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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 09-05-20

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


  • [03] HPA -PSEKA - 25o SYNEDRIO


    Shmera telika kykloforei epishma h ekqesh toy Genikoy Grammatea toy OHE, gia thn Eirhneytikh Dynamh twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn sthn Kypro kai sto keimeno poy moirasthke anepishma to brady ths Paraskeyhs, sta melh toy S..A., yparxoyn dyo tropopoihseis.

    H prwth einai h afairesh oloklhrhs ths sxetikhs paragrafoy gia thn apofash toy Eyrwpaikoy Dikasthrioy gia thn ypoqesh Orams. H deyterh afairei apo thn paragrafo poy mila gia thn anaptyjh politistikwn, aqlhtikwn kai allwn sxesewn, poy qa meiwsoyn to aisqhma apomonwshs twn Toyrkokypriwn, th frash ``den synista anagnwrish''.

    Paroti einai prwtofanes na ginontai allages se ekqesh poy exei moirastei - estw kai anepishma - sto S.A., kati analogo eixe ginei perysi ton Ioynio, pali me thn ekqesh ths OYNFIKYP.

    Sto metajy sta xeria twn pente monimwn melwn brisketai to prwto prosxedio chfismatos poy etoimase h Bretania. To keimeno kineitai se genikes grammes sto idio mhkos kymatos me to perysino, xairetizontas ayth th fora thn proodo stis synomilies, kataballontai wstoso prospaqeies gia peraiterw beltiwseis sta shmeia poy anaferontai sth meleth kai anaskophsh ths OYNFIKYP. Opws anefere diplwmatikh phgh, apo th stigmh poy idiwtikws dinontai diabebaiwseis oti oi opoies allages qa ginoyn meta th symfwnia, qa htan kalo na tiqetai kai graptws.

    Oi pieseis poy askoyntai pros th Grammateia apo th Genikh Syneleysh toy OHE, gia anadiarqrwsh olwn twn eirhneytikwn epixeirhsewn, einai entones. H ekqesh ths eidikhs symboyleytikhs epitrophs ths Genikhs Syneleyshs, me qema thn OYNFIKYP, poy kykloforhse me hmeromhnia 15 Maioy, kai oxi mono eishgeitai na perikopoyn 875.000 dolaria apo ton proypologismo ths OYNFIKYP 2009-2010, alla arneitai na symfwnhsei me thn proslhch 3 anwterwn politikwn symboylwn, poy hqele o Genikos Grammateas, zhtwntas ajiopoihsh hdh yparxontwn. Parallhla zhta apo to Geniko Grammatea na proxwrhsei sth meleth ths anadiarqrwshs ths Dynamhs, to syntomotero dynato.

    Analoges einai oi eishghseis kai gia alles eirhneytikes epixeirhseis, me stoxo thn peristolh twn dapanwn toy organismoy. Gia thn OYNFIKYP, alla kai alles epixeirhseis, yparxoyn eishghseis gia xrhsh fthnwn aeroporikwn grammwn tsarter k.a. me stoxo thn ejoikonomhsh porwn.


    O Bretanos Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Nteibint Milimpant epanelabe th desmeysh ths Kybernhshs toy enanti twn synomiliwn metajy toy Proedroy Xristofria kai toy T/k hgeth Mexmet Ali Talat kai epainese thn apofasistikothta poy opws eipe epedeijan oi dyo hgetes stis 28 mexri twra synanthseis toys.

    O k. Milimpant poy miloyse se dhmosiografikh diaskech meta th synanthsh me ton Ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn Marko Kyprianoy, apantwntas se erwthsh gia to pws h Bretania mporei na bohqhsei wste na yparjei qetiko apotelesma stis synomilies, lambanontas ypoch tis kales sxeseis ths Bretanias me thn Toyrkia, eipe oti oi synomilies prepei na kateyqynontai apo thn Kypro kai oxi apo to ejwteriko, oti h bretanikh pleyra yposthrizei mia lysh poy qa einai apotelesma diapragmateysewn kai oti qa ajiopoihsei to rolo ths apo diafores qeseis gia na dwsei ta mhnymata yposthrijhs pros mia lysh poy qa einai apotelesma diapragmateysewn.

    O k. Kyprianoy eipe oti to Kypriako syzhthqhke metajy toy idioy kai toy k. Milimpant alla kai me thn Bretanida Yfypoyrgo Ejwterikwn Karolain Flint. Einai pragmati dyskolh h diadikasia, eipe. Mporei oi synomilies na paroyn perissotero xrono. Exei shmeiwqei proodos estw kai periorismenh kai yparxei desmeysh gia epiteyjh peraiterw proodoy toylaxiston apo thn pleyra mas kai epanalambanw ayth thn proqesh mas.

    O k. Kyprianoy anamenetai na synanthqei me ton GG ths Koinopoliteias Kamales Sarma.

    [03] HPA -PSEKA - 25o SYNEDRIO

    Jekinoyn shmera sthn Oyasigkton oi trihmeres ergasies toy 25oy synedrioy ths PSEKA kai ths Eniaias Syntonistikhs prospaqeies.

    Peripoy 100 paragontes ths ellhnoamerikanikhs koinothtas, mazi me ekproswpoys omogeneiakwn organwsewn toy Kanada kai ths Bretanias qa exoyn synanthseis me shmainonta melh toy Kogkresoy, ta opoia qa enhmerwsoyn gia to Kypriako, ta ellhnotoyrkika, to Makedoniko kai tis dimereis sxeseis twn HPA me thn Ellada kai thn Kypro.

    Sto synedrio qa pareyreqei kai qa milhsei o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos, Stefanos Stefanoy, enw qa pareyreqoyn oi Dhmarxoi twn katexomenwn polewn Ammoxwstoy, Akanqoys, Leykonoikoy ki o Antidhmarxos Morfoy.

    Mexri stigmhs paramenei abebaio an qa labei xwra h kaqierwmenh enhmerwsh apo ychlobaqmo ajiwmatoyxo toy Steit Ntipartment (perysi eixan milhsei o ypoyrgos Anaplhrwths Ejwterikwn Tzon Negreponte ki o yfypoyrgos Ntaniel Frint), wstoso egine gnwsto pws to prwi ths Paraskeyhs, dekamelhs omada hgetikwn paragontwn ths Eniaias Prospaqeias, synodeyomenh apo ton Arxiepiskopo Amerikhs Dhmhtrio, qa ginoyn dektoi sto Steit Ntipartment apo thn Ypoyrgo Ejwterikwn Xilari Klinton, gia hmiwrh synanthsh.


    Toys stoxoys toy Omiloy ths Marfin Laikhs Trapezas oi opoioi synebalan sto na lhfqei h apofash gia sygxwneysh ths Trapezas me thn Marfin Egnatia kai th metafora ths edras toy Omiloy sthn Ellada anelyse enwpion ths Genikhs Syneleyshs kai twn metoxwn ths Marfin Laikhs o Ektelestikos Antiproedros toy Omiloy Andreas Bgenopoylos.

    Opws eipe o k. Bgenopoylos, ``h proteinomenh anadiorganwsh toy Omiloy exei treis stoxoys''.

    O prwtos stoxos einai h beltiwsh ths strathgikhs eyelijias toy Omiloy enocei ths endexomenhs epektashs toy kai ston ellhniko xwro kai sthn perioxh ths Notianatolikhs Eyrwphs.

    O deyteros stoxos afora th shmantikh enisxysh ths kefalaiakhs bashs toy Omiloy, peripoy kata 10%, me to deikth twn synolikwn epoptikwn kefalaiwn na anerxetai apo 11,3% se peripoy 12% kyriws logw enos nomikoy proswpoy h kyriws logw ths diaforas se o,ti afora thn antilhch ths kefalaiakhs eparkeias ths trapezas.

    O tritos stoxos, opws anefere, afora th ``shmantikh eyelijia poy prosferetai apo th leitoyrgia kai eisagwgh twn metoxwn ths Trapezas sthn Ellada, kaqws, opws ejhghse, ekei yparxei h dynatothta gia agora idiwn metoxwn, oi opoies pera apo thn anapofeykth sthrijh sthn timh ths metoxhs, parexoyn kai san apotelesma, nomoqetika katoxyrwmeno, th dynatothta na xrhsimopoihqoyn kai gia logoys epektashs.

    O Ektelestikos Antiproedros ths Marfin Laikhs ypogrammise oti h metafora ths edras toy Omiloy, prokeitai gia mia typikh allagh kaqws epi ths oysias toso se o,ti afora tis ergasies toy Omiloy sthn Kypro alla kai dieqnws ``den prokeitai na allajei tipota''.

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