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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 10-02-05

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    Arxise ligo meta tis 10 to prwi h synedria toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy ypo ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrh Xristofia, o opoios anamenetai na probei se endelexh enhmerwsh twn melwn toy Swmatos gia ta apotelesmata ths episkechs, enwritera aythn thn ebdomada, toy Genikoy Grammatea toy OHE Mpan Gki-moyn.

    Sth synedria symmetexoyn apo pleyras toy AKEL oi Antros Kyprianoy kai Nikos Katsoyridhs, toy DHSY oi Nikos Anastasiadhs kai Aberwf Neofytoy, toy DHKO oi Marios Karogian kai Giwrgos Kolokasidhs, toy KS EDEK oi Giannakhs Omhroy kai Basos Lyssaridhs, toy Eyrwpaikoy Kommatos oi Dhmhtrhs Sylloyrhs kai Rikkos Erwtokritoy, kai toy Kinhmatos Oikologwn Periballontistwn oi Iwanna Panagiwtoy kai Ntinos Paspallidhs.

    Epishs symmetexoyn o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Markos Kyprianoy, o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Stefanos Stefanoy, o Yfypoyrgos para tw Proedrw Titos Xristofidhs o Epitropos Proedrias Giwrgos Iakwboy kai to melos ths omadas toy Kypriakoy Toymazos Tselephs


    To kypriako, h diafora Elladas Skopiwn gia thn onomasia, dieqnh zhthmata opws h klimatikh allagh kai h antimetwpish ths peirateias, htan ta qemata poy syzhthqhkan sth xqesinh synanthsh toy Ellhna Anaplhrwth Ypoyrgoy Ejwterikwn, Dhmhtrh Droytsa, me ton Geniko Grammatea toy OHE, Mpan Gki-moyn.

    O k. Droytsas anefere se dhlwseis toy oti o Genikos Grammateas ton enhmerwse gia thn prosfath episkech toy sthn Kypro. Ekproswpos toy Genikoy Grammatea anefere meta to telos ths synanthshs oti o k. Mpan eipe ston Ellhna epishmo pws ``ton enqarryne h shmantikh proodos poy shmeiwqhke mexri stigmhs kai h isxyrh desmeysh twn hgetwn. Symmerizomenos thn ananewmenh toy pepoiqhsh oti h lysh einai prosith, o Genikos Grammateas ypogrammise to shmantiko rolo poy mporei na paijei h Ellada sthn yposthrijh ths diadikasias''.

    Symfwna me ton ekproswpo, o k. Droytsas ``diabebaiwse to Geniko Grammatea gia thn plhrh yposthrijh ths ellhnikhs kybernhshs''.

    O Ellhnas epishmos, pantws, opws diafainetai ki apo tis dhlwseis toy, diaforopoihqhke apo tis aisiodojes ektimhseis toy GG enw symfwna me phgh toy ellhnikoy ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn, eqese to qema poy dhmioyrghqhke me thn metabash toy GG sto ``proedriko'' toy k. Talat kai thn entash poy ayth h energeia prokalese.

    Apantwntas se erwthsh toy KYPE, an symmerizetai tis aisiodojes dhlwseis toy GG kai thn protroph toy gia perissoteres kai entatikoteres diapragmateyseis, o Dhmhtrhs Droytsas afoy xarakthrise shmantikh ayth thn periodo ths diapragmateytikhs diadikasias, anefere oti ``prepei na enqarrynoyme kai toys dyo hgetes, ton Proedro Xristofia kai ton t/k hgeth Mexmet Ali Talat na ekmetalleytoyn tis prosexeis hmeres kai ebdomades kai na prospaqhsoyn na entatikopoihsoyn tis synomilies toys''.


    Shmadia anakamchs ths kypriakhs oikonomias kata to deytero ejamhno toy 2010, diapistwnei to Ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn, me ton Ypoyrgo Oikonomikwn Xarilao Stayrakh na dhlwnei oti kata th syskech sto Proedriko Megaro me ton Proedro Xristofia den lhfqhke sygkekrimenh apofash gia perikopes misqwn kai wfelhmatwn se ychlobaqmoys kratikoys ajiwmatoyxoys. Parallhla, o Xarilaos Stayrakhs shmeiwse pws to qema ths oikonomias htan pantote sta xeria toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias.

    Se dhlwseis toy sto Ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn, o k. Stayrakhs anaferqhke sth poly shmantikh, opws th xarakthrise, synanthsh poy pragmatopoihqhke sto Proedriko me ton Proedro Xristofia gia to qema ths oikonomias. Sth synanthsh syzhthqhke h katastash ths kypriakhs oikonomias, gia thn opoia yparxoyn sobares endeijeis, opws eipe, oti qa jekinhsei mia stadiakh anakamch ths kata to deytero ejamhno toy 2010.

    Opws ejhghse o k. Stayrakhs, h anakamch ayth ofeiletai se treis basikoys logoys. O prwtos, afora thn anakamch ths oikonomias ths Eyrwzwnhs kai ths Rwsias, oi opoioi einai oi shmantikoi mas oikonomikoi kai emporikoi etairoi. ``Ara, me ton idio tropo poy h megalh krish stis oikonomies aytes exei ephreasei arnhtika thn kypriakh oikonomia, me kapoio eteroxronismo, me ton idio akribws tropo, h anakamch ths oikonomias ths Eyrwzwnhs kai ths Rwsias qa ephreasoyn qetika thn kypriakh oikonomia, me enan eteroxronismo eji peripoy mhnwn'', eipe.

    To deytero qetiko stoixeio, opws anefere o Ypoyrgos, einai h anatimhsh ths sterlinas enanti toy eyrw kata 7% peripoy tis teleytaies ebdomades. H ejelijh ayth, ejhghse, qa kanei to toyristiko proion ths Kyproy pio antagwnistiko, opws epishs kai tis pwlhseis paraqeristikwn katoikiwn se Bretanoys.

    O tritos basikos logos exei na kanei, opws eipe, me th ``synexizomenh epityxia ths Kybernhshs na proselkyei jenoys ependytes chlhs fhmhs, me teleytaio paradeigma thn Gazprombank, thn trith megalyterh Trapeza ths Rwsias h opoia exei apofasisei na jekinhsei shmantikes ergasies mesw Kyproy''.


    Me nomo poy chfise omofwna h Boylh, diagrafontai oi sxetikes diatajeis poy aforoyn thn ypoxrewsh twn odhgwn na paroysiazoyn thn adeia odhghshs toys sthn Astynomia, gia na shmeiwqoyn se ayth eite oi baqmoi poinhs poy toys epiblhqhkan logw diaprajhs adikhmatos poy perilambanetai ston peri ejwdikhs ryqmishs adikhmatwn nomo, eite oi baqmoi poinhs, eite h sterhsh toy dikaiwmatos katoxhs h apokthshs adeias odhghshs.

    O neos nomos problepei, epishs, thn kataxwrish twn baqmwn poinhs kai olwn twn sxetikwn me thn katadikh kai thn ejwdikh ryqmish stoixeiwn sto Kentriko Arxeio Baqmwn Poinhs, poy, me bash thn isxyoysa nomoqesia, threi o Eforos Mhxanokinhtwn Oxhmatwn.

    Ta stoixeia ayta qa dynatai na labei yp` och to Dikasthrio kai qa synistoyn ek prwths ocews apodeijh toy periexomenoy toys, otan proswpo katadikazetai gia adikhma poy problepetai ston peri ejwdikhs ryqmishs adikhmatwn nomo.

    Stoxos aytoy toy nomoy einai af` enos h dieykolynsh twn politwn, me thn paroxh se aytoys ths dynatothtas na plhrwnoyn, se kaqorismeno xroniko diasthma, to ejwdiko prostimo poy toys epiballetai kai mesw Diadiktyoy, h me th xrhsh pistwtikhs kartas se opoiodhpote astynomiko staqmo, af` eteroy de h ejoikonomhsh anqrwpinoy dynamikoy sthn Astynomia.

    H Astynomia xreiazetai treis peripoy mhnes, prokeimenoy na oloklhrwsei thn egkatastash twn mhxanhmatwn poy apaitoyntai gia thn efarmogh toy neoy systhmatos.

    Ws ek toytoy, h ekproswpos toy Grafeioy toy Genikoy Eisaggelea ths Dhmokratias eishghqhke opws h enarjh ths isxyos toy nomoy metakinhqei treis mhnes meta th dhmosieysh toy sthn Epishmh Efhmerida ths Dhmokratias, eishghsh h opoia egine apo oloys apodekth.

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