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Cyprus News Agency: News in Greek, 10-02-18

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From: The Cyprus News Agency at <>




    H Boylh twn Antiproswpwn tonizei me chfisma ths oti, opws gia kaqe kratos-melos ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, etsi kai gia thn Kypriakh Dhmokratia, den nooyntai eggyhtes, oyte epembatika dikaiwmata.

    Omofwna to kypriako koinoboylio diakhryje oti yposthrizei thn apokatastash ths kyriarxias, anejarthsias, edafikhs akeraiothtas kai enothtas ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias.

    ``Sthn enwmenh Kypriakh Dhmokratia, kratos - melos ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, den nooyntai eggyhtes kai eggyhseis``, tonizei h Boylh, se chfisma ths poy egkriqhke xwris kamian enstash apo thn Olomeleia.

    Prin thn pro hmerhsias diatajews chfoforia sth shmerinh synedria ths Olomeleias, h opoia arxise me miamish sxedon wra kaqysterhsh -akribws logw twn diaboyleysewn metajy twn kommatwn gia th syntajh toy keimenoy aytoy- o boyleyths toy DHKO, Zaxarias Koylias, zhthse na afaireqei h lejh `enwmenh` prin thn onomasia ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias, qewrwntas oti parapempei sth morfh ths lyshs poy endexomenws na teqei enwpion toy laoy se prosexes dhmochfisma.

    Akoloyqhse makra syzhthsh me th symmetoxh pollwn boyleytwn kai twn arxhgwn h ekproswpwn twn kommatwn ths Boylhs, me diafores eishghseis kai apoceis epi toy zhthmatos aytoy, gia na teqei telikws pros chfoforia kai na egkriqei to keimeno, opws akribws eixe symfwnhqei sthn prohghqeisa syskech me ton Proedro ths Boylhs Mario Karogian.

    Me to chfisma ths, h Boylh ypogrammizei ``oti to kefalaio ths asfaleias - eggyhsewn apotelei qema meizonos shmasias gia ton kypriako lao kai oysiwdes zhthma gia thn katalhjh twn en ejelijei prospaqeiwn epilyshs toy kypriakoy problhmatos``.

    ``Tonizontas oti h ayqaireth ermhneia ths Synqhkhs Eggyhsews apo thn Toyrkia, gia na dikaiologhsei thn paranomh toyrkikh eisbolh toy 1974 kai th synexizomenh katoxh toy 36,4% toy edafoys ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias, synista parabiash toy Dieqnoys Dikaioy``, h Boylh ``omofwna kataggellei thn ayqaireth ermhneia ths Synqhkhs Eggyhsews apo thn Toyrkia gia na prosdwsei nomimothta sthn toyrkikh eisbolh toy 1974 kai th synexizomenh katoxh tmhmatos toy edafoys ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias``.

    Kataggellei, epishs, ``tis katafwres parabiaseis twn qemeliwdwn anqrwpinwn dikaiwmatwn kai basikwn eleyqeriwn twn Kypriwn politwn`` kai ``kalei thn Toyrkia na sebastei kai na apokatasthsei amesa thn kyriarxia, anejarthsia kai edafikh akeraiothta ths Kypriakhs Dhmokratias, kaqws kai ta anqrwpina dikaiwmata olwn twn Kypriwn politwn``.

    Me ton tropo ayton, opws anaferei h Boylh, h Toyrkia qa kataferei na apodeijei ``emprakta th symbolh ths sthn epiteyjh dikaihs kai biwsimhs lyshs toy kypriakoy problhmatos, kaqws kai to sebasmo kai proshlwsh ths sto Dieqnes Dikaio kai dh stis arxes kai ajies ths Eyrwpaikhs Enwshs, ths opoias epiqymei na katastei melos``.


    Dhmioyrgikh xarakthrise th syzhthsh poy eixe apoce me ton Proedro toy DHKO Mario Karogian, o Proedros ths Dhmokratias Dhmhtrhs Xristofias.

    Ejerxomenos toy Proedrikoy Megaroy gia na anaxwrhsei meta thn synanthsh eipe pws ``egw feygw xamogelastos``.

    H synanthsh arxise gyrw stis 7 kai oloklhrwqhke gyrw stis 8.40 sthn paroysia toy Kybernhtikoy Ekproswpoy Stefanoy Stefanoy kai toy Ekproswpoy Typoy toy DHKO Fwth Fwtioy.

    Se dhlwseis toy meta th synanthsh o k. Karogian anefere pws eixan mia poly dhmioyrgikh kai oysiastikh syzhthsh kai pws teqhkan ola epi taphtos.

    O Proedros ths Dhmokratias, erwthqeis an epeise to DHKO na parameinei sthn sygkybernhsh, apanthse pws ``ayto qa to pei o Marios Karogian kai oxi egw``.

    Se allh erwthsh an einai ikanopoihmenos apo ta apotelesmata ths synanthshs me ton k. Karogian, o Proedros Xristofias eipe pws parakoloyqhse tis dhlwseis toy k. Karogian poy ginontan se apeyqeias metadosh apo tis thleoraseis kai sebetai thn epiqymia toy prwta na enhmerwsei ta organa toy kommatos toy.

    Klhqeis na pei an einai hsyxos oti to DHKO qa parameinei sthn sygkybernhsh, o Proedros Xristofias eipe: ``Pantote hmoyn hsyxos. Gia ta panta eimai hsyxos kai hremos anqrwpos kai qelw na pisteyw oti h dhmioyrgikh syzhthsh poy egine qa katalhjei kai se qetiko apotelesma``.

    Feygontas apo to Proedriko Megaro meta thn synanthsh, o k. Karogian anefere pws qa enhmerwsei to Ektelestiko Grafeio toy DHKO gia tis syzhthseis tis opoies ekanan ``kai ap` ekei kai pera ta syllogika organa toy kommatos qa paroyn ekeines tis apofaseis poy krinoyn oti einai swstes``. Shmeiwse ejalloy pws ``den qa yparjei allh synanthsh`` me ton Proedro Xristofia.


    Sto Milano metebh o Ypoyrgos Emporioy, Biomhxanias kai Toyrismoy Antwnhs Pasxalidhs epikefalhs antiproswpeias gia na parastei sthn toyristikh ekqesh B.I.T sto Milano.

    H ekqesh, poy anoije tis pyles ths stis 18 Febroyarioy kai qa diarkesei mexri tis 21 Febroyarioy filojenei gyrw stoys 5,000 ekqetes apo 140 xwres enw dexetai panw apo 150.000 episkeptes.

    Symfwna me epishmh anakoinwsh, kata thn dihmerh paramonh toy sto Milano, o k. Pasxalidhs qa exei synanthseis me toys shmantikoteroys Organwtes Tajidiwn me stoxo thn diereynhsh ths yfistamenhs katastashs gia th qesh ths Kyproy sthn toyristikh agora ths Italias kaqws kai thn ejeyresh epiprosqetwn tropwn gia kalyterh prowqhsh ths Kyproy. Einai shmantiko na anaferqei oti anoigontai kalyteres prooptikes gia ton toyrismo apo Italia lambanontas ypoch kai tis nees synergasies poy ginontai ston tomea ths prosbasimothtas me aerogrammes xamhloy kostoys.

    O Ypoyrgos Emporioy, Biomhxanias kai Toyrismoy qa exei epishs synanthsh me tis shmantikoteres kaqhmerines epaggelmatikes efhmerides oikonomikoy periexomenoy.


    Eishghsh pros ton Ypoyrgo Emporioy, Biomhxanias kai Toyrismoy kata poson dikaiologeitai h oxi parembash se sxesh me tis times lianikhs pwlhshs twn kaysimwn qa kataqesei h armodia epitroph, symfwna me ton Ypoyrgo Emporioy, Biomhxanias kai Toyrismoy Antwnh Pasxalidh.

    Klhqeis na anaferei kata poson qa prepei na meiwqoyn oi lianikes times pwlhshs twn kaysimwn, o k. Pasxalidhs eipe oti yparxei armodia epitroph, h opoia apartizetai apo eidikoys diaforwn ypoyrgeiwn, sthn opoia doqhkan odhgies na ejetasei to qema.

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