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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 10-02-17Cyprus News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Cyprus News Agency at <>PERIEXOMENA
[01] PROEDROS XRISTOFIAS - PROEDROS DHKO - SYNANTHSHPragmatopoieitai thn Tetarth stis 6.30 to apogeyma h synanthsh metajy toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrh Xristofia kai toy Proedroy toy DHKO Marioy Karogian, poy eprokeito na pragmatopoihqei xqes to prwi alla anablhqhke logw diaforopoihshs toy programmatos toy Proedroy Xristofia. H synanthsh qa ginei sto Proedriko Megaro.Se dhlwseis toy ston Ellhniko Radiostaqmo toy Londinoy (LGR) o Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Stefanos Stefanoy apantwntas se erwthsh gia to pws proseggizei h Kybernhsh th synanthsh toy Proedroy Xristofia me ton Proedro toy DHKO, eipe oti ``eimaste yper ths synexishs ths synergasias, opws eimaste kai yper ths synexishs ths synergasias me thn EDEK, alla dystyxws h EDEK apofasise na apoxwrhsei''. O k. Stefanoy eipe oti stoxos ths shmerinhs synanthshs Xristofia Karogian ``einai na syzhthqoyn ola ta zhthmata, kai ola ta problhmata poy exoyn prokycei sthn poreia ths synergasias olo ayto to diasthma''. Pantote me eilikrineia qa milhsoyme me ton Proedro toy DHKO kai analoga me to apotelesma, o kaqenas qa dei, qa ektimhsei, kai qa prajei, anefere o Ekproswpos. Ejalloy se dhlwseis toy meta th xqesinh synedria ths Grammateias toy DHKO, o GG toy kommatos Kyriakos Kenebezos eipe pws kata th diarkeia ths egine mia syzhthsh me kataqesh apocewn ap ola ta melh ths Grammateias. O k. Kenebezos anefere pws synerxetai to erxomeno Sabbato se synedria to Ektelestiko Grafeio toy DHKO, poy qa syzhthsei to periexomeno ths synanthshs Xristofia-Karogian enw h Kentrikh Epitroph anamenetai na synelqei stis 23 Febroyarioy. Se erwthsh an kata th synedria ths Grammateias kaqoristhke h atzenta kai h entolh poy qa exei o Proedros toy DHKO kata th shmerinh synanthsh, eipe pws toso h atzenta oso kai h entolh exoyn apo kairo kaqoristei. ``Einai ta zhthmata poy anadeiknyoyn oloi ayth thn periodo, prwtistws kai se prwth grammh antilambaneste einai ta zhthmata toy Kypriakoy - na mhn ta leme synexws kai na anaparagoyme zhthmata, ta opoia oytws h allws exoyme qesei kata epanalhch kai na qewrhqei oti afhnoyme kati pisw``, shmeiwse. [02] EKPROSWPOS SYNOMILIES - LGRO Kybernhtikos Ekproswpos Stefanos Stefanoy dhlwse oti den epanarxizoyn me toys kalyteroys oiwnoys oi apeyqeias synomilies metajy toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrh Xristofia kai toy T/k hgeth Mexmet Ali Talat dioti yparxei elleich enothtas sto eswteriko metwpo, gegonos poy dyskoleyei tis prospaqeies toy opoioy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias kai toy opoioy diapragmateyth ths e/k pleyras, eidika otan briskomaste en mesw mias diapragmateytikhs diadikasias.Se dhlwseis toy ston Ellhniko Radiostaqmo toy Londinoy (LGR) o Ekproswpos eipe oti ``anejarthtws omws apo ayth thn katastash, o Proedros Xristofias synexizei tis prospaqeies gia epiteyjh lyshs, exei anakoinwqei h synexish twn diapragmateysewn, kai o kaqorismos tessarwn newn synanthsewn toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias me ton T/k hgeth''. Cyprus News Agency: News in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |