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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 09-05-27

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


  • [02] YPEJ - OYNFIKYP


    H ``aney prohgoymenoy`` dieqnhs zhthsh gia ta tetraeth kybernhtika xreografa, para th dieqnh oikonomikh krish, odhghse to Ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn na ayjhsei telika thn ekdosh toy xreografoy apo to 1 dis. sto 1,5 dis. eyrw, dhlwse o armodios Ypoyrgos Xarilaos Stayrakhs.

    Se dhlwseis meta kai to kleisimo toy biblioy prosforwn gia th dieqnh ekdosh twn xreografwn, o k. Stayrakhs anakoinwse pws h ekdosh stefqhke apo mia aney prohgoymenoy epityxia, kaqws enw h Kypros zhtoyse kefalaio ycoys 1 dis. eyrw oi profores yperkalycan kata 5,5 fores th zhthsh ayth, ftanontas sta 5,5 dis. eyrw, mia yperkalych poy, symfwna me ton YPOIK, einai h megalyterh edw kai para polloys mhnes.

    H nea enesh reystothtas poy anamenetai na eiselqei sto kypriako systhma stis arxes toy erxomenoy mhna, qa xrhsimopoihqei gia thn epanaxrhmatodothsh toy dhmosioy xreoys poy lhgei fetos kai to opoio anerxetai sto 1.7 dis. eyrw, enw, opws elpizei o Ypoyrgos Oikonomikwn, qa dhmioyrghsei pieseis gia apoklimakwsh twn epitokiwn.

    ``Nomizw eixame shmera mia chfo empistosynhs sthn kypriakh oikonomia kai sthn oikonomikh politikh poy akoloyqoyme. Exoyme mazecei 50% perissoteres jenes ependyseis ap` o,ti eixame arxika proypologisei me ena idiaitera antagwnistiko epitokio pros ofelos toy Kyprioy polith``, anefere stis dhlwseis toy o k. Stayrakhs.

    Opws eipe, to epitokio kaqoristhke sto ``poly antagwnistiko`` epipedo toy 3,85%, poy einai arketa xamhlotero apo to epitokio poy kataballei h Kypros gia ta mesoproqesma xreografa poy konteyoyn to 5%, enw ena epitokio 5% eixe proypologistei ston proypologismo toy 2009.

    ``Lambanontas ypoch thn terastia epityxia ayths ths ekdoshs exoyme apofasisei thn ayjhsh toy posoy kai anti 1 dis. eyrw exoyme ekdwsei 1,5 dis. eyrw tetraetwn xreografwn, ta opoia exoyn prosferqei se jenoys kyriws ependytes``, eipe.

    O k. Stayrakhs eipe akomh oti jenoi ependytes exoyn parei to 1,25 dis. eyrw, kai Kyprioi ependytes ta enapomeinanta 250 ek eyrw. Prosqese oti stoys 103 jenoys ependytes poy endiaferqhkan gia to kypriako xreografo perilambanontai Kentrikes Trapezes, megales emporikes trapezes, megales asfalistikes etaireies, kyriws apo xwres opws einai oi HPA, to Hnwmeno Basileio, Gallia kai Germania.

    O k. Stayrakhs ejhghse pws to YPOIK, parolh th dyskolia toy egxeirhmatos logw ths oikonomikhs krishs, epeleje na antlhsei kefalaio apo jenoys ependytes gia na eiselqei epiprosqeth reystothta sthn kypriakh oikonomia, nea xrhmata ta opoia kai qa tonwsoyn kai thn pragmatikh oikonomia, enw ``me thn ayjhmenh reystothta elpizoyme na odhghsoyn se kapoia peraiterw apoklimakwsh twn epitokiwn sthn Kypro``.

    Erwthqeis sxetika, o k. Stayrakhs eipe oti h ektamieysh toy posoy qa ginei stis 3 Ioynioy kai qa mpei thn idia hmera sto kypriako trapeziko systhma.

    Ejhghse pws o daneismos aytos synista peripoy to 20% toy yfistamenoy dhmosioy xreoys, alla den qa epibarynei to deikth toy dhmosioy xreoys sto telos toy etoys, giati to poso ayto qa anaplhrwsei palaiotero topiko xreos poy epibarynotan me poly chlotera epitokia kai aporrofoyse xrhmata apo thn Kypro.

    ``Ara kerdizoyme me dyo tropoys, kai fqhnotero epitokio kai epiprosqeth reystothta apo jenoys ependytes``, symplhrwse.

    Ejalloy, o k. Stayrakhs eipe pws ta metra litothtas den anastellontai. ``Ta metra litothtas einai ena shmantiko oikonomiko stoixeio to opoio qa bohqhsei thn peraiterw tonwsh ths oikonomias kai, akribws, einai h swsth oikonomikh politikh poy exoyme akoloyqhsei h opoia exei entypwsiasei toys jenoys ependytes kai gia ayto eixame thn poly poly megalh yperkalych``, eipe.

    Parallhla, o k. Stayrakhs anakoinwse oti o dieqnhs pistolhptikos oikos Fitch exei epanabebaiwsei thn chlh baqmologia ths Kyproy me 2A-, diathrwntas thn Kypro sto idio epipedo gia dyo xronia twra, se mia epoxh poy kai o Fitch kai alloi oikoi synexws ypobaqmizoyn alles eyrwpaikes xwres logw kai twn problhmatwn poy antimetwpizoyn.

    Erwthqeis, telos, gia to poy ektima oti qa kinhqei o ryqmos anaptyjhs ths kypriakhs oikonomias to 2009, o k. Stayrakhs, afoy ypenqymise pws h anaptyjh toy prwtoy trimhnoy sto 1,4% se apolytoys ariqmoys (1,6% me epoxiakh prosarmostikothta) kai oti kai Aprilhs kinhqhke sta idia epipeda, eipe oti ta gegonota ayta ``deixnoyn oti h dikh mas problech gia ena poly chlotero ryqmo anaptyjhs ap` o,ti problepoyn oi ypoloipoi organismoi para poly piqanon na epalhqeyqei``.

    Oi paroysiaseis gia to kypriako xreografo stis dieqneis agores jekinhsan thn perasmenh Deytera kai kalycan to Londino kai to Parisi kai -logw ths syntomhs kalychs ths prosforas- den xreiasthke telika o YPOIK na metabei sth Fragkfoyrth kai to Amsterntam, opws eixe programmatisei.

    [02] YPEJ - OYNFIKYP

    Me ta shmerina dedomena qa prepei na synexistei o rolos ths OYNFIKYP ws exei kai mono se periptwsh lyshs na allajei, kai ayto qa prepei na antikatoptrizetai kai mesa sto chfisma toy Symboylioy Asfaleias twn HE, tonise o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Markos Kyprianoy.

    Shmeiwnontas pws panta ta prosxedia twn chfismatwn tygxanoyn diaboyleyshs kai epejergasias, o k. Kyprianoy eipe pws ``epidiwjh mas einai na einai antikeimenika kai orqa, toso apo nomikh oso kai apo politikh apoch''.

    ``Emeis qewroyme oti h Eirhneytikh Dynamh exei epitelesei ena shmantiko ergo sthn Kypro toso apo pleyras asfaleias oso kai apo politikhs apochs kai exei akoma ena poly shmantiko rolo na diadramatisei mexri na epilyqei to Kypriako'', eipe o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn, ypodeiknyontas pws den prepei na yparjei alloiwsh aytoy toy roloy h toy ariqmoy ths Dynamhs enosw ekkremei sto Kypriako.

    Eipe akomh pws den prepei, enw pragmatopoioyntai diapragmateyseis, na xrhsimopoihqei glwssa poy mporei na dwsei dynatothtes se parermhneies h na qetei se amfisbhthsh th synexish ths paroysias ths OYNFIKYP sthn Kypro prin th lysh toy kypriakoy problhmatos.


    ``H Eyrwpaikh Epitroph den exei ypoch ths sxedia gia th dienergeia apografhs plhqysmoy sto boreio tmhma ths Kyproy'', anaferei se apanthsh toy ston Eyrwboyleyth toy ELK, Giannakh Matsh, o Epitropos gia th dieyrynsh, Oli Ren.

    O Finlandos Epitropos, taytoxrona parotrynei toys hgetes twn dyo koinothtwn na epityxoyn lysh ws to telos toy etoys.

    Sth grapth erwthsh toy, o k. Matshs zhtoyse na plhroforhqei kata poson h Eyrwpaikh Epitroph einai etoimh na yposthrijei apografh plhqysmoy sta katexomena gia na diapistwqei poioi einai kai poioi oxi, epoikoi.

    Opws epishmainetai sthn anakoinwsh toy k. Matsh, to erwthma eixe teqei apo ton Aprilio, me aformh tis legomenes ``boyleytikes ekloges'' sto ceydokratoys, sto plaisio twn opoiwn, h pleiochfia twn ``chfoforwn`` htan epoikoi.

    Se synafes deytero erwthma, o k. Matshs rwtoyse thn Epitroph me poioys tropoys qa strafei pros thn Toyrkia prokeimenoy h xwra ayth na analabei tis eyqynes ths gia thn katoxh kai ton epoikismo se baros ths Kyproy.


    Sxedon enas stoys dyo Kyprioys emfanizetai bebaios oti qa paei na chfisei stis eyrwekloges, enw enas stoys deka dhlwnei sigoyros oti den prokeitai na paei stis kalpes, symfwna me dhmoskophsh poy egine gia logariasmo ths Eyrwboylhs se ola ta krath melh.

    H dhmoskophsh toy eyrwbarometroy poy pragmatopoihqhke metajy 4 kai 15 Maioy, deixnei mia ayjhsh toy ariqmoy twn Eyrwpaiwn poy dhlwnoyn sigoyroi oti qa pane na chfisoyn, alla den einai kaqoloy bebaio oti qa jeperastei to pososto symmetoxhs toy 2004 (45,47% sto synolo ths EE).

    Sygkekrimena, to 48% twn Kypriwn (66% twn Ellhnwn) ekfrazei th bebaiothta oti qa chfisei stis eyrwekloges, enw sigoyro oti den qa chfisei emfanizetai to 11% (8% sthn Ellada). To ypoloipo 41% twn Kypriwn poy den ekfrazetai pros th mia h thn allh kateyqynsh, profanws qa apofasisei sta diasthma poy apomenei mexri tis eyrwekloges.

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