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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 10-02-01

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    Deipno pros timhn toy Genikoy Grammatea toy OHE Mpan Gki-moyn edwse xqes brady sto Proedriko Megaro o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias.

    O k. Mpan kai h 25-melhs synodeia toy efqase enwritera to brady sto aerodromio Larnakas me aeroskafos twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn.

    Sthn prosfwnhsh toy o Proedros Xristofias eipe oti "eimaste eygnwmones poy to Symboylio Asfaleias twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn, energwntas sth bash twn arxwn toy dieqnoys dikaioy, exei kaqorisei th bash gia mia dizwnikh, dikoinotikh omospondiakh lysh me politikh isothta, opws kaqorizetai sta sxetika chfismata toy Symboylioy Asfaleias, me mia kai monh kyriarxia, mia dieqnh proswpikothta kai mia iqageneia.

    Ayth einai h bash epi ths opoias o Mexmet Ali Talat kai egw, ws hgetes twn dyo koinothtwn, exoyme symfwnhsei".

    "Stoxos mas", prosqese o k. Xristofias, "einai h epanenwsh toy kratoys, toy laoy, twn qesmwn kai ths oikonomias kaqws kai na diasfalisoyme oti h Enwmenh Omospondh Kypriakh Dhmokratia qa einai ena leitoyrgiko kai biwsimo kratos, ikano na leitoyrgei apotelesmatika ws kratos melos ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs".

    Se antifwnhsh toy o GG toy OHE epanelabe thn yposthrijh toy stis prospaqeies twn dyo hgetwn na fqasoyn se mia amoibaia apodekth lysh, epanenwnontas to nhsi.

    Oi Kyprioi, eipe, exoyn thn eyqynh na katalhjoyn se mia lysh toy Kypriakoy. H diadikasia epilyshs anhkei stoys Kyprioys kai to mellon toys brisketai sta xeria toys, tonise o Mpan Gki-moyn.

    O GG toy OHE prosqese oti o k. Xristofias phre mia jekaqarah entolh gia lysh toy Kypriakoy kai mazi me ton Mexmet Ali Talat kaloyntai na fqasoyn se mia epityxh katalhjh poy einai dynath, me qarros, eyelijia kai pneyma symbibasmoy.

    Ta ofelh poy qa prokycoyn gia thn Kypro apo th lysh toy Kypriakoy qa einai megala, me qetikh antanaklash sthn eyryterh perioxh. Ta Hnwmena Eqnh, katelhje, yposthrizoyn sqenara th diadikasia lyshs toy Kypriakoy.

    Sto deipno parakaqhsan, ek meroys ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias, h syzygos toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias, Elsh Xristofia, o Proedros ths Boylhs Marios Karogian, arxhgoi kommatwn, o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Markos Kyprianoy, o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Stefanos Stefanoy, o Epitropos Proedrias Giwrgos Iakwboy, melh ths diapragmatetikhs omadas kai o Monimos Antiproswpos ths Kyproy sta Hnwmena Eqnh, Presbhs Mhnas Xatzhmhnas.


    Gia na ekfrasei thn proswpikh toy yposthrijh sth diadikasia twn synomiliwn gia epiteyjh lyshs sto Kypriako kai epanenwsh toy nhsioy brisketai sto nhsi o Genikos Grammateas toy OHE Mpan Gki-moyn, opws eipe o idios se syntomh dhlwsh toy sto palio aerodromio Larnakas.

    O k. Mpan ejefrase thn ikanopoihsh toy gia thn prwth toy episkech sthn Kypro, legontas oti ta Hnwmena Eqnh briskontai edw gia na bohqhsoyn twn dyo hgetes na fqasoyn se lysh. Opws eipe, to peprwmeno brisketai sta xeria twn Kypriwn kai aytoi qa feroyn thn eirhnh sto nhsi. Oi prosdokies ths dieqnoys koinothtas gia lysh sto Kypriako einai poly megales, prosqese o k. Mpan.

    To Geniko Grammatea toy OHE kai thn 25-melh synodeia toy poy efqasan me aeroskafos twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn, ypodexqhke sto aerodromio Larnakas o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Markos Kyprianoy.

    Sto aerodromio briskontan epishs o Eidikos Symboylos toy GG toy OHE gia to Kypriako Alejanter Ntaoyner kai o Eidikos Antiproswpos toy GG toy OHE sthn Kypro Tagie Mproyk Zerixoyn.

    Symfwna me to programma ths episkechs toy sthn Kypro, o k. Mpan shmera to prwi qa synanthqei arxika me to proswpiko ths OYNFIKYP kai qa episkefqei thn Prasinh Grammh. Akoloyqws qa exei xwristh synanthsh prwta me ton T/k hgeth Mexmet Ali Talat kai stis 1.30mm me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrh Xristofia.

    Stis 1430 ths idias hmeras, o GG toy OHE qa exei koinh synanthsh me toys dyo hgetes sthn oikia toy Eidikoy toy Antiproswpoy sthn Kypro, Tagie Mproyk Zerixoyn, sto aerodromio Leykwsias.

    Stis 1615 qa dwsei koinh synenteyjh Typoy me toys dyo hgetes.

    To brady ths Deyteras, o k. Mpan qa pareyreqei se dejiwsh sto Lhdra Palas sthn opoia qa pareyreqoyn diplwmates kai ekproswpoi ths koinwnias twn politwn.

    O GG toy OHE anaxwrei apo thn Kypro to prwi ths Triths, 2 Febroyarioy.


    Aples diakhryjeis yposthrijhs pros tis synomilies den einai arketes, h Toyrkia prepei na kanei, kata energhtiko tropo, epoikodomhtika bhmata poy na mporoyn na symbaloyn sth lysh, tonise se omilia toy sto Londino, o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Markos Kyprianoy.

    Kanontas pio sygkekrimenh thn ypoxrewsh ths Toyrkias o k. Kyprianoy eipe: ``Qa prepei na epitrecei stoys Toyrkokyprioys na diapragmateyqoyn eleyqera, qetontas ta symferonta toys panw apo ta symferonta ths Toyrkias, didontas tis anagkaies pros ayth thn kateyqynsh odhgies''.

    O k. Kyprianoy, poy miloyse se sygkentrwsh toy Syndesmoy Kypriwn Foithtwn toy Imperial College me qema ``Cyprus: Time for Hope?'' (Kypros: Kairos gia Elpides;) edwse ena diagramma twn ejelijewn apo thn enarjh twn synomiliwn, tonizontas oti aytes htan apotelesma prwtoboylias toy Proedroy Xristofia, mia safhs apodeijh ths politikhs boylhshs ths ellhnokypriakhs pleyras gia lysh.

    Tonise th bash twn synomiliwn gia ena kratos dizwnikhs, dikoinotikhs omospondias me mia kyriarxia, mia yphkoothta, mia dieqnh proswpikothta. To apofasistika megalytero meros twn mexri twra synomiliwn, eipe, afora th diakybernhsh, tis sxeseis me thn EE kai oikonomika qemata.


    O Ypoyrgos Emporioy, Biomhxanias kai Toyrismoy Antwnhs Pasxalidhs ejefrase thn elpida oti entos twn epomenwn ebdomadwn h kai mhnwn qa yparjei meiwsh twn epitokiwn apo ta Synergatika Idrymata kai pws, taytoxrona, kai me thn idia taxythta, qa kinhqoyn kai oi Emporikes Trapezes.

    Se dhlwseis sth Larnaka sto periqwrio synedrioy poy diorganwsan to Eyrwpaiko Komma kai to Kypriako Idryma Meletwn & Ereynwn, kai apantwntas se sxetikh erwthsh, o Ypoyrgos Emporioy anefere oti ``einai poly qetiko to gegonos oti rwsikes etaireies dieqnoys embeleias'' xrhsimopoioyn thn Kypro gia tis epixeirhseis toys kai prosqese pws syntoma qa doyme ``eyrwpaikes kai amerikanikes na arxisoyn na xrhsimopoioyn thn Kypro ws bash gia tis epixeirhmatikes toys drasthriothtes''.

    Prosqese pws ``ayth einai mia megalh epityxia ths Kyproy, thn opoia prepei synexws na anabaqmizoyme, na prostateyoyme kai na enqarrynoyme''.

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