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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 10-02-03

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    O xwros opoy o GG twn HE synanta kapoion den exei opoiandhpote synepeia panw sthn politikh toy dieqnoys organismoy kai ta HE anagnwrizoyn thn Kypriakh Dhmokratia opws ekanan panta, dhlwse o Eidikos Symboylos toy GG toy OHE gia thn Kypro Alejanter Ntaoyner.

    Erwthqeis gia to qema poy dhmioyrghqhke me thn episkech toy GG toy OHE sto legomeno proedriko, opoy synanthse ton T/k hgeth Mexmet Ali Talat, o k. Ntaoyner afoy ypenqymise pws exoyn ginei dhlwseis epi toy qematos apo ton ekproswpo Typoy twn HE, anefere pws ``opoydhpote o GG synanta opoiondhpote ayto den exei opoiesdhpote synepeies sto qema ths anagnwrishs apo ta HE, apolytws kamia synepeia''.

    Ta Hnwmena Eqnh anagnwrizoyn thn Kypriakh Dhmokratia. Ayto ekanan pantote. Otidhpote ekane o GG h opoydhpote kai opoydhpote kai ean phge kata thn episkech toy sthn Kypro ayto den exei opoiodhpote antiktypo panw sta chfismata twn HE, anefere.

    Apantwntas stis allepallhles erwthseis twn dhmosiografwn gia to qema ths episkechs toy GG sto legomeno proedriko, o k. Ntaoyner eipe, ejalloy, pws to pragmatika shmantiko gia thn Kypro kai toys Kyprioys einai oi diapragmateyseis kai pws aytes apoteloyn to kentriko qema gia to mellon ayths ths xwras.

    Prosqese pws prepei na yparjei epikentrwsh sth synexish twn synomiliwn gia lysh toy Kypriakoy, shmeiwnontas pws ayto einai poy einai pragmatika shmantiko.

    Anefere pws ayth einai mia apisteyta shmantikh periodos se aytes tis diapragmateyseis kai oi Kyprioi eite briskontai sto noto eite sto borra prepei na epikentrwqoyn sthn epityxia aytwn twn diapragmateysewn kai na dwsoyn sthrijh stoys hgetes, kaqws ergazontai panw sta dyskola zhthmata.

    Erwthqeis kata poson qewrei pws exei qesei tis synomilies ypo kindyno, afoy den apetrece thn episkech toy GG sto legomeno proedriko, o k. Ntaoyner apanthse arnhtika, shmeiwnontas pws oi diapragmateyseis opwsdhpote proxwroyn mprosta kata tropo epoikodomhtiko kai pws o GG ekane mia polytimh symbolh sthn prowqhsh ayths ths diadikasias pros ta mpros.

    Erwthqeis giati o GG twn HE den anaferqhke sta chfismata twn HE stis dhlwseis toy sthn Kypro, o k. Ntaoyner afoy shmeiwse to gegonos pws o GG yposthrizei ta chfismata twn HE kai den einai anagkh aytos na synexizei na to epanalambanei, shmeiwse pws den einai o GG poy perna ta chfismata alla to Symboylio Asfaleias kai pws ej orismoy h Grammateia twn HE yposthrizei ayta ta chfismata.

    Erwthqeis ean h episkech toy GG sto legomeno proedriko den parabiazei ta chfismata ayta, o k. Aystralos diplwmaths epanelabe pws den yparxei opoiosdhpote antiktypos sta chfismata toy Symboylioy Asfaleias h sth stash twn HE se o,ti afora th synexizomenhs anagnwrish ek meroys toys ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias.

    Klhqeis na pei ean niwqei lyph gia ayto poy egine, o k. Ntaoyner eipe pws kata th diarkeia ths diadikasias ta HE ekanan dieyqethseis me tis dyo pleyres gia thn episkech kai pws exoyn ejhghsei mesw toy ekproswpoy toys poies htan aytes oi dieyqethseis. ``Kai apla pairnoyme ta pragmata opws erxontai'', anefere.

    Erwthqeis kata poson qewrei pws exei ejapathqei apo thn allh pleyra, eipe pws den einai fronimo na mpei kaneis se mia tetoioy eidoys syzhthsh, epanalambanontas pws to pragmatika shmantiko einai h epikentrwsh stis synomilies poy einai to pio shmantiko qema kai pws otidhpote egine den eixe epiptwseis panw sthn politikh twn HE sto qema ths anagnwrishs ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias.

    Erwthqeis ean oi synomilies qa synexisoyn na einai entatikes, o k. Ntaoyner eipe oti den exei lhfqei akomh kapoia apofash ep aytoy kai pws prosblepoyn na akoysoyn poly syntoma apo toys hgetes pote qa einai h epomenh toys synanthsh kai gia th fysh aytwn twn synanthsewn.


    To prasino fws gia thn apagoreysh ths kykloforias dekaefta synqetikwn narkwtikwn oysiwn kai proiontwn, poy pwloyntai sthn kypriakh agora, doqhke thn Tetarth apo thn Koinoboyleytikh Epitroph Egklhmatikothtas.

    To Ypoyrgiko Symboylio me th diadikasia toy kat epeigontos, anamenetai na egkrinei thn Pempth thn ekdosh sxetikoy diatagmatos, poy etoimase h Nomikh Yphresia kai poy qa apagoreyei thn kykloforia twn oysiwn aytwn sthn agora.

    Ta melh ths Epitrophs Egklhmatikothtas syzhthsan amesa, alla kai prolhptika metra, gia thn apagoreysh synqetikwn narkwtikwn oysiwn, kaqws epishs syzhthsan kai thn piqanh tropopoihsh ths nomoqesias, wste na ekdidontai kai emmesa diatagmata, ta opoia qa leitoyrgoyn prolhptika.

    Meta thn ekdosh toy diatagmatos, me to opoio qa apagoreyetai h kykloforia, h pwlhsh kai h diakinhsh twn sygkekrimenwn 17 oysiwn, h Astynomia qa proxwrhsei amesa sthn aposyrsh toys apo thn agora.

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