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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 10-02-13

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    O Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias anaferei oti o idios o T/K hgeths Mexmet Ali Talat eixe zhthsei na diakopei o dialogos meta thn episkech toy GG toy OHE sthn Kypro enw meta anaqewrhse thn stash toy gia synexish twn diapragmateysewn.

    Ayto shmeiwnetai se apanthtikh epistolh toy Proedroy Xristofia, hmeromhnias 12 Febroyarioy 2010, se epistolh toy Proedroy toy DHSY Nikoy Anastasiadh ths idias hmeromhnias, o opoios zhtei plhroforhsh se sxesh me thn dikh mas stash, gia synexish twn diapragmateysewn kai meta thn episkech toy GG twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn sthn Kypro, thn 1/2/2010.

    O k. Anastasiadhs sthn epistolh toy, anaferetai sthn qesh toy kommatos toy, opws ayth ekfrasthke sth teleytaia synodo toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy, oti ``den qa eprepe na antikrizame arnhtika to endexomeno paratashs twn entatikwn diapragmateysewn me thn proypoqesh oti h dikh mas pleyra qa htan artia proetoimasmenh kai oti h diapragmateysh qa ekteinotan se ola ta shmantika kefalaia, perilambanomenoy toy perioysiakoy, toy edafikoy, ths asfaleias kai twn epoikwn``.

    Oi epistoles toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias kaqws kai toy Proedroy toy DHSY doqhkan shmera sthn dhmosiothta, katopin synennohshs me ton Proedro toy DHSY, anaferei se anakoinwsh toy o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Stefanos Stefanoy.

    Sthn epistolh toy, o Proedros Xristofias anaferei pws ``o k. Talat me parakalese na diakocoyme to dialogo meta thn episkech toy Genikoy Grammatea, gia na epikentrwqei sthn proeklogikh toy ekstrateia``.

    ``Epideiknyontas katanohsh symfwnhsa mazi toy. Sthn teleytaia hmera toy entatikopoihmenoy dialogoy o k. Talat epanhlqe me nea paraklhsh na synexisoyme tis synanthseis kai meta thn 1/2/2010, giati ekrine oti einai wfelimo gia ton idio. Symfwnhsa kai pali me ton k. Talat``, prosqetei.

    Ta gegonota opws ta perigrafw, synexizei o Proedros Xristofias, ta anelyse o k. Talat kai enwpion toy Genikoy Grammatea. ``Paradexqhke dhladh oti o idios zhthse diakoph toy dialogoy kai akoloyqws enwpion toy Genikoy Grammatea anaqewrhse thn prohgoymenh qesh toy kai me parakalese na synexisoyme. Antapokriqhka kai exw hdh diabibasei ston k. Talat kai sta Hnwmena Eqnh tesseris hmeromhnies gia olohmeres synanthseis``, shmeiwnei.

    Opws poly orqa diapistwnete, synexizei sthn epistolh toy o Proedros Xristofias, qa prepei na prohghqei h anagkaia proetoimasia. Gia to skopo ayto proteina, shmeiwnei, h prwth synanthsh na pragmatopoihqei stis 24/2/2010, h deyterh stis 4/3/2010, h trith stis 16/3/2010 kai h tetarth stis 30/3/2010.

    Prepei me lyph moy na omologhsw, anaferei o Proedros Xristofias, ``oti diapistwnw mia enorxhstrwmenh prospaqeia apo pleyras sygkekrimenwn paragontwn na paroysiastei h dikh mas pleyra ws arnhtikh gia th synexish twn diapragmateysewn''.

    ``Lew sygkekrimenwn paragontwn, giati otan synanthsa toys Presbeis twn Pente Monimwn Melwn kai toys ejhghsa pws exoyn ta pragmata kai th dikh mas qesh, oi omofwnes topoqethseis toys htan oti ektimoyn para poly tis prwtoboylies, thn katanohsh kai thn ypomonh mas se sxesh me to dialogo, poy lambanei xwra h poy elabe xwra kai poy qa synexistei``, shmeiwnei.

    Opws poly kala gnwrizete, synexizei sthn epistolh toy o Proedros Xristofias pros ton Proedro toy DHSY, ``o k. Talat gia logoys dikhs toy proeklogikhs skopimothtas arneitai sto paron stadio na syzhthsei to Edafiko``.

    Sthn epistolh sas, anaferei o Proedros Xristofias pros ton k. Anastasiadh, ``milate gia kindyno na speysoyn kapoioi na paroysiasoyn th dikh mas pleyra ws ayth poy kwlysiergei kai synepws yponomeyei th diapragmateytikh diadikasia. ``Qelw na eimai jekaqaros. Mono kakoboyla mporei na apodoqei sth dikh mas pleyra tetoia kathgoria. Apo thn allh qelw na kanw jekaqaro pws oyte dikh moy eyqynh ws Proedros kai diapragmateyths oyte eyqynh ths dikhs mas pleyras einai h endexomenh eklogh toy k. Talat. Aporriptw kathgorhmatika, akoma kai piqanes skeceis na epirrifqei eyqynh sthn pleyra mas gia piqanh apotyxia toy k. Talat stis legomenes ekloges``, anaferei o Proedros Xristofias.

    Sthn epistolh toy, o Proedros Xristofias epanalambanei ``gia mia akoma fora oti apo to Septembrio mexri shmera exoyn syzhthqei kai stis kat idian synanthseis kai se synanthseis twn Omadwn Ergasias, oles oi ptyxes toy kypriakoy problhmatos, alla den exoyme epityxei oysiastikh proodo epi twn diaforwn ptyxwn''.

    ``Ayto den ofeiletai posws stis qeseis ths dikhs mas pleyras. Einai se ola ta melh toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy poly gnwstes oi qeseis ths toyrkikhs pleyras, stis opoies, dystyxws, o k. Talat epimenei kai me ginati yposthrizei kai yperaspizetai. Qelw na jekaqarisw oti den yparxei periptwsh ws Proedros ths Dhmokratias kai ws diapragmateyths na kanw aparadektes paraxwrhseis sthn toyrkokypriakh pleyra kai ston k. Talat xarin ths piqanhs epanekloghs toy k. Talat``, symplhrwnei.

    Peraiterw, o Proedros Xristofias enhmerwnei ton k. Anastasiadh oti gia na einai h dikh mas pleyra artia proetoimasmenh, stis 12 Febroyarioy synhlqe h ypoepitroph toy Eqnikoy Symboyloy ypo ton Giwrgo Iakwboy gia qemata Oikonomias.

    Shmeiwnei oti egine syzhthsh kai malista apo Ekproswpoys Kommatwn zhthqhke xronos gia na diatypwsoyn tis telikes toys apoceis mexri to telos Febroyarioy.

    ``Ayto to qewrhsa kwlysiergia kai zhthsa apo ton k. Iakwboy mexri tis 24/2/2010 na eimaste arkoyntws proetoimasmenoi mazi me ta Kommata. Qa akoloyqhsei paromoia syskech epi ths ptyxhs twn Eyrwpaikwn Qematwn, epi toy Perioysiakoy kai ei dynaton, ths Asfaleias kai twn Epoikwn``, katalhgei o Proedros ths Dhmokratias.

    Sthn epistolh toy, o Proedros toy DHSY k. Anastasiadhs anaferei oti tis teleytaies meres eixe mia seira synanthsewn, ystera apo diko toys aithma, me Presbeis shmantikwn kratwn opws twn HPA, ths Soyhdias, ths Finlandias kai ths Danias alla kai me ton Eidiko Antiproswpo toy G.G. toy OHE Alejanter Ntaoyner.

    ``Diapistwnw apo aytes tis epafes mia agwnia ek meroys ths dieqnoys koinothtas se sxesh me th poreia ths diapragmateytikhs diadikasias. Koinh qesh einai oti h periodos mexri thn eklogikh diadikasia sthn Toyrkokypriakh koinothta qa prepei na ajiopoihqei me synexish twn entatikwn diapragmateysewn'', eipe.

    O k. Anastasiadhs prosqetei oti ``exontas ypoch th dhmosia ekpefrasmenh qesh toy k. Talat oti o idios qa htan etoimos na synexisei ton entatiko dialogo, entopizw ton kindyno na prospaqhsoyn kapoioi na paroysiasoyn th dikh mas pleyra ws ayth poy kwlysiergei kai synepws yponomeyei tis prooptikes ths diapragmateytikhs diadikasias''.

    O Proedros toy DHSY ypenqymizei sthn epistolh toy th qesh toy Dhmokratikoy Synagermoy, opws ayth ekfrasthke sth teleytaia synodo toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy, ``oti den qa eprepe na antikrizame arnhtika to endexomeno paratashs twn entatikwn diapragmateysewn me thn proypoqesh oti h dikh mas pleyra qa htan artia proetoimasmenh kai oti h diapragmateysh qa ekteinotan se ola ta shmantika kefalaia, perilambanomenoy toy perioysiakoy, toy edafikoy, ths asfaleias kai twn epoikwn''.

    Parallhla, o k. Anastasiadhs zhtei apo ton Proedro opws enhmerwqei ``gia tis dikes sas proqeseis kai apofaseis prokeimenoy na eimai se qesh na tis epejhgw kai na tis yposthrizw se analoges epafes poy endexomenws qa akoloyqhsoyn''.

    ``Qa hqela epishs na sas enhmerwsw gia piqanh synanthsh moy me ton k. Talat kai pali meta apo dikh toy prwtoboylia. Se periptwsh poy ayth h synanthsh dieyqethqei qa hqela na eimai enhmeros kai gia oti allo eseis qewreite shmantiko prokeimenoy na to qesw ston Toyrkokyprio hgeth'', katalhgei o Proedros toy DHSY.


    O Proedros toy Libanoy strathgos Misel Sleiman kai oi pente ypoyrgoi poy ton synodeyoyn sthn epishmh episkech toy sthn Kypro, enhmerwqhke to prwi, sthn paroysia toy Ypoyrgoy Eswterikwn Neoklh Sylikiwth, gia tis dynatothtes ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias se qemata ereynas kai diaswshs toso sto qalassio xwro oso kai sthn jhra.

    Parallhla paroysiasthke optikoakoystiko yliko to opoio anadeiknye toso tis epixeirhseis stis opoies elabe meros h Politikh Amyna ths Kyproy se diafores xwres, oso kai thn koinh ekpaideysh Libaniwn kai Kypriwn melwn ths Politikhs Amynas poy egine ston ekpaideytiko xwro poy diaqetei h Amyna stis paryfes ths Alykhs Larnakas.

    Meta thn paroysiash egine antallagh dwrwn apo ton Proedro toy Libanoy kai ton Ypoyrgo Eswterikwn.

    Se dhlwseis toy o k. Sylikiwths anefere oti ``ena apo ta qemata poy endiaferoyn sthn anaptyjh twn sxesewn metajy ths Kyproy kai toy Libanoy einai kai ayto twn fysikwn katastrofwn kai ths synergasias metajy twn dyo xwrwn. Einai shmantiko to gegonos oti o Proedros toy Libanoy episkefqhke to Kentro poy prosfata exoyme dhmioyrghsei edw sth Larnaka gia thn ekpaideysh twn melwn ths Politikhs Amynas'' eipe.

    Prosqese oti ``ta teleytaia xronia exoyme anaptyjei staqeres sxeseis me to Libano, o Proedros ths opoias mas exei eyxaristhsei gia th bohqeia poy prosefere h Kypros to 2006 meta thn krish sto Libano kai gia to oti h Kypros dexqhke arketes xiliades atoma toso Libanezoys oso kai yphkooys allwn xwrwn kai htan megalh bohqeia s ayto to kosmo poy eixe apo tis dynameis ths Politikhs Amynas.


    Syrriknwsh 2,7% shmeiwse h kypriakh oikonomia kata to tetarto trimhno toy 2009, se sygkrish me to antistoixo trimhno toy 2008, symfwna me Prokatarktikh Ektimhsh (Flash Estimate) ths Statistikhs Yphresias ths Kyproy.

    Epishs, meta th diorqwsh toy AEP ws pros tis epoxikes diakymanseis kai tis ergasimes meres, o ryqmos anaptyjhs ypologizetai kai pali sto -2,7%.

    Se sygkrish me to g' trimhno toy 2009, h kypriakh oikonomia syrriknwqhke sto d' trimhno toy 2009 kata 0,3%.

    Symfwna me th Statistikh Yphresia, h syrriknwsh ths oikonomias sto tetarto trimhno toy 2009 ofeiletai kata kyrio logo stoys poly arnhtikoys ryqmoys anaptyjhs poy parathroyntai stoys tomeis twn Kataskeywn kai twn Jenodoxeiwn kai Estiatoriwn, kaqws kai stis arnhtikes epidoseis poy paroysiazoyn oi tomeis ths Biomhxanias, Xondrikoy kai Lianikoy Emporioy, Metaforwn kai Epikoinwniwn.

    O eyryteros tomeas twn Yphresiwn paramenei o monadikos tomeas poy shmeiwnei qetikes epidoseis, kaqws oi tomeis twn Xrhmatopistwtikwn drasthriothtwn paroysiazoyn oriakoys ryqmoys anaptyjhs.


    Meiwsh 2,4% shmeiwsan oi afijeis toyristwn ton Ianoyario toy 2010, se sygkrish me ton Ianoyario toy 2009, symfwna me th Statistikh Yphresia.

    Me bash ta apotelesmata ths Ereynas Tajidiwtwn, oi afijeis toyristwn ton Ianoyario toy 2010 anhlqan se 45.952 se sygkrish me 47.066 ton Ianoyario 2009.

    Ton Ianoyario toy 2010 shmeiwqhke meiwsh 10,2% stis afijeis toyristwn apo to Hnwmeno Basileio (17.788 ton Ianoyario toy 2010 se sygkrish me 19.809 ton Ianoyario toy 2009) kai 8,1% meiwsh apo th Germania (4.083 se sygkrish me 4.442 persi).

    Antiqeta ayjhsh 8,4% stis afijeis toyristwn shmeiwqhke apo thn Ellada (apo 6.888 ton Ianoyario toy 2009 se 7.470 ton Ianoyario toy 2010

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