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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 10-02-18

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    O Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias ejefrase aisiodojia oti ``me ta metra poy lambanontai s ola ta epipeda, me th synergasia kai allhlokatanohsh twn koinwnikwn etairwn, th dynamikothta kai thn eyelijia toy epixeirhmatikoy mas kosmoy kai me mia syneidhth kai adiakoph prospaqeia gia beltiwsh ths antagwnistikothtas twn proiontwn mas, idiaitera me ependyseis se nea texnologia, ta problhmata mas ston ejagwgiko tomea qa yperphdhqoyn''.

    Se xairetismo toy sthn teleth aponomhs toy Brabeioy Ejagwgwn 2008, sth Leykwsia, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias eipe oti ``to ejagwgiko emporio kaqws kai o toyrismos kai oi alles ejagwgikes mas yphresies qa synexisoyn na apoteloyn diaxronika thn kinhthria dynamh gia th diathrhsh ikanopoihtikwn ryqmwn anaptyjhs''.

    Shmeiwse oti ``apo thn pleyra ths Kybernhshs, qa synexisqei h paroxh kaqe dynaths enqarrynshs kai bohqeias sthn idiwtikh prwtoboylia, sta plaisia pantote twn dynatothtwn mas, opws aytes kaqorizontai apo tis yparxoyses dhmosionomikes pragmatikothtes alla kai apo tis desmeyseis kai ypoxrewseis mas pros thn Eyrwpaikh Enwsh.

    O Proedros Xristofias eipe oti ``mia ygihs, staqerh, anqektikh kai diarkws anaptyssomenh oikonomia den einai mono syntelesths eyhmerias kai proodoy toy laoy mas, alla apotelei taytoxrona asfales ypobaqro toy agwna mas gia eqnikh epibiwsh kai dikaiwsh''.

    Prosqese oti ``stis shmerines dyskoles kai krisimes wres, oloi kai ola qa prepei anagkastika na sygklinoyn sthn epiteyjh toy ypertatoy skopoy kai prwtarxikoy mas stoxoy, poy einai h swthria toy topoy mas kai h dikaiwsh toy laoy mas''.

    O Proedros ths Dhmokratias tonise oti ``enteinoyme tis prospaqeies gia oso to dynato megalyterh ejoikonomhsh porwn apo mh paragwgikoys tomeis kai tomeis poy den exoyn proteraiothta, kai gia thn ajiopoihsh toys se paragwgikes ependyseis kai se tomeis poy exoyn sxesh me thn poiothta ths zwhs'' enw ypedeije oti ``xreiazetai asfalws h synergasia olwn twn paragwgikwn tajewn gia thn epityxia ayths ths politikhs''.

    Dhlwse, xarakthristika, oti ``qa prepei na epideixqei pneyma perisylloghs apo oloys, poy na antistoixei stis shmerines anagkes ths oikonomias kai stis koinwnikes, alla kai stis politikes synqhkes toy topoy''.

    O Proedros ths Dhmokratias eipe oti afoygkrazomaste ``ta mhnymata ths neas epoxhs kai anagnwrizoyme thn anagkaiothta gia rizikes allages sth diarqrwsh ths oikonomias poy dhmioyrgeitai apo thn texnologikh epanastash poy synteleitai dieqnws ta teleytaia xronia''. Pros thn kateyqynsh ayth, dinoyme proteraiothta stoys tomeis poy enisxyoyn to jekinhma newn ependysewn kai thn endynamwsh ths epixeirhmatikothtas''.

    Prosqese oti ``den jexnoyme pws h oikonomia mas brisketai shmera mprosta se nees proklhseis logw ths entajhs mas sthn EE, alla kai ths prosarmoghs ths sta nea dedomena poy exoyn prokycei apo thn dieqnopoihsh twn oikonomikwn drasthriothtwn, thn eleyqeropoihsh ths agoras xwris kamia ryqmish kai tis synqhkes ojytatoy antagwnismoy kai esxatws thn krish sto pagkosmio xrhmatopistwtiko systhma kai thn pragmatikh oikonomia''.

    Mesa sta plaisia ayta, eipe o Proedros Xristofias, ``stoxeyoyme ston koinwniko kai oikonomiko eksygxronismo ths xwras me epikentro ton anqrwpo kai tis anagkes toy kai epidiwkoyme th synexh proodo kai anaptyjh, kyriws mesw ths enisxyshs ths antagwnistikothtas kai ths anaptyjhs toy anqrwpinoy dynamikoy, kaqws kai th beltiwsh ths eyhmerias mesw ths diarkoys anabaqmishs ths poiothtas zwhs olwn twn politwn''.

    O Proedros ths Dhmokratias shmeiwse oti ``sthn epiteyjh toy stoxoy aytoy, shmantiko rolo qa diadramatisei h ikanothta mas na ajiopoihsoyme th strathgikh gewgrafikh qesh ths Kyproy kai thn idiothta mas ws toy akraioy notioanatolikoy synoroy ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs''.

    Gia thn idiwtikh prwtoboylia sthn epixeirhmatikothta sth xwra mas, o Proedros Xristofias eipe oti ``leitoyrgei mesa stis ejairetika antijoes synqhkes poy dhmioyrghsan h toyrkikh eisbolh kai h synexizomenh katoxh''.

    Anefere, wstoso, oti ``katorqwse me to dhmioyrgiko ths pneyma kai to dynamismo ths na ajiopoihsei apotelesmatika tis eykairies poy paroysiasthkan kata kairoys, pantote bebaia me thn synergasia kai thn sthrijh toy kratoys, sygkrotwntas mia oikonomia me gera qemelia, ikanh na antepejelqei stoys klydwnismoys apo thn genikoterh oikonomikh yfesh poy dianyoyme''.

    Gia thn aponomh twn Brabeiwn Ejagwgwn o Proedros ths Dhmokratias eipe oti ``apotelei qesmo me polloys symbolismoys kai proektaseis kai symballei ta megista sthn epixeirhmatikh amilla kai th dhmioyrgia enw taytoxrona apotelei shmeio anaforas gia ton paragwgiko kosmo toy topoy poy qelei kai mporei na hghqei mias neas dynamikhs anaptyjiakhs poreias''.

    ``Einai allwste staqeros stoxos kai epidiwjh ths politikhs mas h endynamwsh, toso posotikh oso kai poiotikh, twn ejagwgikwn mas prooptikwn kai dynatothtwn'', eipe, kleinontas o Proedros Xristofias.


    Synanthsh me qema tis prospaqeies poy ginontai ek meroys ths Kypriakhs Enwshs Ploiokthtwn gia thn ayjhsh toy ariqmoy twn ploiwn ypo kypriakh shmaia eixe shmera to Proedreio ths Kypriakhs Enwshs Ploiokthtwn ypo ton Proedro ths Giwrgo Moyska me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrh Xristofia.

    Se dhlwseis toy ejerxomenos toy Proedrikoy Megaroy, o k. Moyskas, eipe oti ta melh toy Proedreioy enhmerwsan ton Proedro Xristofia gia tis prospaqeies ths Enwshs sthn Kypro kai sthn Ellada ``gia na feroyme kai alla kai kainoyrgia baporia me kypriakh shmaia''.

    ``Kanoyme megalh prospaqeia propantwn sthn Ellada'' eipe synexizontas o Giwrgos Moyskas ``na peisoyme toys Elladites, aytoi poy qeloyn na baloyn thn kypriakh shmaia kai pane sthn Liberia, ston Panama, sthn Malta na erqoyn sthn Kypro''.

    H Kypros prosferei o,ti prosferoyn kai oi alles xwres kai akomh perissoteres kai kalyteres yphresies prosqese stis dhlwseis toy o k. Moyskas kai eipe oti o Proedros ikanopoihqhke apo tis prospaqeies ths Enwshs gia thn epiteyjh toy stoxoy aytoy.

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