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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 10-02-16Cyprus News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA
[01] PROEDROS XRISTOFIAS - PROEDROS DHKO - SYNANTHSHMetateqhke gia ayrio stis 18:30 h synanthsh poy eprokeito na exoyn shmera to prwi o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias kai o Proedros toy DHKO Marios Karogian, sto Proedriko Megaro.Epishs, anaballetai h synedria toy Ektelestikoy Grafeioy toy DHKO, poy htan programmatismenh gia shmera to apogeyma. H Grammateia toy DHKO qa synelqei, opws eixe programmatistei, shmera stis 08:00. Opws anaferqhke, h allagh ths hmeras ths synanthshs metajy toy Proedroy Xristofia kai toy k. Karogian egine ystera apo paraklhsh toy Proedroy Xristofia. [02] XRISTOFIAS - ANASTASIADHS - EPISTOLESO Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias anaferei oti o idios o T/K hgeths Mexmet Ali Talat eixe zhthsei na diakopei o dialogos meta thn episkech toy GG toy OHE sthn Kypro enw meta anaqewrhse thn stash toy gia synexish twn diapragmateysewn.Ayto shmeiwnetai se apanthtikh epistolh toy Proedroy Xristofia, hmeromhnias 12 Febroyarioy 2010, se epistolh toy Proedroy toy DHSY Nikoy Anastasiadh ths idias hmeromhnias, o opoios zhtei plhroforhsh se sxesh me thn dikh mas stash, gia synexish twn diapragmateysewn kai meta thn episkech toy GG twn Hnwmenwn Eqnwn sthn Kypro, thn 1/2/2010. O k. Anastasiadhs sthn epistolh toy, anaferetai sthn qesh toy kommatos toy, opws ayth ekfrasthke sth teleytaia synodo toy Eqnikoy Symboylioy, oti ``den qa eprepe na antikrizame arnhtika to endexomeno paratashs twn entatikwn diapragmateysewn me thn proypoqesh oti h dikh mas pleyra qa htan artia proetoimasmenh kai oti h diapragmateysh qa ekteinotan se ola ta shmantika kefalaia, perilambanomenoy toy perioysiakoy, toy edafikoy, ths asfaleias kai twn epoikwn``. Oi epistoles toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias kaqws kai toy Proedroy toy DHSY doqhkan sth dhmosiothta, katopin synennohshs me ton Proedro toy DHSY, anaferei se anakoinwsh toy o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Stefanos Stefanoy. [03] KLHRIDHS - YGEIAEjithrio apo to Geniko Nosokomeio Larnakas phre gyrw stis 20:00 xqes o prwhn Proedros ths Dhmokratias Glaykos Klhridhs, o opoios eixe metaferqei me asqenoforo ystera apo jafnikh allergia poy paroysiase kai toy prokalese entono bhxa.O k. Klhridhs briskotan sto spiti toy, sto Meneoy, kai diaskedaze mazi me thn oikogeneia kai filoys toy thn Kaqara Deytera, otan jafnika gyrw stis 17:00 arxise na talaipwreitai apo entono bhxa. Oi oikeioi toy prwhn Proedroy kalesan amesws asqenoforo, to opoio ton diakomise sto Tmhma Prwtwn Bohqeiwn toy Genikoy Nosokomeioy Larnakas. Konta ston tews Proedro espeyse amesws h korh kai o gampros toy kaqws kai o proswpikos toy giatros Iwshf Kasios. Me odhgies toy k. Kasioy xorhghqhke farmakeytikh agwgh sto, k. Klhridh, o opoios se syntomo xroniko diasthma jeperase ton allergiko bhxa kai afoy paremeine sto Nosokomeio gia treis peripoy wres, sth synexeia phre ejithrio. Cyprus News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |