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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 10-02-11

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    Sto Kypriako kai sta apotelesmata ths atyphs Synodoy Koryfhs ths EE anaferqhke meta th lhjh twn ergasiwn, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias.

    O Proedros ths Dhmokratias anaferqhke stis synanthseis poy eixe prin apo th Synodo me ton Proedro ths Komision Zoze Manoyel Mparozo kai thn Ypath Ekproswpo ths EE kai Antiproedro ths Epitrophs Kaqrin Aston. Xarakthrise th synanthsh me ton k. Mparozo ``syntomh kai periektikh'', enw gia thn k. Aston eipe oti h idia ejefrase endiaferon na enhmerwqei gia tis ejelijeis sto Kypriako. Me ikanopoiei to endiaferon poy ekfrazetai apo ton Proedro ths Epitrophs kai apo thn Ypath Ekproswpo, kai qa eimaste se epafh, tonise.

    Erwthqeis sxetika me to an syzhthqhke o rolos ths EE stis prospaqeies epilyshs toy Kypriakoy, kai gia aixmes orismenwn politikwn kommatwn oti den ajiopoieitai h EE sto baqmo poy qa hqelan kapoioi, o k. Xristofias dierwthqhke ``Pote ajiopoihqhke perissotero h EE; Pote o Proedros ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs epedeiknye toso, kaqhmerino, endiaferon;'' kai sth synexeia apanthse: ``Pote''.

    En pash periptwsei, synexise, einai apoceis aytes, einai qemata toy eswterikoy dialogoy kai, opws jerete, o kaqenas - dhmokratia exoyme - antikrizei ta pragmata opws nomizei oti prepei na ta antikrisei. ``Apo dikhs moy pleyras, apo thn wra poy exw epifortistei me th diakybernhsh toy topoy edwsa maxh kai nomizw oti petyxame para polla pragmata, petyxame na einai sto kentro ths prosoxhs toy Proedroy ths Eyrwpaikhs Epitrophs to Kypriako'' anefere.

    ``Kai sto Eyrwpaiko Koinoboylio exoyme ejelijeis oi opoies einai qetikes gia thn Kypro, para th diplwmatikh kai epikoinwniakh epiqesh ths Toyrkias'', eipe. ``Emeis, ergazomaste aqoryba kai poly sygkekrimena, xwris na qriambologoyme kiolas giati to problhma einai ekei, einai dyskolo, einai dystyxws polysynqeto, kai dinoyme th maxh me karterikothta kai me pollh cyxraimia'', tonise, prosqetontas oti qelei na eyxaristhsei ton k. Mparozo gia to endiaferon toy - to kaqhmerino endiaferon toy. Eimaste se epafh apo thlefwnoy kai opote briskomai stis Bryjelles antallassoyme apoceis gia tis ejelijeis, to idio egine kai shmera, katelhje k. Xristofias, o opoios qelhse na eyxaristhsei kai thn k. Aston gia to endiaferon ths.

    O Proedros eipe sth synexeia oti to kyrio qema ths Synodoy htan h arwgh pros thn Ellada. Epedeixqh katanohsh pros thn Ellhnikh Kybernhsh gia ta metra poy exei ejaggeilei, anefere, prosqetontas oti einai ena qema poy afora thn Eyrwzwnh, tis xrhmatikes agores kai to Eyrw.

    Oi ``15'' ths eyrwzwnhs einai etoimoi na bohqhsoyn oso ginetai thn Ellada, tonise. Sth synexeia epishmane oti h oikonomikh krish kai ta sygkekrimena problhmata poy antimetwpizoyn orismenes xwres exoyn tis epiptwseis toys panw sto biotiko epipedo kai ta dikaiwmata twn aplwn anqrwpwn, enw ejefrase thn eyxh kai thn elpida, to syntomotero dynato, h Ellada na arxisei na antimetwpizei ayth thn krish apotelesmatika. Eyxomai pros thn Ellhnikh Kybernhsh alla propantwn pros ton Ellhniko lao, na exei apotelesmata me oso to dynato ligoteres epiptwseis panw ston aplo anqrwpo, katelhje o Proedros ths Dhmokratias.

    Anaforika me to allo qema ths Synodoy Koryfhs, o Proedros Xristofias eipe oti egine mia eleyqerh syzhthsh gia th nea Strathgikh ``EE 2020'', ypo thn proedria toy k. Ban Rompei. Ekfrasthkan apoceis, kapoies kritikes kiolas apoceis, gia th Strathgikh ths Lisabonas, kaqws kai apoceis poy sxetizontai me th nea Strathgikh toy 2020, anefere. Anaforika me thn kypriakh qesh, tonise oti h ``emeis exoyme th dikh mas antilhch twn qematwn, qeloyme perissotero anqrwpokentrikh oikonomia kai koinwnia, atyxws, bebaia, synanthsame thn oikonomikh krish, tis rizes ths opoias, kata th dikh mas ektimhsh, h EE den exei aggijei sthn oysia toys''. `` Kat emas, h oysia ths krishs einai h apolyth eleyqeria ths agoras'' epishmane o Proedros ths Dhmokratias, prosqetontas oti xreiazetai h elaxisth kratikh parembash gia ryqmish ths agoras. Se ayta ta plaisia htan kai h shmerinh mas parembash, eipe o k. Xristofias, epishmainontas oti ``qa kataqesoyme kai graptws tis apoceis mas poy sxetizontai me ayto to zhthma kai th nea Strathgikh toy 2020, ston Proedro ths Epitrophs kai ston Proedro toy Eyrwpaikoy Symboylioy''.

    O k. Xristofias xarakthrise th syzhthsh poly kalh syzhthsh, qa synexistei ton Martio kai qa oloklhrwqei ton Ioynio, eipe.

    Telos sth Synodo syzhthqhke kai h bohqeia pros ton lao ths Aiths. H EE caxnei me poio sygkekrimeno tropo, qa analabei kai qa ylopoihsei eyqynes alla kai qa syndramei wste kai alloi etairoi na entaxqoyn se mia koinh prospaqeia gia thn antimetwpish ths klimatikhs allaghs kata sygkekrimeno tropo, anefere o Proedros Xristofias. Gia to qema ths Aiths, h Eyrwpaikh Enwsh kai ta krath melh, ejefrasan etoimothta, alla fainetai oti xreiazetai poly megalyterh bohqeia, toso oikonomikh oso kai allh arwgh, tonise, prosqetontas oti yparxei etoimothta. Alla xreiazetai, omws, perissoteros syntonismos apo thn pleyra ths Enwshs oytws wste h bohqeia na einai poly sygkekrimenh kai apotelesmatikh.


    Safes mhnyma pros thn Agkyra gia thn amesh ylopoihsh twn kyprogenwn ths ypoxrewsewn apotelei to chfisma toy Eyrwpaikoy Koinoboylioy poy egkriqhke thn Tetarth sxetika me thn ekqesh proodoy ths Toyrkias gia to 2009, to opoio xarakthrizetai apo thn Kybernhsh ws to pio isxyro poy elabe h Kypros ta teleytaia xronia.

    O Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Stefanos Stefanoy dhlwse oti to chfisma apotelei ena akomh politiko ergaleio ston agwna gia epiteyjh lyshs poy na termatizei thn katoxh kai na epanenwnei thn patrida kai to lao kai ypogrammizei thn anagkaiothta gia energo sthrijh apo meroys ths Toyrkias mias synolikhs dieyqethshs toy kypriakoy problhmatos.

    ``Oysiastika, to Eyrwpaiko Koinoboylio kalei thn Toyrkia na symbalei me apto tropo sthn epilysh toy Kypriakoy anaqewrwntas th mexri shmera politikh ths'', ypogrammise o Ekproswpos.

    Epishmane oti ``einai profanes oti to EK dinei ena jekaqaro mhnyma sthn Toyrkia: Omalh synexish twn entajiakwn diapragmateysewn kai entajh ths Toyrkias proypoqetoyn thrhsh twn desmeysewn ths kai lysh toy Kypriakoy''.


    O Proedros ths Sosialistikhs Omadas toy Eyrwkoinoboylioy, Martin Soyltz, anakoinwse thn Pempth oti protiqetai na episkefqei thn Kypro syntoma gia na synanthsei toys hgetes twn dyo koinothtwn kai na ekfrasei thn yposthrijh ths Sosialistikhs Omadas toy Eyrwpaikoy Koinoboylioy gia th desmeysh kai koyragio twn dyo hgetwn sthn ejeyresh mias lyshs sto Kypriako problhma.

    Parallhla, proebh se entonh ekklhsh pros toys Dhmhtrh Xristofia kai Mexmet Ali Talat na synexisoyn, kai opoy dynaton, na entatikopoihsoyn tis prospaqeies toys gia epiteyjh mias lyshs sto Kypriako, proion diapragmateyshs.

    Sygkekrimena, anakoinwsh Typoy ths Sosialistikhs Omadas anaferei oti o arxhgos ths sto Eyrwkoinoboylio, Martin Soyltz, proebh ``se mia entonh ekklhsh pros toys hgetes ths e/k kai ths t/k koinothtas sthn Kypro, Dhmhtrh Xristofia kai Mexmet Ali Talat, na synexisoyn, kai opoy dynaton, na entatikopoihsoyn tis prospaqeies toys gia epiteyjh mias lyshs sto Kypriako, proion diapragmateyshs''.


    Sth qesh toy oti thn eyqynh gia th moiraia ptwsh toy aeroskafoys ths ``HLIOS``, ton Aygoysto toy 2005 sto Grammatiko, th feroyn o kybernhths kai o sygkybernhths toy Mpoingk, epemene o empeirognwmonas kai melos ths ellhnikhs Epitrophs Diereynhshs Atyxhmatwn kai Asfaleias Pthsewn (EDAAP) Hlias Nikolaidhs.

    Sthn akroamatikh diadikasia ths Pempths, enwpion toy Kakoyrgiodikeioy Leykwsias, arxise h antejetash toy martyra ths Kathgoroysas Arxhs.

    Apantwntas stis erwthseis toy Giwrgoy Papaiwannoy, synhgoroy yperaspishs twn pente kathgoroymenwn gia thn ptwsh toy aeroskafoys, o k. Nikolaidhs anagnwrise men pws to plhrwma toy qalamoy diakybernhshs eixe ypostei ypojia (elleich ojygonoy), alla epemene oti h ypojia htan synepeia toy oti kybernhths kai o sygkybernhths den katalaban to ti shmaine o proeidopoihtikos hxos poy hxoyse sto qalamo diakybernhshs (an einai proeidopoihsh gia th diarryqmish toy aeroskafoys kata thn apogeiwsh - take off configuration warning h to ycometro ths kampinas) kai oti den eixan frontisei o diakopths toy systhmatos sympieshs na htan sto aytomato.

    ``An eixan kanei kala th doyleia toys, den qa ftaname se ayto to shmeio``, anefere o k. Nikolaidhs, o opoios se allo shmeio ths antejetashs eipe oti to plhrwma qalamoy diakybernhshs qa eprepe na dei sth diadikasia ejwterikhs epiqewrhshs toy aeroskafoys (prin apo thn apogeiwsh) oti h balbida ekrohs aera den htan sth swsth qesh.

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