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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 09-05-28

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    To qema ths dianoijhs toy odofragmatos toy Limnith qa syzhthqei peraiterw apo ton Proedriko Epitropo, Giwrgo Iakwboy kai to symboylo toy Toyrkokyprioy hgeth, Ozntil Nami, dhlwse o Proedros ths Dhmokratias, Dhmhtrhs Xristofias.

    Epistrefontas sto Proedriko Megaro meta to peras ths 30hs synanthshs me ton Mexmet Ali Talat, sto aerodromio Leykwsias, kai erwthqeis ean eqese to aithma twn Marwnitwn na leitoyrghsoyn sthn ekklhsia ths Agias Marinas sta katexomena anhmera ths giorths ths, o Proedros Xristofias apanthse oti ``o,ti xreiazotan na to qesw, to eqesa``.

    Klhqeis na sxoliasei tis ejelijeis sto SA toy OHE sxetika me to chfisma gia thn ananewsh ths qhteias ths OYNFIKYP, apanthse ``oxi akoma``.

    Klhqeis na sxoliasei epishs th dhlwsh toy Eidikoy Symboyloy toy GG toy OHE gia thn Kypro, Alejanter Ntaoyner oti den yphrje epistolh apo ton Proedro Xristofia pros ton idio gia to qema, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias apanthse oti exei aposteilei epistolh ston GG toy OHE kai oxi ston k. Ntaoyner. ``Sto pio chlo epipedo``.


    O Eidikos Symboylos toy GG toy OHE gia thn Kypro Alejanter Ntaoyner dhlwse oti den yparxoyn aysthra xronodiagrammata stis synomilies gia to Kypriako kai ejefrase th qesh oti kati tetoio den qa dieykolyne tis diapragmateyseis.

    Se dhlwseis meta to peras ths shmerinhs synanthshs twn hgetwn twn dyo koinothtwn sto plaisio twn apeyqeias diapragmateysewn gia to Kypriako, o k. Ntaoyner eipe oti shmera, arxika, oi dyo hgetes eixan mia poly filikh kat` idian synanthsh kai oti syzhthqhkan qemata poy aptontai toy kefalaioy ths oikonomias.

    H epomenh synanthsh, h opoia qa pragmatopoihqei thn epomenh Tetarth, qa epikentrwqei jana sto qema ths oikonomias.

    Anaforika me tis plhrofories peri prospaqeias gia allagh twn orwn entolhs ths OYNFIKYP, o k. Ntaoyner eipe oti den yparxei epi toy parontos qema allaghs twn orwn aytwn.


    H Kybernhsh, anagnwrizontas th shmasia ths emplokhs ths koinwnias stis prospaqeies meiwshs twn troxaiwn dystyxhmatwn, zhthse dia stomatos twn dyo armodiwn Ypoyrgwn, Ypoyrgoy Sygkoinwniwn kai Ergwn kai toy Ypoyrgoy Dikaiosynhs kai Dhmosias Tajhs, th symphjh mias koinwnikhs symmaxia gia thn katapolemhsh twn odikwn dystyxhmatwn.

    O Nikos Nikolaidhs kai o Loykas Loyka pareyreqhsan sthn prwth synanthsh twn etairwn ths Koinwnikhs Symmaxias gia thn odikh asfaleia, h opoia idryqhke sto Plaisio ths Eyrwpaikhs Xartas Odikhs Asfaleias, mia paneyrwpaikhs koinwnikhs ekstrateias gia katapolemhsh twn odikwn dystyxhmatwn, sthn opoia symmetexoyn peran twn 1300 eyrwpaikwn organwsewn, idiwtikwn etaireiwn, koinwnikh foreis kai Arxes Topikhs Aytodioikhshs, ek twn opoiwn kai 33 apo thn Kypro.

    H kypriakh symmaxia, poy apartizetai apo koinwnikoys foreis, arxes Topikhs Aytodioikhshs kai etaireias, stoxeyei sth syzhthsh kai entopismo twn tropwn me toys opoioys h koinwnia mporei na syneisferei sthn katapolemhsh ths mastigas twn odikwn dystyxhmatwn.

    Se omilia toy sthn ekdhlwsh, o k. Nikolaidhs, afoy tonise pws ta dystyxhmata einai ``mia afaimajh poy apla den mporei na synexistei``, epeshmane pws symfwna me statistika stoixeia, to oikonomiko kostos twn odikwn dystyxhmatwn stis xwres ths EE anerxetai peripoy sto 2% toy AEP ths kaqe xwras. ``Ara gia thn Kypro milame mono gia oikonomiko kostos gyrw sta 340 ek. eyrw kai afhnw pisw to anypologisto koinwniko kostos``, symplhrwse.

    O Ypoyrgos Dikaiosynhs Loykas Loyka eipe apo thn pleyra toy pws to problhma einai koinwniko kai oloi exoyn xreos na syneisferoyn. Prosqese pws sto xreos ayto prwtofeileths einai to kratos, alla oloi, kai h koinwnia kai oi goneis, einai synofeiletes. ``Mono otan to doyme etsi qa mporesoyme na to antimetwpisoyme apotelesmatika``, tonise. Ypogrammise, epishs, thn anagkh kalliergeias odikhs syneidhshs gia th meiwsh twn troxaiwn dystyxhmatwn.


    O prwhn Proedros ths Dhmokratias Glaykos Klhridhs phre shmera to prwi ejithrio apo thn klinikh ``Eyaggelistria`` kai twra brisketai sthn oikia toy sto Meneoy, opoy qa anarrwnei gia ena dekahmero prin arxisei na drasthriopoieitai kai pali.

    Opws dhlwse shmera sto KYPE o Iwshf Kasios, qerapwn iatros toy k. Klhridh, o prwhn Proedros ths Dhmokratias ``exei parei ejithrio stis 09:30 apo thn klinikh kai einai sto spiti toy twra sto Meneoy``.

    ``H katastash ths ygeias toy einai para poly kalh, poly ikanopoihtikh. Phge sto spiti toy. Qa perasei ena dekahmero ligo hsyxo gia na anarrwsei plhrws kai meta qa mporei na drasthriopoihqei``, prosqese o k. Kasios.

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