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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 09-05-29

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>


  • [04] AMKE KYPROS


    To SA anamenetai proxwrhsei shmera sth diarkeia anoixths synedriashs sthn yioqethsh chfismatos gia thn ananewsh ths qhteias ths OYNFIKYP.

    To empodio twn teleytaiwn hmerwn, poy htan h anafora sthn proteinomenh anaqewrhsh gia thn OYNFIKYP apo to GG jeperasthke epeita apo polyhmeres diaboyleyseis. H sxetikh anafora efyge apo to diataktiko kai perase sto prooimio kai anaferei pws to SA kalwsorizei thn anaqewrhsh (ejetash) kai shmeiwnei oti opoio ektakto sxedio prokycei prepei na einai sxetiko me th lysh.

    H diasyndesh me th lysh ths opoias allaghs sth dynamh krinetai ikanopoihtikh apo Kyprioys diplwmates kai einai kati poy prospaqhse gia meres h Leykwsia na petyxei.

    H sxetikh anafora anaferei ta ejhs: Kalwsorizei thn proqesh toy Genikoy Grammatea na diathrhsei oles tis eirhneytikes epixeirhseis, symperilambanomenhs kai ths OYNFIKYP ypo stenh ejetash, shmeiwnontas th shmasia toy ektaktoy sxediasmoy se sxesh me th dieyqethsh, symperilambanomenwn eishghsewn, poy qa kriqoyn katallhles gia epiprosqetes tropopoihseis ths entolhs ths OYNFIKYP, twn epipedwn ths dynamhs kai toy nohmatos twn epixeirhsewn, lambanontas ypoch ejelijeis epi toys edafoys kai tis apoceis twn pleyrwn''.

    Epiprosqeta, to sxedio chfismatos sto prooimio kalwsorizei thn ekqesh toy GG OHE, shmeiwnei oti h kypriakh Kybernhsh edwse thn sygkataqesh gia ananewsh, ypogrammizei oti h eyqynh ths lyshs brisketai stoys Kyprioys kai epanabebaiwnei ton ypobohqhtiko rolo toy OHE, kalei gia ayjhsh toy momentoym stis synomilies kai epanabebaiwnei th bash ths lyshs symfwna me ta chfismata toy OHE.

    H anafora ayth gia th symbatothta ths lyshs me ta chfismata toy OHE qewreitai apo diplwmatikoys kykloys beltiwmenh se sxesh me thn anafora sthn ekqesh toy GG.

    Epishs kalei gia to anoigma toy Limnith, kalei gia apokatastash toy statoys kbo ante sta Strobilia, kalwsorizei th mexri twra proodo stis synomilies kai thn prooptikh gia peraiterw proodo pros mia synolikh biwsimh lysh kai kalei to Geniko Grammatea na ypobalei ekqesh to Dekembrio gia thn efarmogh toy chfismatos, symperilambanomenoy kai toy ektaktoy sxedioy.

    To chfisma anamenetai oti qa to katachfisei h Toyrkia.


    ``Oyte epikeitai lysh, oyte einai ola mayra, kanoyme diapragmateysh'' dhlwse o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Stefanos Stefanoy milwntas to brady ths Pempths se politikh ekdhlwsh ths Prwtoboylias Sosialistwn me qema ``H wra ths lyshs''.

    O k. Stefanoy anefere oti ta pragmata einai dyskola stis diapragmateyseis alla ayto den shmainei oti den yparxei symfwnia se tipota.

    ``Exoyme kanei bhmata sta diafora kefalaia ta opoia exoyme syzhthsei. Yparxoyn kai sygkliseis, se kapoia zhthmata yparxoyn kai symfwnies, yparxoyn kai megala zhthmata sta opoia den exoyme symfwnhsei. Exoyme diapistwsei th diafwnia mas, exoyme diapistwsei tis apokliseis. Egw to qewrw shmantiko kai ayto, na jeroyme poy einai oi diafwnies mas, na jeroyme poies qeseis pragmatika exei o kaqenas gia na mporoyme na tis syzhthsoyme poly sygkekrimena'', anefere.

    Eipe epishs oti h Kybernhsh pisteyei sth diapragmateysh sthn opoia phgainei me poly eilikrineia kai qelhsh kai oti den paei aplws gia na trwei to xrono.


    H chfoforia gia tis ekloges melwn toy Eyrwpaikoy Koinoboylioy ths 6hs Ioynioy 2009, qa arxisei stis 6 to prwi kai qa lhjei stis 8 to brady me diakoph mias wras to meshmeri (1200 -1300), symfwna me epishmh anakoinwsh toy Genikoy Eforoy Eklogwn.

    Anaferetai akoma oti oi eklogeis mporoyn na askhsoyn to eklogiko toys dikaiwma proskomizontas eite to eklogiko toys bibliario eite to deltio taytothtas toys. Prostiqetai epishs oti, oi eklogeis poy apwlesan to eklogiko bibliario h to deltio taytothtas toys mporoyn na apotaqoyn stoys oikeioys Eparxoys gia na ta antikatasthsoyn, mexri thn Paraskeyh 5/6/2009 sth 1 m.m.

    Epishs anaferetai, oti oi wres chfoforias gia ta eklogika kentra, gia toys Kyprioys chfoforoys, toy ejwterikoy exoyn ws akoloyqws (oi wres poy anaferontai aforoyn topikh wra ths xwras): Ellada 8 p.m. 8 m.m. me dialeimma 1 m.m. 2 m.m., Boylgaria, Katar kai Oyggaria 9 p.m. 7 m.m. me dialeimma 1 m.m. 2 m.m., Tsexia, Belgio, Germania, Italia, Hnwmeno Basileio kai Rwsia 9 p.m. 6 m.m. me dialeimma 1 m.m. 2 m.m. enw sta Hnwmena Arabika Emirata apo tis 9 p.m. 9 m.m. me dialeimma 2 m.m. 3 m.m.

    [04] AMKE KYPROS

    H Kypros einai panetoimh na ypodexqei tis xwres poy qa paroyn meros stoys 13oys Agwnes Mikrwn Kratwn Eyrwphs poy arxizoyn th Deytera 1h Ioynioy kai panetoimh na tis filojenhsei.

    Anakoinwsh toy grafeioy Typoy twn AMKE anaferei oti pantote h Kypros, apo arxaiotatwn xronwn diakrinetai gia th filojenia ths kai einai bebaio oti kai twra qa diakriqei.

    H Kallh Xatzhiwshf, syntonistria sthn Organwtikh Epitroph, milwntas gia th filojenia, thn plhroforhsh kai tis politistikes ekdhlwseis eipe oti ``o tomeas ths filojenias kai ths plhroforhshs qewreitai apo toys pleon basikoys tomeis ths diorganwshs''.

    Gia thn Epitroph ths filojenias ths plhroforhshs kai twn politistikwn ekdhlwsewn ekpaideythkan kai qa ergastoyn afilokerdws 150 eqelontes'', katalhgei h anakoinwsh.

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