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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 10-02-06

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    O Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn Markos Kyprianoy ejefrase thn ektimhsh oti h Toyrkia qa arxisei na problhmatizetai sobara se o,ti afora thn entajiakh ths poreia sthn EE, kaqws mexri to telos toy xronoy den qa mporei na proxwrhsei, logw twn kefalaiwn poy exoyn pagopoihqei h allwn poy den qa mporoyn na anoijoyn.

    Milwntas se ekdhlwsh stroggylhs trapezhs poy diorganwse sth Leykwsia o OPEK kai to Grafeio toy Eyrwpaikoy Koinoboylioy sthn Kypro me qema ``H EE ws katalyths sthn epilysh toy Kypriakoy'', o k. Kyprianoy eipe oti ``to gegonos oti h Toyrkia h idia syndeei tis ypoxrewseis ths aytes, poy sthn Kypro apokaloyme kyprogeneis ypoxrewseis, me thn yparjh toy Kypriakoy, tote aytomatws bazei piesh panw ths dioti exei thn epilogh, eite na symmorfwqei gia na mporesei na proxwrhsei h poreia ths, eite na bohqhsei sth lysh toy Kypriakoy''. ``Dioti ean den ginei oyte to ena, oyte to allo, poly syntoma qa fqasoyme se adiejodo``, epeshmane.

    O k. Kyprianoy prosqese oti ``twra fqanoyme se ena shmeio, mporei na pei kaneis mexri to telos toy xronoy, opoy qa prepei na problhmatistei sobara kai h Toyrkia kai h EE gia to poy paei, dioti mexri tote den qa mporei na proxwrhsei h entajiakh poreia ths Toyrkias, logw twn kefalaiwn poy exei pagopoihsei h Kypros, h Gallia, kai allwn poy exoyn texnika problhmata kai einai adynaton na proxwrhsoyn sta epomena dyo xronia''.

    ``Epomenws'', eipe, ``twra mpainoyme sta dyskola, twra pisteyw oti qa arxisei kai qa prepei na problhmatistei h Toyrkia''.

    Epanelabe th sthrijh ths Kyproy sthn entajh ths Toyrkias sthn EE, oxi omws xwris oroys, legontas oti to kinhtro ths EE pros thn Toyrkia einai enas paragontas poy mporei na ephreasei to Kypriako.

    O k. Kyprianoy anefere oti to periexomeno ths lyshs toy Kypriakoy prepei na synadei oxi mono me ta chfismata toy OHE alla kai me tis arxes kai to kekthmeno ths EE dioti h omospondh Kypriakh Dhmokratia qa synexisei na einai melos ths EE meta th lysh kai qa prepei na einai ena apodotiko kai leitoyrgiko melos.

    ``H EE'', synexise, ``mporei na einai enas katalyths alla gia mia stadiakh zymwsh pio makroproqesmh para ena megalo big bang, to opoio se mia mera qa lysei to Kypriako''.

    O Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn anefere oti ``se ayth th fash eimaste sto stadio anamonhs kai problhmatismoy kai pisteyw oti syntoma qa exoyme emprakth apanthsh ean ayth h qewrhtikh piqanothta qa metatrapei kai se oysiastikh''.

    Ekane epishs logo gia allagh stashs ths Toyrkias apo thn epoxh toy Elsinki, kati poy opws eipe, syndeetai me thn eyrwpaikh ths filodojia. Anefere oti yparxei mia metakinhsh ths politikhs ths Agkyras apo th grammh Etzebit oti to Kypriako lyqhke to 1974 sth grammh Erntogan oti yparxei Kypriako to opoio prepei na epilyqei.


    Kata th synedria toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy exei ginei mia endelexhs enhmerwsh peri twn ejelijewn sto Kypriako poy afora peran apo tis entatikes diapragmateyseis kai ta apotelesmata toys, kai thn episkech toy GG toy OHE sthn Kypro, kai panw se ayth thn enhmerwsh ta kommata kateqesan tis apoceis toys kai egine syzhthsh, dhlwse o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Stefanos Stefanoy.

    Sth sygkekrimenh dhlwsh, proebh o k. Stefanoy katopin ejoysiodothshs poy elabe apo ton idio ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrh Xristofia, enw opws prosqese apantwntas se erwthsh, den yphrxe koino anakoinwqen, kaqws ena sygkekrimeno komma den hqele na ekdoqei koino anakoinwqen.

    Erwthqeis sxetika me to qema twn sygklisewn stis diapragmateyseis, o k. Stefanoy tonise pws oi sygkliseis aytes den epiteyxqhkan, opws isxyristhke o k. Talat, apo metakinhsh ths e/k pleyras panw stis toyrkikes qeseis.

    ``Nomizw oti kai ta politika kommata shmera, exoyn akoysei poy epiteyxqhkan sygkliseis, poy egine smikrynsh twn diaforwn, poy eginan metakinhseis, kai nomizw oti kaneis den mporei na isxyristei oti aytes oi metakinhseis eginan panw sto plaisio twn toyrkikwn protasewn h oti exoyme metakinhqei se aparadektes qeseis'', shmeiwse. sto trapezi twn diapragmateysewn''.

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