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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 10-02-01

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    Qa xreiastoyme akomh perissotero koyragio kai apofasistikothta sthn periodo poy exoyme mprosta mas wste na yparjei mia epityxhs katalhjh stis synomilies gia to Kypriako, dhlwse o GG toy OHE Mpan Gki-moyn, prosqetontas pws ta Hnwmena Eqnh qa synexisoyn na parexoyn kaqe bohqeia poy mporoyn.

    Sthn enarkthria dhlwsh toy kata thn koinh diaskech Typoy poy edwse me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrh Xristofia kai ton T/k hgeth Mexmet Ali Talat, o k. Mpan eipe pws h Kypros xreiazetai desmeysh, orama kai eyelijia.

    ``Ayto einai poy diaisqanqhka shmera edw dyo hgetes poy agwnizontai gia na edraiwsoyn ena kalytero mellon gia to lao. Eimai enqarrymenos poy oi dyo hgetes me exoyn proswpika diabebaiwsei gia thn koinh desmeysh toys gia mia synolikh lysh to syntomotero dynato'', prosqese.

    Toys epainese toso gia thn isxyrh toys desmeysh oso kai gia thn isxyrh toys apofasistikothta, shmeiwnontas pws hlqe sthn Kypro gia na epideijei thn proswpikh toy desmeysh gia mia diadikasia ypo toys Kyprioys kai gia toys Kyprioys gia epanenwsh toy nhsioy. ``Kai hqela na eimai edw twra giati anagnwrizw poso shmantiko einai na synexisoyme na ktizoyme to momentoym panw se ayto poy exoyn petyxei mexri twra oi hgetes'', epeshmane.

    Eipe pws eixe mia paragwgikh kai epoikodomhtikh hmera kai prosqese: Exw pei pws o kosmos parakoloyqei. Shmera o kosmos blepei dyo hgetes na orqwnontai enanti ths proklhshs'', prosqese.

    Anefere pws kanenas den exei thn ceydaisqhsh oti otidhpote apo ayta einai eykolo. ``Oi eirhneytikes diapragmateyseis den einai pote (eykoles). Alla exei wrimasei o xronos gia na dwsoyme wqhsh pros ta mprosta. Eimai pepeismenos oti aytoi oi dyo hgetes mporoyn na petyxoyn mia koina epwfelh lysh'', ypogrammise.

    Anefere pws ``gia dekaeties o kosmos exei akoysei gia to kypriako problhma. Twra einai h wra gia lysh toy Kypriakoy''.

    Epeshmane pws ta Hnwmena Eqnh qa synexisoyn na parexoyn olh th sthrijh poy mporoyn, prosqetontas pws wstoso ayth einai mia diadikasia apo to lao ths Kyproy gia to lao ths Kyproy.

    ``Metaferw thn yposthrijh toy kosmoy gia thn Kypro sthn kardia moy. Alla to mellon ths Kyproy einai sta xeria sas'', shmeiwse.

    Eipe pws meta apo entatikes diapragmateyseis, oi dyo hgetes toy zhthsan na diabasei mia dhlwsh ek meroys toys.

    Sth dhlwsh anaferontai ta ejhs:

    Emeis, ws oi dyo hgetes, ekfrazoyme thn eygnwmosynh mas gia thn episkech toy GG twn HE sthn Kypro, poy epideiknyei to synexizomeno endiaferon twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn kai ths dieqnoys koinothtas gia mia synolikh dieyqethsh toy kypriakoy problhmatos ypo thn Apostolh Kalwn Yphresiwn toy GG.

    Lambanontas ayth thn eykairia, ekfrazoyme thn ektimhsh mas pros ton Geniko Grammatea gia thn Apostolh twn Kalwn toy Yphresiwn opws egkriqhke apo to Symboylio Asfaleias kai gia tis prospaqeies poy stoxeyoyn sthn ejeyresh mias koina symfwnhmenhs lyshs.

    Oi omades ergasias poy apoteloyntai apo Ellhnokyprioys kai Toyrkokyprioys exoyn afierwsei xrono kai prospaqeia gia diejodikh syzhthsh olwn twn ptyxwn toy kypriakoy problhmatos.

    Emeis proswpika, mazi me toys symboyloys mas kai tis omades mas, exoyme ergastei epimelws gia peran toy enos etoys epi olwn twn kefalaiwn toy kypriakoy problhmatos. Exoyme ergastei sth bash mias oloklhrwmenhs synolikhs proseggishs oti tipote den einai symfwnhmeno mexris otoy symfwnhqoyn ola. Exei hdh epiteyxqei kalh sygklish se orismena Kefalaia. Gia ta ypoloipa eimaste apofasismenoi na ergastoyme sklhra gia na epityxoyme thn epiqymhth proodo.

    Kata tis teleytaies treis ebdomades exoyme ergastei sklhra kata th diarkeia twn entatikwn mas diapragmateysewn kyriws sto Kefalaio ths Diakybernhshs kai toy Diamoirasmoy Ejoysiwn kai exoyme petyxei shmantikh proodo.

    Ekfrazoyme thn isxyrh mas desmeysh na synexisoyme na ergazomaste epi aytoy kai epi twn ypoloipwn Kefalaiwn. Ekfrazoyme thn pepoiqhsh mas oti me kalh qelhsh kai apofasistikothta, mporoyme na petyxoyme mia lysh sto syntomotero dynato xrono.

    Einai koinh mas pepoiqhsh oti to kypriako problhma exei parameinei alyto gia para poly. Gnwrizoyme epishs oti o xronos den einai me to meros mias lyshs.

    Yparxei mia shmantikh eykairia twra gia ejeyresh mias lyshs sto kypriako problhma poy qa prepei na labei plhrws ypoch ta nomima dikaiwmata kai anhsyxies toso twn E/k oso kai twn T/k. Gnwrizoyme pws mia tetoia dieyqethsh einai pros to symferon olwn kai oti qa epiferei telika eirhnh, staqerothta kai eyhmeria sto koino mas spiti thn Kypro''.


    Thn enoxlhsh ths Kybernhshs ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias gia th synanthsh poy eixe o Genikos Grammateas toy OHE Mpan Gki-moyn me ton Toyrkokyprio hgeth Mexmet Ali Talat sto legomeno proedriko sta katexomena, ejefrase o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias sthn kat` idian synanthsh poy eixe gia mish wra me ton k. Mpan sto Proedriko Megaro.

    Prohgoymenws eixe pragmatopoihqei synanthsh toy GG toy OHE kai toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias me toys synergates toys.

    H synanthsh arxise stis 13.35 kai elhje stis 14.35.

    Symfwna me egkyres phges, o Proedros Xristofias diatypwse ston GG thn entonh dysforia ths Kybernhshs gia ``aqethsh twn oswn eixan symfwnhqei`` sto programma episkechs toy epikefalhs toy OHE sthn Kypro kai sygkekrimena gia thn pragmatopoihsh ths synanthshs toy me ton k. Talat sto legomeno proedriko sta katexomena ki oxi sthn oikia toy T/k hgeth.

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