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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 09-05-14

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    Se anamonh apanthshs apo ton Toyrkokyprio hgeth Mexmet Ali Talat, kata thn epomenh toys synanthsh, brisketai o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias, o opoios epistrefontas sto Proedriko Megaro meta th shmerinh synanthsh, eipe oti ``perimenw thn erxomenh ebdomada na epibebaiwsei o k. Talat an emmenei h toyrkokypriakh pleyra sto qema ths benzinhs``.

    O Proedros ths Dhmokratias tonise, parallhla, stis dhlwseis toy oti den probainei ``se kamia paraxwrhsh`` stis synomilies poy diejagei me ton T/k hgeth.

    Erwthqeis apo toys dhmosiografoys poy ton anemenan sto Proedriko Megaro, an syzhthqhke to qema toy Limnith, o Proedros Xristofias anefere pws antallajame kapoies apoceis kai perimenw kapoia apanthsh apo ton k. Talat thn erxomenh ebdomada.

    Se erwthsh, an eimaste pio konta sth dianoijh toy odofragmatos toy Limnith, o Proedros Xristofias synesthse: ``oso ligotera leme, toso to kalytero``.

    Se parathrhsh oti o T/k hgeths afhse xqes na nohqei oti exei metakinhqei apo tis qeseis toy, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias eipe: ``Mporw na pw oti dikaiwnomai. Perimenw thn erxomenh ebdomada na epibebaiwsei o k. Talat an emmenei h t/k pleyra sto qema ths benzinhs``.

    Apantwntas se erwthsh an exei oristei h hmeromhnia synanthshs toy me toys koinotarxes Astromerith kai Pyrgoy, eipe pws ayto qa ginei otan epistrecei apo to Londino.

    ``Paw Londino shmera gia proswpikoys logoys an qelete, qa paw na kamw mia ejetash (iatrikh) kai otan epistrecw, h yposxesh moy einai oti qa synanthqw me toys koinotarxes. Exw epikoinwnhsei xqes me ton koinotarxh toy Pyrgoy, o opoios syntonizei kiolas gia na dw ti lexqhke apo ton koinotarxh toy Limnith, giati hqela na jekaqarisw orismena pragmata``, prosqese.

    O Proedros Xristofias anefere oti kai shmera kata th diarkeia ths synanthshs toy me ton k. Talat syzhthqhke to kefalaio ths oikonomias.

    ``Oi symboyloi mas kai oi omades ergasias gia thn oikonomia exoyn kamei mia prwth tajinomhsh, qa elega, twn dyo pleyrwn. Sth diarkeia ayths ths ebdomadas kai mexri thn erxomenh Pempth poy qa synanthqoyme jana me ton k. Talat qa ginei mia entonh prospaqeia na yparjoyn sygkliseis stis qeseis twn dyo pleyrwn - kai qa synanthqoyme kai sto epipedo twn hgetwn gia na ejetasoyme poy briskomaste kai ti peraiterw mporei na ginei me to qema ths oikonomias``, shmeiwse.

    Erwthqeis pws aisqanetai, phgainontas stis synomilies, na antimetwpizei kathgories apo etairoys sthn Kybernhsh kai idiaitera ton Proedro ths Boylhs oti probainei se paraxwrhseis, o Proedros Xristofias apanthse: ``aisqanomai poly aneta dioti den probainw se kamia paraxwrhsh``.

    ``Einai aplo to zhthma kai to gnwrizei poly kala kai o Proedros ths Boylhs kai osoi alloi moy askoyn kritikh``, ypedeije o Proedros Xristofias.

    Erwthqeis an h kritikh enantion toy entassetai se proeklogikes skopimothtes enocei twn Eyrweklogwn, eipe: ``Moy qetete erwthmata, ta opoia mporei na paijoyn kala an ta apanthsw, alla o Proedros ths Dhmokratias prepei na einai enwtikos anti na arxizei antiparaqesh me ta kommata``.

    Anefere epishs oti o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos me dikh toy entolh exei kamei ekklhsh na xamhlwsoyn oi tonoi dioti, opws shmeiwse, ``oi ekloges se 15 hmeres qa laboyn xwra kai qa prepei na mporoyme na blepoyme o enas ton allo sta matia xwris na stenoxwriomaste gia kati poy eipame h pikraname ton allo h xwris na to qeloyme prokalesame kai zhmia``.

    Kata synepeia, synexise, epanalambanw thn ekklhsh moy kai tis epomenes 15 meres na kinhqoyme oloi se xamhloys tonoys.


    Me stoxo thn proetoimasia twn koinwn eggrafwn gia ta oikonomika qemata mexri tis 21 Maioy, oloklhrwqhke h shmerinh synanthsh toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrh Xristofia me ton Toyrkokyprio hgeth Mexmet Ali Talat.

    Opws dhlwse o Eidikos Antiproswpos toy GG toy OHE sthn Kypro Tagie Mproyk Zerixoyn, oi dyo hgetes eixan mia tet-a-tet- synanthsh h opoia dihrkese mia wra, kai kata th diarkeia ths, oi symboyloi twn hgetwn twn dyo koinothtwn synexisan tis diaboyleyseis panw se qemata oikonomias. Akoloyqws, oi hgetes symmeteixan sth dieyrymenh synanthsh, sto plaisio twn synomiliwn, kai apofasisan opws synanthqoyn ek neoy stis 21 Maioy to prwi.

    O k. Zerixoyn eipe oti oi hgetes zhthsan apo toys antiproswpoys toys na paroysiasoyn mexri th nea synanthsh, ta apotelesmata twn syzhthsewn toys panw sta oikonomika qemata wste na mporesoyn oi hgetes na ta ejetasoyn kai na laboyn apofaseis gia ta koina eggrafa gia ta oikonomika qemata.

    Pros to skopo ayto, synexise o k. Zerixoyn, oi symboyloi qa synanthqoyn thn erxomenh Deytera kai Trith, kai an katastei anagkh qa synanthqoyn kai thn Tetarth, gia ejetash twn kefalaiwn poy exoyn apomeinei kai aforoyn thn oikonomia wste na mporesoyn na paroysiasoyn stoys hgetes ta eggrafa gia th synanthsh ths erxomenhs Pempths.

    O k. Zerixoyn eipe epishs oti anamenetai ayrio h afijh toy Eidikoy Symboyloy toy GG toy OHE gia to Kypriako, Alejanter Ntaoyner o opoios qa pareyreqei sth synanthsh ths 21hs Maioy.

    Se erwthsh an gnwrizei kata poso, kata th diarkeia ths tet-a-tet synanthshs, oi dyo hgetes hgeiran to qema ths dianoijhs toy odofragmatos toy Limnith, o k. Zerixoyn apanthse arnhtika.


    Ypoblhqhkan shmera oi ypochfiothtes gia th diekdikhsh twn eji qesewn ths Kyproy sto Eyrwpaiko Koinoboylio. To dikaiwma toy eklegesqai stis ekloges toy Eyrwpaikoy Koinoboylioy sthn Kypriakh Dhmokratia exoyn oi polites ths Dhmokratias kai oi yphkooi allwn kratwn melwn ths EE, oi opoioi einai eggegrammenoi stoys eidikoys eklogikoys katalogoys.

    Oi ypochfioi qa prepei na exoyn symplhrwsei to 25o etos ths hlikias toys kai na mhn exoyn katadikastei gia adikhma atimwtiko h hqikhs aisxrothtas h na mhn exoyn sterhqei toy dikaiwmatos toy eklegesqai katopin apofashs dikasthrioy logw opoioydhpote eklogikoy adikhmatos. Epishs oi ypochfioi prepei na mhn pasxoyn apo dianohtikh noso, poy toys kaqista anikanoys na askhsoyn ta kaqhkonta toys ws melh toy Eyrwpaikoy Koinoboylioy.

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