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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 09-05-27

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


  • [01] YPEJ - OYNFIKYP
  • [04] AMKE - METALLIA

  • [01] YPEJ - OYNFIKYP

    Me ta shmerina dedomena qa prepei na synexistei o rolos ths OYNFIKYP ws exei kai mono se periptwsh lyshs na allajei, kai ayto qa prepei na antikatoptrizetai kai mesa sto chfisma toy Symboylioy Asfaleias twn HE, tonise o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Markos Kyprianoy.

    Shmeiwnontas pws panta ta prosxedia twn chfismatwn tygxanoyn diaboyleyshs kai epejergasias, o k. Kyprianoy eipe pws ``epidiwjh mas einai na einai antikeimenika kai orqa, toso apo nomikh oso kai apo politikh apoch''.

    ``Emeis qewroyme oti h Eirhneytikh Dynamh exei epitelesei ena shmantiko ergo sthn Kypro toso apo pleyras asfaleias oso kai apo politikhs apochs kai exei akoma ena poly shmantiko rolo na diadramatisei mexri na epilyqei to Kypriako'', eipe o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn, ypodeiknyontas pws den prepei na yparjei alloiwsh aytoy toy roloy h toy ariqmoy ths Dynamhs enosw ekkremei sto Kypriako.

    Eipe akomh pws den prepei, enw pragmatopoioyntai diapragmateyseis, na xrhsimopoihqei glwssa poy mporei na dwsei dynatothtes se parermhneies h na qetei se amfisbhthsh th synexish ths paroysias ths OYNFIKYP sthn Kypro prin th lysh toy kypriakoy problhmatos.

    ``Ean o stoxos einai h prosarmogh toy roloy ths OYNFIKYP meta th lysh, to opoio einai logiko dioti ama lyqei to Kypriako qa einai alles oi anagkes ths paroysias twn HE, tote qa prepei na ginetai safhs anafora oti miloyme gia ayto to zhthma'', anefere.

    Eipe ejalloy pws ta HE qa proboyn se mia ajiologhsh olwn twn eirhneytikwn apostolwn gia skopoys toso dioikhtikoys kai oikonomikoys oso kai gia na ejetastei kai h apotelesmatikothta toys.

    To qema ths Eirhneytikhs Dynamhs sthn Kypro, synexise, qa prepei na antimetwpistei stis idiazoyses synqhkes poy yparxoyn.

    Opws epeshmane h pleyra mas qewrei aparaithth thn paroysia ths OYNFIKYP, ``en antiqesei me thn Toyrkia poy o Monimos Antiproswpos ths ekane oloklhra diabhmata prosfata gia na allajei o rolos ths OYNFIKYP''.

    Se o,ti afora sto oikonomikh diastash toy qematos, o k. Kyprianoy ypenqymise oti h Kypriakh Dhmokratia plhrwnei peran toy 1/3 kai mazi me thn ellhnikh Kybernhsh kalyptei panw apo to miso toy kostoys gia th diathrhsh ths Dynamhs sthn Kypro.

    Opws anefere ``ean einai oikonomiko to zhthma, h Kypros einai etoimh na to syzhthsei'', epanalambanontas pws ``den qa prepei na antimetwpistei me ton idio tropo h Eirhneytikh Dynamh sthn Kypro opws oi alles apostoles''.

    Apantwntas se sxetikh erwthsh, o k. Kyprianoy eipe pws ``qewroyme oti den prepei na allajei tipote kai qewroyme oti me ta shmerina dedomena qa prepei na synexistei o rolos ths OYNFIKYP ws exei kai mono se periptwsh lyshs qa mporesei na allajei kai ayto qa prepei na antikatoptrizetai kai mesa sto chfisma''.

    Erwthqeis an yparxei meqodeysh apo toys Agglo-Amerikanoys prokeimenoy na teqoyn atypa xronodiagrammata se o,ti afora stis diapragmateyseis gia to Kypriako, o k. Kyprianoy eipe pws den qa htan swsto na dwsei ermhneies stis proseggiseis poy yparxoyn kai na sxoliasei th stash allwn xwrwn, toylaxiston se ayth th fash.

    Epeshmane pws h kaqe xwra mila gia th dikh ths politikh kai shmeiwse pws yparxei mia symfwnhmenh diadikasia poy den problepei xronodiagrammata kai qa prepei na thrhqei.

    ``Apo ekei kai pera emeis probainoyme se ola ta anagkaia diabhmata kai pros ta HE alla kai pros ta melh toy SA.'', katelhje.


    Prwtokollo Synergasias ypegracan Kypros kai Libyh poy aposkopei, metajy allwn, sthn peraiterw enisxysh kai anaptyjh twn dimerwn sxesewn stoys tomeis ths oikonomias, toy emporioy kai ths episthmhs.

    To Prwtokollo ypegracan apo kypriakhs pleyras o Ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn Xarilaos Stayrakhs, o opoios hghqhke ths kypriakhs antiproswpeias stis ergasies ths tetarths Synodoy ths Mikths Kypro-Libykhs Epitrophs, kai apo libykhs pleyras o Ypoyrgos Dikaiosynhs Mustafa Abdel Jalil, o opoios hghqhke ths libykhs antiproswpeias.

    Epishs ypografhke ``Mnhmonio Synergasias gia th Diapisteysh'' metajy toy Kypriakoy Organismoy Prowqhshs Poiothtas, apo ton ypeyqyno poiothtas toy Organismoy Antwnh Iwannoy, kai toy Libykoy Eqnikoy Forea gia thn Typopoihsh kai Metrologia, apo ton Geniko Dieyqynth toy Forea Ntia Etin Satek Apoyxatra.


    H texnikh kai episthmonikh ergasia anaforika me th dianoijh kai allwn qalassiwn oikopedwn gia ekmetalleysh ydrogonanqrakwn sthn apokleistikh oikonomikh zwnh ths Kyproy synexizetai basei toy programmatos kai den yparxei oyte kaqysterhsh, oyte allagh sto programma, oyte pagwma ths diadikasias, dhlwse o Ypoyrgos Emporioy, Biomhxanias kai Toyrismoy Antwnhs Pasxalidhs.

    Klhqeis na sxoliasei tis dhlwseis toy Amerikanoy Presbh Frank Urbancic gia to qema ths ereynas ydrogonanqrakwn sthn Apokleistikh Oikonomikh Zwnh ths Kyproy kai ths ereynas poy diejagei amerikanikh etaireia, o Ypoyrgos eipe oti oi ependyseis apo tis Hnwmenes Politeies einai kalodexoymenes, alla yparxei kai h kalh proqesh ek meroys twn Amerikanwn na ependysoyn akoma perissotera sthn Kypro.

    Klhqeis na dieykrinisei kata poson oi anafores toy Amerikanoy Presbh ypodeiknyoyn sygkekrimenh amerikanikh etaireia, o k. Pasxalidhs eipe oti o Amerikanos Presbhs anaferotan sthn etaireia poy exei parei to oikopedo.

    [04] AMKE - METALLIA

    Ejairetikes entypwseis afhsan ta metallia poy qa aponemhqoyn stoys nikhtes twn 13wn Agwnwn Mikrwn Kratwn Eyrwphs poy qa diejaxqoyn ton Ioynio sthn Kypro, opws anaferetai se anakoinwsh toy grafeioy Typoy twn AMKE.

    H mia och twn metalliwn (xryso, argyro, xalkino) ferei sto prwto epipedo thn onomasia twn Agwnwn ejwglyfa h eswglyfa grammata kai sto deytero epipedo to logotypo twn AMKE ths Kyproy, dhladh to Karabi ths Keryneias kai to Cyprus 2009. H deyterh och twn metalliwn ferei se ejwglyfh morfh to geniko logotypo twn AMKE, dhladh th dada me toys oxtw kykloys kai to Cyprus 2009.

    Gia toys skopoys twn Agwnwn kataskeyasthkan 320 xrysa, 320 argyra kai 330 xalkina metallia aponomwn kai 2000 anamnhstika metallia.

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