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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 09-05-21

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


  • [04] AMKE STIBOS


    Thn apogohteysh toy gia th stash toy Toyrkokyprioy hgeth Mexmet Ali Talat sto qema toy anoigmatos toy odofragmatos toy Limnith, ejefrase o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias, ystera apo th synanthsh toy me ton k. Talat sto plaisio twn apeyqeias synomiliwn gia lysh toy Kypriakoy.

    O Proedros Xristofias anaferqhke se ``axortagia`` ths t/k pleyras, h opoia qetei neoys oroys.

    Milwntas kata thn epistrofh toy sto Proedriko Megaro kai erwthqeis ean doqhkan oi dieykriniseis apo ton k. Talat, o Proedros Xristofias apanthse katafatika.

    ``Prepei na pw oti epistrefw apogohteymenos. O k. Talat emmenei stoys oroys na perna kai benzinh h kaysima, alla kaqe fora qetei kai kainoyrgioys oroys, oi opoioi asfalws den mporoyn na ginoyn apodektoi``, eipe.

    Se erwthsh gia toys kainoyrgioys oroys poy qetei o k. Talat, o Proedros Xristofias eipe ``den einai h wra twra`` na anaferqei stoys oroys.

    ``Egw sas lew oti den ginontai apodektoi kai fainetai oti tinazei ston aera thn olh prospaqeia, thn opoia emeis me pollh entimothta kai agaph pros toys katoikoys, kanoyme edw kai poly kairo. Nomizw oti o toyrkikos stratos den qelei na anoijei ton Limnith. Ayto einai to geniko moy symperasma. Lypamai gia ayto. Perimena apo ton k. Talat diaforetikh symperifora. Fainetai omws oti, parolo poy den to anagnwrizei, polla pragmata mporei na mhn ejartwntai apo ayton``, shmeiwse.

    Erwthqeis ean mporei na anatrapei h katastash, o Proedros Xristofias ejhghse oti einai gi ayto poy ``den apantw gia toys alloys oroys, dioti qelw na ginei akoma mia ystath prospaqeia``.

    Se erwthsh ean h e/k pleyra qa dexqei th metafora kaysimwn apo thn t/k pleyra, o Proedros Xristofias eipe oti ``to prwto pragma poy me ekane na toy pw `exoyme adiejodo kai ta tinazeis ston aera` einai h epimonh toy sta kaysima``.

    Erwthqeis ean h koinh synanthsh twn hgetwn twn dyo koinothtwn me toys koinotarxes ths perioxhs qa pragmatopoihqei ystera apo ayth thn ejelijh, o Proedros Xristofias eipe oti den pisteyei pws qa pragmatopoihqei ean synexistei h idia katastash.

    ``Den nomizw, ean synexisei o k. Talat na exei tis idies apoceis kai na qetei toys idioys oroys. Dioti eixame jekinhsei apo to tipote kai kaqe fora tiqetai kai enas oros, exoyme apofasisei xarin twn katoikwn toy termatismoy toy egklwbismoy kai ths apomonwshs na kanoyme kinhseis, poy ypo diaforetikes synqhkes den qa tis kaname, alla fainetai oti yparxei axortagia kai kata synepeia den yparxei logos, ean synexistei h epimonh toy k. Talat, koinhs synanthshs``, shmeiwse.

    Erwthqeis ean yphrje proodos sto qema ths oikonomias, o Proedros Xristofias eipe oti ``den to syzhthsame shmera``.

    ``Ejantlhsame, oysiastika, th syzhthsh oi dyo mas gia to qema toy Limnith, kai asfalws hgeira kai to qema sthn koinh synanthsh kai eipa oti den yparxei logos na synexisoyme, shmera toylaxiston, thn opoiandhpote syzhthsh gia thn oikonomia. Qa thn arxisoyme thn erxomenh ebdomada``, katelhje.


    O Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Markos Kyprianoy, se dhlwseis toy sto LGR, sxetika me tis synanthseis toy sto Londino, eipe oti ekeino poy zhta h ellhnokypriakh pleyra apo th bretanikh kybernhsh einai na askhsei thn epirroh ths pros thn Toyrkia gia na exei mia emprakth epoikodomhtikh stash sth diadikasia epilyshs toy Kypriakoy.

    Anaferomenos stis epafes toy sto Londino, o k. Kyprianoy eipe oti einai panta xrhsimo na ginontai aytes oi epafes. Prosqese pws sta plaisia ths EE, oso kai se dimeres epipedo, ``exoyme thn eykairia syxna na synomiloyme me th bretanikh kybernhshna antallasoyme apoceis, toso gia zhthmata eyrwpaikoy endiaferontos, h perifereiakoy, opws h Mesh Anatolh px, na syzhtoyme dimerh qemata synergasias, alla bebaiws kai to Kypriako, poy einai sthn proteraiothta ayth th stigmh ths kypriakhs Kybernhshs''.

    Se erwthsh gia th qesh kai endexomenes kinhseis toy Londinoy sto Kypriako, o k. Kyprianoy eipe oti den mporei na apanta o idios h na mila ``ek meroys ths bretanikhs kybernhshs, ayta qa prepei na apanthsoyn oi idioi. To gegonos omws einai oti ayth h diadikasia opws exei symfwnhqei - kai metajy twn dyo pleyrwn kai me ta HE - einai mia kypriakh diadikasia, me synomilies twn dyo pleyrwn, kai den tiqetai qema parembasewn apo tritoys h apo ta Hnwmena Eqnh h apo trites xwres. Ta Hnwmena Eqnh energoyn, enisxyontas tis synomilies'' eipe.


    Prwtokollo genikhs oikonomikhs synergasias poy aposkopei sthn peraiterw sysfijh twn yfistamenwn sxesewn Kyproy kai Syrias stoys tomeis ths energeias, toyrismoy, biomhxanias, ygeias, jenwn ependysewn kai se qemata ergatikhs politikhs, ypegracan thn Pempth sth Leykwsia, o Ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn Xarilaos Stayrakhs kai o Ypoyrgos Oikonomias kai Ejwterikoy Emporioy ths Syrias Dr Amer Husni Lutfi.

    Meta thn ypografh toy Prwtokolloy, oi dyo Ypoyrgoi ypegracan epishs Symfwnia gia synergasia se qemata typopoihshs. Se dhlwseis, meta th synanthsh me ton Ypoyrgo ths Syrias, o k. Stayrakhs ejefrase thn pepoiqhsh oti oi prooptikes peraiterw sysfijhs kai endynamwshs twn sxesewn Syrias kai Kyproy stoys tomeis aytoys ``krinontai poly ikanopoihtikes``.

    ``H Syria ejelissetai se mia shmantikh oikonomikh dynamh sthn eyryterh perioxh kaqws exei jekinhsei ena kyklo metarryqmisewn sto oikonomiko ths systhma me fileleyqeropoihsh twn agorwn kai prospaqeia proselkyshs jenwn ependysewn``, eipe o k. Stayrakhs.

    [04] AMKE STIBOS

    O stibos htan kai paramenei h megalh dynamh ths kypriakhs omadas gia th diekdikhsh ths prwths qeshs stoys 13oys Agwnes Mikrwn Kratwn Eyrwphs.

    Anakoinwsh toy grafeioy Typoy twn AMKE anaferei oti se oles tis diorganwseis apo to 1985 mexri to 2007, o klasikos aqlhtismos xarizei ta perissotera metallia sthn Kypro. Stis tessereis fores poy h Kypros katelabe thn prwth qesh (1898, 2003, 2005, 2007) h symbolh toy htan para poly megalh.

    Mia apo tis aqlhtries poy symmeteixe se tesseris diorganwseis kai kerdise oktw xrysa metallia, htan kai h Dwra Kyriakoy. Phre meros sthn prwth diorganwsh sto San Marino to 1985 kai kerdise thn prwth qesh sta 400m., th deyterh sta 200m. kai symmeteixe sthn omada skytalodromias sta 4X100 poy katelabe thn prwth qesh.

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