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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 09-05-13

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    Gia na anoijei to odofragma toy Limnith eidika, kataballontai polles, synexeis kai sklhres prospaqeies apo thn e/k pleyra ki an den exei anoijei mexri shmera o Limniths den einai ej ypaitiothtas ths e/k pleyras, dhlwse o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Stefanos Stefanoy.

    Klhqeis meta thn synedria toy Ypoyrgikoy Symboylioy na sxoliasei tis dhlwseis toy T/K hgeth Mexmet Ali Talat, `o opoios meteqese tis opoies eyqynes gia th mh dianoijh toy Limnith ston Proedro Xristofia`, o k. Stefanoy, eipe: ``Qa prepei na enhmerwqoyme kiolas ti akribws exei lexqei, pws exei lexqei ki an exei lexqei apo ton k. Talat. Gia na mhn arxisoyme twra na syzhtoyme qewrhtika, na leme to ena h to allo kai na mhn eimaste sigoyroi an ayto poy exei lexqei, exei lexqei kai exei lexqei me ayto ton tropo``.

    Apo ekei kai pera qelw na pw, synexise, oti ``o Proedros ths Dhmokratias qa antapokriqei oysiastika sthn apofash twn koinotarxwn ths perioxhs gia synanthseis me toys hgetes twn dyo koinothtwn, opws exoyn apofasisei xqes``. Ypenqymise oti o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias exei ayrio synanthsh me ton T/K hgeth Mexmet Ali Talat sto plaisio twn apeyqeias diapragmateysewn. Anefere oti o Proedros Xristofias meta apo th synanthsh toy me ton k. Talat, qa anaxwrhsei gia to Londino. `

    `Epistrefei thn Kyriakh kai poly syntoma qa synanthsei toys koinotarxes gia na toys ejhghsei tis qeseis mas kai sto qema toy Limnith - exontas ypoch oti einai pagia qesh ths e/k pleyras, gia th dianoijh toy odofragmatos toy Limnith, sth bash kai ths apofashs poy exei parqei stis 21 Martioy 2008, oti oi dyo koinothtes qa ergastoyn gia dianoijh perissoterwn odofragmatwn, me proteraiothta ton Limnith``, prosqese.

    ``Sas diabebaiwnw - einai kati poy exw pei toses pleistes fores kai o Proedros ths Dhmokratias - oti gia na anoijei to odofragma toy Limnith eidika, kataballontai polles synexeis kai sklhres prospaqeies apo thn e/k pleyra ki an den exei anoijei mexri shmera o Limniths den einai ej ypaitiothtas ths e/k pleyras``, symplhrwse. Se erwthsh an leitoyrgei h thlefwnikh grammh epikoinwnias Xristofia-Talat, o k. Stefanoy eipe pws ``leitoyrgei ki ayth, yparxoyn ki alla kanalia synennohshs toy k. Xristofia kai toy k. Talat``. O Proedros ths Dhmokratias kataballei polles kai sklhres prospaqeies gia na anoijei to odofragma toy Limnith, katelhje o k. Stefanoy.


    O Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos dhlwse pws to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio, afoy elabe ypoch to gegonos oti se liges meres qa arxisoyn oi eisagwgikes ejetaseis kai qelontas na yphrethsei to symferon twn maqhtwn kai mono, apofasise na kataqesei sthn Boylh, me th diadikasia toy katepeigontos, Kanonismo poy na ryqmizei to qema ths eisdoxhs yperariqmwn ypochfiwn sta dhmosia Panepisthmia. Se dhlwseis toy, o k. Stefanoy anefere oti ``h pronoia toy Kanonismoy gia thn eisdoxh twn foithtwn se pososto 3% me bash dieqnh prosonta prosbashs h prosonta prosbashs allwn xwrwn poy den diaferoyn oysiwdws apo ta eqnika prosonta prosbashs, qa teqei se isxy apo to epomeno akadhmaiko etos 2010-2011``. Me ayto ton tropo, shmeiwse, exoyme thn pepoiqhsh oti parexetai h dynatothta kai o xronos gia thn oloklhrwsh toy dialogoy ws pros to genikotero qema ths eisagwghs sta dhmosia Panepisthmia.

    ``Apeyqynoyme ekklhsh sthn hgesia ths OELMEK na arqei sto ycos twn peristasewn kai ypo to fws ths neas protashs poy katatiqetai, na syndramei etsi wste oi ejetaseis fetos na diejaxqoyn kanonika. Ekklhsh apeyqynoyme, epishs, pros to Panepisthmio Kyproy gia na deijei thn anagkaia katanohsh``, eipe o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos. O k. Stefanoy dieykrinise oti h protash poy eixe katateqei kai symfwnhqei sto Symboylio Paideias, dhladh gia to pososto 3% yperariqmwn foithtwn, qa efarmostei alla apo toy xronoy.

    Erwthqeis giati o Kanonismos qa katateqei sth Boylh, me th diadikasia toy katepeigontos, afoy se isxy qa teqei apo to epomeno akadhmaiko etos, anefere oti prepei na ginei o Kanonismos, dioti oi yperariqmoi foithtes den exoyn na kanoyn mono me thn kathgoria twn GCE, alla yparxoyn ki alles eidikes kathgories, opws oi Kyprioi Qrhskeytikwn Omadwn, Epanapatrisqentes Kyprioi, paidia leitoyrgwn ejwterikhs yphresias Kyproy, oi ypochfioi foithtes apofoitoi lykeiakoy kykloy ths EE kai tritwn xwrwn k.a. ``Ara o Kanonismos prepei na paei gia na isxyei wste na mporesoyn ki aytoi na paroyn tis qeseis toys, enw qa anastelletai h efarmogh ths pronoias poy exei na kanei me to 3%, aytwn poy exoyn prosonta opws ta GCE``, shmeiwse. H protash poy kanoyme, synexise o k. Stefanoy, stekei kai nomika.


    Oysiwdes systatiko ths paneyrwpaikhs arxitektonikhs sth syllogikh prospaqeia gia thn egkaqidrysh staqerothtas kai asfaleias sth bash koinwn ajiwn kai protypwn apotelei to Symboylio ths Eyrwphs, tonise o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Markos Kyprianoy, anaferomenos sta 60xrona apo thn idrysh toy Symboylioy kata tis ergasies ths 119hs Synodoy ths Epitrophs Ypoyrgwn.

    Sthn omilia toy, o k. Kyprianoy tonise oti mporoyme na eimaste perhfanoi gia thn katoxyrwsh twn anqrwpinwn dikaiwmatwn, ths dhmokratias kai toy kratoys dikaioy baqia sth syneidhsh ths hpeiroy mas, alla taytoxrona, prepei na prosdiorisoyme ti allo prepei na kanoyme gia na diasfalisoyme oti ajiopoieitai plhrws h dynamikh toy Symboylioy ths Eyrwphs, ylopoiwntas etsi to orama twn idrytwn mias Eyrwphs xwris diaxwristikes grammes.

    Eidika gia to Eyrwpaiko Dikasthrio Anqrwpinwn Dikaiwmatwn, ypogrammise oti to pio epitaktiko kaqhkon einai h ejeyresh kai efarmogh praktikwn tropwn eggyhshs ths makroxronias apotelesmatikothtas toy Dikasthrioy. O YPEJ tonise, epishs, oti h plhrhs kai taxeia ektelesh olwn twn apofasewn toy Dikasthrioy apo ta krath-melh paramenei to krisimo stoixeio sthn eggyhsh ths ajiopistias toy Dikasthrioy.


    Meiwsh 8,6% shmeiwsan oi afijeis toyristwn to a tetramhno toy 2009, se sygkrish me thn antistoixh periodo toy 2008, symfwna me ta stoixeia poy dhmosiopoihse h Statistikh Yphresia.

    Me bash ta apotelesmata ths Ereynas Tajidiwtwn gia thn periodo Ianoyarioy Aprilioy toy 2009, oi afijeis toyristwn anhlqan se 375.523 se sygkrish me 411.054 thn antistoixh periodo toy 2008. Ton Aprilio toy 2009, oi afijeis toyristwn shmeiwsan oriakh meiwsh 0,4% kai anhlqan se 181.395, se sygkrish me 182.091 ton Aprilio toy 2008.

    Ton Aprilio, shmeiwqhke meiwsh 9,9% stis afijeis toyristwn apo to Hnwmeno Basileio (84.526 ton Aprilio toy 2009 se sygkrish me 93.862 ton Aprilio toy 2008), 15,6% meiwsh apo th Soyhdia (8.259 se sygkrish me 9.781) kai 11.8% meiwsh apo th Rwsia (8.341 se sygkrish me 9.455 persi). Antiqeta, ayjhsh 56,5% stis afijeis toyristwn shmeiwqhke apo th Germania (apo 10.138 ton Aprilio toy 2008 se 15.863 ton Aprilio toy 2009) kai 23,7% ayjhsh apo thn Ellada (apo 12.698 se 15.708 fetos).

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