti qa einai symparastaths kaqe prospaqeias gia pragmatikh proodo toy aqlhtismoy.

    ``Mas endiaferei oloys h polypleyrh kai polyepipedh anaptyjh toy aqlhtismoy sthn Kypro. Qeloyme thn kypriakh koinwnia na ejelixqei se koinwnia mazikoy aqlhtismoy dipla kai parallhla me thn kalliergeia toy agwnistikoy aqlhtismoy ychlwn epidosewn. Pros ayth thn kateyqynsh qa afierwsoyme oles mas tis dynameis``, tonise.

    Gia emas, shmeiwse, o aqlhtismos einai oysiastiko kommati toy politismoy ths xwras.

    Aqlhtismos den einai mono o prwtaqlhtismos kai oi ychles epidoseis twn aqlhtwn mas, toys opoioys panta qa timoyme, shmeiwse, alla kai h kalliergeia cyxikwn kai pneymatikwn xarismatwn, h anaptyjh kai diathrhsh ths ygeias twn politwn mesa apo thn aqlhsh.

    Yposxeqhkame sth filaqlh kypriakh koinwnia, eipe, ayjhsh toy proypologismoy toy KOA sta 51 ek., kati poy ylopoieitai stadiaka apo fetos, para tis antijoes synqhkes ws apotelesma ths pagkosmias oikonomikhs krishs.

    Anefere oti h synexizomenh pagkosmia oikonomikh krish, qa plhjei me katalytiko isws tropo kai thn oikonomia toy aqlhtismoy kai oti einai anagkh opws epideixqei apo oloys toys foreis toy aqlhtismoy oikonomikh synesh kai orqologistikos programmatismos.

    Einai ypoxrewsh olwn, synexise, osoi agapoyn pragmatika ton aqlhtismo na ergastoyn sklhra, me hqos, aytaparnhsh kai pisth se eygenika idanika gia thn epikrathsh enos ygioys kai adoloy aqlhtismoy.

    ``Oyte h farmakodiegersh opws oyte kai h bia symbadizoyn kai mporoyn na synyparxoyn me ton ygih aqlhtismo``, prosqese.

    O Proedros Xristofias eipe pws mas diakatexoyn aisqhmata apotropiasmoy apenanti sta ektropa kai tis prajeis bias poy amayrwnoyn to aqlhma toy podosfairoy.

    ``Ta entona aisqhmata apotropiasmoy gia aytes tis prajeis, poy eimai bebaios oti diakatexoyn oloys mas, ofeiloyme, exoyme oloi ypoxrewsh na ta metatrecoyme apo qymo kai orgh, se peisma kai syntonismenes prospaqeies wste to podosfairo mas na periswqei``, shmeiwse.

    Den yparxoyn, pleon, alla periqwria anoxhs, synexise, kai oi eyqynes barainoyn oloys anejairetws, apo toys pio ychla istamenoys sthn ierarxia toy aqlhmatos mexri kai ton teleytaio agno kai pragmatiko filaqlo, alla kai thn idia thn politeia.

    ``Den yparxei, pleon, oyte xwros, alla oyte kai xronos gia metaqesh twn eyqynwn toy enos panw ston allo. H ajiopistia olwn twn paragontwn toy podosfairoy, alla kai ths politeias, qa xaqei an oi xilioeipwmenes ekfraseis apexqeias kai apotropiasmoy gia th bia sta ghpeda parameinoyn xwris praktiko antikrisma kai logia xwris apotelesma kai sygkekrimeno ergo. Einai ypoxrewsh olwn mas na dhmioyrghsoyme ena aprospelasto anaxwma poy ideologia toy qa einai o antixoyligkanismos``, katelhje.


    Ta atoma me anaphria kai ta atoma me eidikes ikanothtes apoteloyn anapospasto tmhma ths koinwnias kai to Idryma Xristoy Stelioy Iwannoy katafere me to ergo toy na eyaisqhtopoihsei thn kypriakh koinwnia gia to qema kai na symbalei sthn apamblynsh ths koinwnikhs prokatalhchs kai aporrichs toys, dhlwse apoce o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias.

    Se xairetismo toy sta egkainia ths ekqeshs ergwn texnhs twn maqhtwn toy Idrymatos Xristoy Stelioy Iwannoy, o Proedros Xristofias eipe pws h diamorfwsh enos sygxronoy kratoys, to opoio na prowqei emprakta thn koinwnikh allhleggyh einai to orama ths diakybernhshs toy, prosqetontas pws sto plaisio toy programmatos toy prowqoyn metra, me ta opoia ta atoma me anaphria kai ta atoma me eidikes ikanothtes qa antimetwpizontai ws atoma me dikaiwmata.

    ``Prowqoyme``, eipe, ``ton eksygxronismo kai thn anabaqmish twn programmatwn epaggelmatikhs katartishs kai apokatastashs twn atomwn me anaphries kai se ayto to plaisio, prowqoyme thn analhch toy Idrymatos Xristoy Stelioy Iwannoy apo to kratos``.


    H Kypriakh Dhmokratia kai to Eyrwpaiko Tameio Ependysewn (ETE) proxwrhsan prosfata sthn ypografh Xrhmatodotikhs Symfwnias ycoys 20 ekatommyriwn eyrw, sto plaisio ylopoihshs ths koinotikhs prwtoboylias JEREMIE sthn Kypro, gia th sthrijh twn Mikrwn kai Mesaiwn Epixeirhsewn (MmE).

    H prwtoboylia JEREMIE (Joint European Resources for Micro to Medium Enterprises - Koinoi Eyrwpaikoi Poroi gia tis MmE), einai mia koinh prwtoboylia ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs kai toy Omiloy ths Eyrwpaikhs Trapezas Ependysewn (ETEp), poy ekproswpeitai sto plaisio ths en logw prwtoboylias apo to ETE. Stoxos ths prwtoboylias JEREMIE einai h dieykolynsh ths prosbashs twn MmE sth xrhmatodothsh, mesw eidika diamorfwmenwn xrhmatooikonomikwn proiontwn, stis xwres kai perifereies ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs.

    Me thn ypografh ths pio panw Symfwnias, h Kypriakh Dhmokratia exei orisei to ETE, ws epishmo diaxeiristh toy Eidikoy Tameioy gia thn efarmogh ths prwtoboylias sthn Kypro (JEREMIE Holding Fund Manager). To ETE, se synergasia me topika xrhmatopistwtika idrymata, qa exei thn eyqynh gia to sxediasmo kai thn efarmogh katallhlwn xrhmatooikonomikwn proiontwn opws daneia, eggyhseis kai epixeirhmatika kefalaia gia th sthrijh epilejimwn MmE.


    H megalh pleiochfia twn Kypriwn qewrei oti h dieyrynsh ths EE pros tis xwres ths Anatolikhs kai Kentrikhs Eyrwphs synebale sthn apwleia qesewn ergasias kai sthn Kypro.

    Ayto prokyptei apo th dhmoskophsh toy Eyrwbarometroy, h opoia pragmatopoihqhke gia logariasmo ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs metajy 26-1 Febroyarioy se ola ta krath melh. H dhmoskophsh egine me th symplhrwsh 20 etwn apo thn ptwsh toy Teixoys toy Berolinoy, h opoia efere kai thn entajh sthn Koinothta twn xwrwn ths Anatolikhs kai Kentrikhs Eyrwphs.

    Symfwna me th dhmoskophsh, to 72,5% twn Kypriwn (80% twn Ellhnwn), pisteyei oti h entajh twn Anatolikwn xwrwn synebale sthn apwleia qesewn ergasias sth xwra toys. To pososto ayto htan apo ta xamhlotera ths ereynas, enw o mesos oros sthn Koinothta htan 55,7%.

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